Even most nordics on this planet are in darkness

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Discussing the Norwegian rocker and WN Varg (photo above], a comrade wrote:

@Wes, Varg is not a ‘racist’ against darker Europeans, he only says they are more mixed. Is he wrong?

“Wes” responded:


@Velhal, You are correct about Varg…to a point. I am well informed on his positions.

If it were that innocent, there would be no problem. The problem is that he certifies “pure” white ethnicity with eye and hair color. He is actually saying anyone who doesn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes is an impure, admixed “mongrel” who isn’t as “real” a white European, as his idolized Nordic stereotype. Brown eyed, like nearly half of the English, French, Germans, etc. (Yes, it is that high). ALSO….mixed with what exactly? Maybe brown eyed whites are the originals. No one really knows. They haven’t dug up any 15,000 year old eyeballs in Europe to tell. It’s most likely that both types have been in Europe for a very long time and may have always coexisted. Spreading out from their own areas. Whatever mixing went on, would have also likely began a very long time ago.

So who’s the “real” white Europeans? Aren’t we all? As for eye color proving “mixing”….no. You can have blue, green and brown eyes among siblings of the same parents. So the blue eyed is pure and the brown eye is mixed? I don’t think so. The truth is that everyone is mixed these days to some degree, except those of the far north who have been isolated from the outside world. Inbreeding is hardly a thing to brag about. If you are like most Europeans who have blue- and brown-eyed DNA, it’s just a matter of how God put you together. Most of us who’s families come from Northwest Europe can go either way.

He’s also told me that he considers all Americans to be “mongrels” and he looks forward to our approaching extermination. He told me further that no one else in the world will miss us. On that, he may be right. Nice of him to say so though, huh?

This whole idea is very divisive. I can’t think of a better service to our enemies than to promote an idea among our young people that one group of them is seen as less “pure white” because of some hypothetically polluted “mixed” blood that makes them feel they have no real stake in what is going down. That is really dumb.

No matter. This is a silly point that is debated far to much on social media.
Our enemies are out to destroy those with white skin. Believe me, they don’t care what color our eyes are. They just want us gone.


I replied:

No, I don’t make that mistake. Caligula and Nero were blond with blue eyes! 🙁

I recently got a nice donation from a Dane, and wrote this:

— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark

Kronborg Castle, Helsingfors


(Not the donor) This was Povl [ = Paul] Riis-Knudsen, a very, very brave Danish national socialist whom I met several times via Matt Koehl, the then leader of the NSWPP.

For generations jewry has owned or controlled the main newspapers in Scandinavia (as well as in Holland), successfully brainwashing Germany’s neighbors and blood kindred to hate themselves, their race, all their German cousins — and obviously Hitler and his national socialists.

Incredibly, Denmark let SEVEN THOUSAND little German children, evacuated from East Prussia in 1945 to escape the mass murderers of the Red Army, perish of hunger and a total lack of medical care in Danish barbed-wire death camps after the war. Inconceivable with such an otherwise highly civilized and decent nordic people!

Anyway, Povl was a true hero to stand up for NS in a country that the Jews had taught day and night to hate our sacred cause, the true cause of the Scandinavian peoples too who now are being overrun by Muslim savages!

A comrade urged me to not overglorify nordic genes. Believe me, I do not. To let little children perish over the course of months over a Holocaust that the Germans never committed — and over an occupation which was a military necessity but also extremely mild — was a staggering crime against humanity and little blond Germanic children by their fellow nordics.



In one horrible situation, some ten thousand German children under five died in Danish camps after “liberation.” In the final weeks of the war, between February 11 and May 5, about 250,000 German women, children and elderly refugees from East Prussia, Pomerania and the Baltic provinces fled from the Red Army across the Baltic Sea. A third of them were younger than 15 years old. They were interned as enemies in hundreds of camps in Denmark, placed behind barbed wire and guarded by heavily armed overseers. The largest camp was located in Oksboll, and had 37,000 detainees. Nutrition was poor and medical care absent. In 1945 alone, more than 13,000 people needlessly died, among them some 7,000 children under five.

