….Understanding psychopaths
Sure, most humans desire wealth, fame, beauty, s3x, and some also want power. But psychopaths are in a different league altogether — human-appearing MONSTERS who are sadistic, consciously evil, murderous, slanderous, torturing, conniving, lying and parasitical.
We are talking human devils here, and brain scans show that they are psychopaths. On seeing photos of tragic accidents, their relevant sections of the brain lack all compassion for others; they feel pleasure only when they have caused others pain, suffering, sickness, misery, and death. And by medical definition, these monsters, these psychopaths, are both incurable and untreatable. There is NO medication and NO therapy that can change them in the slightest.
Since modern brain scans now reveal who these dangerous psychopaths are, why are they not being excluded from all positions of power?
Joe Biden is the PERFECT example of a man who should not be entrusted with any high office at all, because he is a pedophile, a criminal, a psychopath, and purest evil. He is now playing with World War III because, secretly, this satanic man loves destruction, relishes betrayal, preaches hatred, lies for the sheer enjoyment of it, and adores causing oceans of human tears among the innocent and trusting masses.
We cannot fathom such a mind, nor should we want to. All psychopaths must be taken out of society, imprisoned or executed, for their proven crimes.
……Fauci’s admission
SheriffScott Israel said that his office received 23 calls about Cruz during the previous decade. CNN used a public records request to obtain a sheriff’s office log, which showed that from 2008 to 2017, at least 45 calls were made in reference to Cruz, his brother, or the family home combined.[43][44] On February 5, 2016, the calls included an anonymous tip that Cruz had threatened to shoot up the school, and a tip on November 30, 2017, that he might be a “school shooter in the making” and that he collected knives and guns. On September 23, 2016, a peer counselor notified the school resource officer of his suicide attempt and intent to buy a gun, and the school indicated it would do a “threat assessment”.[45][46][47]
In September 2016, three people—a sheriff’s deputy who worked as a resource officer at Stoneman Douglas, and two of the school’s counselors—stated that Cruz should be committed for mental evaluation.[48][49]
On September 24, 2017, a person with the username “nikolas cruz” posted a comment to a YouTube video that read, “Im [sic] going to be a professional school shooter.”
Fauci has admitted to Kennedy that none of the 72 pediatric vaccines mandatory for children has ever been tested for safety
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the onetime candidate for president and now the appointee from president-elect Donald Trump to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said that when he was threatened with a lawsuit, Anthony Fauci MD had to eventually retract his words and admit that none of the 72 vaccines that are currently mandatory for children in the United States has ever been tested for safety.
“For many years I said that none of the 72 vaccines mandatory for children has ever been tested on safety in placebo-controlled trials the first of the license,” began Kennedy, speaking at an event of the Hillsdale College a year ago in a video that emerged recently. “Not even one”.
Fauci was on the verge of labeling Kennedy a “liar”.
When after the election in 2016 President Trump appointed Kennedy to be the head of a commission for the safety of vaccines, Trump ordered Fauci to meet with him. Kennedy said to Fauci: “You say that I’m lying. For eight years, you have said that I’m lying”, and he then defied Fauci to “show me the study” demonstrating that the multitude of vaccines that American children are required to receive have been tested for safety.
Fauci said he did not have it with him. “It is in Bethesda [location of the headquarters of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, or NIAID. I will send it to you.”
“I never got it,” said Kennedy, “and then I made him cause.”
“After having filibustered for a year, their attorneys met ours on the steps of the courthouse and they said, “Yes, you are right. We never did any such study, ‘” said Kennedy.
Fauci has admitted to Kennedy that none of the 72 pediatric vaccines mandatory for children has never been tested for safety.
Anthony Fauci called RFK Jr. a liar for stating that not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested*.
In response, RFK Jr. took legal action, and after a year of delays, Fauci’s lawyers conceded that RFK Jr. had been correct.
