Far-right Italians riot over new Covid lockdown; Germans facing return to drastic first lockdown; 1/3 of bars/restaurants facing extinction

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…..Germany: Merkel using fake “second wave” to clamp down even harder 

The WN/pro-German National Journal had an excellent piece (in German) comparing Merkel with Stalin.

The original: http://www.concept-veritas.com/nj/sz/2020/10_Okt/23.10.2020.htm (A Google translation into English of this comes later in this article.)

The thrust of it was:


–Stalin, a true psychopath, literally loved just one thing, deep-down —  to sadistically terrify, harm, torture and kill people, including his own friends who were also brave, loyal communists who had risked their lives for a bolshevik revolution (and among them were many German communists who had fled from Hitler Germany in 1933 to Moscow, where in 1938 they were arrested unexpectedly — and shot by the thousands!)

–to show just how hard-core stalinistic the East German communist regime was which Angela Merkel, née Kasner, joined as a young person.

The Berlin Wall

An East German Selbstschussapparat, an “automatic shooting apparatus,” was a kind of lethal robot that was mounted on the wire fence that was one part of the massive border fortifications. It fired a burst of three bullets in the direction of any tug on the wire fence that was made by someone trying to escape.

A design sketch of this murderous device:

Diagram of the inner German border fortification system circa 1984. The border (1) shown in the diagram cuts across a road which formerly linked east and west.

Proceeding from west to east, the zonal border is marked on the western side by signposts (2) saying “HALT HIER GRENZE” (“STOP HERE BORDER”).

Just behind the border, there is a border marker pole (3) with diagonal black, red and yellow stripes. The border is otherwise unmarked until the fortifications begin well into East German territory, leaving a strip of unfortified borderland (4). A short distance after the zonal border, i.e. on the Eastern side, the road is dug up (5), so there is an anti-vehicle ditch across its whole width. Then follows a metal-mesh fence (6), with a double gate (7) where the road is. To the left of the road, the metal-mesh fence forks to form a double fence (8); the area between the two fences is mined. Near the road, instead of a second metal-mesh fence, there is a concrete-faced anti-vehicle ditch (9). Next follows a flood-lit control strip (10); behind that, a guard patrol road running parallel to the border (11). After that comes a strip of open green territory containing various types of guard towers (13, 15, 16), a dog run (17) and an observation bunker (14); this is delimited by a signal fence which has floodlights spaced at regular intervals (18). The signal fence curves around a village (19) that is close to the border, excluding it from the border strip. Where it crosses the road, the signal fence has a gate (21), and further up the road, i.e. deeper in East German territory, the road is blocked by a horizontal barrier, beside which there is a little house (22).

In 2017 I wrote an article exposing Merkel as a high-level communist, and rising young star in Communist East Germany until it collapsed.

Merkel (the only one in a dark jacket, and buttoned up to the chin) is seen excitedly clapping in December 1987 with top adult leaders and VIPs of communist East Germany for a “Free German Youth” rock concert.

The dark-haired man in the video is Günter Schabowski (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnter_Schabowski), editor of the supreme communist newspaper, “Neues Deutschland” [ = “New Germany”], and a top member of the Central Committee and the Politbüro.

The man with the high-puffed, blow-dried gray hair is Egon Krenz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egon_Krenz), the last leader of East Germany. (He was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for manslaughter in connection with fatal shootings of East Germans seeking to escape East Germany by crossing the Berlin Wall.)

In 1985, Egon Krenz, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic
(East Germany)
, congratulates the feared General Erich Mielke, head of the East German version of the KGB, the Stasi, on the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Stasi, the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit:
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MFS or Statsi) / Ministry for State Security / East Germany

So whereas Angela Merkel today pretends to have been an anti-communist, or just misled in her innocent youth, or “going along with tide,”…..

She was an official, a “Propagandasekretär,” of the FDJ, the “Free [LOL] German Youth”


Atage 17 in 1972 in an East German civil-defense exercise

….the controlled German media hides the fact she was a major young communist figure.

That is obviously the only way she got to appear on the leadership stand, swaying to music with the biggest bigshots of the vile East German regime!

German patriots also often refer to Angela Merkel scathingly as “IM Erika”, claiming Stasi (secret police) records refer to her.

“IM” means “Inoffizielle Mitarbeiterin” ( = “Inofficial Collaboratrix”) and “Erika” was her code name.