The Danish Association of Doctors had decided in March 1945 that German refugees would not receive any medical care. That same month their Red Cross refused to take any action because public sentiment was “against the Germans.” 80% of the small children that landed in Denmark did not survive the ordeal. They starved or were unable to fight infections due to extreme malnutrition.

If people say, well, the Jews brainwashed the Danes, yes, BUT from 1940-45, under German occupation, in their newspapers they had also gotten THE TRUTH!

And they rejected it! This is truly a benighted planet…

For me, the truth about earthly nordics is in the middle. The nordics here on earth are clearly superior in almost every department, but are also unenlightened spiritually, almost as much as other stocks.

I descend myself from the Normans, Vikings who had learned French, converted on paper to Christianity, and got the Rouen, Normandy jews to finance their incredibly brutal conquest of England.

This was my cover story:


It took them from 1066 to 1290 to expel the jew bastards, and only after they had ritually murdered dozens of innocent little English children like Little Hugh of Lincoln, and grabbed a third of the country from the English people via usury.

It was in this very house that Little Hugh was slowly stabbed to death.


The Khazars had bribed sheriffs for generations to look the other way when the blood-drained, withered corpse of a little boy or girl turned up.

Under the rules of jewish ritual murder, the goy was a mere beast, and as a beast his animal “carcass” should of course not be buried.

For jews, a pack of goy animals:

So the jews just left their bodies (strangely white and bereft of all blood) to rot in the woods like that of any other animal, or be tossed in the river.

This rule of not burying the corpse, which led to the cadavers of some of these poor, dead children turning up, would have been the jews’ utter undoing (including via understandably violent English mobs)……….. BUT there was always some blond Norman sheriff to take money from the Khazars under the table to make  the gruesome crime go away.

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

Blond and blue-eyedness can also lead to ego.

My gf in the 1990s, this one, said to me that I was the first blond bf she had ever had who was “not arrogant and full of himself.”

I agree with Jesus that if God gives us certain gifts, we are to use them in service to others, and more will be expected of us than of men given lesser gifts.

A Jew wrote me once acidly, “What’s it like to be a God-favored man?”

I replied, but certainly not for the correction of his incorrigible,  sneering and coal-black soul:

“It is to feel an obligation.”

Jesus as depicted on the wall of the Commodilla catacomb outside of Rome:

Be sure you read this to the end and realize once and for all that Jesus was no faggoty pussy, but a starseed from a very high nordic civilization. He incarnated here on a clear and anti-jewish mission, His patience was not infinite, and His love toward earthlings could be TOUGH love.

Jesus as depicted on the Nunziatia catacomb:

The jews hate, revile and fear Jesus to this day:

If you hate Jesus, then you agree with the jews:

A parable, a kind of illustrative story that Jesus invented and would often tell to get His listeners to think:

Luke 19:12-27
New Revised Standard Version

12 So he said, “A nobleman went to a distant country to get royal power for himself and then return. 13 He summoned ten of his slaves, and gave them ten pounds,[a] and said to them, ‘Do business with these until I come back.’ 14 But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to rule over us.’ 15 When he returned, having received royal power, he ordered these slaves, to whom he had given the money, to be summoned so that he might find out what they had gained by trading. 16 The first came forward and said, ‘Lord, your pound has made ten more pounds.’ 17 He said to him, ‘Well done, good slave! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small thing, take charge of ten cities.’ 18 Then the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your pound has made five pounds.’ 19 He said to him, ‘And you, rule over five cities.’ 20 Then the other came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your pound. I wrapped it up in a piece of cloth, 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are a harsh man; you take what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’

22 He said to him, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked slave! You knew, did you, that I was a harsh man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then did you not put my money into the bank? Then when I returned, I could have collected it with interest.’ 24 He said to the bystanders, ‘Take the pound from him and give it to the one who has ten pounds.’ 25 (And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten pounds!’) 26 ‘I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.

