EXCLUSIVE How Ukraine became Jewkraine, the poorest, most corrupt major country in Europe

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Igor/Ihor Kolomoisky, the Eternal, Wandering, Crooked Jew Parasite incarnate. He and his ilk took Ukraine, before its independence in 1991 one of the richest provinces of the Soviet Union — full of fertile agricultural land,  heavy industry, shipbuilding, nuclear power, aerospace and high-tech — and made it into the second-poorest country in Europe after Moldova.

— (((Businessmen))) accused of Ukraine money laundering gave millions to New York (((charities)))

Dozens of New York’s Jewish organizations have had their bottom lines bolstered by two businessmen accused of laundering billions for a Burisma-connected Ukrainian oligarch, public records show.

Mordechai Korf, 48, and Uri Laber, 49, have shelled out more than $11 million to nearly 70 yeshivas and religious charities in Brooklyn and across the state, according to federal tax filings.

But Korf and Laber are more than just generous benefactors: since 2006, the Miami-based pair have allegedly been middlemen for Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky, funneling $4 billion of his ill-gotten gains to buy property and businesses in the U.S, according to three civil lawsuits filed by the U.S. Department of Justice in Florida federal court.

On Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken banned Kolomoisky and his immediate family from America, citing Kolomoisky’s “significant corruption.” The billionaire has long been accused of repeatedly raiding PrivatBank, a Ukrainian bank he once co-owned, legal filings show.

Yeshiva that received the laundered cash -- Colel Chabad, 806 Eastern Parkway.
Colel Chabad at 806 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, which received laundered cash.

Kolomoisky, who built his fortune during the lawless years immediately following the fall of the Soviet Union, reportedly has a controlling interest in Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company which put President Biden’s son, Hunter, on its board of directors in 2014 at a salary of $50,000 per month. Kolomoisky dispatched his private army to take over companies and destroy a Russian-owned oil and gas refinery in Dnipropetrovsk in 2014, according to reports.

Kolomoisky and a partner, Gennadiy Boholiubov, are accused of taking out billions in fraudulent loans and lines of credit from PrivatBank, which they co-owned, funneling the cash through a “web of entities” created by Korf and Laber.

Korf and Laber — who met Kolomoisky decades ago while working and volunteering in the Ukrainian province he governed — gave a total of more than $1.4 million to Brooklyn’s Jewish Educational Media, and nearly $1 million to the Manhattan-based Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States, nine countries which banded together after the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union].

Miami businessman Mordechai “Motti” Korf
Miami businessman Mordechai “Motti” Korf

Laber is listed as a board member of Jewish Educational Media, a nonprofit which promotes the work of the late Grand Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, the Ukraine-born spiritual leader of the Chabad Lubavitcher movement.

Colel Chabad, a Brooklyn charity for orphans and widows, received $466,647 between 2006 and 2013 from Laber Foundation Inc., while the Korf Family Foundation Inc. gave $476,000 between 2006 and 2013 to the charity.

Authorities have not accused the charities of wrongdoing.

Korf and Laber also face a civil lawsuit in Delaware from PrivatBank, and could have to forfeit millions worth of real estate and companies they purchased if the federal lawsuits from the DOJ succeed. No criminal charges have been filed.

While it is unclear if the two men used their charity connections to launder cash, experts say nonprofits are often used to avoid taxes and hide funds.

“Charities could certainly be part of an incestuous collection of legal entities that make it very difficult to follow the money,” said Laurie Styron, executive director of Charity Watch.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Ellis Kaplan

If the DOJ’s lawsuits against Korf and Laber succeed, the charities may be forced to return the cash, even if the organizations did nothing wrong themselves, said Styron.

The Post reached out to at least 10 of the organizations Korf and Laber donated to, including Jewish Educational Media, but messages were not returned.

“Mr. Korf and Mr. Laber have never had any dealings with laundered money and any allegations to the contrary are patently false and irresponsible,” said attorney Marc Kasowitz. “They are very proud of their longstanding charitable contributions and the good that those contributions have brought.”

A lawyer for Kolomoisky did not return messages.

Members of the Jewish Lubavitcher sect who live in sprawling Miami mansions, Korf and Laber have strong ties to Brooklyn and the Ukraine, where they met. Korf’s parents were tasked by Schneerson to establish a Lubavitcher community in Miami, according to The Forward.