IM persons gave information to the secret police, the Stasi, on their own friends and neighbors, betraying them, sometimes for money.

As for her father, Helmut Kasner, how many “pastors” like him in their right mind would leave the safety of the FRG [Federal Republic of Germany, that is, of West Germany] in 1954 and move into the then still completely Stalinist, ultra-atheistic GDR?

17 June 1953 uprising by workers across East Germany against communism; hundreds were killed by Soviet-bolshevik communists using tanks and machine guns

Two demonstrators hurl stones at Soviet tanks on Leipziger Platz in East Berlin, Germany on June 17, 1953. Growing unrest in East Germany erupted into open rebellion when about 50,000 East Berliners revolted against communist rule. Russian armor moved in to quell the uprising. (AP Photo)

The coat of arms of East Germany featured, btw, the openly Freemasonic symbol of the circle compass  at the center.

The “national anthem” of East Germany, “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” [ = Resurrected from the Ruins”] was composed by the squat little half-Jewish communist Hanns Eisler on the left, with communist playwright Bertolt Brecht on the right.

In any case, Angela Merkel was the one politician who dared to open the doors to a muslim tsunami in 2015, as in “Refugees Welcome” — causing thousand of rapes and murders, and leading to the bitter German expression “rapefugee.”
and an African muslim threw a German mother and her little son onto the Frankfurt-station train tracks.As civilians wailed and shrieked, and the mother lunged desperately for her son, the boy was cut in half.

Infamously, the German police warned the mother that only immediate family would be allowed to attend the funeral and burial, not the general public, or else it could lead to racism…

And now this same witch is the biggest Covid lockdown fanatic in Europe….

Some would say she is like a female reincarnation of Joseph Stalin. She seems to hate the German people, who, however, have voted her in the most craven and sheeplike manner into power as chancellor over and over again for 14 years as the head of the “conservative” [sic] Christian Democratic Union party,  which the American CIA set up in December 1945 in puppet West Germany……

……National Journal article on Merkel and Stalin


The re-establishment of the Stalinist world terror system is taking place under the term “corona pandemic”

The 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia was indeed a “pandemic”. Not just because of the approximately 50 million dead, all of which had been murdered, but because it was an unprecedented, spiritual-satanic plague. A “pandemic” that, after various successful containments, managed to resurrect again and again under new names. Currently under the slogan “Corona”, but under similar totalitarian measures as in the “Stalinist and Maoist Communism Pandemic”. One of several explanations why Merkel rules full of hatred of everything German, why she is happy to accept the death of children with the Corona Stalin masks, why she totally suppresses all free thinking and the persecution of libertarians on an unprecedented terrorism The climax can be explained in connection with the story and her personal vita. For her, “Corona” is just once more a means of propaganda to achieve her goal: the establishment of a Stalinist reign of terror!

The idea of ​​building a single world terror system is almost as old as Talmudic financial Judaism. The Communist Revolution of 1917 in Russia was led primarily by Jews ( 85 percent were Jews according to Putin ) and financed by the Jewish financial tycoons of New York (Wall Street). The March 24, 1917 New York Times headline: “How Jacob H. Schiff Funded Revolutionary Propaganda in the Tsarist Army.” Then came a report detailing a large communist rally at Carnegie Hall, New York, in celebration of the Bolshevik Revolution. A message from Schiff is quoted in the NYT report which states:“Will you please tell those who are attending today’s gathering how deeply I regret that it is impossible for me to celebrate with the Friends of Russian Freedom the reward of what we have hoped and fought for over so many years . ” We owe these revelations to the former economics professor at the State University of California, Prof. Dr. Anthony C. Sutton (1925-2002). Prof. Sutton was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University from 1968 to 1973.

The work of this world epidemic was confirmed on February 9, 1938 by the then Polish ambassador to Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, in his report 3 / SZ-tjn-3, where it says: “Jews are currently the champions of creating a war mood that is supposed to plunge the whole world into war and bring about a general catastrophe. The Germans are portrayed as a people who live under Hitler’s arrogance, who conquer the whole world and all of humanity wants to drown in a sea of ​​blood … The Jews have lumped the idea of ​​democracy and communism into one pot and, above all, planted the banner of an ardent hatred of Nazism … This international Jewry makes use of everyone in propaganda Means by cannibalizing everything that is against the tendency towards any consolidation and understanding between the states. This mood is becoming more and more evident. The prerequisite for this is the division of the world into two large blocs:the fascist and the democratic. The Jews and the mediators and helpers who make common cause with them belong to the fascist bloc – besides Italy, Germany and Romania also other states, including Poland; on the other – democratic side: England, France, the United States and, on the same plan, Soviet Russia. “(Book: Roosevelt’s Path to War )

