EXCLUSIVE: Kamal-toe Harris’ vile niece spews RACIST anti-white HATE on Twitter; only INDIAN journalists dare call her out

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by François Arouet.
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At this point it’s pretty much par for the course that the Leftist talking heads and anti-white devils in the Establishment media are going to spew anti-white hatred at the people who built this nation the moment the opportunity arises, but this week’s shockingly hateful efforts have plummeted to an all-time low.
Firstly, we had the incident in Atlanta (assuming it was not FAKED or a FALSE flag event) where this inbred-looking freak – about as Aryan in his actions as Hunter Biden – shoots up a couple of Asian massage parlors (brothels) and is accused of white supremacy….even though his motives were clearly anything but related to his race.
The vile man wanted to kill hookers and their pimps for encouraging his deviance.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Horribly twisted, EVIL man, but NOT white supremacy or even remotely politically motivated.
In fact, it’s fair to say that the demented man has more in common with Jeffrey Dahmer and Hunter Biden than NOBLE people like us.
Still, the media used this horrifically tragic incident as a WEAPON of war to inflict maximum damage against Whites, the Republican Party, our Constitution and people from sea to shining sea who think, act, look and vote like us.
Then we had the Boulder shooting which WAS politically motivated, WAS racially motivated, too — but was perpetrated by a “person of color” and indubitably, DIRECTLY was linked to the divisive politics of anti-white hatred the Establishment pushes.
The legacy print and broadcast media and Twitter blue checks – as you’d expect – immediately tried to exploit the incident to attack Whites until….
….they learned the shooter was a “person of color” by virtue of his being a Syrian Muslim and migrant.
Turns out Ahmad had REPEATEDLY expressed his abject hatred for President Trump on social media, defended the mass migration of refugees, and literally TARGETED people of a different race with his shooting!
Yet there was no mention of his actions being a hate crime.
Making matters worse is the fact that people across the nation took to Twitter to convey their RACIST belief that they expected the perp to be white because of the fact it was a mass shooting.
This in spite of the fact that black males perpetrate several times more mass murders per capita than whites and vastly more murders than any other demographic, EVEN without having to take into account that black males only constitute but 6% of the nation’s population.
*** JdN Only 6% of mass shooters in 2019 were white.
Can you imagine the furor if a right-wing pundit took to social media to condemn an act of violence where 10 innocent people lost their lives, and while doing so boldly predicted that the perp was, let’s say, Mexican? When it turns out he wasn’t?
Let’s for a moment envision a shooting outside a malt liquor, fried chicken and chitlins stand in downtown Detroit where some virtue-signaling lefty is giving away free rainbow-colored sneakers, and 10 of his buddies are killed by a gun-wielding madman and someone like me Tweets,
“Yet, another shooting in Detroit. We have a serious problem with black men in this nation.”
….only for it to turn out that the shooter is a white evangelical pastor and the victims are all black!!!!
Well, this is precisely what happened during the aftermath of the Boulder executions, with some high-profile leftists with DEEP ties to the White House making the most racist noise of all.
I will get to that in a moment.
Bottom line: If shooting six East Asians when also shooting two Whites is considered a HATE crime, in spite of the fact the perp is quite clear that his motivation are sex-based, then shooting 10 Whites while shooting NO ONE else, MUST also be one.
Especially when the shooter has previously expressed hatred for white conservatives on social media, is Muslim, supports mass immigration and targets ONLY Whites!
Making matters worse is the fact that not only did these hateful people not apologize, FEW people called them out on it so they walked away completely unscathed.
Even after being dead wrong about the shooter, making blatantly racist statements against Whites, the media received a free pass – as literally next to NO ONE called them out on their evil.
The level of disregard for their racism has been so egregious that they’ve been allowed to turn Boulder into a gun-rights issue, while leaving Atlanta as a “white supremacist” one!
And what of the Establishment Right?
Well, apart from decent Conservative pundits like Michael Knowles and a few others, the Establishment Right has done nothing but defend guns and go on the defensive.
Making this situation more egregious is the fact that some very high-profile people within the Democrat Party made some pretty racist statements in the aftermath of both shootings, and have been allowed to walk away without a mark on their record.
While Project Veritas has seen their Twitter account taken down this week without any reason whatsoever, the Left have been able to spew lies, hatred and evil with reckless abandon – the sort of hatred that directly led to the Boulder shooting – with Vice President Kamal-toe Harris’s own niece, Meena, (the vile, racist witch hilariously bleaches her skin and straightens her hair) making some of the most racist statements of all.
Imagine if one of President Trump’s closest relatives, who in fact trades off his/her relationship to the President, did such a thing in the aftermath of a shooting?
There’d be hell to pay.
Although the American media ignored EVIL RACIST Harris’ abuse, the Indian media didn’t!
The following comes from India’s reaction to Meena Harris’s anti-white racism.
The fact that most of India still reveres President Trump, and elected a right-wing populist as Prime Minister, says we as a people are now far more effed up than a nation that has 200 million people living in squalor and that reveres cows and multi-armed gods.
STILL they appear to be more sensible and ARYAN than we are when it comes to respecting whites and decency.