27 But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and slaughter them in my presence.’”

Death of Paul von Hindenburg

Hindenburg remained in office until his death at the age of 86 from lung cancer at his home in Neudeck, East Prussia on 2 August 1934 (exactly two months short of his 87th birthday).

One day before Hindenburg’s death, Hitler flew to Neudeck and visited him. Hindenburg, old and senile, thought he was meeting Kaiser Wilhelm II, and called Hitler “Your Majesty”.
Hindenburg’s image on a German postage stamp overprinted for use in Nazi-occupied Poland.

He was Germany’s last president until 1945, when Karl Dönitz was appointed president according to Hitler’s last testament upon the dictator’s suicide, as following Hindenburg’s death, Hitler declared the office of President to be permanently vacant, effectively merging it with the office of Chancellor under the title of Leader and Chancellor (Führer und Reichskanzler), making himself Germany’s Head of State and Head of government, thereby completing the progress of Gleichschaltung. Hitler had a plebiscite held on 19 August 1934, in which the German people were asked if they approved of Hitler merging the two offices. The Ja (Yes) vote amounted to 90% of the vote.

In taking this action, Hitler technically violated the provisions of the Enabling Act. While the Enabling Act allowed Hitler to pass laws that contravened the Weimar Constitution, it specifically forbade him from interfering with the powers of the president. Moreover, the Weimar Constitution had been amended in 1932 to make the president of the High Court of Justice, not the chancellor, next in line for the presidency. However, Hitler had become law unto himself by this time, and no one dared object.

President Hindenburg died on August 2nd 1934. Hitler had already agreed with the Cabinet that upon Hindenburg’s death the offices of President and Chancellor would be combined. The last wishes of Hindenburg were that upon his death the monarchy should be restored. Hitler managed to suppress these wishes and did not publish the President’s will. Having already ensured the support of the Army, Hitler went a step further by making the whole of the armed forces swear an oath of loyalty to him personally. A plebiscite was then held for the public to decide on whether they approved of the changes already made – 90% of voters gave their approval.

Thus Hitler had become “Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor” and the title of President was then abolished.

This was the day I got the full power needed to save Germany and then, I hoped, to awaken the whole world to the possibility of real happiness and fulfillment on this earthly plane — IF we rid ourselves first of both the outer and the inner jew.

And there are inner jews in most blond and blue-eyed earthlings, too.

The very nordic and handsome actor Brad Pitt, born in Oklahoma of British and Swedish stock,

…got involved sexually, while filming a hitman movie in Hollywood, with the witchlike and race-mixing Angelina Jolie.

What beautiful kids he would have had with Jennifer Aniston…..

But, now with Jolie, he went totally over to the dark side, doing several disgusting movies where he is horrific toward captured German soldiers.

Pitt trains jews to kill Germans

Pitt’s character orders a GI to murder a surrendered German prisoner. Because he is handsome, blond, influential and a role model, Pitt’s guilt, his karma as a traitor and lackey of the jews is simply awful.

FURY – 2014 FILM STILL – The end of the beet field battle, Norman (Logan Lerman) struggles with Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) asking him to kill the German prisoner, a corporal (Branko Tomovic)

I would rather have a beer any day with one of my black, jewish,  Asian and gay donors and supporters (I have three gay men who send actual donations), or with a brunet Italian, Greek or Spaniard, than with the loathsome nordic bootlicker of the jews, Brad Pitt!

How appropriate that in “Thelma and Louise,” he sleeps with one of the women, then steals their money, which indirectly leads to their deaths.