First of all: the “left”, the “socialist”, the “communist” is what one has to call the true “evil”. The “right”, the “national”, is that which stands for the eternal “good”. But the ruling Satan’s regime turned everything upside down, after all, Jesus Christ was crucified as the “bad guy”. One could not “speak openly about Jesus because of fear of the Jews” (Joh 7:13) – just as one is not allowed to speak freely and truthfully about Adolf Hitler today.

Every German in the Merkel despotism must, when he / she says something true, say that he / she is not “right-wing” or “national”. It should be noticed that what is true is defamed as “right” or even persecuted. That “right” represents the truth, and not all other directions and shades. Again, everything that is true is “right”, otherwise the fearful crowd would not always have to distance themselves from “right” when speaking the truth. Yes, and anyone can check that. Only the “right-wing” stand up against the corona lie, since the masses of resistance are now considered “right-wing” and all leftists, greens, reds and blacks are 100 percent in favor of the lying corona terror. These system bonds, which are identical to thosewho at that time condemned Jesus Christ as the “evil one” and nailed him to the cross is the lie itself. Why do the so-called Christians not at least live according to Jesus’ command, which teaches:“Only the truth sets you free!”

Here’s an example. Ms. Nadja Rougnon-Glasson from Munich published a very good letter to the editor in the FAZ on October 21, 2020 (page 18) with absolutely true content. Before Ms. Rougnon-Glasson could give the truthful facts, she had to distance herself from “right-wing extremists” . The terror system has managed to criminalize simple truths, far from any convictions, as “right-wing extremists”. But only because most of them allow themselves to be criminalized excessively. Ms. Rougnon-Glasson notes in a letter to the editor on the Corona Terror:“I haven’t read anything about hospitals where the intensive care units are ‘again’ half full with corona patients; where ventilators are running out; where people are not only infected but die in large numbers; where employees no longer come to the office, where buses , Garbage disposal and teachers are canceled because they are seriously ill with Corona and so on. But what I see in my own environment are people whose existence is threatened with an unbelievable cold-bloodedness, entire orchestras, cinema operators, self-employed colleagues; I read from social Associations that have to cope with much fewer donations because of Corona; I see children who are seriously told that each of their touches can lead to the death of the other person. “ And then comes the crucial sentence:“What happens to us is infiltrating society with fear, both subliminal and open.”

Again, Ms. Rougnon-Glasson is so frightened that she first tries to apologize for the truest of the truth by distancing herself from a phantom enemy who is evidently trusted to speak the truth alone. This is Stalinist terror and accolade for the “right” at the same time, since apparently only the “right” represent these truths. Merkel drove the Stalinist terror to perfection. Soon truth-tellers, regardless of whether they distance themselves from the “right” or not, will have to reckon with imprisonment in the camp. Preparations are already underway in Canada.

Stalin 1902
Stalin at 24

It was no different in the Stalinist regime. The devil Stalin only felt joy when he could kill, persecute and cause suffering. It didn’t matter to him whether he had communists or anti-communists persecuted and killed. The notorious “Moscow Purges”, for example, were directed primarily against their own communists. Stalin had around 750,000 of them murdered. The main thing was that he could spread fear. Does anyone think of Merkel too?

Against this background, it seems like a miracle that the RBB was allowed to broadcast the documentary “Stalin and the Germans” on October 21, 2020. The documentation asks about Stalin’s importance for the mechanisms of the GDR-Stalin dictatorship. It is recorded that the “demon from Moscow” quickly became a thing of the past in the FRG after his death, but that the GDR continued to sing about his crimes and keep silent about his crimes. RBB comment:“The extent of Stalin’s crimes remained officially a taboo subject. It made the GDR possible; the rulers there were a product of Stalinism and survivors of the Stalinist purges. Their apparatus of repression was ‘Stalinist’. The communist GDR mourns. When Joseph Stalin on March 5th When he dies in 1953, for many it is as if time stands still. ‘The heart of the greatest man of our time, Comrade JW Stalin, has stopped beating,’ headlines New Germany.

