EXCLUSIVE – brave jew who invented optical mouse turns COVID-vaxx foe, blasts Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and US government, THEN is fired by his own company!

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This piece by my staff writer was superb, and really touching. I cannot imagine how this Kirsch feels, realizing just how evil these luminaries of Silicon Valley, his fellow jews, really are.
As this article shows, there are a very few jews of noble character, and if they completely renounce and actively fight judaism, they as individuals will be spared the wrath of God and man.
Men like Mordechai Vanunu, who got TWELVE YEARS IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for revealing the Israeli WMD program (weapons of mass destruction)…
EXCLUSIVE – Jewish inventor of the optical mouse and COVID anti-deathshot warrior takes on Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and the US governmen
by JdN science correspondent, Francois Arouet
In the early days of the pandemic – as literally hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money flowed into ”vaccine” research and subsequent production – one forward-thinking Jewish Silicon-Valley entrepreneur, Steven Todd Kirsch, decided he wanted  to ”try” his ”hand at defending humanity”.
Perhaps initially – as is the case with the demonic men and women occupying our evil government and the evildoers at Pfizer – Kirsch ”wanted in” due to all the money that was to be made from COVID-19. But that certainly does not explain his noble efforts since experiencing his own red-pill moment.
What this man has lost
— industry adulation,
— tens, perhaps even hundreds of millions of dollars of past, present and future earnings,
–gov’t contracts etc.
…for doing ‘what is right on behalf of his fellow man” is staggering….
Who is Steven Kirsch?
Wikipedia alleges – I say ”alleges” as Wikipedia is naught but a propaganda arm of the new world order at this juncture – that Steven Kirsch (born December 24, 1956) ”is an American serial entrepreneur” who ”started several companies, including Mouse Systems, Frame Technology Corp., Infoseek and OneID.”
Wikipedia writes that Kirsch ”was one of two people who invented the optical mouse and that by 2007, his personal fortune was estimated at $230 million, the majority earned from the IPO of Infoseek and the acquisition of Frame Technology.”
Kirsch has Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT], one of the top tech & science universities on earth.
MIT, facing the skyline of the Back Bay of Boston [JdN: I taught American accent to many MIT foreign students 1996-2003]