White people, betrayed by other white people, commit suicide by car into the Grand Canyon

(I ran this material earlier)

..Changing the perception, not the reality

A intelligent, committed and pretty gal and equestrian from Bavaria, Germany, fired for her political views, wrote me: (First in the original German, then in English)

Sieg Heil!

Letzte Nacht im Schlaf sah ich Hitler astral… In einem Haus in schöner Umgebung irgendwo in Österreich war das…. Die meiste Zeit kümmerte er sich um einen Hund und hat die Treue und den Charakter vom Hund gelobt.

Diese astrale Begegnung nachts im Schlaf war real wie ein Nahtoderlebnis.

John: Ach so? Wow! Also war das eher kein Traum, sozusagen, sondern wurde als eine Vision, eine Schau echter Dinge, und nicht als bloßen Traum erlebt?

Das klingt fast nach Zeitmaschine, nach Reise in die Vergangenheit

Wobei die großen Mysteriker sagen, dass Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft parallel laufen, also gleichzeitig…. Also, Adi in Österreich…. nicht auf dem Berghof in Oberbayern. War er in einer Führer- oder Parteiuniform, oder zivil gekleidet?

V: “Wobei die großen Mysteriker sagen, dass Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft parallel laufen, also gleichzeitig”

Jedenfalls ich kann es nicht einschätzen. Wir leben in einer Art Matrix. Im Traum bei Hitler letzte Nacht, astral, ich weiss nicht, ob es vielleicht in einem Paralleluniversum war? Oder einfach eine Zeitmatrix. Von der irdischen Perspektive kann ich nur spekulieren.

“In einer Führer- oder Parteiuniform, oder zivil gekleidet?”

Ich weiss es nicht mehr, kann ich nicht sicher sagen, aber ich kann mich an nichts militärisches in dieser Astralwelt, oder wie man es nennen mag, erinnern. Hitler war in dem Moment eher wie ein Privatmann. Ich habe dort überhaupt nichts “Militärisches” wahrgenommen.

Er war wie ein Privatmann, und war auf einen Hund fokussiert als wäre das sein Kind. Er liebte es und lobte seine Eigenschaften. Diese Szenen waren sehr deutlich

Sehr auffällig war diese friedvolle Aura überall, und seine seelenvolle Art.


Bei Hitler fühlte ich mich wie bei einer Mutter…. Eine gute Seele, die die ganze Natur beseelt….er war unschuldig, ohne Ego, wie ein Heiliger, man kann es NICHT in Worte beschreiben.

Mich erinnert das Maria Bild automatisch daran…. Dieses Gemälde entspricht seiner Seele selbst.

A. Hitler, “Maria und Jesus,” München 1914

Er hing sehr der Treue und dem Charakter der Hunde an


Sehr interessant, danke, V!   Das hat wohl eine wichtige Bedeutung. AH nicht nur als Kämpfer, sondern vor allem als Mann der Liebe und des Friedens. So muss er sein, auftreten und von der Masse gesehen werden!




The five white, English-speaking nations

….. Changing the perception, not the reality

A intelligent, committed and pretty gal and equestrian from Bavaria, Germany, fired for her political views, wrote me: (in English translation)

Sieg Heil!

Last night in my sleep I saw Hitler astrally … In a house in beautiful surroundings that was somewhere in Austria … Most of the time he was looking after a dog and praising the dog’s loyalty and character.

This astral encounter at night in sleep was as real as a near-death experience.

John: Oh. Wow! So it wasn’t a dream, so to speak, but was experienced as a vision, a seeing of real things, and not as a mere dream?

It almost sounds like a time machine, like a trip back in time-

Whereby the great mystics say that the present, the past and the future run parallel, i.e. simultaneously …. So, Adi in Austria …. not at the Berghof in Upper Bavaria. Was he in a leader’s or party uniform, or in civilian clothes?

V: “Whereby the great mysterics say that the present, the past and the future run parallel, i.e. simultaneously”

I can’t really judge that. We live in a kind of matrix, anyway. In a dream with Hitler last night, astral, I don’t know if it was maybe in a parallel universe? Or just a time matrix. From my earthly perspective, I can only speculate.

