Excellent recap of the Charlottesville Psyop — cops told to facilitate violent clashes and retreat, and not stop the killer car as it backed up

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This was my Facebook “live stream” (below, uploaded here to m ywebsite — Faceberg deleted my account in January, which had 3,332 friends) commenting on the horrid car incident the day had happened.


Of course the cops did not pursue the car after the tragedy. It was driven, many say, by an ice-cold Deep-State assassin — who merely looked like the WN whom they framed, MK-ULTRA”d in jail to confess, and to whom a judge gave life in prison.



This (obese) woman, Heather  Heyer, was actually not hit — but died of a heart attack from the shock, whereupon the jewsmedia made the blubberberg into a martyr.

(In the background of the live-stream video, you can see where I had been working stripping old wallpaper of Margi’s dinette area. I have supported myself by fixing up Margi’s once-dingy, ramshackle house up here, which had belonged to a lonely, depressed, heavy-drinking bachelor who fixed nothing, and died at just age 64.)

Despite the vile lie put out by the bribed WN traitor Carlos Porter, I have done blue-collar work, manual work, with my hands for my entire life.

Helping build and roof a small building for an activist comrade who created the first major WN video platform, Trutube, in 2015….

Note how I was armed then (with a .40 pistol, in this case) — and how I am at all times and places, ready to kill or die rather than be sent to a jew dungeon.

I took this Charlottesville incident very seriously, as you can see.

It was all one big Deep State “op” (just as was the Charleston Church Shooting) — designed to vilify the Confederacy and by extension, ALL WHITE MALES WITH GUNS.


And once all the slave-holding Southerners — such as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington — are demonized as hate-filled racists,

AND Jefferson secretly loathed the Jews as well….

Created with GIMP

Christianity, which Rome tried for 300 years to wipe out, was not created by Rome; Thomas Jefferson, harsh antisemite, blasts Jews as wicked, preaches the real Jesus as a reformer

….then you go after the document they wrote, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, our sole guarantees of free speech and gun rights!




….Email from a resident

“John, Charlottesville,  a once historically rich conservative city, is now going after Thomas Jefferson.

The students vandalized his statue at UVA — the school he masterfully designed.

They have turned our C’ville. John, into a real s—hole!”






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