The fact that the beast Stalin was only interested in killing people, because killing alone could bring him joy, was documented very well in various passages of the film. Lotte, the mother of Konrad Rayss, a German communist who went into exile in the Soviet paradise, suffered the “joys” of the Stalinist world happiness very intensely on her own body and in the sacrifice of her children. We don’t care about Mrs. Rayss’ suffering, because as a communist she really conjured everything up against herself, but the horrific, unprecedented suffering she inflicted on her innocent children by going to Moscow to avoid being part of the Hitler created “happy German people”(Lloyd George) having to live makes you collapse The RBB film commentary reads: “The communist utopia was linked with Stalin. The hope of the world communist movement and many left-wing intellectuals. Also in Germany. The National Socialists seize power in Germany. The Soviet Union has so far been a place of longing for many communists. And it is now a refuge. “ The surviving son of Lotte Rayss, Konrad, in front of the camera: “My mother came to the Soviet Union in 1934. The writer Friedrich Wolf practically settled the matter in Moscow so that she was allowed to travel there too.”

When Moscow was crammed with German communists longing for a Soviet paradise, Stalin unleashed the so-called “purge with show trials”. He just wanted to have people killed, he only enjoyed dying people. The historian Andreas Petersen says: “The German emigrants were persecuted in context, like all foreign communists in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. 1.5 million people were arrested, every second was shot.” And the RBB comment adds:“This Stalinist terror also affects the most active and loyal communists. More and more people are disappearing in prisons and camps. Many for good. In large show trials, deserved communists are condemned as traitors and enemies of the people. The so-called purges also affect the Germans.”

Stalin was only really happy when he could rage killing and exterminating people even among his most loyal vassals. He delighted in the stunned faces that didn’t know why they should be killed. RBB comment: “Of the 71 members of the party’s central committee who were elected in 1934, 51 were shot or sentenced. Stalin particularly distrusts foreign comrades.”

The fate of the innocent children of the reprehensible communist Lotte Rayss, who, as already mentioned, was also hit by the “wave of purges”, can be seen as a gruesome example of thousands. The RBB comment: “Lotte Rayss has two children. One is just six months old. In 1938, the 25-year-old emigrant was picked up by the secret police.” And the surviving son Konrad adds the barely bearable facts:“Like everyone else, the arrest took place in the early hours of the morning, in the dark. My mother was told that she could only take one child with her. Of course, she decided to have the baby because that was the most helpless. My sister Lena is then a few days stayed alone in the house and was seen by the neighbors alone with the dog in the yard. And after a while the militia came and picked her up and brought her to the children’s home. The baby, Larissa, is in prison perished. ” The RBB commentary adds: “There were thousands of German communists who were shot immediately and died in prisons and penal camps and exile.”

RBB documentary: “Stalin and the Germans” Merkel in 1987 with the Stalinist leadership of the GDR
The cruel mass murder regime of Stalin Merkel absorbed it with her breast milk, so to speak

Yes, dear self-deniers, since you are so happy to apologize for speaking the truth in hasty obedience to Merkel’s Stalinist demands, let me tell you that it was not Hitler who had the communists killed, but the world arch-communist Stalin. Stalin had his communists murdered. The historian Michale Lemke in the RBB documentation: “In the Soviet Union, more German communists were killed in emigration, at least in the upper class and in the middle class, than under Hitler.”

In addition to the joy of the cruel killing of people and children, communism, which as Stalinism is still highly revered by the left, the Greens, the Social Democrats and other systemicists, wants to spread fear and horror because it sees its rule only secured by a reign of terror. The historian Mario Kessler said: “Soviet communism, or party communism in general, was the only previously known social order that had most severely persecuted the so-called internal enemy, above all.” And the historian Andreas Petersen explains why this is so: “For the Stalin dictatorship, fear, fear and mistrust are almost constitutional.”

The veneration of Stalin was, so to speak, anchored in constitutional law in the GDR (see RBB video documentary Stalin and the Germans ), his crimes were considered to be human benefits until the end. In addition to Mao , “who used terror and mass killings as a central instrument to maintain his power” , Stalin was bestowed godlike veneration in the GDR. This admiration for Stalin was also the reason why Horst Kasner (Kaźmierczak), Merkel’s father, moved from Hamburg to the GDR shortly after Merkel’s birth.“In 1951, Marxism-Leninism was made the basis of all courses at all GDR universities and stricter controls were introduced To distance classed fellow students and to avoid them. The Humboldt lawyers committed themselves in 1953 to honor Stalin by ‘systematic, ideological, mutual examination of the individual lectures’. “ (FAZ, October 20, 2020, p. 6)

By the way, Stalin’s real Georgian name is Jungashvili…He was married to three Jewish women in all three of his marriages, not once to a Russian.