“In a leader or party uniform, or in civilian clothes?”

I don’t know anymore, I can’t say for sure, but I can’t remember anything military in this astral world, or whatever you like to call it. At the time, Hitler was more like a private person. I didn’t notice anything “military” there.

He was like a private man, focused on a dog as if it were his child. He loved it and praised its qualities. These scenes were very clear

This peaceful aura was very noticeable everywhere, and his soulful manner.


With Hitler I felt he was even like a mother … a good soul that animates all of nature … he was so innocent, so without ego, like a saint.. You CANNOT begin to describe it in words.

His Maria painting reminds me automatically of the feeling… This painting corresponds to his soul itself.

A. Hitler, “Mary and Jesus,” Munich 1914

He was very attached to the loyalty and character that dogs have.


Very interesting, thank you, V! That probably has an important meaning. AH not only as a fighter, but above all as a man of love and peace. That’s how he has to be, to appear this time, and to be seen by the masses! A man of both war and peace, both coming from love!


Especially important blogs





–29 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–29 May 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida



— 28 May 2021 200 euros, photos and letters from the heroic M in France, who rightly quoted Mussolini to me: “If one cannot give his blood, at least one can give money.”

— 24 May 2021 150 euros from M in France



— 22 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–May 16, 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark
— 15 May 2021 Five letters containing generous donations (100 euros x 4 plus 60 euros) arrive suddenly from M in France!

– May 14, 2021 check for $20 from M in Indiana (US)

— 11 May 2021 220 euros, letter, photos of the Paris Métro and of Freemantle in Australia

–28 April 2021 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida
— 26 April 2021 newest number of the Circle of Friends of Léon Degrelle from G in France

— 24 April 2021 $5 in cash plus letter about Covid and the Talmud from R in Florida

— 23 April 2021 100 euros, cars, meme on change, and Montmartre/Paris photos

— 23 April 2021 check for 50 dollars and ltr from K in California


  1. People think a passport makes an immigrant British, French, German, etc. Wrong!

    It’s DNA from parents, and culture, history, and language that define nationality and race.

    Can an African be British like indigenous Britons? No! Because the immigrant’s British history starts the day they arrive here. All British history before the immigrants arrived means nothing to them as their ancestors played no part in it.

    If immigrants can’t speak the language fluently, don’t observe the laws of the land, and attack the culture of the host country, then they are not British.

    They can call themselves civic British, but will never be British (or German or
    French) because of the DNA absence.

    A dog born in a stable isn’t a horse. 😉

    We are left with mongrol races such as British Somalian, British Bangladeshi…. No such race exists. I know immigrants who’ve lived in Britain for 40 years and can’t speak English and want their mother tongue, culture and history taught in their schools, setting up a state in a state, all allowed by the fawning politicians with no balls.

    • Thanks.

      I know a German who works as a male nurse in northern England, and loves the people. He says I blend right in, and the mindset is not very different from northern Germany.

      Only people like that can assimilate — same race and values.

      In NS Germany, you had to be “deutschen oder artverwandten Blutes,” that is, “of German or related blood.”

      A good example of this was J.R.R. Tolkien, the great Lord of the Rings author and Oxford professor. His ancestors came to England from northern Germany in the 1600s (back when mine were leaving England for America). Their name was Tollkühn, meaning “bold.” 🙂

      Same race, same face, same work ethic, and respect for their new country!

      • Good points, John. I don’t want to dissapoint you about Povl Riis-Knudsen, but I believe he lives with a phillipino wife or girlfriend, and I don’t know if they have kids together.
        He is also a Strasserist/disfavourer of Hitler.

        @Wes, i believe Varg means he wants zog-USA to be exterminated, not the pro white USA. Any pro-white person is one of us, in my opinion.

