Excellent Patton documentary provides insight into Donald Trump today

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…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (murdered by the jews in late December 1945) 



It is all there in the documentary video found below:

–the love of war and conflict,

–the huge ego and show-business flair,

–the hot temper and impulsiveness,

–the popularity and charismatic, bold leadership,

–and even the constantly displayed scowl.

They all still characterize the man today as President Donald John Trump! In many ways it is the same man, who, as the French might say, “has neither learned nor forgotten anything” — the same guy, unimproved, wonderful and horrible, warts and all. 😉

Patton was the one general whose aggressive, relentless and innovative generalship we Germans really feared. With him it was not the avalanche of sheer quantity, of masses of arms and men which was typical otherwise of the Allies, the methodical plodding of Eisenhower, Montgomery, Bradley, and of course of the massive Red Army.

Patton was (sadly for us, and for our race) the key to the fall of North Africa, Sicily and northern France, and to the defeat of our last western offensive, the Battle of the Bulge.



….See also

Patton (murdered 1945, reincarnating as Trump in 1946) blasted Jews, Russian bolsheviks and the American press, government and Eisenhower in his 1945 diary entries

…..Reincarnation facts


The day will come when I reach my hand out to this man, who knows well who I am.

What he does then, when I say that I am going to confront the jews — since he obviously cannot — is then his fateful decision.

But the Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917, which foretold him (and Obama, and also Mandela) in striking detail, means he must be made aware of this:

that by kowtowing to the Israelis and to the Pentagon/military-industrial complex, that is, to the neo-con warmongers, HE is the man who will inadvertently provoke, and provoke, and provoke until it happens the unleashing of a thermonuclear WWIII.

Then Russia and China — both of them, and as they go down — will furiously nuke the United States into a radioactive pile of death.

They will take us down with them, and all of Europe as well.

The Van Rensburg prophecy says specifically that not one Englishman will survive. (America will be crippled for decades, and become a minor country.)



Trumpatton must let me do my thing, since he cannot .

Or he will go down in history, NOT as a “great president,” far from it,….

…but as the puppet of the jews who 1) murdered him in his last life and who 2) oppose him savagely and ridicule him in this one,

…and as the unleasher of WWIII he will be the accursed gravedigger of 90% of the planet. Woe to the miserable people who SURVIVE the initial nuclear blast and then face sickness, starvation — and marauding bands of murderous cannibals — in the New Stone Age!

And, by the way,

Mr. President,

both my daughters, my only offspring, Ingrid and Erika, now 40 and 33… 

… will perish, and many more, if Washington DC is vaporized because you kept licking the boots of the very jews who HATE your guts.


Man up, Donald. Or we will be enemies again.


  1. https://youtu.be/dbr5MzDLlz4
    Perché Waschington era Massone?
    Per questo si parla di Kabbalah?
    Una Cabala divisa insomma…
    Se tutto partiva dall’Egitto 😉
    TrumpPatton non può scherzare ora.
    Anche se ha dovuto sacrificare sua figlia per fare il Doppio Gioco e alla fine Se stesso.
    Questa è la legge del Karma.
    Non vorrei mai essere nei suoi panni…sinceramente.
    Ashtar è sempre molto preciso come un vero Comandante.

  2. https://youtu.be/95WeAVX_QOw
    Perdonami,prenditela in pazienza.
    Bè è la seconda volta che sento dire che questa Donna è stata arrestata;la prima volta ho trovato su di lei un documento scritto.
    Se non fa come Epstein…
    Il Principe Andrea nervoso?! 😉
    Forse arriva la parte più difficile..
    A volte mi sento Aliena in questo senso..sono fin troppo serena e guardo gli altri nel panico, nell’instabilità emotiva,a volte diventano un rumore incredibile e sento il bisogno di allontanarmi e di stare completamente sola 🙂

    • Spouses, kids, and all this life …. On this planet, half heaven and half hell, nothing is without great pain. Our goal must be victory, both racial and personal. But if we die tomorrow, what have we “lost”?

      There was a movie once:

      “They did their time in hell ”

      Under the Jews, that is what it is, 80% hell.

      But if we surrender, it will be 100% hell.

      “The Power of Now” is to enjoy whatever is good, but have serenity inside…. Inner joy.

      All who expect “happiness,” an external thing based on others and other things (health, money, and peace), have come to the wrong planet. 😉

      This is the Wild-West planet where you came to grow 30 times faster, dear friend.

  3. Ecco….non lo so,umilmente posso dirti che credo nei legami;non quelli terreni perché sono solo di passaggio.
    Eppure ci credo a quelle persone che continuano a ritrovarsi dopo tante reincarnazioni,a quei legami che proprio non si possono “sciogliere”.
    Mi sono portata dietro mio marito(era solo una vecchia e rapida conoscenza)e la mia migliore amica greca,per non parlare di tutti gli altri nazisti che non ho avuto modo di conoscere personalmente.
    Ma sono tutti qui…inconsapevoli delle loro vecchie Vite,sposati con altre mogli e con figli diversi.
    Questo è un quesito da un milione di Dollari 🙂
    Margi ti appartiene…giusto?
    Come Donna e come socialista nazionale.
    Non è certamente Eva Braun..
    Cosa lega veramente due persone?l’amore(quello vero)uno scopo o tutte e due le cose?

    • Here …. I don’t know, I can humbly tell you that I believe in ties, not intrinsically earthly ones, because I’m just passing through.

      Yet I believe in those people who continue to find themselves after so many reincarnations, in those ties that just cannot be “dissolved”.

      I brought my husband (he was just an old and quick acquaintance) and my best Greek friend, not to mention all the other Nazis that I didn’t get to know personally.

      But they are all here … unaware of their previous lives, married to other wives, and with different children.

      This is the million dollar question. 🙂

      Margi belongs to you … right?

      As a woman and as a national socialist

      She is certainly not Eva Braun.

      What really binds two people together? Love (the real thing), a common goal, or both? 🙂


      Eva was the perfect example of a good girl who was just “eine Tochter des Volkes,” a daughter of the people. A heart of gold, but not intellectually stimulating. It was, well, boring.

      But I had to be kind, and after she made a suicide attempt, I realized that cutting her off would have both killed her (sex crosses a big boundary) and also caused political problems.

      How true: men give love to get sex; women give sex to get love. But this is a phenomenon of a disappointing planet, one of selfish and scheming individuals.

      Margaret, however, is of a far higher caliber.

      I will write about “love,” attraction — that “magic” that addicts us.

      At 66 one has both instincts and wisdom. 😉

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