Farrakhan rips into the Jews

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Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Photo: Reuters / Rebecca Cook. Jews (below) bemoan his latest attack.

Appearing With Holocaust Denier at Saviours’ Day Event, Farrakhan Unleashes ‘Torrent of Attacks on Jews’

by Algemeiner Staff



The remarks of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and another speaker at Sunday’s Saviours’ Day event at the United Center in Chicago were rife with antisemitism, according to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report.

Farrakhan, the ADL noted, “unleashed a torrent of attacks on Jews, claiming that anti-black racism ‘was started by Jewish rabbinical leaders’ in ancient times, and that Jewish racism towards Africans is ultimately responsible for the ‘enslavement… colonization…dehumanization…[and] denial of self-determination’ to black people throughout history.”

The National of Islam leader “reiterated classic anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews and money, claiming for example that Jewish principles ‘have exploited the American people through institutional usury and predatory lending practices,’” the ADL said. “He rehashed the tired cliché that the federal reserve is run by ‘a family of rich Jews.’”

Furthermore, the ADL recalled, Farrakhan “blamed Jews for ‘pervasive rape culture…sex trafficking and prostitution,’ and for emasculating black men.”

Farrakhan, the ADL continued, “outrageously claimed that ancient Jewish texts condone pedophilia, and that ‘pedophilia and sexual perversion exercises in Hollywood can be traced back’ to Jewish religious texts.”

Referring to the controversy surrounding his ties with some of the heads of the Women’s March, Farrakhan claimed “the wicked Jews want to use me to break up the women’s movement,” according to the ADL account.

Before Farrakhan’s address, the crowd heard from Michael A. Hoffman II, described by the ADL as a “Holocaust denier and anti-Semitic ideologue.”

Hoffman, the ADL said, “suggested that ancient Jewish texts are equivalent to teachings ‘from the Church of Satan.’”


…..On Michael Hoffman


Michael Hoffman’s devastating Talmud exposé “Judaism Discovered”

…..My view of the Blacks

First, I have no illusions about them AFTER TONS OF EXPERIENCE.
But they and we can be mutually useful in the struggle against our common and mortal enemy, THE JEW. Furthermore, many blacks — one in three — not only loath the Jews, but admire specifically ADOLF Hitler.

My plan for American blacks; surprising black view of Jews and Hitler


……Low-IQ blacks running South Africa into the ground

Nota bene: in British (and hence South African) English, “lieutenant” is pronounced “leftenant”





    • Yes, and as for “reparations for slavery,” I am absolutely for the blacks demanding them — of the Jews, who justified enslavement via the Talmud (their twist of the Noah and Ham story), proposed it to French, English and Portuguese kings to enrich them, and then started and actually ran the slave trade and the auctions — and were its most merciless practitioners as slave owners.

      Divide and conquer! Get the blacks where they belong — at the jews’ throats!

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