        • Regarding Povl, if you can find any evidence of this — Strasserism and also the non-white wife — that would be good.

          As for the supposed Philipino wife, one can perhaps also blame white Danish women.

          I personally know many WN activists (in America, Canada, Australia and Finland) who have Philipino or Chinese wives.

          Well, they are human, they are male, and they have a normal sex drive. Also, everyone needs love and affection. WNs do get extremely lonely, and itis so painful to find themselves rejected with loathing by white women whose interests tzhey seek to defend.

          This is especially true of leftist, feminist white women, some of whom are also materialists who want to “shop til they drop” and find a rich hubby who makes the big money, even if he gets it by selling his soul.

          Also, I can state from experience that Philipino women can be very, very nice. Although racially East-Asian, the Philippines has been a Christian, semi-westernized country for 500 years since the Spanish conquered it.

          And East Asians are really just a little bit inferior to Whites, not much. It is not like marrying a negress.

          As for a white nationalist marrying such a woman, all I can say is that almost every man has his cracking point.

          Not me.

          I had a very nice, and sort-of pretty Japanese female doctor come on to me around 1998, and this was when I was dirt-poor and living in a rooming house in Winthrop, near Boston, on Coral Avenue.

          I was teaching American accent to foreign MDs and PhDs doing research at the Harvard-affiliated hospitals in the Boston area. She became a customer.

          She was unusual in being 5’8″, very tall for a Japanese gal, and she had a nice figure too, whereas most Japanese women have very little “balcony,” as the Germans say with a smile. 😉

          She did research on Crohn’s Disease, which she had herself and it ran in her family.

          (This is not she, but similar)

          She told me how much it hurt her to have to kill the white mice they used after doing experiments on them.

          “It is a very unpleasant part of my job. The people funding my research are misers. I an not allowed to euthanize them with a lethal injection. That would cost just a little bit of money, so no.

          [She frowned.]

          Kill them for free, they say:

          ‘Just grab them by the neck in this way [showing me how] and snap their neck.’

          You know, I am a woman and an doctor, and I do not like to kill anything, especially not a helpless little creature who harms no one and helps medicine. A big truck comes every week with these white mice from some company in Maine.”

          She was really a nice woman, and Japanese women especially can be very feminine and graceful.

          Later, she opened a bottle of cognac and we had a drink. I was not aware of the brand and she told me, shyly:

          “This bottle costs $100. I opened it just for you. :-)”

          But I felt no sexual attraction to her, because she was East Asian, and I just love white women, especially with blue eyes.

          Margi is MY Little Mermaid 😉

          Also, race-mixing would betray my dharma, my mission, but still she was a fine human being.

          She was about 37 years old and definitely looking for a husband. I felt really sorry for her, and feared she would not be able to pass on her excellent genes, because Japanese men, often being short, maybe decided she was too tall for them.

          And I really believed her that it hurt her every time she had to kill a litle white mouse. Her eyes got moist.

          So, comrades, our race is important, but it is something, not everything.

          The soul matters, too.

          And there is an inner jew in almost all earthlings, and this is why earth is such a hell. It was a hell before the first jew ever got to England, France, Sweden, Germany or America. It would still be a hell if, via some miracle weapon, every jew disappeared into thin air tomorrow.

          Three white Greek soldiers rape a helpless white Trojan woman after the city falls — due to the vile treachery of the Trojan Horse. What did she do to deserve this?

          • You’re right, John, and I don’t blame WNs who have no other choice than to choose a different-race woman. I’ll get back to you about Povl when my Zuck[erberg] ban is over.

  2. Robert Mathews, a White revolutionary who died at the hands of the federal police in the 1980s, boiled this policy down to a single sentence: “If you think you’re White, and we think you’re White, then you’re White.” If you think that through, you should realize it’s simplistic power and practicality. This peacock preening of “my eye’s are prettier and purer than your eyes” really is shameful and puny…. up next to the real deeds of Mathews and his cadre. I think that brings me as close to the point as I’m going to get.

