Farcical Aubery trial: Should white females EVER serve on a jury in a murder case if they are not national socialists? NO!

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Pakistanis abducted, tortured, stabbed and set on fire in 2005 the 15-year-old Scottish boy Kriss Donald in his own country, Scotland.

His Scottish white female mother forgave them. But fear not, there is still a hatred in her heart — for “white racists.”

As a Scot wrote me:

Five Pakistani muslims in Scotland (why are they even there?) stabbed the innocent 15-year-old Kriss Donald, who was simply minding his own business, 13 times and set him alight while he was still alive — because he was white.

He was grabbed off the street near his home in Pollokshields, Glasgow, in March 2005, and driven around for four terrifying hours. 

I found it appalling that only three people were ever sentenced while more than 15 Pakistani Muslim men were involved in the assault, torture, kidnap and murder of Kriss and the attempted torture, kidnap and murder of his white friend, Jamie Wallace. 


The white mother’s insane stance, IMO, is about three things:

  1. a possible hefty bribe (and never, ever discount this possible factor!!!!!!)
  2. the egoic mind (lying to oneself)
  3. the estrogen factor in the female brain.

I harken back now to the superb book The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, MD, of Harvard.

Dr Brizendine reminds us that the female brain is “bathed” in estrogen three times:

1) as a fetus, so it develops a vagina, not a penis;

2) as a young baby, to become girl-like; and

3) again at puberty to develop breasts, become fertile, have sexual desires and appear attractive to males.


Your average female, her brain thrice “bathed in estrogen,” thus becomes a kind of “harmony and compassion machine.”

However, if she is highly egoic, this mostly good quality can be overridden, and some women are unbearable “bitches” — sadistic, argumentative harridans, naggers, and the icy wife or mother from hell.

Let us add that women can simply be “cowards” as well because they are often smaller and weaker than men and fear becoming victims of male (and female) violence.

Now to segué to the atrocious trial in Georgia of the three white men involved with the negro burglar Ahmaud Aubery.

Nine of the twelve jurors who daftly found these brave and innocent white men guilty were white women.

And the courtroom and outside were full of angry, violent BLM negroes, perfect for intimidating the jury, especially a jury of women.

(Nota bene that Judge Walmsley was a white MALE, so let us not go too far.  There are plenty of craven, corrupt and despicable white MEN out there!)

A comrade wrote this comment:


In reply to John de Nugent.Here is a good article by Jared Taylor about the reality of the Ahmaud Arbery case:


I replied:


Margi saw it and showed it to me.

The key point was that the (IMO bribed or threatened) judge kept Aubery’s criminal record from the jury, whereas the three white defendants DID know this negro was a burglar and that his “jogging” was a cover for casing houses.

We can see here the huge difference in outcome from the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, where the judge was fair and allowed the criminal histories of the late jew pedophile Rosenbaum, the negro head-kicker, and of the two white trash whom Rittenhouse shot to be introduced to the jury.

IMO, this is also highly relevant:

It was “a jury of nine white women, two white men and one black man.”

As I have often blogged, in another life I said that my mother Klara was way too compassionate and soft-hearted to sit on a jury in a murder case.


My infinitely kind, feminine and sweet mother in that life, Klara née Pölzl, died painfully of breast cancer in this pastel-yellow house at 13 Michaelsberg Way in Linz, Austria.

My father then was a typical German male and father — the gruff, stern disciplinarian. But he was a good man, hard worker and reliable provider.

…as was my father James in this life…. who resembled Alois a bit in multiple ways.

Here before a gathering of the Deutscher Frauenbund, the German Women’s Federation, I said, based on my WWI experiences, that women must not be sent into combat, and, based partly on knowing my own mother, they should not even put on juries in murder trials, because in general they are not equipped to do necessary but very cold, harsh things like killing or executing another human being. (At the start, I attack parliamentary “democracy.”)


And how deranged and egoic for these nine white women on the jury to not feel compassion for the white male defendants, their own people, defending their homes and neighborhoods, doing the righteous “man thing” of protection!

This is the fruit of the wicked fed “op” that was the IMO fake Charleston church “shooting”: down with the hateful, racist, violent, armed, white, Southern males.

But it takes egoic gullibility and cowardice for Whites to swallow this garbage.

As F. Arouet recently wrote on this site, gullible people can be very dangerous.

And so the horrors continue:


Gang of six [FOREIGN MUSLIM]men ‘raped and sexually abused eight vulnerable [WHITE] girls as young as 12 after luring them over Facebook with drink and drugs’, court hears

  • The group are accused of forcing underage victims to engage in sexual activity
  • A court heard the men committed the offences against eight girls aged under 16
  • They are charged with total of 24 sex offences in Redditch are of Worcestershire
  • Abdul Hussain, Usmaan Asghar, Arslan and Ethashan Tazarab, Usman Ali, Numan Mohammed are on trial


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing misspelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



  1. I’m proud to have stood along Nick Griffin and other patriots to bring muslim paedo gangs to trial and jail.
    Even when they admitted their sex crimes in court, they were still allowed to walk free.
    After more pressure they were jailed for 15 years — yet were freed after 4 or 5 years.
    Muslims and blacks and the white lefties turned up to defend the self confessed paedos. It must be a mental illness by them.

  2. Meine Meinung zu Frauen in Kampfeinsätzen ist ein wenig anders:

    Auch Frauen sollten grundsätzlich an der Waffe ausgebildet werden. Irgendwann werden wir jede(n) brauchen der/die eine Waffe tragen kann. So wie die Kurdinnen gegen den (((IS))).

    Die hier hat es ganz gut gemacht:


    Schau dir an wir dreckig der PoC noch grinst bevor er sie erschiessen will. Aber sie macht das taktisch gut, geht hinter ihn bzw. auf die andere Seite und knallt ihn ab. Dabei bleibt sie reletiv ruhig und besonnen und meldet sogar dabei noch die Schüsse auf sie bevor sie ihn erschiesst.

    Glück für sie das der Typ nicht geradeaus schiessen kann.

  3. The takeaway from this is that each should look after themselves. If they are too miserly to burglar-proof their property, the loss should be theirs. My 8-year-old son could hit the target with anything from .22 lr to 44 mag, 12 ga, 308 and 30-06. It is self-defence only if you are personally attacked. Under the present governments worldwide, it is best to not get involved.

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