“Unimaginable mass murders. The father shot. The mother in the labor camp. The children in orphanages. During the reign of Josef Stalin from 1928 to 1953, such tragedies were part of everyday Soviet life. More than a million were executed as enemies of the people or tortured to death. During the collectivization of agriculture, 10 million were banished from their villages as “kulaks” (wealthy peasants) and sentenced to years of forced labor. Another 10 million ended up in one of the labor camps, which under Stalin dozens of them were mainly in the resource-rich but hostile arctic regions Areas of Russia have been established. “ ( Tages-Anzeiger Zurich, 25.09.2008 )

Merkel has never made a secret of the fact that she doesn’t know what to do with a non-criminal system, with a non-Stalinist system. On March 22nd, 2009, she said to Anne Will : “I don’t know if there are people who are only conservative. Sometimes I am also conservative.” Sometimes, so the cynical remark, it is not Stalinist-criminal, but conservative. Merkel not only transferred Stalin’s death ideology 1: 1 to the FRG, but also increased its satanic orientation in places. Merkel even studied the Stalinist methods as the FRG Chancellor on vacation: “Stalin biography as a holiday reading. … In the biography the Chancellor can read how the Georgian dictator practically ruled the Soviet Union from the dining table with his cronies …”

Merkel justifies our current total disenfranchisement, the total deprivation of our human and fundamental rights, with the corona lie. For you and your clients like George Soros, Bill Gates and the Rothschilds, “Corona” is nothing more than a new Stalinist world system under the name of “Corona”.

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, is one of the most ardent exponents of global Satanism alongside Merkel. As part of Corona Stalinism, Trudeau’s government is planning internment camps for Corona doubters. Randy Hillier is an independent MP and represents Lanark, Frontenac and Kingston counties in Ontario Parliament. He was the only one in Parliament to ask about the secret plans for the internment camps. Hillier: “How far have the plans advanced to intern and isolate us as citizens? Where are the camps being set up. For how many citizens are the camps planned? What reasons are officially given for interning citizens? The government is giving way to these questions although these plans to isolate and detain citizens are of the utmost importance. “(Source )

This time the enemy of the world demon is not Adolf Hitler, but Donald Trump. Just as the world demon unleashed the world war of annihilation against Adolf Hitler and his people in 1939, so the still hyperactive demon unleashed the Corona World War against Donald Trump. Unless the United States comes under globalist control again, it cannot cement its power over humanity. And for that Trump must be destroyed. They plan to do something similar to what they planned to do with Adolf Hitler. They want to put him on trial because they consider him the greatest “Amalek” of all time, even more than John F. Kennedy . Trump’s family is to be destroyed, even more completely than the Kennedy family.

Trump's economic miracle destroyed with Corona war
Trump’s economic miracle would have absolutely guaranteed his re-election, which is why the Corona World War was unleashed against him to destroy his economic miracle and prevent his re-election. World war against Trump as then against Hitler, on behalf of the world-Satanist-Stalinists!

In four years, Trump’s economic miracle has turned America into a courageous, much happier nation than before. It was the same under Hitler, who had made a dying nation – after Versailles – “a happy people” again, according to the British war premier Lloyd George. That is why the Corona World War is raging against us, which is supposed to triumph over humanity with Stalinist terror, because“The memory of a dictatorship remained, which included not only excessive violence, but also the systematic intellectual manipulation of its followers through the total revaluation of words. Denunciation, betrayal, lies and deviousness were elevated to the highest values ​​under other names – and millions believed in it with fanatical devotion, often even after they had become victims themselves. “( FAZ, 05.11.2017 )

Even the head of the German Medical Association, Dr. med. Klaus Reinhardt, described the corona mask as a war symbol in Merkel’s mouthpiece Markus Lanz on October 21, 2020. Now he is feeling “the intellectual manipulation and the underhandedness as the highest values ​​of democracy” because he said: “I do not want to take part in the mask war” . At the same time, the highly qualified medical expert had the courage to portray the masks as “disguise” , but not as helpful medical aids. Because, according to Dr. Reinhardt, “there is no scientific proof.” And that was explained by the system itself at the beginning of the Corona War. The high-ranking physician had ventured too far into the Stalinist horror system. Two days later, on October 23, 2020, he had to accuse himself of Corona guilty in the FRG – like the defendants once at the Stalinist show trials in Moscow and the GDR.

