Exclusive: Mexican migrant and “martyr for God” kills Trump-hating, pro-abortion prosecutor as a “satanist”; also shoots jewish husband

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Exclusive: Mexican migrant and “martyr for God” kills J____ anti-Trump pro-abortion public prosecutor and “satanist”
This is a story I received from a patriot.  While I do not condone what the migrant Alvarez did to the Kaufmanns, we must also understand where this anger comes from, from a feeling of utter dread — that our America is becoming a satanic country. When enough feel this way, then some will snap.
I appreciate this story because it shows non-whites trying (misguidedly) to fight evil and whites engaging in it.
On the surface the above photo insinuates that yet another Mexican migrant has killed yet another innocent white woman.
But in 2021, is anything ever what it seems?
Before discussing the case of one Joseph-Angel Alvarez (and could you find a more conspicuously Christian name than Joseph-Angel??),  I’d like to remind you of a tale all good people of European heritage should know and hold dear to their hearts.
There lived a young French girl with the noblest of souls in the town of Arc some 700 centuries ago.
Jeanne d’Arc – or “Joan of Arc,” as she is known in the Anglosphere – was a simple shepherdess living in medieval France who believed that God had chosen her to lead her people to victory in their long-running war with England.
Without any military training to speak of, young Jeanne convinced the embattled Prince Charles de Valois to permit her to lead an army of patriots to the besieged city of Orléans, where she achieved a momentous victory over the Anglo-Saxons and their French allies, the Burgundians.
Young Jeanne was then captured by Anglo-Burgundian forces, tried for heresy and witchcraft, and burned alive at the stake in 1431, at the age of 19.
Although Jeanne d’Arc was not formally canonized by the Catholic church until 1920, France’s beloved Maid of Orléans has long been considered the greatest saint and is an enduring symbol of Gallic patriotism and nationalism to this day….
Joseph d’El Paso
A decade ago a lowly 25-year-old impoverished Mexican migrant with sun-charred brown skin and matted, ebony-black hair braved the dangerous trek across the Chihuahuan Desert to reach America, where he sought money to take care of his impoverished family back home.
Over the next decade the young Joseph-Angel Alvarez toiled in the fields surrounding El Paso, picking fruit while working one hard job to the next in the sweltering West Texas heat.
Although he dreamed of a better life in the US, he was not impressed with what he saw in America.
Immorality, diseases of the mind, sexual atrocities perpetrated against children, homosexuality and above all, abortion – the killing of a human child – were a few of the things Alvarez struggled to comprehend.
One cannot look at “abortion” through a desensitized Western lens. Although Mexicans see their fair share of carnage and brutality, the act of abortions, where the unborn child literally has a spear three to five times the diameter of its neck literally shoved through the back of its skull and spine, is as barbaric as ANYTHING the cartels do in Mexico.
*** “Late-term” abortions





Abortions performed after 20 weeks gestationare most commonly performed by dilation and evacuation (D & E) procedures.[1]  These particularly gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismemberment and removal of a fetal body from a woman’s uterus.

Sone people are okay with late-term abortions until they see an actual photo.








In some cases, especially when the fetus is past the stage of viability, the abortion may involve administration of a lethal injection into the fetal heart in utero to ensure that the fetus is not pulled out alive or with the ability to survive.

Late-term abortion is not an exact medical term, but it has been used at times to refer to surgical dilation & evacuation (dismemberment) abortions as well as intact dilation & extraction (partial-birth) abortions performed in the second (13-27 weeks) and third (27-39 weeks) trimesters.  The graphic, unpalatable nature of abortion procedures performed on fetuses of such advanced gestation raises many objections, even among parties who might support abortion at earlier stages.[3]

For these reasons, and because of the increased short-term health risks of these procedures for women,[4] numerous states have considered limiting late-term abortion procedures after 20 weeks gestation.[5]

The actual number of surgical abortions performed after 20 weeks in the United States cannot be known due to a lack of national reporting.[6] CDC projections, based largely on voluntary state reporting and abortion provider survey data from the Guttmacher Institute, a former affiliate of Planned Parenthood, estimate that roughly 1%, or over 15,000, abortions are performed after 20 weeks annually in the U.S.[7]  [from https://lozierinstitute.org/the-reality-of-late-term-abortion-procedures/]

