Jewish MD, (((media darling))) and Mossad offspring Zekiel Emanuel wants 18-month lockdown

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All three jewish brothers Emanuel (Ari, Hollywood agent; Rahm, failed politico; and Zekiel, a doctor)  are obnoxious and toxic to goyim.  Zekiel, on the right, the nice-jewish-boy who became the doctor, is the one demanding the year-and-a-half house arrest for us human cattle.



Emanuel is the son of Benjamin M. Emanuel and Marsha (Smulevitz) Emanuel. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born[3]pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine.

Whoa-whoa-whoa. That “operated”?

They were terrorists and assassins of Arabs, Brits and of  other jews who disagreed with them!

The Wiki article used to state that the father was Mossad, but that was taken out.

Wayne Madsen, a former NSA officer turned whistleblower, reported in 2009:

November 6, 2008 – Obama faced with security problem at outset of transition process.

“WMR has learned from informed U.S. intelligence sources that prospective Barack Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has an active FBI counter-intelligence file maintained on him.

“Emanuel’s rise to the Chief of Staff position may pose a significant security problem for President-elect Obama if the FBI insists on conducting the full background security investigation normally required for senior White House officials.

“Questions about Emanuel’s links to the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, were allegedly so great that President Bill Clinton was forced to dismiss Emanuel from the White House staff in 1998…”

(More on Rahm below.)

A comrade wrote me:


Wow – did I not predict exactly this?
rrom the DS article, regarding Ezekiel Emanuel’s latest statement:
“The Jew claimed, without breaking into laughter, that this flu would last through the entire summer and would make a normal election in November impossible. He suggested we vote over the internet. “I think we need to plan now — you’re going to have to have a different model, either voting by internet, voting by mail, voting early, so that people have a chance to go over time,” the Jew said.”
Voting via the Internet with no paper trail, so the Demoncrats can easily steal the election on November 3rd, just as I predicted.  I must be psychic. [END]
I replied:

Thanks, and yes, your prediction was accurate.

I read Anglin’s article. Two things:

1) This amusing cartoon in that article you cited shows why consciousness repair is Job One, not more facts OR harsh experience.



Neither reading facts nor even bitter realities can wake true zombies up.

They have to be dezombyized.

What is a zombie? A sick, blind, self-hating soul that trusts the word of people who they know are repeat, pathological, psychopathic liars.

There is a serious, no, a STAGGERING disconnect here.

Polls about politicians and reporters reveal that both suffer from abysmally low ratings.

I remember how way back during Vietnam and Lyndon Johnson’s presidency, and especially after the lying Warren Commission in 1965 put out its b-s about Oswald killing Kennedy, that a permanent shift began.

That was the first time when, not 10% or 30%, but 80% of Americans grasped that all politicians were arrant liars. It was called “the credibility gap.”

So how can you trust someone who, you know, has repeatedly lied to you? You cannot, not deep-down.

So you hate yourself for being a spineless dweeb, for believing something which you deep-down know is a lie, and believing someone who, you know, is a liar.

2) On viruses and vaccines

Gosia says her Taygetans say that no true pandemic can be caused by a virus. A short-term epidemic, yes, for example, to wipe out enemy soldiers, but as for a pandemic, an epidemic designed to end, say, 90% of the goy world, as per the Georgia Guidestones, she says that within a few weeks all viruses mutate back to their normal form and cease to be mass killers.



I am still researching this question.

Vaccines are designed against viruses.

There are two camps of anti-vaxxers:

1) Those who say vaccines might be good, a few at a time, but that:

–there are just way too many given to kids, AND also

–it is the adjuvants (with mercury, or even with far, far worse additives) which are the other problem.

2) There are also “extremists” who say viruses are not the problem at all, or even there is no such thing as viruses. Some say they reflect and warn us of disease, and the real answer to widespread illnesses is hygiene, a healthy diet and lifestyle, and thereby a general boosting of the immune system.

As I say, I am researching all this.

Any Bill Gates vaccine, in any case, is guaranteed to be a true mega-killer.