It is fair to say that Kirsch is no slouch and certainly the farthest thing on this planet from an intellectual lightweight.
In 2005 the MIT grad founded Abaca, which makes spam filters used in both the public and private sector – selling this endeavor for tens of millions more.
Then in September 2011, Kirsch started OneID.
Wikipedia writes that OneID created a ”user-centric Internet-scale digital identity system” using public key cryptography to replace usernames and passwords with a single, stable, secure, digital identity that preserves privacy.”
It is used in hundreds of commercial and governmental information systems.
This project banked Mr Kirsch another 12 million dollars and yet even more adulation and kudos in Silicon Valley and in tech circles.
Kirsch’s latest startup, M10 (initially called “MS10” – not to be confused with MS-13 – 😉  – is a spin-off of a startup and side project he created on a whim that sells software to banks.
Kirsch has made tens of millions more from M10 – yet now, due to his courageous truther stance and the work he is doing to fight COVID-19 disinformation which is disseminated by Silicon Valley and our evil government –  he is being forced out of the successful firm HE created.
The man has a veritable fortune – earned the adulation of the people he believed mattered most – yet has decided to literally risk it all to fight for the good of humanity.
”I am a pioneer that wants to make the world a better place. I initially took time off from my work at my firm to find solutions to real issues impacting people.
Although I at first struggled to find my calling….when COVID hit, I knew I had found my role in this world, and I was in.
It was at this point I wanted to use my vast resources and mind to try to fix the mess we found ourselves in.”
Initially Kirsch approached the firms looking to create a vaccine to push his ideas. When he realized that the government was funding the vaccines to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and therefore the likes of Pfizer had no interest in looking at treatment options, Kirsch decided he wanted ”to look for treatments that could be used in the interim” on his own  ”before a vaccine would hit the open market”.
It was at this point that ”alarm bells” first went off for Kirsch.
So, in Mid-2020, Kirsch founded the Covid-19 Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund research into off-label treatments for Covid-19.
”I wanted to help find cheap treatment options that worked that I could make available to all of humanity,” Kirsch said on a podcast. He had bern asked why he was promoting medications like Hydroxychloroquine and Fluvoxamine, when the FDA were so vehemently opposed to even any mention of them.
It was at this juncture – while first experiencing the ”reluctance the FDA had to discussing these medicines and their efficacy fighting COVID-19” that Kirsch realized that the establishment [gov’t and their partners, Big Pharma] had ”zero interest in treating the illness” – and ”just wanted the vaccine.”
In May 2021, Kirsch posted an article on his site claiming that people should be skeptical of the current crop of mRnA vaccines for COVID-19  because of who was behind them. He also stated that from ”his research he feared they’d affect fertility” and ”cause systemic harm.”
In this article, the valiant Kirsch also questioned the vaccines’ ”ability to prevent illness and death”, stating that the government ”is pushing dangerous vaccines when they know they can easily treat COVID-19 with cheap pharmaceuticals.”
Kirsch knew this as….
HE had been telling them as much for months.
Of course, Big Pharma has the ability to get into the ears of policy makers when one has upwards of one billion dollars to their name….
The following month, Kirsch appeared in a YouTube video with professor Bret Weinstein and mRNA vaccine pioneer Robert W. Malone to discuss COVID-19 vaccines.
In this video podcast, Kirsch stated that the spike proteins used in COVID-19 vaccines were “very dangerous”and vehemently urged people not to get vaccinated.
Kirsch touted the efficacy of a variety of medicines that were ”being ignored,” he pushed healthier living to avoid being afflicted with co-morbidities, and he encouraged ”non-compliance” with vaxx mandates.
The video was taken down.
So how did an upper-middle class jewish kid from MIT arrive almost “in our camp”?
Since making his fortune as the founder of Infoseek, an early search engine that was the Google of its day, Kirsch has always been looking for projects to occupy himself with.
”I am a social-justice warrior at heart,” just not in the authoritarian, woke sense, Kirsch said on one podcast.
”I want to help people and the planet in the manner I see fit, and fight for societal well-being whether it is against COVID or elsewhere.”
Kirsch has been, in fact, looking to find solutions for a variety of issues one would think would be popular with genuine liberals and environmentalists.
Mr Kirsch spent tens of millions of dollars of his own money on directly funding ”asteroid detection” to avoid a mass-extinction event as well as to find effective methods to clean up the planet.
Where he differs from the mainstream left – who are in the game for power and control – is the ”manner and methods he employs” and his interest in finding real-world solutions that actually work.