Corona terror peak: Chief of the German Medical Association  silenced
After three days, Dr. Accuse Reinhardt himself, as once the accused in Stalinist show trials!
Click-through link

Merkel’s Stalinist Corona Commissioner Karl Lauterbach (SPD) demands: “Reinhardt’s statements are reason enough to discuss his resignation.” ( Focus, 10/23/2020 ) Of course, most of the contract doctors who are dependent on Merkel’s Stalinism share the same horn. The more than a thousand doctors and epidemiologists in the FRG who are in the resistance against Corona-Stalinism are not heard, silenced and their professional existence is destroyed. The Corona internment camp is to follow later.

At the same time, however, resistance to Merkel’s Corona-Stalinism is also growing.
“Criticism of Söder’s ‘sole rule’: Heated debate in the state parliament. After Söder’s government statement, the opposition sharply criticized Söder’s style of government in the Corona crisis. In particular, it demanded more say from the state parliament. – the opposition in the Bavarian state parliament has sharply criticized the style of government of Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in the corona crisis. The parliamentary groups of the Greens, SPD, AfD and FDP were in agreement in the debate on Söder’s government declaration on the corona crisis Demand that the state parliament should be involved in decisions on restrictions on fundamental rights and that it should have a say in the decision-making process. “ ( BR, October 21, 2020 )

Even municipalities are daring to revolt against the corona terror to protect their children. Many give up the mask requirement in order to protect their children from health and psychological destruction. They dare the uprising: “Municipalities against Söder: Mask compulsory for elementary school pupils overturned. The city of Munich and several districts have repealed them despite high numbers. Prime Minister Söder criticizes this. In Bavaria, the corona traffic light has only been in effect since the weekend, which tightened Provides protective measures from certain incidence values. ” BR, October 21, 2020 )

The church hero, Pastor Jakob Tscharntke, speaks like the NJ of the “Corona Terror” and of the 3rd World War against humanity.

Although our resistance is in a way that one would never have expected it and where one would never have suspected it, namely with the judges who have hitherto been harmonized, a corresponding effort to shake off Merkel’s Stalinism is not to be expected at first. That of all the supreme courts in the countries of Merkel’s most important project, the “Corona accommodation ban” overturned, can be described as a miracle after the demo permits in Berlin – against the express request of Merkel. The President of the Constitutional Court RLP, Lars Brocker, accuses the Merkelists of having created a “special legal regime of corona ordinances” . Brocker:
For months, administrative courts have been formulating concerns in their decisions about the largely executive regulatory regime of the Corona ordinances. The special legal regime of Corona ordinances is increasingly coming into conflict with the constitutional requirements of the constitution. The German Bundestag should understand the warning notices of the administrative courts as a call to action to take legislative action and thus constitutionally secure the ordinances as an urgently necessary instrument to combat the pandemic. From a fundamental rights point of view, this is urgently required now in view of the impending tightening of protective measures. “ ( Ntv, 14.10.2020) In other words, all government decrees to eliminate basic rights under the corona pretext are criminal because they are unconstitutional. Temporary decrees due to an emergency situation, such as the one that is pleaded with Corona, must also be repealed or confirmed by parliament. According to the legal core of the constitutional judge Brocker, the FRG is currently under Stalinist rule.

The order for total economic annihilation is being carried out by the “Bayern-Döder” with incomparable enthusiasm. Not that Söder would understand the background that drives Merkel, his simple intellect does not penetrate that far, rather he was told that he would not be revered as an annihilator, but as a “doer”. Above all, however, the financial incentive works for Söder, because his wife produces “the masks for the war” against us. This is reported by the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR). Background:“Söder’s wife Karin Baumüller-Söder is the managing director of the family business Baumüller Services. The company otherwise takes care of complex industrial machines – in the corona pandemic, however, it switched to the manufacture of respiratory masks, so-called ‘face shields’.” ( Focus, 05/29/2020 ) These previously unknown background facts prompted Söder (the “Döder)” to extend his mask prescription into eternity: Söder: “As long as there is Corona, there is no alternative to the mask requirement.” ( Northern Bavaria , May 28th, 2020 )

It only becomes interesting when the masses plunge into misery. The most unprecedented debts ever taken on by a regime, Merkel charged her “Europe idiot” for the EU. This leads to hyperinflation and the death of all normal life in the FRG. The total amount for which Merkel has her “Europe idiots” guaranteed is no longer officially quantified.

