False-Flag-o-rama: video proves Capitol Hill police were UNDER ORDERS to let Trump supporters just waltz in the Capitol

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While Antifa was breaking windows elsewhere, the police were doing their part here to get Trumpers into the Capitol. One of the Trumpers is heard to say “They’re gonna lock us in!”, and a policeman says, “I disagree with it, but I respect it.” They were obviously ordered to open the doors. This was “storming” the Capitol? 




Cops in North Wing move barricades away and step aside:



…..Trump supporter asks Antifa why they are breaking Capitol windows

Trump supporter to Antifa smashing the Capitol building windows:

“Hey, WTF, man! Are you Antifa? Are You fucking Antifa? What are you doing??”

I found this video only on VK, and somehow it cannot display here.




…Proud Boys in DC give Antifa thugs a good hiding


…..Adolf Hitler’s Spot-On 1936 Speech on the Evil of Soviet Bolshevism (Transcript)

“The aim of Bolshevism … is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews.”

“Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions: The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state.”

This post first appeared on Russia Insider

Delivered at the September 1936 Nuremberg Nazi party rally. Source: The Ethnic European.

“We do not deny the grave concern which we feel at the thought of other nations becoming a victim of Bolshevism towards which we are deadly antagonistic. This deadly enmity of ours is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognise any ideas that may be contrary to ours. But this hostility is based on a natural feeling of revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and Germany.

The first phase in the fight of National Socialism against Communism did not take place inside Russia.

Soviet Communism tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920, and its methods of penetration into this country was much the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik military machine closer and closer to German frontiers.

We have stamped out Bolshevism, which Moscow’s blood-fiends such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc. tried to introduce into Germany. And it is because we see day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our domestic affairs have not yet ceased, that we are forced to regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as our deadly enemy.

We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a philosophy that endeavoured to poison and destroy our people. And Bolshevism will continue to be fought if it attempts to introduce its sordid Spanish methods into Germany (Spanish Civil War).

It is not the aim of Bolshevism to free nations from their ailments. Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews. Under no circumstances do we want our national intelligence debased.

Communism, however, cannot deny that in Russia today 98% of all official positions are held by Jews who not only can never be classed as members of the proletariat, but who have never earned an honest penny in their lives.

We have fought Bolshevism because its leaders had planned for us a slaughter house on Russian and Spanish lines. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions. The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state.

The German people were familiar with the true nature of Bolshevism whilst the peoples of Britain and the United States were kept in ignorance. Censorship protected Jewish-owned finance houses and corporate interests that were investing in Bolshevik USSR.


We believe that it is a bigger task to put five million people back to work than to burn down houses and churches and allow hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants and others to kill each other. We have also fought Bolshevism on general economic grounds.

From time to time, the world hears of hunger famines in Russia. Since 1917, that is, since the victory of Bolshevism, there is no end to this form of distress. Russia, starving for close on 20 years, was one of the richest grain countries in the world.

When compared with Germany, Russia possesses eighteen times more land per head of population, and yet what a sorry form of economic policy this country must have to deny its people a decent form of livelihood. If Bolshevism in Russia, however, does not succeed in getting nine farmers to produce sufficient to at least support one non-farmer what then would have happened in Germany, where two and a half farmers produce enough to support seven and a half non-farmers?

What would have happened to Germany and the whole of its economic structure if Jewish-Bolshevik economic malpractice had ever been allowed to take root here?

We have fought Bolshevism because a victory for it in Germany would have spelled starvation for perhaps 50% of our population. If Russia were incapable of supporting not even eight people per square kilometre, then in Germany under Bolshevik rule, not even ten million would have had the necessary minimum standard of living. For here in Germany, our 68 million people occupy the same area, which in Russia would not support more than 5 million.

Bolshevism preaches world revolution, and it would use the German workers as cannon fodder for the attainment of its goal. We National Socialists, however, do not want our military forces to be used for forcing upon other nations something that they do not want. Our Army does not swear an oath that it will carry our National Socialist ideology to other nations.

British politicians in England have so far not had the opportunity of learning what Communism in one’s own country stands for. But we have.

As I am the one who has fought against this Judeo-Soviet teaching in Germany and stamped it out. I flatter myself that I possess more understanding of the true character of Bolshevism than those armchair critics who at most have read up on the subject a little.


