False flag to end Trump presidency imminent? Two very different sources predict massacre of protesters (to trigger impeachment?)

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The jewish state of Israel has many trained female snipers, some of whom, as Ashkenazim, look very white. The transformation of peaceful protest in Ukraine in 2014 into violent revolution began after Ukrainian jewish snipers on rooftops or high windows began massacring non-violent demonstrators, which, as intended, triggered outrage against the then president (the elected, pro-Russian Vanukovich). Ukrainian jews then openly took over the entire Ukrainian government — president, prime minister and mayor of the capital, Kiev — ripped the country off financially, and moved it toward NATO and the EU.

….horrible dream

A comrade who has done excellent, factual research in the past on history and current events suddenly sent me something quite different, a vivid, jarring dream which deeply disturbed him.

And it might be the same incident that someone else just warned about, or a similar incident, and part of a cluster of multi-step false flag operations designed to quickly end the Trump Administration — long before the electionblaming white troops, white cops and/or even white nationalists.


Had a weird dream early this morning right before waking, which is probably the only reason I remember it. I was in downtown Chicago in a tall building,

….observing many thousands of BLM / Antifa protestors who were rioting in the streets below, near the train station at Michigan Avenue.

Suddenly, there was a gigantic explosion originating from the underground train station, which sent tons of debris flying hundreds of feet into the air, even to the level of where I was observing from inside the tall building. People were running and screaming everywhere, and huge clouds of dust billowed through the streets, similar to the 2001 WTC attacks.

Then, in my dream, I was suddenly at the back of an empty, dark concert hall of some type, practice-firing a high-powered rifle with a scope at black circular targets arranged like the Kabbalah “Tree of Life” on the stage. A handler was to my left, commenting favorably on my accuracy in hitting the black circular targets. I have no idea what this part of the dream could have meant, but it seemed very symbolic.

Usually, when I have weird dreams like this, they foretell disturbing future events.

For example, the night before the first space-shuttle disaster, I had a dream about flying almost straight up in Manfred von Richtofen’s red WWI triplane, which had thick ice that was forming on the red wings, and caused the plane to crash. That space shuttle mission, as you know, had a red or rust-colored external fuel tank which exploded after ice formed on one of the two external solid-fuel booster rockets, causing a rubber O-ring to shrink and give way, which directed hot exhaust gases onto the hydrogen-fuel-containing, red or rust-colored fuel tank.

So, my dream the previous night was definitely prophetic, although it was symbolic and didn’t directly feature the space shuttle.

So, maybe it was just something I ate, or maybe it was another prophetic dream of some kind – time will tell.

But since the Coronavirus hoax and the BLM / Antifa riots appear not to have worked too well for the Jews, maybe they are planning to escalate their attack on Trump’s 2020 reelection prospects to outright terrorism and assassination.

That is my gut feeling.

I replied (https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-taking-divine-hints/#comment-621510):


Thanks for sharing this.

Chicago would certainly make sense as the chosen location: black, lesbian Demoncrat mayor;

previous mayor was the Israeli Mossadist Rahm Emanuel; jew Demoncrat governor of Illinois (from the infamous Pritzker family); infamous resident Barack Obama; etc.


You came to the right place for sharing such things because, as I have explained in great detail, and I did so with Margi and another comrade right away, before the event, I had a prophetic vision of gunfire exactly 24 hours — to the minute — before the faux Charleston Church Shooting.

Reviewing the dubious Charleston SC “massacre,” my detailed premonition, and the Charlottesville VA car killing

If it is your solemn word of honor you had this dream about Chicago and a huge explosion, and I am sure it is, then this will not end here. Trump knows who I am.

He replied (https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-taking-divine-hints/#comment-621512):

Yes – I had this dream, and have no reason to lie about such things.

And he later added (https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-taking-divine-hints/#comment-621514)

Regarding my weird dream, I said the huge explosion seemed to originate from the underground train station at Michigan Avenue, but I forgot to mention that there is a large underground parking garage adjacent to that underground train station, which has an unmanned entrance ramp on Michigan Avenue.

I don’t want to give the jews ideas, but it would be very easy for a Deep-State operative to drive a van or small rental truck packed with explosives into that underground parking garage, and detonate it via a timer or cellphone call. This may have been the real source of the huge explosion that I “saw” in my dream.

Hopefully, it was just a bad dream.


…..Gosia says her Taygetans (Pleiadian Nordics) warn of imminent false-flag attack (BLM demonstrators massacred by “Trump’s troops” — actually (((Deep-State operatives))) — and by (((snipers))) on rooftops à la Ukraine 2014; Trump is removed from office over the massacre, Pence becoming the RINO president until the Demoncrat victory in November under Biden and Michelle Obama; then Biden resigns (for “health”?) to make Michelle Robinson Obama the President of the United States

Excerpt from her thesis at Princeton:



  1. Sono riuscita a spedirti quello che ti avevo promesso,se tutto va bene ci vogliono tre settimane.
    Mi auguro arrivi prima del tuo compleanno..se Dio vuole!
    Sono tanto felice…

  2. John, I had a horrific dream about a year ago. I dreamt that I was lying in the ruins of my house, totally naked, and my whole body was covered in radiation burns. I was in total agony, and I said to myself “Oh God, I just want to die.” I was in such pain, and I had a feeling that there had been a nuclear war between America and, get this, China. It was so real. It appeared the Chinese had nuked my city in Australia. I know it sounds fantastic, but I’ll say it seemed so very real.

  3. For excellent reports unmasking jewish/masonic/leftist/democrat/msm/soros (when will they finally put that beast behind bars?), and blatant efforts in starting a race war in the usa, see:


    The latest minireport was how cnn whitened the photograph of a brown policeman in an obvious attempt to stir up the desired race war!

    That site sometimes is difficult to reach in updated version because of cybernetic war against it.

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