Falling sperm counts ‘threaten human survival’, expert warns; this is a satanic warning-the-victim article

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Epidemiologist Shanna Swan says low counts and changes to sexual development could endanger human species. Swan offers advice on how to protect ourselves from damaging chemicals and urges people to ‘do what we can to safeguard our fertility, the fate of mankind, and the planet’. Photograph: Burazin/Getty Images

There is a black-magick rule that you must warn your intended victim exactly what you plan to do with him or her. If the victim neither fights nor flees, then you may proceed.

Of course, if a new religion WERE to arise that strips away the egoic mind, then people would stop being in denail of very plain facts,and a lethal warning would be heeded INSTANTLY.

People would either fight or flee (or flee, then fight AFTER first organizing and adequately arming themselves).

I remember a very heavily promoted History Channel series in 2009-10 called “After People.”  The entire human race has died out, and now the buildings and cities are crumbling. The sinister undertone was that this was not sad but a good thing. Mother Nature was reclaiming the world, and everything was getting nice and green again…..


How could it be a good thing?

World weariness. Hey, I feel it myself at times, watching people act insane, and swallow obvious lies from obvious liars. Every poll shows people despise and distrust politicians and reporters, yet they gobble up the very next lie they tell! Every false-flag attack is believed by 50-90%. All you have to do is hype and repeat if for a few weeks straight.

In the brilliant Protocols of the Elders of Zion (written by either the jews or, as many antisemites today believe, by the most brilliant, most anonymous antisemite ever), it says we jews will create from behind the scenes such chaos, strife and misery, while blaming it publicly on various goyim, that the goy masses will actually come to us and BEG us to rule them.

And the first thing the jews will do as absolute rulers is say:

“There are too many people.”

This is one of the most important articles you will ever read.





Falling sperm counts ‘threaten human survival’, expert warns

Writing in a new book, Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, warns that the impending fertility crisis poses a global threat comparable to that of the climate crisis.

It comes after a study she co-authored in 2017 found that sperm counts in the west had plummeted by 59% between 1973 and 2011, making headlines globally.

Now, Swan says, following current projections, the median sperm count is set to reach zero in 2045. “That’s a little concerning, to say the least,” she told Axios.

In the book, Swan and co-author Stacey Colino explore how modern life is threatening sperm counts, changing male and female reproductive development and endangering human life.

It points to lifestyle and chemical exposures that are changing and threatening human sexual development and fertility. Such is the gravity of the threats they pose, she argues, that humans could become an endangered species.

“Of five possible criteria for what makes a species endangered,” Swan writes, “only one needs to be met; the current state of affairs for humans meets at least three.”

Swan offers advice on how to protect themselves from damaging chemicals and urges people to “do what we can to safeguard our fertility, the fate of mankind, and the planet”.

Between 1964 and 2018 the global fertility rate fell from 5.06 births per woman to 2.4. Now approximately half the world’s countries have fertility rates below 2.1, the population replacement level.

While contraception, cultural shifts and the cost of having children are likely to be contributing factors, Swan warns of indicators that suggest there are also biological reasons – including increasing miscarriage rates, more genital abnormalities among boys and earlier puberty for girls.

Swan blames “everywhere chemicals”, found in plastics, cosmetics and pesticides, that affect endocrines such as phthalates and bisphenol-A.

“Chemicals in our environment and unhealthy lifestyle practices in our modern world are disrupting our hormonal balance, causing various degrees of reproductive havoc,” she writes.

She also said factors such as tobacco smoking, marijuana and growing obesity play a role.




…….so, you see, the jew has warned the victim.

Then, the issue is denial.

The egoic mind can deny anything.

So our own mind is the main enemy.

The jew is just an opportunist, exploiting this vulnerabilty. A healthy organism would repel this tiny parasite.


……See also

Alien whistleblower you cannot trust: Robert Dean, ret. Command Sergeant Major at NATO


6) The process of conquering a planet involves location of beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency. These located beings are then told that they are the Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer or lead the human race and rule the world for their Gray masters.

7) Often the located beings are physically taken aboard a craft and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them serve the Grays. The function of the Elite is to decimate portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled.


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