Merkel’s Stalinist counterfeiters and terror liars have always told us that the other EU countries have been hit so much worse by the Corona plan than we are, which is why solidarity is required that the FRG must help the others with an unprecedented amount of debt: “Countries like France, Italy and Spain – which were hit particularly hard by the pandemic – are calling for joint debts for the reconstruction. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that there was agreement among the countries in Europe to get this aid going. “ ( Mercury , July 9th, 2020 )

Now it turns out that this claim is just one more lie in the range of Corona horror lies. The head of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, an institute with scientific divine rank , stated unequivocally: “Germany’s economy is shrinking more than in any other country. In fact, Germany has more infected and dead people per million inhabitants than most other countries. The economy is shrinking more. And the restrictions on daily life are significant. The economy is shrinking more. The perception that Germany got off lightly in the crisis is due to an impressive level of solidarity and helpfulness. “(Source Ärzteblatt October 20 , 2020 , source Reuters, October 20, 2020 )

The Stalinist charges us these debts for this EU, which can no longer be saved anyway. These guarantees in undreamt-of trillion sums go to Messrs. Soros and Rothschild, who allegedly provided the money for them. That is also a lie, because the money is produced by the central banks, given to the “markets”, ie Soros and Rothschild, and borrowed back by them. The own, borrowed money is garnished with bets against ourselves (CDS), which often correspond to an interest rate of a thousand percent and more.

The fact is that the EU is collapsing under the Corona war staged by Merkel and her friends, as people have nowhere to go. So why work for something that no longer exists, namely a continent that you can travel to as you wish.

Laura Huhtasaari
Laura Huhtasaari, EU member of “The Finns”

The Finnish EU parliamentarian Laura Huhtasaari from “The Finns” :“There is no future for this EU in its current guise because the nations of Europe will no longer accept the obligations imposed on them by a central government imposed on them. Finland will not be the first country in line to leave the EU. I bet that the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden lead the way. But we should follow them. I call on all countries to do the same. The current EU consists of a political center that has to cease to exist. We have to go back to the nation states. I have one Dream. All EU member states should follow the Brexit example. As Manfred Weber says: ‘If Brexit is seen as a success, this will be the beginning of the end of the EU.’ “ ( Express , 22.10.2020 )

To what extent Boris Johnson really wants and operates a real Brexit remains questionable. But he himself has come under very strong pressure, precisely because of his corona terror, which he sparked in order to make the globalists love it, in order to be able to dare real submission to the Merkel EU. All globalists hope that Donald Trump will be eliminated so that Biden can still prevent Britain from leaving the EU. And that should also succeed with Biden and his globalist horde, if they should bring him to the White House. But then Johnson too – as if driven by an explosive device – will be thrown out of Westminster. Johnson’s commitment to Judaism, despite being less than a quarter Jew, is unlikely to appease global Jews to allow for a real Brexit.So the fight with them is inevitable.

However, if Donald Trump stays in power, possibly through a civil war because the Americans do not want to put up with the planned millennium election, everything will happen very quickly in Europe. Then it should end overnight with the EU and we will be actors in the political slaughter of the Satans.

In yesterday’s TV duel, Donald Trump showed his whole class to the half-dead , top-notch drug wreck Joe Biden. Biden was downright hacked in front of everyone. A completely calm, but unprecedentedly energetic President presented himself with admirable, corruption-free expertise. His corrupt, half-dead-looking counterpart was a picture of misery. This globalist doormat should have no chance without election fraud. Not even most trump enemies would vote for him. Apparently it’s supposed to be half rottenacting Biden after a few months hand over power to the communist hyena, the half negress Kamala Harris. That should be the plan. We can assume the most massive election fraud in the history of so-called democracy.

