Excellent website on reptilians if you overlook the flaws

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2010 press conference: UFOs Visited US Nuclear Weapons Sites, Former Air Force Officers Say


After years of research I’ve found the epicenter of the “reptilian conspiracy” in America, if not the planet. In the end, it will either be US or THEM… the human race OR the serpent race, who will dominate this planet. THERE CAN BE NO “PEACE” with the full-blood, non-hybrid reptiloids because they have absolutely no concept of integrity or respect for human life, and they are controlled by a Luciferic borg-like collective/hive “mind”. They are no more than parasites/cannibals/vampires and their agenda is to CONQUER the human race completely. Will we let that happen? …

See the following info on the alien Serpent’s Lair (humanities’ ancient enemy), which is now being EXPOSED… http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/DulceMatrix.html

P.S. My friend, you have been accused of being anti-Semitic. The “Jews” make up only 2 of the Israelite tribes (Judah and Benjamin). There are 10 other tribes scattered on/in this planet. I consider myself to be descended from the Josephite tribe of Manasseh (as are MOST of those who live in Britain and the USA). A.H. was wrong… good and evil is not a matter of genetics, but of CHOICE. If it were genetics then you could not blame someone because they HAPPENED to be BORN a certain way.

There are a little over 6 million “Jews” in the world, but the descendants of the “other” ten (lost/forgotten) “tribes” — who have forgotten their heritage — runs into the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. Then again, the descendants of Israel’s grandfather, Abraham, may be over a BILLION, because Abraham is the father of most of the Arab and European nations (and ‘possibly’ even you yourself).

I even respect the Germans, especially my favorite German, Martin Luther, whose bravery and devotion to the truth essentially saved the world from another Roman/religiocratic dark age.

BRuce AlaN dewalTON

I replied:


Hi, Mr. Walton.

Thanks for the link to your website.

I agree wholeheartedly with most of it, but strongly disagree with two things:

1) The Bible was written by Jews, the biggest liars on earth and the very tools of the reptilians you rightly denounce;

Jews wrap weird leather cords around their forearms, and a cube on their forehead with strong satanistic connections

while there are lofty and beautiful passages in both the Old and New Testaments, every great scam contains truths to gain our trust; and the truth spoken about the Jew Marx, the Jew Freud and the Jew Einstein is also true of the Jew Bible which this accursed people wrote:

“Everything that is new in their ideas is not true; and everything that is true in their ideas is not new.” 😉

2) the Fourth Reich is real but has nothing, zero, to do with these horrific collaborations with Reptilians and Greys at Dulce, New Mexico and elsewhere.

Your link “Dulce Reich” leads to all sorts of disinfo smears: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTZZYdIkqKKays35Zb3ViuUMcr59Q%3A1579689280988&ei=QCUoXrb6O-2_0PEPu9Og8A8&q=%22Dulce+Base%22+%22Fourth+Reich%22&oq=%22Dulce+Base%22+%22Fourth+Reich%22&gs_l=psy-ab.12…10625.20430..23845…0.0..0.126.3089.2j26……0….1..gws-wiz…….35i302i39j35i39j0i273j0i67j0j0i131j0i131i273j0i20i263.xCO94XaanWQ&ved=0ahUKEwi2msuTgZfnAhXtHzQIHbspCP4Q4dUDCAs

As my articles on the book “Unshackled” by victim/survivor Kathleen Sullivan have shown, JEWS who are serious Luciferians masquerade as “Nazis” while carrying out their rapes, tortures and murders so that certain victims will go out and blame the National Socialists.


Why on earth would WE national socialists, with our idealistic, pro-white ideology and our firm track record of creating immense human happiness for whites in the peacetime years of 1933-39 in Germany, go out and rape and torture white kids????? Hunh????

That is indeed “accusatory inversion,” which is the classic Jewish m.o.

But, IMO, other than that, your site is indeed excellent. 🙂

Especially important blogs

….Recent donations



–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia

–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card

–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off


“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”


–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.

The comrade also emailed me:

Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.

This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.


–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,” Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)

–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada

–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)


–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois


50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France

–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (because of the section on money laundering of Mafia drug money by the Vatican Bank and the murder of Pope John Paul I in 1979– after only one month in office — because he had resisted this crime!)


–10 February 2020 Israeli stamp glorifying the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus, who sold French military secrets for money for his whores, gambling and champagne — sent from Serbia! (This is for Margi’s and my Dreyfus project.)


–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

–8 February 2020 check $50 from an Irish-American in Utah

Digging out every day, and loving the exercise and fellowship with other white snow-warriors

–6 February 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Utah

check for $88 from J in Cicero, Illinois

check for $25 from C in North Dakota

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