Fairly accurate, though negative, article in Israeli newspaper on homosexuals and prostitutes under Hitler

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Wehrmacht bordello located in a former synagogue in Brest, Belarus.

Many militaries have always had regulated prostitution services on the QT. Adolf Hitler had common-sense ideas about keeping both his soldiers and enemy concentration-camp workers happier by setting up carefully supervised, safe and hygenic prostitution services that did not spread horrible diseases. I know a woman in Florida today who tragically could not have children because her husband cheated on her with a prostitute, he got infected, then passed the VD on to his innocent wife, this woman I know, who then lost the ability forever to have children despite several surgeries.

As for the informative article below, it is always “interesting” when jews, for whatever reason, occasionally write the truth. 😉  Usually it is to enhance their “cred” and claim “honesty” — so they can spew lies and get them believed on a later page. 😉


Röhm was indeed not killed because he was gay, but because he planned to overthrow me.  Then the Reichswehr, the Army, would have overthrown him, ending the Third Reich.

I tolerated very discreet gays who did truly excellent work otherwise, especially in the arts and theater, and who never promoted or flaunted it, or seduce youth. This book confirms this.

As for prostitution, well, the problem of “incels” (“involuntary celibates”) is now very serious.

Sex is a physical need, as are bonding, TLC, loving and feeling loved.

I know that I feel better for hours after making love, and Margi sings in the kitchen. 😉

Sex is about 1) making beautiful babies to continue our race and nation,


2) engaging in the great and highly maturing challenge of parenthood,

3) having some needed fun 😉


and 4) deeper bonding between men and women, who otherwise squabble more because they are quite different. 😉

Under national socialism 2.0, every healthy and productive man and woman will live in a society rich in sex, in love, in solid marriage, in children and frolicking grandchildren.

But first we must kill the snake.








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