Take, for example, his work advocating for nuclear power and clean energy from traditional fossil fuels to combat global warming instead of championing wind turbines and policies that result in high fuel costs, government over-reach and less energy.
Kirsch then set his sights on helping the planet fight illness, specifically COVID.
By March 2020, Kirsch, who has his fingers in many humanitarian pots, ”settled on” the idea of searching for ”effective and cheap COVID treatments in the pre-existing pharmacopeia”.
As the premise made sense, and he was offering lots of his own money, Kirsch expected to be welcomed by the WHO and ”American government/Big Pharma apparatus” with open arms.
After all, most experts at the time were predicting thatvsafety-tested vaccines would take years to develop, while finding helpful drugs with known safety profiles ”could short-cut the approval process and help people within months”.
”Sure, we have a bounty of vaccines and more on the way, but drugs that treat the disease are vital if we want to keep people alive and bring the pandemic under control and help people in their hour of need,” Kirsch said at the time.
Kirsch was also, very early on, highly skeptical of the novel-vaccine data he was seeing, saying, ”This [finding effective treatments to COVID] is especially important as the vaccines being proposed are far from ideal. In fact, they are dangerous,” Kirsch said in September of 2020.
But his numerous suggestions and offer of help and funding for ”treatment research using existing pharmacopeia” fell on deaf ears.
The industry was simply not interested.
With little government funding for treatments, Kirsch founded the aforementioned “Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund,” (CETF), putting in one million dollars of his own money and bringing in donations from Silicon Valley luminaries, who were still not yet complicit in the government’s agenda and therefore oblivious to it. There was still ”virtue’ capital’ then in finding treatments for COVID-19.
The CETF website lists the foundations of Marc Benioff and Elon Musk as initial donors among dozes of others from mainstream firms.
The site still states that ”over the last 18 months, the fund has ‘granted at least $4.5 million to researchers testing the COVD-19 fighting powers of drugs that are already FDA-approved for other diseases.”
And the CETF’s efforts were an overwhelming success.
Their fine work was, in fact, instrumental in ”testing and pushing” several inexpensive drugs that are at present still being used successfully across Asia and parts of S. America [Brazil] – as well as by our elite when they get ill.
One of the first CETF grants – that Kirsch funded himself – was to investigate the anti-malarial hydroxychloroquine [which is still being used across the Third World].
One such grant was awarded to the University of Minnesota. They received $125,000 to test the drug against COVID before former President Trump ever came out in favor of such research.
The results would, eventually, set Kirsch on a collision course with the scientific establishment and our evil government, and much to his dismay, with his ”colleagues and business partners.”
”My team at M10 [his private company] was vehemently opposed to my getting involved with anyone looking for ways to treat COVID infection. Why would anyone be against someone trying to help treat an illness….” Kirsch pondered on an old podcast.
Kirsch – in spite of M10’s protestations – pressed forward with his noble work, even receiving lukewarm praise from the mainstream media while they simultaneously attacked him. The masses were not yet fully duped into hating the notion of trying to treat COVID-19 and not just ”vaccinate” against it.
“Steve Kirsch was extremely helpful early on in the pandemic, stepping up to fund early-treatment trials when the US government would not fund such studies…but he took it too far,” an MIT technology journal opined last year.
Drug researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reached out to Kirsch looking for $67,000 to finish a very small—but placebo-controlled—trial. They were giving COVID patients the antidepressant Fluvoxamine – something we touted last year – as soon as possible after diagnosis, based on anecdotes about the drug limiting the runaway immune response that causes many severe symptoms.
Fluvoxamine has been used by the rich now for the better part of a year.
In October 2020, the CETF-backed scientists reported that, while a few patients in the placebo group ended up in the hospital, none of the patients receiving fluvoxamine got sick enough to go.
In November, CETF gave the group an additional $500,000 for a Phase 3 clinical trial that might show conclusive proof of efficacy.
Although Kirsch delivered the money as promised and the trial  was ”completed”, the scientist went quiet – in spite of the fact numerous international studies showed the drug to work. The scientists claimed they were analyzing their work and how it would take time.
This did not sit well with Kirsch who felt the process had not only gone too slow, but was being intentionally held up.
If an experimental vaccine could get emergency approval from the FDA, why were simple studies on medicines that were already readily available for human consumption taking so much time….
Immediately after the results of the first Fluvoxamine trial were released—but before they miraculously appeared in a peer-reviewed journal—Kirsch wrote a post on Medium.com called “The Fast, Easy, Safe, Simple, Low-Cost Solution to COVID That Works 100% of the Time That Nobody Wants to Talk About.”
