Exactly 100 years apart on April 6: Wilson attacks Germany, Trump attacks Syria

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A young comrade in college pointed out to me: “Here’s a pretty disturbing synchronicity. April 6, 20-17 is when President Donald Trump unnecessarily fired missiles at Syria.

And exactly 100 years before, on April 6, 19-17, President Woodrow Wilson unnecessarily declared war on Germany and entered WWI.

Wilson’s campaign for reelection in 1916 had cynically used the popular slogans “He kept us out of war” and “America First” to appeal to those voters who wanted to avoid a war in Europe.


(The US missile strike happened at 9:40 pm US Florida time on the 6th, which was 4:40 am on the 7th in Syria.)


And can Trump get any lower/more disloyal regarding Julian Assange? He  is the truth-telling hero who revealed the sicko Hillary and John Podesta emails that made Trump President! https://www.rt.com/usa/385508-assange-justice-department-charges/

Trump WAS against this insane Obama commitment to let 1,200 Syrian rape-fugees into OUR country, and even had a huge argument with the PM of Australia over this, but now he is “honoring” Obongo’s “commitment” all…. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/22/mike-pence-australia-refugee-deal-237476

You know what terrifies me? The Left still hates Trump, and now also despises him as weak. So do the Establishment Republicans — because he is knuckling under to them.

But now, by breaking every one of his campaign promises TO PLEASE IRRECONCILABLE ENEMIES, he is going to lose his populist and America-First bases as well.

In the end, the only way for his presidency to gain any support at all is by a jingoistic, saber-rattling, patriotard MILITARY CONFRONTATION WITH RUSSIA AND IRAN.


The Trump Train has derailed. The avg. Leftie doesn’t pay attention so they don’t see this. I’m also finding that the avg. Rightie also doesn’t see this — yet. They still support him and think he’s doing great.

Another argument against the myth of democracy. The People neither know nor care, and they never have and never will.

In the end, we are heading straight toward World War III.

Russian civilians flee their wrecked homes in eastern Ukraine, shelled by the US puppet Poroshenko

Russian expecting mothers

Lies work on the majority and the truth fails — why democracy always ends up as demonocracy; when Alaska becomes an island

The noble life and sad fate of William Dudley Pelley — proof that the masses, the liberals, Pauline Christians — and the whole delusion called “democracy” — are literally insane

How the HELL (which is what they are in now) did South African whites — with a huge, victorious military and even nukes — end up turning power over to their Stone-Age black enemies?

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