Except for Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham and Josh Hawley, 51 cowardly Senate Republi-cons — “for fear of the jews” — are silent as the tomb as Demoncrats steal Trump victory

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Ted Cruz, a white Cuban Hispanic who looks pretty distinguished nowadays in a beard, is one of just two GOP senators (out of 54) expressing outrage at the jew-run Demoncrats stealing Trump’s victory



What these craven Republicons do not consider is that, as Pat Buchanan pointed out decades ago, “demographic  [racial] change” [and jews ruling the media and academia] means that as the “Browning of America” worsens, their chances of ever retaking the White House fall to zero Kelvin.

Trump left the WH podium yesterday looking dejected. Four years of shamelessly kissing the ungrateful, arrogant, entitled jews’ butt got him goose-egg, as I warned him way back in 2015.

I will never forget the jews gloating via this Nov. 1993 Time cover. But this (and brainwashing of white college kids)  is why Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina are now tilting Demoncrat — even once super-Republican New Hampshire — and gigantic California (55 electoral votes) is long gone.


“We will appeal to the Supreme Court”


….Time magazine says the turmoil will continue because Trump will stay GOP leader 


But what exactly is the point if he refuses to bring up race and the jews? — If his strategy is to win even more blacks, browns, yellows and jews over TO HIS PARTY AS THE WHITE RACE DIES OUT?






  1. How many politicians keeping quiet don’t want to risk having their own corruptions and perverse activities be exposed by backing Trump? Either Jewish power, or even now, Chinese Communist Party power can be threats to their positions. Actually their livelihoods in political positions have financially benefited many of them by millions. Just as it has Joe Biden who is able to sell them out by his collusion with the CCP. Position, prestige, power and greed is what politics is about to the majority. Loyalty to people and country? Never! Trump himself just might be a genuine exception. However, I think that Jared and Ivanka Kushner want the political benefits for themselves and do hinder Trump in making decisions beneficial for Americans.

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