Even the Trump haters from N-tv cannot avoid the headline: “Trump is dueling in top form.” In fact, n-tv quoted Trump largely correctly in the following passages when Biden tried to escape the corruption allegations against his family by stammering that it was “not about his family, but about the American families,” according to n-tv . That is reproduced correctly. And even more astonishing, as n-tv Trump continued, that Trump countered: “Biden, typical politician. I’m not your typical politician, that’s why I was elected. With Biden only words, no deeds – these politicians hasn’t done it for eight years? Because that’s you, typical politician. “When Biden tried to sacrifice the US energy supply for the globalists and pleaded for wind and sun, because well-paid jobs of 45 to 50 dollars an hour would be created there, even n-tv could no longer contain itself and rose to Trump like follows one: “Trump blasphemers that he knows more about wind than Biden.” N-tv then quoted Trump: “It’s very expensive, kills all the birds and wind turbines they make in Germany and China. The craziest plan of all time. They want to tear down buildings and rebuild them with smaller windows.” At the end of the hate speech, the Trump haters from n-tv even have to admit that the half-deadBiden no longer even knows the dates from his election manifesto (days ago he said in front of voters that he was running for the Senate). N-tv continues: “He wants zero carbon dioxide emissions in power generation by 2025. In Biden’s official plan, there is talk of clean energy by 2035 and a complete cut in emissions by 2050. Currently, almost 80 percent of the Energy from oil and gas. “ Then Trump: “He wants to destroy the oil industry! Do you remember that, Texas? Do you remember that, Pennsylvania? Ohio?” ( n-tv, October 23, 2020 )

In connection with the Corona war against the American people, staged to destroy Trump’s economic miracle so that his re-election can be prevented, Trump told his people who want to work in the country: “We have no choice, we cannot lock ourselves in the basement, like Biden does. He can shut himself in, he must have made a lot of money elsewhere. He’s obsessed with living in the basement, but normal people can’t. The big money you and your family made, especially at the time they were vice president people didn’t. And that should never have happened. They owe Americans an explanation of where the money came from. “ ( BBC) Then Biden wanted to accuse Trump of having an account in China himself, while he would never have taken money from China himself. That’s right, it was his son Hunter who made these incredible sums of money for the family. But Trump swept him away. His account in China was opened when he was considering doing business in China. But the then entrepreneur Trump rejected this plan and closed the account in 2013. Then Biden tried North Korea. Trump would not go against a dictator. Trump quoted from his meeting with Obama when he took office, when he told him that the hardest thing was North Korea, because that could lead to a war that could be atomically devastating. Trump continues:“Aha, North Korea? Well, we don’t have a war with North Korea. We have good relations with North Korea, just like we have good relations with other countries.” Then Biden wanted to score by accusing Trump of keeping the children of illegal intruders in a kind of prison, Biden called the premises ” cages” . Trump replied: “The ‘cages’ were created by the Obama administration in 2014. Who built the ‘cages’, Joe? You keep talking about what you would do as president, but until recently you kept neglecting it When you were in office. You didn’t do anything, nothing. Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Obama because neither of you did anything. “BBC)

When the corrupt liar Biden tried to portray himself as a man of honor who couldn’t help but tell the truth, Trump hit him one last blow in his half-dead, lying face. Trump: “If the judicial facts are correct with Russia, Ukraine, China, Iraq and other countries, if these court facts are correct, then this man is a corrupt politician. So, stop pretending to be an innocent baby . Joe, you are being labeled a corrupt politician. And now you are trying to pretend that your son’s computer seized by the court is another Russia conspiracy. Oh yes, Russia again. Nothing new can come up to him. ” Fox )

Dear friends, dear readers, the train has left Satan’s station. He will encounter enormous obstacles, satanic stations, but the route taken is towards creation. The battle will be total, the losses will be enormous, but we will move into the new world under the trumpets of the gods. “The memory of the blood”as Miguel Serrano put it, will again be the compass of our lives. Our never-forgotten gods will also come back into our consciousness and our eternal mythologies that have survived will begin to work again. Irminsul and the sun cross, the snake as a bringer of salvation and knowledge, the Mitgart snake as a dragon, the Fenris wolf who wants to devour the sun in the “Götterdämmerung”. They survived almost 2000 years of re-education. Anchored in the common blood, our myths lived on, albeit in a drowsy state. The stories of magic mountains, in which our astral ancestors live on, still stir our minds. Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa sleeps in Kyffhäuser am Harz, the Saxon Duke Wittekind in the Wiehengebirge in the Babilonie,the emperors Friedrich II. and Charlemagne in Untersberg between Salzburg and Berchtesgaden, the “great ones” of our history will rise in our hearts. “The memory of the blood” is immortal and the old ideas reappear in an ever-changing shape. This is the time, dear friends!









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