Today, I follow the spread of Bolshevik poison throughout the world just as assiduously as I followed its poisonous trail years ago in Germany, and never lost an opportunity of warning the country. The abhorrent mass-murders of nationalists, the burning alive of wives of nationalist officers after soaking them in petrol, the revolting murder of children of nationalist parents as for example in Spain, should serve as a warning to help to break down resistance in other countries.”


  1. I commented extensively about the coming alien invasion hoax on the Daily Stormer site years ago, back when it had an active comments section. Anglin didn’t know anything about that subject at the time. I also immediately called out the coronavirus “pandemic” as a hoax in a comment on this site, well before Anglin did on his DS site – he was still parroting the official COVID-19 mainstream media propaganda at the time. Now he’s claiming credit for both of these:


    When you think about it, what better way to distract people’s minds from the destruction of their freedoms than to posit a truly alien threat from outer space, one that will necessitate a (Jewish-owned) all-powerful world government to fight this horrible threat? Ronald Reagan made several references to such a scenario back in the 1980s. The possibilities for the Jews are endless, including the scenario where they claim that human-looking aliens (i.e. white Trump supporters) are among us, and must be identified, hunted down and killed via 24 x 7 surveillance, restrictions on all freedoms, and special “Men in Black” teams to eradicate these “evil white aliens” who are plotting to take over the world.

    • Disappointed in Anglin — so much is factually wrong here, though not an alien hoax justifying a one-world government, of course.

      Wernher von Braun’s secretary at Fairchild Industries near Wash. DC, whither the jews had banished him and other paleo-“Nazis” after the “moon landings,” stated years ago that he had revealed to her that such a thing was in planning.

  2. So the Communists may be killing off their own and still there is no counter fighting being done. We are constantly being told, “just a few more days” and we shall see battle offensive in action. If Martial Law were already invoked, the military would already be in control, even of all the lying media spewing Biden/Harris lies. A reminder that there are multitudes of radio/TV stations all across the country vulnerable to access. Fight back to survive has to start before it is too late. And all those lying news reporters may actually already be elimination targets by their own Commie comrades. (Make Tucker Carlson sweat, even?)
    THE DEAD TELL NO TALES. And we only know about the capitol police officer who let antifa in “committing suicide” because he was high profile. The poll workers are probably already dealth with.
    I have ALWAYS stated on this site, right from the beginning that as soon as the useful idiots complete the idiotic task of destroying this country, the communists will kill them, FIRST because they know what happened, and are proven traitors even a communist can’t trust. This has now happened to a high profile individual – the capitol police officer that let Antifa in.”

  3. Because there is no longer law and order, because no legal federal mandate has been invoked, the Communist Antifa/BLM are given unhindered freedom to be violent subversives. The Insurrection Act may not have been carried out, and Martial Law may not be enforced by the military, but Trump as President should have done his office duty to publicly invoke them. Trump may be safe and alive, but he is proving to be an egotistical fraud. The Communists are busy busting Trump supporters and avidly hunting them down to destroy. Just where is the needed defense of Patriots?

    WOW: Huge Antifa mob in New York City right now with SHIELDS and masks and probably non-purged Twitter accounts
    JAN. 10, 2021 12:54 PM BY FRED T

    “A massive mob of Antifa are marching in New York City right now. Carrying shields, wearing “pig” masks and signs against the police, claiming to oppose fascism and making a show of force and intimidation.

    They did the same every night this week in various places, including Portland, where there was vandalism and attacks on government buildings.

    While this particular march through the streets by an armed, masked, anti-government, anti-police force is ongoing, CNN has been non-stop all day explaining that the real threat people in their homes and businesses should be worried about is Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.
    This country is a bad, bad place.”

  4. National Guard in D.C. and throughout the country called up to support the Communist takeover.

    Trump never even showed an effort to stop this. He fed his ego on huge campaign rallies, and let the Antifa/BLM do whatever they wanted in violence and crime all the while.

    Now America is going down with Patriots being called the enemy, because Trump didn’t know how to be a brave leader.

    So how many National Guardsmen are willing and ready to shoot on order American Patriots?

    FBI warns of armed protests in ALL 50 states if Trump is removed before Inauguration Day: Thousands of National Guard watch over Capitol and DC monuments close ahead of Biden swearing-in

    PUBLISHED: 10:36 EST, 11 January 2021 |
    [Many photos of America’s uniformed traitors]

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