Faceberg totally deletes Britain First and leader Paul Golding’s page; use VK!

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Dear John,

I have more bad news to report, just a few hours after the last update!

Facebook has taken major action to silence Britain First completelyfrom their platform.

My personal profile (above) has now been completely deletedwithout warning.

The personal profile of our regional organiser for Northern Ireland has been completely deleted without warning.

Several supportive third-party pages have also been been completely deleted.

My personal profile was active for many years and contains years of posts, photos and videos.

About six other personal Facebook profiles of our admins have been completely deleted too.

This means that Britain First has been completely wiped out on Facebook.

Not one to sit and cry into my hands about setbacks such as these, I was immediately on the phone to our solicitors and QC over in Belfast and have sent them the latest evidence.

I have told them I want Facebook dragged into court by Friday, end of story.

All of this comes on top of the deletion of our ‘Britain First Northern Ireland’ page (above) that was removed yesterday.

Enough is enough, Facebook and the other social networks aredestroying freedom of speech and democracy across the Western world.

Our war hero ancestors who died in their millions to preserve freedom in this country have been completely betrayed.

Our leftwing enemies are laughing their backsides off that Britain First has been silenced so effectively.

My reaction is simple: Our enemies may have won a battle, but we will win the war!

We have one of the most prestigious QCs (Queen’s Counsel) ready and willing to lead the fight against Facebook in Belfast, where political discrimination is illegal.

He has sued Facebook – and even Twitter – before.

QCs are at the top of the legal profession – it was a QC that secured the release recently of Tommy Robinson in the court of appeal in London.

They know what they are doing, they are the best of the best and our QC has confirmed we have a strong case against Facebook.

Now all we need is to ‘plunge the knife’, so to speak, and drag them into court.

Not only has Facebook discriminated against Britain First, but now they have silenced me personally and also our Northern Ireland organiser, so this will be a joint organisational and personal claim against them.

Please, if you can spare just a tenner to help us take immediate action against the Facebook fascists then please click below and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me in this fight for freedom and democracy:


Yours sincerely,

Britain First

Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First

PS: If you would prefer to join/donate by cheque, please click on the link below:






….My comment

Golding used to be with the BNP, where hard-core chairman Nick Griffin and many others knew him, so he is completely Jew-wise, but decided people were just too brainwashed about the JQ. So he sticks to issues the white British working class does grasp, such as Islam and pedophiles.

I note that he can now only accept donations mailed by check. No Paypal, Stripe, Visa — nothing electronic and convenient.


I note also these two sad warnings:

3. Please do not put ‘Britain First’ on the envelope as leftwing postal workers may sabotage its delivery

4. We are only able to accept cheques in Pound Sterling (GBP) – we cannot accept cheques in Euros or Dollars or any other currency


The Jews’ financial death grip tightens.

Margi says she was just suspended by Noseberg for one day for using the word “rapefugees”….

Roger W. Smith My wife got 30 days today for a post saying our children will stick to our own kind
John de Nugent Goyim have no rights. Yahweh created earth for His people. https://johndenugent.com/…/ovadiah-joseph-rabbi…


My number of FB friends has held steady at around 2,700 for a good year. And why, since I get 10 requests or more every day? I should have 5,000 FB friends within three weeks! The Chosen tyrant Faceberg keeps deleting them, dozens every week.



Steve Clark Sheepdip Mountain.
Steve Clark You get lots of flak because your accuracy is right on target and the J-Team fears you.
After speaking with you on the phone last time in Boston I can see why you pose such a serious threat. You have a pleasant, intellectual voice that could easily be used successfully in professional broadcasting.
If my financial situation changes for the better or next time in USA I’ll try to make a donation to your cause because you really help America! If we had just 100 more like you then we would immediately win the war against LIES!
John de Nugent Thanks, Steve. I enjoyed your call, too! I get few calls, maybe because of my overall image of perhaps mad genius or, even scarier, Adolf II.  One person who helped me for two weeks when Margi moved back up here said “John,you are the nicest guy to just talk to. It is amazing how few people just pick up the phone and say Hi. You put your number out there constantly.”
Charles Krafft I had 2,500 FB friends four years ago. Today I have half that many. Trolls send FB password change requests. Failed “artist” friends from the local art community leave nasty ad hominem attacks whenever they don’t agree with some offhanded post I’ve made.
I’m also under some sort of FB surveillance, or the victim of FB’s “trusted flaggers” program who have suceeded in getting my page blocked 3 times for a total of 90 days. I get thrown in FB jail even while my page is blocked and I haven’t been able use it! Usually they show you the post they don’t like, but now I don’t know what I’ve done to warrant the 30 day FB jail sentences they been meting out to me. Boo hoo.
John de Nugent Well,you have stature, Charles, and are considered a serious threat, as Wagner and other great artists were and are. https://www.haaretz.com/…/israeli-public-radio-plays…
John de Nugent Plus your fair hair, and German last name, which, even worse, means “strength.” 
Charles Krafft I’ve got a pretty good library of old paleoconservative titles from Devin-Adair, Western Islands and other right wing publishing houses when they were supplying bookstores and libraries. We need a repository of this excellent, but dated, information somewhere. I’m sad about Ernst Zündel’s library in Pigeon Forge, TN getting sold off to the wrong people. That’s was his 2nd one. The first one was firebombed, along with his home in Toronto, by hissing and spitting Pinocchio Dills.
John de Nugent I have said it until blue in the face — use VK, the Russian Facebook, which is censorship-free (except don’t overly push either AH or Holo debunking). If we just moved there and merely kept “vanilla” accounts here (cat videos and holiday pix  ) on Little Marky’s nasty site here, our Amerikin normie friends could still find us, AND this emigration step would popularize this Russian social medium a lot (IT HAS ONE HUNDRED MILLION USERS). We could stop putting up with this stinking Shnozzbook and the hooks’ double-standard (((Community Guidelines))) for good!






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