…..How Ukraine became Jewkraine

By a mysterious Italian and his Ukie friends who provided information
Four Jewish billionaires, a devious Jewkrainian comedian and a well-connected Delaware crackhead walk into a bar
Compiled by JdN staff writer, Alena Kovalchuk and O. Steiner
Although Jews were the driving force behind Bolshevism, by the mid 19th century Jews had become personae non gratae (plural because there are never just one)  in the USSR.
They were so reviled – and treated as such – that upon their arrival in North America, many sought revenge against their former hosts by actively engaging in warfare against the Soviet State on behalf of their new host, the United States of America.
All that changed though when Communism was ushered out of Russia, a warped version of Western capitalism entered in its stead and the jews rushed back into their former stomping grounds to exploit and plunder once more.
Two such Jews were Mordechai Korf and Uriel Laber, who according to a 1999 NY Times article singing their praises ”returned to Ukraine in their early twenties to help re-establish the country’s Jewish community after the collapse of the Soviet Union”.
“Help re-establish the country’s Jewish community” is J-code for make trouble, advance Jewish interests and steal as much money as ya can at the expense of the host nation.
Within two years the fiends were millionaires. They returned to the United States a decade later as millionaires ten times over, purchasing gaudy ostentatious Mediterranean-style waterfront mansions minutes from each other in Korf’s hometown of Miami Beach, Floida.
The Trump Administration hunts down Ukrainian criminals
Fast forward to the waning moments of the Trump presidency.
The FBI raids the Miami offices of Mordechai Korf and Uriel Labe in early 2020. By summer they’d seized commercial properties the criminal duo owned in Ohio, Kentucky and Texas. The feds’ rationale for the raid, according to court filings, was that Korf and Laber had been funnelling fraudulent proceeds for a billionaire named Igor Kolomoisky and had successfully laundered millions through American real estate, including industrial plants in America’s heartland that have since shrunk or closed.
Yes, Kolomoisky — the same Kolomoisky who founded of one of Ukraine’s biggest banks, PrivatBank, and over the past decade has bankrolled such luminaries as Volodomyr Zelensky (another Jew), Hunter Biden (crack-smoking, supremely well-connected gentile) and the Azov battalion (Kolomoisky’s Neo-Nazi-larping goy pets…. a lovely bunch.)
….the same Igor Kolomoisky who was accused by Ukraine’s central Stare bank under former president Yanukovich (ousted in a color revolution by the Obama administration in 2014) of embezling $5.5 billion from the institution between 2006 to 2016.
The same fiendish Jewish oligarch who has been banned from entering the United States in spite of his role in creating ”our current hero”, Vlod Zelensky.
(from a Ukrainian encyclopedia):
Kolomoisky counts the most influential people in Ukraine among his friends.
His TV stations are courted by Ukrainian politicians and he is reportedly the chief backer of the current president, Volodomyr Zelensky, who has achieved almost mythic status for his leadership amid the ongoing invasion by Russia. When Rudy Guiliani, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, sought to dig up dirt on President Joe Biden’s son ⁠— an effort that would later lead to Trump’s first impeachment ⁠— he had Floridians Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, meet Kolomoisky to arrange a meeting with Zelensky.
In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and Kremlin-backed separatists attacked eastern Ukraine, Kolomoisky became governor of Dnipro ⁠— the front line ⁠— and bankrolled pro-Ukrainian militias.
It’s unclear where Kolomoisky stands — or currently lives — during the current war with Russia. He also holds Israeli and Cypriot passports and appears to have entirely slipped off the radar.”
And Kolomoisky is not an inconsequential figure in this story. He is central to Korf and Laber’s ascent in Ukraine. Without him, Korf and Laber would still be petty carpet- bagger criminals based out of Miami.
“A cache of leaked banking data from Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second-largest bank, shows vast sums of money flowing into accounts owned by Kolomoisky and his family during some of the years when he was alleged to have looted PrivatBank, with a maximum of $2.6 billion held in 2007. It also shows that Korf and Laber held roughly $200 million in the Swiss bank at approximately the same time. The Pandora papers, released last year, also showed one Vlod Zelensky holding two accounts in the same account with an estimated 500 million in funds tucked away.’‘ Alena Kovalchuk.
The data was leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, and shared with the Miami Herald, the New York Times, the Guardian and 48 other news partners across the world as part of a project dubbed “Suisse Secrets.”
The data doesn’t make clear exactly where the money in Korf and Laber’s accounts originated but it’s safe to assume Kolomoisky is involved. The accounts were closed in 2012.
The duo declined to provide details when questioned by the FBI, but stated that the accounts were used to hold proceeds from their Ukrainian businesses prior to 2007 and that they complied with all applicable tax laws and regulations.
