UPDATED Famous revisionist with $500K home stiffs Margi (battling Stage 3 cancer) for twenty thousand dollars, but announces — after protest — he is “praying” for her

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—– Weitergeleitete Nachricht —–
Von: F[]@bellatlantic.net>
An: margaret huffstickler <Margaret[]@yahoo.com>
Gesendet: Samstag, 6. April 2019, 17:49:26 GMT-4
Betreff: Re: Loan Status

Hi Margaret,
I know the date and will do the best possible! within the very near future.!!!! I understand you do need the funds.!! We are praying for you!

[JdN: Actually, F, you should be praying for yourself at this point. We Marines are known for being “no better friends — and no worse enemies.”]

On 4/5/2019 5:19 AM, margaret huffstickler wrote:

Hi F[]

I hope your health is continuing to improve – c. dif is a scary thing!

I was a little puzzled after our conversation Wednesday, because I couldn’t tell whether you remembered that your promissory note specifies March 30, 2019 as the due date for repayment of my loan to you.


With this villain’s name deleted (for the moment)


The money is particularly important to me at this time, because I am not using Medicare-covered chemo and radiation to treat my cancer, but natural, “alternative” therapies. Did you know that alternatively-treated cancer patients who run out of money are 80% more likely to die than those who don’t? And I have almost run out of money by now, after almost a year of treating my cancer naturally – except for the money I lent you, and which I am counting on.



…..My comment

F said in a thick Northeastern accent it would be a “debt of honah” to repay Margi, who has declined in weight from 120 pounds down to 90 (from cachexia, wasting away of muscle mass) and needs the funds for her cancer therapy, which is all paid out of pocket.
We shall see if appeals to morality or peer pressure work. One thing is certain: cancer victims do not need the incredible additional stress this heinous betrayal has caused her, with her funds now way down.
F has avoided all her reminders of the repayment due date, and has not apologized for anything, speaking to her in a callous and defiant tone, not even offering (at her suggestion) to send her $50 a month, which in any case is unacceptable in view of her dire medical condition.
She needs the $20K back and NOW.
This fool has no idea of the wrath he will incur from literally all camps, all races, all cultures, ideologies and religions.
The jewsmedia will probably go ballistic on this for their own reasons.
And this man will go down in history, and I do mean DOWN, not only for his important revisionist report of decades ago, but also for shafting a possibly dying woman with known false pretenses of how he was going to repay her by getting some lucrative consulting job in his former field when he knows he is on a total blacklist and in fact has instead had to work as a senior-citizen-center shuttle bus driver.
(I met the guy in 1988 or ’89 at an IHR conference and he came across as a nerd and space cadet. Ernst Zündel said he seemed oblivious as to how the Jews would react to his work.)
To welsh without even an apology on a loan to a woman fighting Stage 3 cancer… who out of KINDNESS saved the roof over his head…is beyond the pale. It is something a narcissist or even a psychopath would do.
With this villainy, at least, the old, secular, race-reason, IQ-difference, conspiracy-discussing white nationalism of race facts and jew exposés is officially dead, provably morally bankrupt…and stripped of any claim that its adherents are morally better than anyone else.
WNs simply reflect the jew-sickened society we are surrounded by, and have grown up in since childhood, where the concepts of “honor” and “shame” are meaningless.
In a way, F defrauding Margi (and God forbid she dies as a result of her treatment funds being exhausted) can tragically lead to a radical rethinking of our cause that can lead instead to ultimate victory.
The real enemy is truly not the Jew, but ourselves, the egoic mind in ourselves… which the jew cultivates, skillfully and diabolically, in order to corrupt us, divide us and then conquer us, the Gentiles who outnumber him in America by 45 to 1.
As the great French antisemitic writer and playwright Jouhandeau put it:

…. a comrade wrote me

Hi. John,
As I wrote in my prior email, I spoke to Margi yesterday and she/we thought it would be best if she first wrote to Diane (and then spoke to her by phone) and then waited to see what she might be able to do before I tried to contact Fred.  If that does not work out I am willing to try to contact him (maybe by going to his house) and speak to him about this issue.
I feel a little concerned in that you are (understandably) very angry and if you take action based on that anger that could work against you in court, if you do eventually try to use the courts.  Also, you said you wanted to threaten to destroy F’s reputation.  But my guess is that his reputation is not worth $20,000 to him.  (i.e., he would rather weather the storm of bad publicity and a tarnished reputation rather than give up $20,000.)
In other words, I would guess that this threat would not cause him to pay the money back.  (But I certainly don’t know for sure.  That is really just a guess.)
I replied:
Dear V,
Well, then he will be made an example of.
It is wrong to let a man get away with theft that could cost Margi her life! And that is that.
Spirituality does not mean spinelessness, and being pushed around. If the man is indeed a narcissist or psychopath, then only, as Hitler said, “either-or” will work.
Either pay what you owe,
…..or suffer the loathing of both the world AND your comrades,
…..and then pay what you owe.






    • Thank you. I will read it. We are aware of Dr. Kelley, who is revered by today’s natural cancer specialists. Margi has done tremendous research on cancer already. Unfortunately head & neck cancer, almost as much as pancreatic cancer, is relatively hard to treat.

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