He was condemned for the piece and immediately silenced – literally being banned by Medium and turned on by his business associates at M10 within days of penning the piece.
Remember, these people  have absolutely nothing at all to do with his COVID-19 work.  M10 is Kirsch’s private firm – one he founded with his money.
Kirsch’s protestations even angered his colleagues at the CETF – people he was personally paying – many of whom turned on Kirsch publicly as well.
Kirsch pushed back, accusing his own scientists of working with Big Pharma and being in bed with the government.
Kirsch then publicly railed against  the government-sponsored campaign against drugs like Fluvoxamine and Ivermectin. His board [CETF] then went after him publicly.
In response to their treachery, Kirsch fired most of the CETF board, urging those that remained to push back against the ”toxic” vaccines alongside him or look for work elsewhere.
It was at this point that Kirsch stated that ”one in 1,000 people who have received mRNA vaccines have died as a result”, and even claimed the vaccines “kill more people than they save” at an FDA public forum, which was first reported by the Daily Beast.
He later stated that his initial estimate that ”150,000 people died at the hands of the” fake vaccine was ”incorrect. It was more likely 1.5 million.”
Sounds like Mr Kirsch has been reading johndenugent.com 😉
As Kirsch has gone farther and farther down the proverbial, red-pilled rabbit hole, many of his anti-science associates – even those he had hand-selected – have increasingly distanced themselves from him.
They never give specific reasons rooted in scientific data why – just do so.
In May, all 12 members of CETF’s scientific advisory board – including the ones he’d selected after the first batch had quit – resigned, citing Kirsch’s ”alarming dangerous claims and erratic behavior”.
Again, the traitors never specified which of Kirsch’s claims were ”dangerous” or backed up their condemnation with scientific data.
They simply referenced two drugs that Kirsch had been touting as being “dangerous,” both of which are cheap, as they are free from patents, and are regularly used to treat their originally intended applications without incident in humans .
Both those drugs – as previously mentioned – have also been successfully used throughout Asia and by wealthy Americas who are infected with COVID-19.
Over the summer, the conflict reached its zenith with Kirsch’s PRIVATE firm’s M10 board telling him that if he wanted to remain part of their company – the one he started – he would have to ”stop making public anti-vaccine statements”.
In September, Kirsch resigned as CEO of M10 and gave up his board seat – losing millions of dollars in the process.
Medium then banned Kirsch for ”misinformation’ so he could no longer write about his experiences.
Par for the course in 2021….
“It has been a whirlwind since I decided to prioritize humanity over compliance and profit. My friends, colleagues, my associates in the private sector and government….gone. Medium even revoked my account for life. My crime? Telling the truth,” he tweeted. “Be warned!”
Since then, Kirsch has doubled down, continuing to promote Fluvoxamine, along with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
When asked why so many experts in the field disagreed with him, he stated there were efforts—both malicious and negligent—to suppress evidence of cheap, effective COVID-19 treatments.
Kirsch continued,
“[NIH] doesn’t want any of these treatments. That’s why they didn’t even fund a fluvoxamine trial,”
”Instead, the government prefers to fund and promote new, proprietary drugs and vaccines.” Kirsch stated. ”Even now they are only pushing anti-virals made with government grants for profit.”
Kirsch further angered his estranged board when he began claiming the government was covering up vaccine deaths. So much so they tried to remove his name from anything and everything associated with M10.
Remember, this is Kirsch’s firm!
At the end of May this year, the CEO of M10 emailed the other advisors and board members to say that Kirsch ”had gone off the deep end blaming the government and he was cutting ties”.
The CEO claimed that he had discovered that Kirsch had ”lied about getting vaccinated” and that this ”was the final straw”.
The rest of the board soon followed.
M10’S CEO told the MIT Technology Journal that:
”In three phone conversations, as well as dozens of emails, his responses to questions about claims in this story were imprecise or constantly changing. He told me that while he and his family got vaccinated as soon as they were eligible, he got the idea that vaccines are dangerous from a man he hired to clean his carpets, who got very sick after receiving the vaccine. Elsewhere he has said he began questioning vaccine safety after an unnamed Twitter follower told him several family members died after getting their shots. He’s also recently increased the number of Americans he claim have been killed by the vaccine from 25,0000, to 150,000, or even “as many as 250,000 or more”.
Since then Kirsch has been appearing on podcast after podcast telling ”anyone that will listen to him”, what he has had to endure”, ”what he lost” and most importantly exposing the ”dangers we face together as a people.”