Criminal Ascent
Korf and Laber first met in the mid-1980s when they were studying at the same yeshiva in Detroit. Oy vey.
They were in their early teens and in Korf’s words “hit it off from the beginning.”
In 1991, Korf traveled to Dnipro, Ukraine on a relief mission for Chabad Lubavitch, a branch of Orthodox Judaism. Located southeast of the national capital, Kyiv, Dnipro had a particular significance for Chabad — as the movement’s leader at the time, the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, had grown up there and his father had been the chief rabbi in the city, then called Yekaterinoslav, in the early 20th century.
Under Soviet rule, Dnipro had been a hub of the USSR’s military and space industries and a closed hig-security city with restricted access.
Their first Ukrainian business ventures were modest: They imported electronic items to Ukraine and brought Ukrainian hammers, welding rods and light bulbs to the United States, Laber told the Times.
But around 1994, according to Korf, their Ukraine footprint expanded dramatically when they partnered with an investor in the United States — they declined to say who — and landed a contract to establish a fixed line telecommunications company. They established Optima Telecom — the name “Optima” from Optima International of Miami, which they had registered for their import-export business.
“By 2003-2004, I think we had the largest fixed-line and internet company in Ukraine besides the government telecom,” Korf said.
Enter Kolomoisky
By the late 1990s, the duo had also started dabbling in the Ukrainian energy sector. That’s how they first partnered with Igor Kolomoisky.
A native of Dnipro, Kolomoisky started trading in consumer goods after the fall of the Soviet bloc and capitalized on the country’s privatization drive, as the formerly communist state sold off its assets.
Together with fellow Jewish oligarch Gennadiy Zvi Hirsch Bogolyubov who holds substantial investments in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware yet cuts a comparatively lower profile, Kolomoisky amassed a sizable portfolio. By the 2000s, they were each billionaires and controlled companies across the world involved in industries as wide-ranging as energy, minerals, airlines, media, banking, soccer and real estate.
Bogolyubov and Kolomoisky
A civil lawsuit filed in a Delaware court (yes,  in Joe Biden’s Delaware again. of all the states….) in the United States claims Kolomoyskiy, Bogolyubov and their partners laundered $780 million into the U.S. financial system through a series of bogus loans issued to companies they control.
Korf and Laber had also started to get involved in Ukraine’s privatization boom. Under the umbrella of Optima Investments, Korf and Laber bought shares of companies worth between $70 and 100 million, Korf said. They began, according to Korf, by first investing for “non-Ukrainian investors” — again, they wouldn’t say who — and charging a fee or an interest rate. Later, they moved into asset management and finally started investing their own money.
Laber said they were primarily interested in “very strategic, large companies,” such as energy producers, electric transmission companies and cement companies.
They were reticent to talk about the nuts-and-bolts of these ventures.
Former U.S. officials said that while it was possible for ambitious foreign entrepreneurs to make a fortune in the chaos of the privatization drive, they, like big corporations, would need local connections.
“There tended to be a lot of corrupt influence that enabled well-connected people to get licenses to do some of those kinds of things,” said William Courtney, special assistant to President Bill Clinton on Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia in the late 1990s. “In strategic sectors you’d often find oligarchs playing a key role.”
Korf and Laber said they first met Kolomoisky in 1997 but their relationship deepened when they worked together to modernize Ukraine’s gas stations.
They said they helped Kolomoisky acquire, among other assets, UkrNafta — the country’s sole crude oil producer and one of the two crown jewels in Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov’s portfolio, along with PrivatBank.
“As a result of the work Motti and I put in … we came to own a small minority stake in a large gas and oil business that is active in the Ukraine market,” Mr. Laber said.
Kolomoisky had a reputation for aggressive business dealings, most notably a raid on Kremenchuk steel plant in central Ukraine in 2006, when under orders allegedly given by him, an army of hired thugs wielding guns, iron bars and chainsaws forcibly took control, according to Forbes.
But Korf and Laber said Kolomoisky’s notorious reputation was exaggerated — he was “aggressive, tough, but … not bad or violent.”
Experts on the region, though, paint a different picture.
“Kolomoisky has been a master at corporate raids and certainly has been very aggressive in taking over state companies in the 2000s,” said Margarita M. Balmaceda, a professor at Seton Hall University, who has written multiple books on the post-Soviet energy sector.
She pointed to a 2015 incident where, when the Ukrainian government introduced measures to curb his control over the state’s oil pipeline, Kolomoisky sent his men — dressed in military fatigues and reportedly carrying weapons — to the company’s headquarters. When journalists questioned him, he claimed he had liberated the company from “Russian saboteurs.”