And in our homeland, half the population not only moralize and defend it, they are proud to fight for it to be practiced!
To get some perspective, 2018 saw 619,591 abortions perpetrated against American children. That’s six hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and ninety-one lives and 20 TIMES the total number of murders in Mexico that same year.
“How could such a seemingly wealthy and first world nation whose elite endlessly rattle on about American values and social justice be so morally ill and conspicuously evil?” Alvarez asked himself.
Alvarez watched people of all races succumbing to evil – hoodwinked by big words like progressivism and high-falutin’ idiotic ideas like equity and – pushed upon them by the mainstream media-entertainment complex and their “demonic” handlers in America’s and El Paso’s Democratic Party and left-wing governments.
Remember this is not Ron Paul’s Texas, but El Paso – the Lonestar State of Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (vile leftist charged with burglary, reckless driving and multiple counts of DWI well into his twenties) and outside of Austin, Texas’ capital of left-wing evil.
Alvarez watched as Mexicans with traditional values who were escaping the evil and corruption of his ancestral homeland were being lost to an even greater evil that had enticed them with offers of money, sexual liberation and abortion on demand.
Still, young Alvarez worked hard, sent money home, and worked some again – all the while growing more and more disillusioned with America and suffering in silence.
Until one day several years ago when he said he heard a voice from God…
Although Alvarez had been a devout Catholic back home in Mexico, he had grown wary of the church due to the fact he felt he had been forcibly separated from God by a greedy, immoral priest – something he told his pastor in Texas.
He felt ill watching as his Roman Catholic church had summarily embraced the politics of the Left – and nowhere more in Texas than in the Democrat-run city of El Paso.
It was at this point he found God again-this time without the help of a profiteering priest.  (Although many priests are decent people, many are bad and corrupt, sadly).
Over the next few years Alvarez developed his relationship with God while he worked to sustain himself and his family.
He toiled 10 hours a day in the fields. His nights were spent in quiet contemplation as he researched the goals of the American left.  He was struggling to come to terms with what he was discovering about America and its unholy alliance with the Devil and only his connection to God gave him comfort.
*** “Pizzagate”
President Clinton talks with White House Chief of Staff John Podesta while working at his desk in the White House Oval Office on the morning of January 20, 2001. Clinton spent his last moments in the Oval Office before welcoming President-elect Bush to the White House for the start of inaugural ceremonies in Washington. (AP Photo/Sharon Farmer,The White House)

John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary Clinton for President 2016