The following article taken from www.theprint.in, a leading Indian webzine:


Meena Harris trolled for anti-White racism after she gets Colorado shooter ID wrong, deletes tweet

Meena Harris deletes tweet after Colorado police identify shooter as someone of Syrian descent. She clarifies she made an assumption since shooter was taken into custody alive.

 25 March, 2021 2:53 pm IST
Meena Harris, lawyer and niece of US Vice President Kamala Harris | Twitter
Meena Harris, with her skin bleached and her hair straightened, lawyer and niece of US Vice President Kamala Harris | Twitter

New Delhi: US Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece Meena Harris sparked a controversy on social media after she tweeted about Monday’s shooting at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. The tweet claimed that “violent white men” are the “greatest terrorist threat” to the US. However, after police revealed that the gunman was of Syrian descent, Meena deleted the tweet explaining that she had assumed the perpetrator was white since he was “taken into custody alive” and that a majority of mass shootings in the country are “carried out by white men”.

The 36-year-old lawyer faced criticism from several quarters, including from Indian political commentators such as Brahma Chellaney and Aditya Raj Kaul, both of whom referred to her remarks as “racially charged”.  



Only last week, Harris had called into question the “sympathy” given to “violent white men” following a series of shootings in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Colorado shooting isn’t the first time Meena faced criticism for her comments on social media.

In February, Meena faced some backlash when she tweeted about the farmer protests. Her tweets came after pop singer Rihanna and climate activist Greta Thunberg had triggered a controversy in India for their tweets on the protests.

In response to the criticism, Meena has posted: “I won’t be intimidated, and I won’t be silenced.”

She also posted: “We ALL should be outraged by India’s internet shutdowns and paramilitary violence against farmer protesters.”


In October last year, Meena irked Hindu groups when she posted a picture of her aunt Kamala depicted as goddess Durga. The tweet was later deleted while Hindu groups sought an apology from Meena.




  1. Another good article from Francois. A nasty niece — with her hair straightened and skin bleached to look like the white people she hates! Just like Meghan Sparkles.

    I wonder what the Blacks and their descendants would be doing today in Africa if their fellow Blacks hadn’t sold them at the slave ports? Probably sneaking into another country to turn that one lefturd-brown too.

    • Thanks.

      I miss any humility or gratitude in these people.

      We are all superior and inferior in different areas, as individuals, countries and races…..

      Margi is far superior as a cook, me inferior. I am superior at getting the car fixed.

      The thing is the Blacks know they are inferior, and some privately do admit it. If so, then of course their incomes will be lower, and bosses less likely to hire them.

      If I said:

      “Here is my deal: $100,000 in cash and a one-way ticket to Africa, but only if you give up your US citizenship forever. Then fly to any Black African country of your choice and stay there”

      …I would have no takers. 😉

  2. Hi John. How about giving $100.000 to white people to go to Africa, to create a white Eureopean super state . Or is that being racist? Yet gimmegrants invade America Europe and Britain . These invading gimmegrants are feted and given everything. All welcome under diversity. Lol should be spelt divershitty

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