The remainder of this article is an excerpt from the MIT journal that went out of its way to trash one of that academic institution’s greatest alumni and by far, their most noble and bravest. 
Just look how the evil bastards spin it, and think back to what I wrote earlier about Kirsch’s intellect.
That his own alma mater, MIT, would allow someone they went to for a comment, call Kirsch stupid intellectually and attribute his opinion to a  lack of smarts is shocking, and should tell you all you need to know about how truly evil these people are.
Finally look who this tech blog is funded by….
End article
I just got off the phone with Steve Kirsch. He is certainly a madman.
“You see this with people who have a lot of money, who think that reflects their intelligence,” Richman told me. “He considers himself an expert in something that he doesn’t have training or experience in, and he’s not following scientific methods to assess data.”
Kirsch’s appearance on an episode of anti-COVID-vaccine, pro-ivermectin pundit Bret Weinstein’s DarkHorse podcast, alongside Robert Malone, a prominent source of vaccine misinformation, introduced Kirsch to followers of the “intellectual dark web,” who have since embraced him as a fellow truth-teller.
He’s also made several videos and podcasts with Vladimir Zelenko, the conspiracy theorist doctor who convinced Trump to take hydroxychloroquine.
While YouTube has repeatedly taken down the full video of the DarkHorse episode, various clips have been watched over 4 million times, and the full audio remains available on Spotify.
The ongoing battle between social-media companies and covid-19 misinformation [sic] pushers—including US president Donald Trump—stepped up again this week thanks to a new viral video.
“The claim that ‘the spike is toxic,’ that came directly from the [DarkHorse episode]. I see it all the time on social media,” Morris told me. He’s probably the closest thing Kirsch has to a nemesis, regularly disputing his assertions in blog posts and private email exchanges with Kirsch and his friends. “I didn’t intend to spend a lot of time on Steve in particular, but that video was so influential.”
In June, after CETF’s advisory board resigned, Kirsch did a Facebook Live video with Zelenko and celebrity rehab coach Dr. Drew. In it, he claimed mRNA vaccines kill one in 5,000 recipients and dramatically increase the rate of miscarriages.
There is absolutely no evidence that either one of these claims is true, as Morris has carefully documented. Kirsch, though, often relies on the heartstrings to smooth over a lack of data. On Dr. Drew, he told a story about “a friend’s daughter” who had to get an abortion because of damage caused by the shot.
“The baby’s brain was split in half, and it was just covered with blood. It was so bad you couldn’t even see the baby’s body through all the blood,” Kirsch said. “They immediately ruled out the vaccine, because the vaccine is, quote, ‘safe.’”
Soon after his appearance on the DarkHorse podcast, several partners of his most recent startup, M10, expressed concerns about the increasing extremism of Kirsch’s vaccine views.
“We asked Steve to tone it down. It was not compatible with his position as CEO to continue taking a very public stance on the vaccines,” Richard Char, M10’s general counsel, told me.
“He is very smart, and knows that he is very smart, and sometimes he behaves like he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, whether he is or isn’t.”
Kirsch’s response was to take his name off articles he’d written about vaccine deaths, changing the authorship to “VaccineTruth.”
On July 1, he tweeted from his personal account, “My publicly shared concerns regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines may have had a negative impact on my company, M10. To protect M10 from my COVID-19 vaccination opinions, I will no longer post about my vaccination concerns here.”
He started a new pseudonymous account, @VaccineTruth2, to continue broadcasting messages. But even that didn’t last long. By the beginning of September, he was no longer the company’s CEO, replaced by his co-founder, Marten Nelson. He immediately tweeted an offer to give anyone $1 million if they could win a debate with him about vaccine deaths.
“He felt like he in good conscience had to speak out about Vovid, and so he made the decision to separate himself from M10,” says Char, who has known Kirsch since the 1980s.
The incident, he added, was “completely in keeping with his personality.”
“He is very smart, and he knows that he is very smart, and he—sometimes he behaves like he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, whether he is or isn’t,” he told me.
Saving the world has been a theme of Kirsch’s life for years. “There are two ways I’ve discovered that I may be able to save the world,” he told an IEEE Spectrum reporter in 2000. “One is to reduce the threat of nuclear war. Another is to identify an asteroid that is going to hit the planet.”
His efforts became more focused on medical research when, in 2007, he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. His foundation shifted focus to one goal—curing Steve Kirsch—by supporting one of the few scientists looking at the disease.
After several failed attempts to stop the progression of his disease, he designed his own protocol for chemotherapy and doctor-shopped to find an oncologist who would give it to him. He’s now outlived his initial prognosis by several years.
“He’s a genuinely good guy. I mean, he really, truly has a heart of gold,” Char told me. “He’s spending his own money to do what he thinks is right. It’s motivated out of his sense of keeping people safe and advancing health care.”
But Kirsch is also motivated by an unsatisfied competitive streak. In that same IEEE Spectrum story about his then-new startup, Propel Software, he said he felt successful, but not famous.
“Mouse Systems is not a household word,” he told the journalist. “We didn’t come up with better mouse technology than Microsoft did. Infoseek lost out to Yahoo; it had a chance to grow bigger, but it didn’t. And FrameMaker is still a niche product. Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. I’m not going to make the same mistake again.”
“Now we’ve lost the high ground.”
It is not unusual to be wary of developing science, or wrong to be skeptical of pharmaceutical companies. These huge businesses do often prioritize profits over human health: in 2009, Pfizer paid a $2.3 billion settlement over kickbacks and fraudulent marketing, including a $1.3 billion felony fine.
In 2013, Johnson & Johnson paid $2.2 billion for its own kickback and fraud scandal, including a specific $400 million fine for its subsidiary Janssen, which manufactures the Covid vaccine. The US government accused Janssen of improperly promoting the antipsychotic drug Risperdal to dementia patients despite the drug increasing deaths in the elderly. The man who ran Risperdal sales, Alex Gorsky, is now CEO of Johnson & Johnson.
As a healthcare journalist, I started off firmly in the wait-and-see camp on mRNA vaccines. Thanks to the volumes of data and information provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators, as well as large numbers of trials from independently funded research groups around the world, I now trust that they’re safe for the vast majority of adults.
I also think it makes a lot of sense to look for pre-existing drugs that can help treat covid symptoms. Over the next few years, millions of unvaccinated people are going to get Covid; it’s vital to try to mitigate their suffering, as well as lessen pressure on the health care system.
But the best way to help people is through rigorous trials that show what drugs help which people, and at what doses and times—not by basing entire protocols on incredibly limited evidence.
Unfortunately, as Jeffrey Morris at UPenn points out, public health officials and scientists have done plenty to undermine their own authority, like claiming masks don’t work, downplaying the natural immunity conveyed by previous Covid infections, and not doing enough public communication about vaccine safety surveillance systems.
”We don’t want to feed the anti-vaccine trolls, so we actively suppress clear scientific data. Now we’ve lost the high ground,” Morris told me.
And that is what has allowed Kirsch, and people like him, to become so influential. It’s a cycle that feeds mistrust and boosts the profiles of influencers who present themselves in opposition to official authorities.
“The collateral damage is that, now, a lot of people don’t trust scientific leaders or the scientific community. They’re finding alternative leaders to follow,” Morris said. “That’s what creates some of these heroes.”
This story is part of the Pandemic Technology Project, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation.
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  1. There are good Jews, to be sure. The problematic ones who are intent upon ruling the world are a tiny minority, no doubt.