    • All parts of our race are good, but racial improvement is not mere vanity.

      My beautiful mother Constance, with brown eyes and hair:

      I met Mathews at the National Alliance conference in Chicago in 1984, when I was a NA staff official, I also spoke there, I heard his final speech, and I spoke with him.

      I went on to many deeds myself for our cause.


      Btw, by dropping his pistol during the bank truck robbery, which contained key serial numbers, the entire Brüder Schweigen was caught. Bob was a very great hero, and he went down fighting, but everyone except him gave the other fighters up, and cut a deal with the feds.

      I knew several of them.

      VERY heavily armed, they all surrendered, every one of them, hands up in the air, all except Mathews himself. Only he did a Leonidas/300 Spartans.

      But please don’t tell me Mathews is the Ultimate White Leader, because if so, we are doomed. He took in millions and it all collapsed within 15 months. Brave, yes, Bob was, incredibly brave, and totally sincere. A great Aryan thinker, no, he was not. I knew him enough to say that.

      This site is about to go down. Why is eye or hair color your continuing issue, brother, when we already agree, and this site you read is about to collapse?

  3. My apologies, if I have taken to beating the issue, a fault of mine. I meant no comparison between you two. You are a leader of a different style from Mathews. Much more intellectual, but still physically dangerous, plus you are still here. I did indeed find the quote on being white quite fitting, though….and it’s not you that needs convincing. I am on your end of the scale of life. Mathews and most of the others were quite young at the time. It’s a pity that hardly anyone even mentions them anymore. You probably know more about The Order than you can ever say.

    I also enjoy the ideas of the late Tom Metzger, among others. He was old-school but a real spit-in-your-eye kind of guy to his enemies. I doubt most of today’s younger crowd even heard of those old leaders in the movement. They, and I include you, had a lot of street wisdom. None of what has come before were what I consider “the ultimate white leader”. We haven’t seen that yet. Not even Hitler can claim that, though he’s surely the greatest so far. He’d never get off the ground now.

    It’s 50x worse. A leader must have a people worthy of his leadership. Your race won’t even fund your website. It shouldn’t be on just a couple people’s back either.

    Whatever. I’m just a poor, old redneck who grew up in a segregated world and sees the suck we are living in. I’m not saying these things like I’m lecturing you. I know you’ve had your place at what has gone on as well….and you’ve done your best. Lord knows, you could have had a richer life without the struggle of this. I’ve seen enough of YOU to know that. You are a bit of a rarity right now. A bridge between old and new. You know all these things…but many people who visit probably don’t.

    I hate to hear of the website’s problem. It’s always pained me to see your constant struggle for funding what should be our common fight. I saw the same pressures on you a decade ago. It never ends. You must get very weary of it all. I have sent you money in the past but I have health issues that have forced me on very limited means myself. My days of funding causes are over and I don’t apologize for it. I’ve contributed. To you and others.

    There will always be a way to be heard and I noticed you always land on your feet. Even Varg gets his twisted message out to thousands for free. Maybe you can do like him and invent some silly board game for adults living in their parents basement to finance you. I wish you the best and I hope some comrades who can and will help, step up.

    I have no optimism for us as a people in the future of this age. Even if you were funded like Wal-Mart. Many will call that “black-pilled” [ = pessimistic]

    I’m sorry that they are unable to see the world for what it is, rather than what they wish it was. I’ve been watching this circus for six decades, and not once has anything turned around in our favor. The direction is ONE WAY. My evangelistic enthusiasm has worn thin. Why am I here? I’m just contrary enough to enjoy watching the struggle go on where I can. Enjoying the occasional bit of news that brings a smile. The raised fist that lifts me up when I’m feeling down at the news.

    Who can tell what is on the other side of the prophesies that you speak of?