And the average Demoncrats out there reject hydroxychloroquine entirely to defeat Trump.

But their secret masters, Big Jews, want the Gates Vaccine to carry out the full, genocidal goals of the NWO.

In any case, I sense a pole shift. Macron, a vile, part-jewish, childless bisexual and total Illuminatus Freemason, just visited the biggest champion of chloroquine in France, Dr. Raoult, and this has happened after weeks of the jewsmedia blasting this doctor.

This is a major sign of a shift happening.

Even arch-NWO lackey Macron buckles, visits French doctor who cured 91% with hydroxychloroquine


…..Rahm Emanuel, queer — and queer-killer



According to the respected and fact-based former US Navy officer and National Security Agency official Wayne Madsen, who has one of the most respected blogs in Washington DC

[Wayne Madsen photo], both males are members, as well as former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is now …..the mayor of Chicago….. of a Chicago homosexual club, a “gay” bathhouse, called ….”Man’s Country,”

on North Clarke Street in the northern section of Chicago.

Another location for drugs and homosexual parties involving Obama was the Purple Hotel in Lincolnwood. Rahm Emanuel’s townhouse was also used, in 2002, for gay parties and for Barack Obama’s use. When Obama joined the Congressional Black Caucus as the only black US senator, other members of Congress were stunned that he wore clear nail polish.


I recommend that you watch this video, by a black talk show host, with Wayne Madsen, a former NSA official and now a whistle-blower, or you can fast-forward through its 26 minutes to come back to my speech to you.


05:26-47 “And this came from people in the gay community…… hypocrites.”

And three black homosexual men were murdered in a 40-day period in late 2007, so many that gay blacks in Chicago feared there was a serial killer out after them, but what it was was people who knew something about Barack Hussein Obama.

In 2007, Larry Bland was killed by a shot to the back of the head on November 17, 2007.

and Donald Young,

the choir director at Obama’s black-nationalist church, Trinity United. Both men knew about Barack Obama and were affiliated with his church, the same one run by the racist preacher, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who gave the infamous “God damn America” sermon, by which I am sure he meant not Black Americans but, most likely, White Americans.

Video: Wright “God damn America” [use almost whole things, including final scene, just cut out end credit]

…..Rahm’s murder by fire of a white mom in 2011 on Capitol Hill?

In January 2011, I suspect he was the one who had a blond mother of three burned to death — in her BMW — in her own garage — who knew about the gay orgy townhouse on Capitol Hill where Obama cavorted along with his buddy Rahm Emanuel — Illinois congressman, White House Chief of Staff and then mayor of Chicago).

I am proud of the fact that I was the first, or one of the first, American bloggers to run the nudie photos of Obama’s communist-jewish mother (Margi found them for me on Google Images), photos taken when she was posing for her communist negro orgyfriend Frank Marshall Davis.
I also ran many blogs on the birth certificate issue, then on Obama’s Jewishess, his homosexuality as a teenager, and most of all, I exposed  his murder, to ensure silence, of three of his black homosexual f—buddies in that Chicago “God-damn-America” church with Reverend Jeremiah Wright ……and, far worse, of the white mother of three, Ashley Turlton, a congresswoman’s chief of staff on Capitol Hill, who was burned alive in her BMW for her knowledge of the gay townhouse that Obongo and fellow bisexual Rahm Emanuel frequented.
And Rahm remembered to always defame your murder victim so no one cares.
“The coroner’s report found “acute alcohol intoxication” and said she died from “inhalation of products of combustion and thermal burns”.[4]
According to authorities, there was no indication of foul play and there were “no obvious signs of trauma”.[7]


(Photo left) Barack’s Jewish maternal grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham. Note the facial features and wavy dark hair. Margi dated a Jewish boy when she was still apolitical/liberal in high school who looked exactly like him! Like many Jews, he got out of combat by getting a slot as a supply sergeant far behind the front lines! (This pic was taken in October 1944 in Allied-occupied France.) (Photo right) Nudie glamour shots of Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack’s mother, available online.

Obama's Grandfather at WarPORN-MOM-ann-dunham



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