    But the problem is that this problematic tiny minority has deep roots in the Jewish community, such that wherever there exists a sizable Jewish community you will find these types. The Jews apparently lack the ability to free themselves of these types. That is on them, not on us.

    We must hold them responsible for the actions of the bad elements in their midst. If we did not have Jews in our midst we would not have to suffer from the actions of their bad elements. That is the bottom line.

    • As I have blogged, at least half of all jews are atheists, and a Wikipedia article states this blatantly.

      So they do not fear any God, any angel, or any consequences when they die. They imagine they will not “face the music.” But they will.

      When the little jews go along and fail to object to, or resist, the horrors which the Big Jews perpetrate, they become co-guilty.

      Look at this: In 1953, US Army troops with mounted bayonets force a white high school in Arkansas to accept Blacks, shrugging it off with “we are just obeying orders”…..

      Every negro rape of a white girl, every beating of a white boy in the lavatory or while walking home, every drug deal that hooks a white kid on heroin, and every mulatto kid fathered by a negro drug dealer on some white teenage female (and I saw this constantly in western Pennsylvania, esp. after Obongo became president) is the moral fault of these white troops and their sergeants and officers, all pusillanimously “just obeying orders.”

      In the big propaganda movie “Judgment at Nuremberg,” with Spencer Tracy as an Allied “war-crimes” judge, over and over the Germans, on trial by the Allies and facing the gallows, are MOCKED for their defense lawyers trotting out this phrase of “we were just obeying orders.”

      The entire movie condemns those Germans for it!

      What comes around goes around. For the little jews and the little whites.

      GUILTY of collaboration with shocking evil!

      I can well understand Jesus’ rant to the jew leaders:

      “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES!”

      At Nuremberg we HANGED innocent Germans who, forbidden to debunk the wicked Holocaust lie, had pled that they, as soldiers, had had to obey their orders.

      (We also threatened to ship their wives and kids to the Soviets if they went into open court and truthfully “denied the gas chambers”! What hypocrisy! Lie in court — or your wife will be raped!)

  2. Another great article from François. Long time no see. Only time will tell what damage the vacine will cause by. Kill or cure?

  3. L’ossido di grafene accumulato nei polmoni genera polmoniti bilaterali per disseminazione uniforme nel tratto alveolare polmonare. L’ossido di grafene provoca un (sapore metallico). Forse questo sta iniziando ad avere senso per te ora. L’ossido di grafene inalato provoca infiammazione delle mucose e quindi perdita del gusto e perdita parziale o totale dell’olfatto.

    L’ossido di grafene acquisisce potenti proprietà magnetiche all’interno dell’organismo .
    Questa è la spiegazione del fenomeno magnetico che miliardi di persone in tutto il mondo hanno già sperimentato dopo varie vie di somministrazione dell’ossido di grafene. Tra questi il ​​vaccino.

    In breve, l’ossido di grafene è il presunto SARS-CoV-2, il presunto nuovo coronvirus provocato prima della malattia chiamata COVID-19. Pertanto, non abbiamo mai avuto un vero isolamento e purificazione di un nuovo coronavirus, come riconosciuto dalla maggior parte delle istituzioni sanitarie ai massimi livelli e in diversi paesi quando sono state interrogate al riguardo. La malattia COVID-19 è il risultato dell’introduzione di ossido di grafene attraverso varie vie di somministrazione(….)