Alvarez traversed the Internet, learning more about the Western evil he had encountered since he had been north of the border, and how it had enabled evil to infect his new home in a very different manner than the evil he had witnessed in his native Mexico.
Whereas Mexico had gangs and cartels, whose mortal evil was driven by greed and disregard for life, America had abortion and militant homosexuality, actions and sins that were directly driven by evil – and, according to Alvarez, an enemy that had “targeted America and Mexican Americans” by positioning themselves as benefactors, philanthropists and allies of the poor within the State since their arrival in the Americas.
‘How could a man lay with another man?’ Alvarez thought to himself, ‘when it is both ungodly and against nature? And why was the El Paso Left pushing this behavior on my Christian people?’
*** American sex- ed comic book
Alvarez struggled with many aspects of Leftism – as well as hated how the Left targeted President Trump with their abject hatred – but always found himself haunted by the fact that the Left was killing children.
Abortion is, after all, the murder of the unborn child.
‘How could the party hoodwink the Mexican people into killing their own kids, pushing heinous sins on the masses?’, he pondered during his daily conversations with God.
These thoughts raced through Joseph Alvarez’s mind as he worked, read, slept and conversed with God.
Then one day he decided he had “had enough” (his words) and wondered what he could do to “defend innocence” and liberate America from evil.
So he began writing letters. First he wrote his friends and family on Facebook. Then he wrote to the church and to people in the State – all to no avail. He then wrote to the United States Army, again to no avail.
“How could people tasked with defending society and the nation not want to stop the murder of innocent babies?”, Alvarez pondered.
Joseph asked God why no one would heed his calls, how his pleas for justice were falling on deaf ears and black hearts in the State and the church.
In his own words: “the Army was to protect people, yet they were allowing babies to be murdered.”
Like Joan of Arc, Alvarez believed that he had been chosen to communicate directly with God and to do God’s bidding by defeating evil, and protecting children of all races from the Left, and from “Jewish satanists” in particular.  This was something Alvarez specified by name towards the end of his investigation. Again these are the martyr’s own chilling words.
Over the next few months Alvarez became even more disillusioned, growing depressed with his feeling of powerlessness.
He watched as El Paso’s Left targeted young women with their evil, steering them in the direction of abortion. He watched as local Leftists were convincing Mexican Americans that Donald Trump hated them, when he knew this not to be true.
He then saw some of these villains on the wealthier side of town attacking President Trump by burning his effigy, and mocking him with signage and in protest.
Alvarez watched all of this unfold during the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. His sense of powerlessness continued to grow until he decided he had to do something. (Again, his own words cited in emails discovered by the police and stated in the official El Paso Police affidavit)
First though, he needed to know who was behind it….so he started doing some digging.
Who was behind this evil? — the young Mexican, who had himself been targeted to join left-wing groups in the name of “social justice,” asked himself.
Alvarez discovered – as so many of us do when we start our journeys – that the people behind the homosexualization of our children in Hollywood were menacing young divorced men also over child support, and destroying Texas families of all backgrounds with their propaganda, and worse still, pushing abortion on the masses.
And this past November Alvarez decided he had had enough.
November 14, 2020
On the evening of Nov. 14 of last year, officers responded to a shooting in an upscale El Paso community.
Local leftist Daniel L. Kaufmann, suffering from gunshot wounds to his head and torso, frantically rang 911 begging for help. He had been shot several times when he went to investigate gunshots in his garage and was in urgent need of assistance.
His wife, Georgette Kaufmann, who had married this jew and was fatally shot by Alvarez, was a white Hispanic, and was buried in a Catholic ceremony. Obituary: “Georgette Frances Garcia-Kaufmann, an assistant attorney general and life-long resident of El Paso, TX, died unexpectedly on Sunday, November 15, 2020, at age 50. She was born in El Paso on May 21, 1970, the daughter of the late George E Garcia and Gloria Garcia (nee Castaneda).”
When police arrived on the scene, they found a trail of blood leading to Kaufmann, who was sitting in a neighbor’s house drifting in and out of consciousness. When he was confronted, he began begging the police to “help him find his wife” who he believed had been “shot in their home” by a “Mexican speaking broken English” – the sort of person the Kaufmanns and Spectors of this world spend decades of their lives fighting to bring into OUR homelands, ironically.
After a search of the area, police discovered the lifeless body of Kaufmann’s wife, a prominent left-wing lawyer and public prosecutor who spent her days terrorizing young divorced men and her nights pushing for the liberalization of America’s abortion and immigration laws.
Police said that “Alvarez shot Georgette Kaufmann through a detached garage door as she returned home and then tried to open a door to the couple’s house.”
According to police, Daniel Kaufmann heard sounds at the door and was allegedly also shot by Alvarez when he walked to the back door to investigate. Alvarez fled the scene, police said, and Daniel Kaufmann somehow managed to reach a neighbor’s home to dial 911.
Daniel Kaufmann told KFOX that he was shot at five times, and was “struck in the head, the shoulder and on the wrist” with the shooter “missing the kill-shot.”
Over the next eight months the police searched the old West Texas town of El Paso for the shooter, scouring the Internet, unearthing email leads and talking to hundreds of people in the community….ultimately arresting Alvarez yesterday.

“El Paso”

Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl
Nighttime would find me in Rosa’s cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirlBlacker than night were the eyes of Felina
Wicked and evil while casting a spell
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain, I could tellOne night a wild young cowboy came in
Wild as the West Texas wind
Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing
With wicked Felina, the girl that I lovedSo in anger I
Challenged his right for the love of this maiden
Down went his hand for the gun that he wore
My challenge was answered in less than a heartbeat
The handsome young stranger lay dead on the floorJust for a moment I stood there in silence
Shocked by the foul evil deed I had done
Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there
I had but one chance and that was to runOut through the back door of Rosa’s I ran
Out where the horses were tied
I caught a good one, it looked like it could run
Up on its back and away I did ride

Just as fast as I
Could from the West Texas town of El Paso
Out to the badlands of New Mexico

Back in El Paso my life would be worthless
Everything’s gone in life; nothing is left
It’s been so long since I’ve seen the young maiden
My love is stronger than my fear of death

I saddled up and away I did go
Riding alone in the dark
Maybe tomorrow, a bullet will find me
Tonight nothing’s worse than this pain in my heart

And at last here I
Am on the hill overlooking El Paso
I can see Rosa’s cantina below
My love is strong, and it pushes me onward
Down off the hill to Felina I go

Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys
Off to my left ride a dozen or more
Shouting and shooting, I can’t let them catch me
I have to make it to Rosa’s back door

Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel
A deep burning pain in my side
Though I am trying to stay in the saddle
I’m getting weary, unable to ride