    Something, for sure, is coming….but this world that we live in is …well, you said it…doomed.

    Maybe you can make the fall a little softer, so there’s something left to build on. May those who ruined our world all rot in the hell they have made…….I just hope I live long enough in my old age to see them swallow it.

    PS. I agree. Your mother was indeed a beautiful woman. 🙂

    • Thank you for a thoughtful, honest, touching and human comment.

      A few thoughts came to mind:


      Mathews had real leadership skills, and was inspiring, ….

      but in a sergeant sort of way, not an officer. He was just not bright and educated enough. And, not to bash a real hero who gave his life and went out in a blaze (a literal blaze!) of glory, but dropping that pistol (which no trained infantryman would ever do — your weapon is your best and only friend when the SHTF!) was a disastrous error. I am sure Bob reproached himself forever for that.

      Did you know the FBI under the jews’ bootlicker Ronald Reagan assigned SIX HUNDRED FBI agents to get these guys?

      Forget the pedophiles, the child sex traffickers, the drug dealers, the serial killers — just get those white boys who want a free, constitutional government without tyrannical, murderous, enemy jews as our overlords.

      Btw, I had an assistant from Oregon eleven years ago who knew this Portland woman on the left. He said:

      “She is so typical of the Portland lefties, and she’s still around. I met her. Most of them are lesbians, slightly overweight, frumpy, they somewhat dislike men, and they seem to all have black hair and brown eyes. And if their hair were blond, they would dye it black. There are dozens just like her in Portland. You cannot talk to them. It’s a cult.”

      I spoke many times with Tom Metzger, who, btw, despite the German name (he was adopted), was Irish and had all the admirable pugnacity of that keltic breed.

      This was me as his guest on his show in March 2013 (a good show!):




      As for the black-pilled feeling, I get it.

      But we are in that stunning window of opportunity right now.

      Because of the egoic mind that is the key negative trait of earthlings, they never, ever, ever do anything that calls for taking huge risks until the moment when absolute disaster looms and it is almost too late.

      That is how it was in 1932 Germany. The Great Depression was in Year Three, and the poorer half of the people were starving.

      The richer half was terrified the communists would come to power, possibly with the Soviet Union, LOCATED NEXT DOOR, intervening directly with troops or indirectly with agents, money, agitators, saboteurs and manpower, and kill them just as the rich were killed in Russia.

      In May 1928, before all this, we got 2.6% of the vote for the German parliament, the Reichstag.

      In November 1932, Year Three of the Wall-Street-caused Great Depression, we got 33%. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1932_German_federal_election)

      I am positive that with a new Aryan religion that makes uns fearless and willing to fight, plus the outrage which led to Trump in 2016 and is more intense now after the shocking Stealection by Biden-Harris, the threat of mandatory LETHAL vaccines, and with negro US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin vowing to purge the US military of “white supremacists,” causing patriotic white officers to realize that they actually have no future, no career to look forward to, we white Americans are now in our best ever, and in our final, window of opportunity.

  4. Good stuff and I wanted to comment on your excellent words about Pitt. I agree with you there completely and I always wondered why he and Anniston didn’t have children. I actually assumed she had issues getting pregnant and wondered if that is what killed the relationship, but I have no idea.

    The fact is they were a great and happy-looking couple. I was looking forward to seeing their beautiful children and hopefully their wholesome life progress nicely together. But sadly that didn’t play out and indeed he instead went over to the dark side.

    • Right.

      I have related the story of a social gathering at Georgetown, and the graduate students from India were there with their spouses and kids, all brown and black, and so were the white couples, the white graduate students, with THEIR little kids.

      I could see the Indian parents looking at our blond, fair-skinned little children, with sincere admiration.

      But for a jew, that beauty is something horrible.

      They want kids to have snubbed, jewy noses and semitic features. Anything beautiful reminds them how ugly they are.

      “How odd of God/to choose the jews.” 😉

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