    L’ossido di grafene è estremamente potente e forte negli aerosol,così come il presunto SARS-CoV-2.
    Come ogni materiale, l’ossido di grafene ha quella che chiamiamo una ” banda di assorbimento elettronico “. Ciò significa una certa frequenza al di sopra della quale il materiale si eccita e si ossida molto rapidamente, rompendo così l’equilibrio con la proliferazione nell’organismo del tossico nei confronti delle nostre riserve naturali di glutatione antiossidante.
    “Aumentare i livelli di Glutatione per distruggere le molecole di Grafene”.

      • Mi dà fastidio che i Dottori si basano sul “Caso”… perché devono utilizzare diverse terapie per risolvere questo problema,distruggere di conseguenza il fisico di una persona,antibiotico e cortisone…per poi passare ai monoclonali(non si può parlare di NAC,di invermectina,idrossiclorochina ovviamente).Ma che razza di medicina è questa????Una medicina a ca***

        • Transl:

          It bothers me that the Doctors are based on the “Case” … because they have to use different therapies to solve this problem, consequently destroy the body of a person, antibiotic and cortisone … and then move on to monoclonals (we cannot speak of NAC, of invermectin, hydroxychloroquine of course) But what kind of medicine is this ???? It is made of sh–!

    • Transl:

      The graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonia by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a (metallic taste). Maybe this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and therefore loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell.

      Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties within the body.
      This is the explanation of the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. These include the vaccine.

      In short, graphene oxide is the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the alleged new coronvirus caused before the disease called COVID-19. Therefore, we have never experienced true isolation and purification of a novel coronavirus, as recognized by most healthcare institutions at the highest level and in several countries when questioned about it. COVID-19 disease is the result of the introduction of graphene oxide through various routes of administration (….)

      Graphene oxide is extremely powerful and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2.

      Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call an “electronic absorption band”. This means a certain frequency above which the material is excited and oxidized very quickly, thus breaking the balance with the proliferation in the organism of the toxic against our natural reserves of the antioxidant glutathione
      “Increase Glutathione Levels to Destroy Graphene Molecules”.

  4. Rivoglio i Nazisti,il loro Rigore,la loro precisione in tutto,le loro scoperte illuminanti…
    Questo pianeta deve cambiare,fa schifo.
    Per me è diventato tutto davvero insopportabile…
    Tutti questi zombie,tutte queste marionette pilotate,tutti questi esseri che non vogliono più ragionare..
    Mi hanno stancato.
    Continuo a sfogarmi qui,a darti fastidio… perché tanto nessuno mi ascolta,nessuno capisce 🙁 🙁
    Non si accorgono neanche che sono arrabbiata come una Bestia.

    • Transl:

      I want the Nazis back, their rigor, their precision in everything, their enlightening discoveries …
      This planet has to change, it sucks.
      For me it has become really unbearable …
      All these zombies, all these piloted puppets, all these beings who no longer want to reason ..
      They tired me out.
      I continue to let off steam here, … because nobody listens to me anyway, nobody understands
      They don’t even notice I’m mad as a wild beast!


      I understand. 🙂

      The change must be internal this time. I work day and night for the religion to truly change us.

  5. Ho pubblicato una foto del Fuhrer su Instagram e un bel papiro memorabile scritto;ora aspetto che mi blocchino per sempre.Vedrai…
    Per me non ha mai avuto senso stare lì
    …mi manca VK,tutte quelle persone 🙁
    Non ha senso più fare notizia..
    Ormai quelli che si dovevano svegliare si sono svegliati,qui da me pensano ancora alle mascherine,al gel per le mani,ai tamponi.E mio marito si arrabbia con tutti;ha perso davvero la pazienza.
    Ma dove siamo capitati..santo cielo.
    Poi sono capitate delle cose qui con la ristrutturazione del mio palazzo,non siamo riusciti a fermare i condomini.Avevamo speso soldi per chiudere un terrazzo che ora ci faranno togliere,ci toglieranno le finestre per metterne altre(avevamo pure i doppi infissi per i rumori,il vento e la pioggia)toglieranno il cappotto esterno che già avevamo per un altro cappotto.
    Se qualcosa va storto con queste leggi stupide rischiamo di perdere la casa.
    Se trovano qualcosa fuori posto con le carte(anche piccoli dettagli)rischiamo tutti;si tratta di una spesa di 500mila euro che sborsa lo Stato.
    Io non volevo assolutamente perché non mi fido dello Stato,non mi fido di questa manovra.
    Purtroppo siamo circondati da grandi pecore..stupide pecore.
    Al nord invece si sono trattenuti con queste ristrutturazioni perché molti hanno avuto grossi problemi dopo..vedi..
    Invece qui….alla grande…lo Stato ci ama,tutto gratis…
    Coglioni di merda.