But my love for Felina is strong

and I rise where I’ve fallen
Though I am weary I can’t stop to rest
I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle
I feel the bullet go deep in my chestFrom out of nowhere Felina has found me
Kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side
Cradled by two loving arms that I’ll die for
One little kiss and, Felina, goodbye………
Why target the Kaufmanns?
According to court documents obtained by the El Paso Times that were released today, Alvarez said he was “executing and exterminating the pro-choice Jewish Satan worshippers” when he descended on the Kaufmanns’ home, “ambushing Georgette Kaufmann before trying to enter the home and shoot her husband too for his actions.”
The El Paso Times reported that Alvarez allegedly targeted a “group of four houses that included the Kaufmanns’ because of their proximity to a local park,” where both Mexican and white children could be “found playing”.
How could people that pushed the execution of children via abortion and by what he believed to be “satanic practices made by Jewish Democrats” be permitted to live in such close proximity to children, Alvarez thought to himself as he had plotted his defense of the local population.
Police, in fact, stated in an affidavit that the suspect committed the “crimes” based on his belief that the four houses were involved in “satanic activities” associated with the local “Memorial Park”.
So he acted…
After the murder, police investigators said they uncovered a message that Alvarez had apparently penned to a U.S. Army email address that included photographs of houses near the park, and images of his “victim’s” driveway, the affidavit stated, per El Paso’s KFOX TV channel”
Why would he ask the US Army to help? It makes sense if one thinks about it. We are supposedly saving children overseas from extremists. As the Left wing extremists are killing kids at home, why not ask for the Army’s help to save them as well?
If any of you have seen what an actual abortion entails, you’d agree that this practice can only ever be something supported by extremists and Satanists. No decent, moral person can believe in their heart that abortion is justified.
Alvarez also said in the email that Memorial Park was the location of a “ritualistic satanic ground to conduct abortions by the manner of magic,” the outlet reported.
Whether this was actually the case or Alvarez based this belief on the fact that a well-known public figure who was actively promoting abortion lived across the street from the park, no one will ever know. It is not like the police are going to investigate the Kaufmanns anytime soon….
Alvarez also allegedly wrote in the email that he targeted the Kaufmanns’ house because they had a “Biden flag and a doll of Trump hanging” in their yard.
Yes “hanging”, as in a…lifeless effigy of our president HANGING as if dead from a civil servant’s home.
The newspaper made sure to stress that Alvarez was a Trump supporter, insinuating that his disdain for the family were down to their support of Biden. If so, why didn’t he target random Demoncrats instead of seeking out specific abortionists? Alvarez targeted the Kaufmanns because they were very vocal advocates of baby-killing, not because they supported Jo and Ho.
Alvarez, while being interviewed, called the Kaufmanns “the ringleaders of the pro-choice people” of the “Jewish Satanist Party” (Democrat party), the El Paso Times also reported. There was no mention of Biden.
Cops said that Alvarez also demanded in his email to the Army that people “stop all murder of babies,” the El Paso Times reported. Alvarez said that the Army should stop it if people won’t stop it.
The El Paso Police noted that on the night of the alleged murder, another house on the targeted block had Democratic and LGBTQ signs on the front lawn, and according to cellphone data collected by investigators, Alvarez had planned on dealing with them next.
So why haven’t we heard about this story?
After all, the man was a Trump-supporting anti-abortion Christian who targeted Jews for the sort of thing Jews were targeted for in 1930’s Germany. Seems like the perfect person to vilify!!
Have a second look at the man’s photo. There’s your answer.


Again, I do not condone this crime, and have n0 idea if the Kaufmanns were engaged in anything directly satanic.

I will only say this, that in the old days white men could always be found to take direct action when blatant evil was afoot and not being taken care of.

There was the concept of righteous wrath.

A Hispanic Texan in 2012 beat a man to death whom he caught in the act of raping his five-year-old little girl. At the sheriff’s recommendation, he was not charged with any crime. It was righteous wrath. https://abcnews.go.com/us/charges-texas-father-beat-death-daughters-molester/story?id=16612071

The coming religion is Virtus, because we again need men to be men.  Too bad a man like Alvarez will probably get the death penalty, because he felt no one was listening to him or doing anything about the evil that is beyond rampant in this once great country.




Remember what John Kennedy said:


Those doing the things this meme below evokes have only themselves to blame if things finally erupt. 




Arrested in Oz for visiting graves of loved ones:




  1. The misnamed “Spanish” Flu of 1918, which killed 50 million people worldwide, most of them young and healthy, originated in Fort Riley, Kansas as a result of a mass vaccination program of U.S. soldiers conducted there by the U.S. Army during World War I:



    Here’s the Rothschild-owned Reuters news agency’s attempt to debunk the above information:


    Coincidentally, Fort Riley has been reported recently to be nearly deserted, which is strange. Maybe it has something to do with the newly-mandated COVID-19 killshots for the U.S. military?:


  2. Joan of Arc was getting too powerful and popular, so the French royals betrayed her to the English as she was a threat to their position. Nothing has changed .

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