Korf moved back to the United States and settled in his hometown of Miami Beach in 2007, two years after he and Laber sold Optima Telecom for “eight figures.” Laber, who had grown up in Milwaukee and Chicago, followed his friend to Miami Beach in 2009. They were now millionaires, several times over.
“‘In a 2002 book about Jewish diaspora communities, Laber was quoted as saying that he was introduced to his “Russian partners” — an apparent reference to Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov, as many people in eastern Ukraine speak Russian as their first language — by Kaminetski, the rabbi who arrived in Dnipro in 1990.
Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov, who have Israeli citizenship, are close to Kaminetski and major supporters of Jewish culture in Ukraine and abroad.
“I didn’t know who was honest and who wasn’t, who we could work with, all the problems you run into in this part of the world. Without [Kaminetski] saying that ‘this is an honest person’ we wouldn’t have known,” Laber was quoted as saying. “Anyone can introduce you to another person; the point here is the reliability. He knows what’s up, basically.”
Kaminetski’s characterization of Kolomoiskiy — as recounted by Laber — clashes with those who view the tycoon as among the country’s worst corporate raiders.
Kaminetski’s connections went beyond the local Jewish community to the city’s most influential people. In 2008, he was recognized by a Ukrainian publication as one of the 15 most “powerful foreigners” in the country (Ukraine).”
The  following comes courtesy of Radio Free Europe by way of O. Steiner.
The leaked Credit Suisse smoking gun:
▪ A joint account held by Korf and Laber, opened in 2005 and closed in 2011 that held a maximum of $160 million in 2005. When the account was shut down, only around $150,000 was still in it.
▪ Two accounts owned by Laber, both opened in 2005 and closed in 2010. The maximum the accounts held together was roughly $31 million from 2005 to 2007. The closing amount for them in total was roughly $2 million.
▪ Two accounts belonging to Korf, both opened in 2005 and closed in 2010 and 2012. Together, the maximum they had held was around $27 million in 2007. Less than $1 million is listed as their last holdings amount.
Korf bought his Miami Beach mansion in 2008 for more than $4.5 million, while Laber spent $9.7 million for a mansion of his own, around half a mile from Korf’s. The pair have otherwise lived quiet lives in Miami, with their only known big spending $25 million they have donated to Jewish charities, per a Miami Herald analysis of IRS records.
Back home, their objective was simple: Look for investments less risky than the ones they had undertaken in Europe.
They ventured into real estate and their first acquisitions were in Michigan and Ohio.
As the deals grew bigger, the duo realized they couldn’t raise the capital by themselves and turned to their “billionaire friends” Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov in 2008 to help finance the acquisition of One Cleveland Center in Cleveland, Ohio, the city’s fifth-tallest skyscraper.
From around 2006 to 2017, they acquired steel and iron-alloy plants in Kentucky, Michigan and West Virginia and “more than five million square feet” — roughly the size of 90 football fields — of commercial real estate in Ohio, including the Westin Hotel in Cleveland. In 2008 they also acquired the former Motorola campus in Harvard, Illinois and two years later, the 31-story PNC Plaza in Louisville, Kentucky and commercial property in Dallas, Texas.
Things fall apart
Korf and Laber describe these investments as legitimate, but largely unsuccessful. PrivatBank, now under Ukrainian state control, and U.S. prosecutors see it quite differently.
Ukraine nationalized PrivatBank in 2016 following concerns about the bank’s viability. By that point, the country’s central bank, the National Bank of Ukraine, had discovered a $5 billion hole in Privat’s books. The country’s seizure of the bank set off a flurry of lawsuits across the globe, many of which are ongoing. Kolomoisky and his associates challenged the move’s legality while the bank has alleged that its previous owners, Kolomoisky and his partners, embezzled billions from the bank’s coffers.
Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov were the controlling stockholders of PrivatBank from at least 2006 through 2016. After the bank was nationalized, PrivatBank alleged in a 2019 Delaware civil lawsuit against the two that the pair used the institution as “their own personal piggy bank” during that period and laundered “hundreds of millions of … misappropriated loan proceeds into the United States.” The lawsuit accuses Korf and Laber of being part of the scheme.
The mechanics, per the litigation, involved a series of shell companies, through which Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov took loans from PrivatBank and rarely paid them back. A “special committee’‘ they installed allegedly forged documents and rubber-stamped applications. The funds were not used for their stated purposes but were shuffled through companies all over the world, sometimes within minutes of being disbursed. Millions of dollars were funnelled into Miami and companies controlled by Laber and Korf and then used to invest in the United States, the U.S. Department of Justice alleged in civil-forfeiture complaints filed in Florida days after the FBI raided Korf and Laber’s offices.