      • Forti?Abbiamo litigato per sua madre.Perche’ io sono testarda,perché mi fa male vederla lì con cure per “vedere” ancora se “funzionano”.
        Sai cosa mi ha risposto?
        “Tu sai sempre tutto”…
        E non ti preoccupi di nessuno.
        Chiedi solo a me come sta.
        È stata la peggiore cattiveria che mi poteva dire.
        Ho avuto uno scatto di Ira(sbagliata)e si è arrabbiato ancora di più.
        Me ne sono andata in camera con una disperazione addosso incredibile.
        Una disperazione che ho sempre trattenuto dentro perché devo essere forte e i bambini hanno scritto una lettera per questo:”Siete la cosa più bella che abbiamo,non litigate”.
        Io lo so che sono testarda,che trattengo dentro tante cose,che non faccio vedere le mie debolezze,che ho una rabbia dentro che solo Dio conosce.Non sono come gli altri.Tutte le ingiustizie di questo mondo ricadono su di me..e sento il loro peso.Poi loro fanno sempre come credono giusto,in base alla loro mente Egoica;mio padre non mi ha ascoltata,le mie sorelle altrettanto,se dico qualsiasi cosa per aiutare mi prendeno per pazza.Cosa devo fare?Io non esisto come non esistono i miei pensieri,le mie preoccupazioni.E lo pensano tutti credimi 🙁 🙁
        Quindi me ne sto da parte a soffrire in silenzio.A soffrire per tutti.
        A volte ho paura che il cuore mi abbandoni,ho certe palpitazioni 🙁
        A volte vorrei sparire davvero..ma poi penso a te:Mi hai “Risvegliata tu”…dopo mille fatiche e tempeste.
        “Solo un uomo libero dal potere,dalla maledizione dell’anello potrà Risvegliarti dal sonno che ti ho dato”..
        Sei sempre stato tu quell’Uomo.
        Ieri mi sono riascoltata di nuovo tutto Wagner,tutto il dialogo per capire il cuore di Wotan.
        Il Cuore più grande della mia esistenza.

  6. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ip95wKo3WGU35rpbA
    E’ fatto il giro anche del tempo!
    Per ritrovarmi ancora tra i Tuoi occhi,
    Così gelosi ed innamorati
    Da trapassarti fino in fondo al petto.
    E’ di un’Amore sconfinato
    Se ora anch’io ti voglio bene tanto..
    Ma così bene veramente
    E fino all’ultimo pensiero in mente.
    Bello l’Amore se l’Amore siamo io e Te
    Che vuol dire lasciare d’incanto
    Fluire la vita..
    C’è fiume e roccia nell’abbraccio fra noi.
    Lascia il segno l’amore
    Che un giorno ci fermò.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Sarà così per sempre.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Lo sai, sarà per sempre.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Sarà così per sempre
    Sempre fra di noi.
    E’ di un’Amore sconfinato
    Se con quel pianto adesso hai cancellato
    Quel tuo rancore innamorato
    Di quell’orgoglio che si annoda in gola
    Bello l’Amore
    Se l’amore siamo io e Te!
    Se ti manco per tutto quel tempo
    Che sono lontano..
    Ma che sai bene già d’allora è così
    E saprai meglio fin d’adesso
    Che ormai..
    “Tu sei la forza per potermi capire
    Sarai il coraggio che potrebbe mancare
    Chi può dividere ormai
    Questo Amore
    Che al nostro destino si legò”.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Sarà così per sempre.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Lo sai sarà per sempre.
    Vive insieme a Te
    Sarà così per sempre.
    Bello l’amore
    Se l’amore siamo io e te.
    Questa storia
    Che al nostro destino si legò.
    Vive insieme a te
    Sarà così per sempre
    Sempre fra di noi.
    E’ di un’amore senza fine..

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