Mock Marky — f Faceberg — get your deleted butt over to VK! :-)

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Wha a relief, actually,  that my dear friend Zuckerf–k deleted me (with 3,332 friends) for the third time in January.

January 2019 was when the Big Purge of white nationalists happened, here in the States, but also in Germany, France, etc.

Vlad of course had set up VK to welcome all of us. 😉

VK’s English-language section was kinda dead for years (not the one for the Russkis, of course, 100 million of them 😉 ) until Zuck, after consulting with Angela Merkel, dropped his big bagel boot on everyone whose effectiveness they feared.


Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) spricht mit Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg

Since the January bloodbath, VK has come to life.

And, I mean, it has NO censorship at all — except, of course, lots of profanity or talk of doing specific acts of violence.

I have now 935 VK friends, there are far less CIA/NSA/Israeli trolls (for obvious reasons, this being a Russian site) there, and also IMO far less ignoramuses (ignorami? 😉 ).

In fact, some of the best WNs are here, forced out by Facebook itself so often they finally gave up on it.

Yes, back in 2005……. FB deleted it in seconds.

And why not go crazy deleting stuff?

FB has hired thousands of censors! — ignorant dweebs with safety pins in their cheeks, paid a punk $20K a year to go back three years to find one “offensive “post — and then delete or suspend you! What godlike powers for a loser!

But for months Faceberg tolerated this outright fake profile that claimed I was gay.


(I do still have one vanilla FB account where I dare not post anything “controversial” I just use it to get private messages: “John De-Nugent Aufdeutsch”.)

As you can see, VK has gone full-Julius Streicher. 😉

Is posting on VK just “preaching to the choir”?

Yes. But we need to keep the choir motivated for the Day of Reckoning. 😉

Besides, for a high-profiler or A-lister with 12 million search results on Google,

… is also the only option I have left, and I like that it is Russian.

When you’re me, the Ultimate Nazi (I literally wrote the book 😉 ) if I merely asked someone on FB, “Ju eat? No, ju?” they would probably ban me again. 😉



So, see you over in the free-speech paradise of VK?



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