The “Optima Schemes,” as the Delaware lawsuit calls them — referring to Korf and Laber’s Optima companies — were so pervasive that the owners had at one point become “the largest commercial real estate holders in Cleveland.”
Both the Delaware and the Florida suits allege that Optima International of Miami, Inc. and other Florida firms are owned by Korf and Laber on paper but effectively controlled by Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov. The firm allegedly worked with other entities, all of which were controlled by Kolomoisky under the daily management of Korf to “effectuate and coordinate the Optima Schemes.”
To conceal their scheme, the suits state, old loans issued by PrivatBank would be repaid with newer ones and those in turn would be repaid with another round of loans.
Meanwhile, these companies left a trail of boarded-up buildings and unpaid taxes. At least four of their steel plants went bankrupt, leaving hundreds of workers in New York, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois unemployed, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported in 2020.
Korf and Laber dispute that assessment. They point out that even if many of the investments ended poorly, the net effect was to boost the local economies in which they invested.
Laber also denied the allegation that their businesses were controlled by Kolomoisky.
“The deals were all found and analyzed by me and Motti [Korf] with the assistance of respected advisors … It wasn’t the other way around where someone like Kolomoisky said, ‘Hey, you know, go find something there’,” Laber said.
“They’ve [Korf and Laber] done absolutely nothing wrong and they’ve engaged in no money laundering whatsoever,” said Marc Kasowitz, their attorney, stressing that his clients had “nothing to do with any of the allegedly fraudulent Ukrainian loans taken out as part of an alleged scheme purportedly orchestrated in Ukraine.”
He said 11 Ukrainian courts have found that no funds had been misappropriated: “The fact that these courts are coming down unanimously and finding that the loans were legitimate means that funds were not laundered.”
The Justice Department and Kolomoisky’s attorney in the United States declined to comment. PrivatBank and its attorneys did not respond to the Herald’s questions.
The judge in the Delaware suit has paused proceedings pending the resolution of the lawsuits in Ukraine, stating he wants to avoid inconsistent judgments and that Ukrainian judges are expert in their laws.
Korf and Laber have asked a federal judge in Florida’s Southern District to dismiss the DOJ’s forfeiture case, citing the Ukrainian judgments. One of those Ukrainian judgments found that a 2009 loan for $14 million that the Justice Department alleged to be fraudulent was legitimate. Representatives for Korf and Laber also highlighted this ruling to the Herald.
But DOJ pushed back on taking the Ukrainian judgments at face value in a subsequent filing, arguing that Kolomoisky and his associates had filed a “veritable avalanche” of Ukrainian lawsuits — to obtain favorable outcomes — only after the agency opened their case against them.
“Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov [sic] embarked on a campaign of strategic litigation in Ukraine specifically designed to thwart that U.S. litigation, and the Ukrainian courts obliged by ruling on the claims in these cases,” said the Justice Department in a filing opposing the motion to dismiss.
Experts on the region told the Herald that there is potential for corruption in the Ukrainian judicial system, though they declined to comment on the specific cases.
“The judicial and prosecutorial functions have been vulnerable to corruption all along … and Kolomoisky’s had a lot of influence,” said William Courtney, the former U.S. diplomat.
Sadly under the Biden administration the case has stalled.
As expected.
We will update this story in the months to come…..

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  1. But-but-but, John, how can you write such a wicked article? Weren’t all the poor persecuted jews shot or gassed in WW2?
    Oh, so noqw all the Hollocaust reports must be bullshit. That would explain the large number of jews in the Ukraine still .
    Ironic how the jews are playing the victims in the Ukraine.
    Yet they refuse to talk about the jews who murdered millions of Russians and Ukrainians under Stalin.
    Genrikh Yagoda was just one in a long line of Jewish mass murderers.
    And Allied claims of Germans with human skin lampshades, shrunken heads, have been proven false.

      • Lol.those Einsatzgruppen chaps must’ve been cross eyed when taking aim.

        I’ve contacted Yad Vashem, the Nuremberg trials archives,the Imperial War Museum. and the Bletchley Park Museum.
        In order to see the daily Einsatzgruppen reports about the daily figures for jews shot in the East. Nobody has these documents!
        Very strange , seeing as they were used as evidence in an international criminal case.
        I bet they are printing some off now, along with more pages from the diaries.
        The comedian Ricky Gervais said ” If the Germans used the Gestapo shark, that would’ve sniffed out Anne Frank hiding miles away.
        Thick or what!

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