“There’s no… pic.twitter.com/43EA4QTRa7
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) November 27, 2024
“Most of these vaccines are useless. Many of them are for diseases that are not even casually contagious”.
According to Kennedy, just as scandalous as are the huge profits earned by the big pharmaceutical companies are the countless negative side effects of all those vaccines not properly tested.
“Neurological diseases” have “exploded”, he said. “ADHD [attention deficit Disorder and hyperactivity, -Ed.], sleep disturbances, growth delays, language difficulties, ASD [autistic spectrum disorders, — ED], autism, Tourette’s syndrome, ticks, and narcolepsy. They are all things I had never heard of when I was young,” said Kennedy. “Autism is gone from one in 10,000 in my generation, according to data from the CDC, to one in 34 children today”.
“Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies,” or huge nasty lies when it comes to the jews.
Why did they ask you what your ethnic background is before they know what shots to give you. Most of the jews had saline, just water.
If you tick German or Austraian, then you get the worst batch, if ypu tick jewish you get a fake shot, water. Yeah they sacrificed a few of the little jews, but they’ve always done that, with the prptocols of learned elders of zion, sacrife people including jews, sometimes when neccesary.
Like the fake holocaust the holohoax from the jewish kabullah, they sacrificed just over 273000 people.
Including jews, gypsies and homosexuals that died from a typhus outbreak and food shortages during the end of the war.
No lie is to big or too small for the jews, jews live by lying and die by coming in contact with the truth.
Bobby Fischer German father and jewish mother was in the top 4 chess players of all time, i.q 187 a genius. They’re lying about Israelis suffering from the jabs. Watch this bitchute video with these two Hasidic jews boasting that the vaccines are for non jews, the goyim, not jews.
This video is incredible. Thank you!!
So is this one, also on Bitchute, juze dancing and rejoicing that they are conquering the goyim:
Yeah i”ve seen the other video tjat shows the blood clots and horrific injuries many times.
Also the jews made sure nearly all the politicians get a placebo.
And the ones that are in on the great reset either got no shots or got a placebo.
Ive had severe effects from those death jabs, it’s absolutley horrendous.
The politicians and media that pushed this are going to have to be prosecuted over this.
Everything has been corrupted and taken over by the jews that are psychotic diabolical monsters.
This is a perfect example, the governor of Bavaria in Germany, Markus Söder, the cynical, murderous thug, is “getting” vaxxed seven times:
…Kamala’s fake vaxx
This YouTube video was found on the PBS news website, recording US senator (D-California) Kamala Harris getting the her first of two Moderna jabs on 29 December 2020, at the UMC hospital in Washington DC, when she was still “Vice-President-Elect” (and that only thanks to a spineless US Supreme Court).
Now notice that at 1:06 the nurse uses her blue-gloved left hand to hide what the syringe is actually doing.
Is a rigid steel needle actually puncturing Caramel’s skin and entering her arm? I suspect not.
Then the black nurse withdraws her shielding left hand to reveal that “ahah, the needle is actually in” (…..supposedly).
At 1:17, after the syringe is removed from Caramel’s arm, it is then lowered to the chair’s left, curved, wooden armrest.
Twice then, at 1:17 and again at 1:19, the black nurse tries to straighten the bent-back, fake syringe, using the edge of the hard wooden armrest as a solid object to make the needle point forward like a real syringe, but succeeding only on the second try.
Here is a screenshot (larger first, and then comes a zoom) at exactly 1:18 showing the JewTube URL, the time, and the syringe needle being unfolded so it faces forward again.
Zoom on the syringe:
Super zoom
It would make sense that this black girl flubbed the retraction the first time, because how many nurses are really called upon every day to participate in a fake vaccination, and for the Vice President of the United States, doing something incredibly unethical — and with major-media news cameras rolling!
It sure seems to me like a smoking gun for a fake vaccination!
Or are retractable syringes routine? Why?
Thanks. I fixed it.
Actually, it would seem that the real biological father of Bobby Fischer was also juish.
Israelis forced into taking MORE than two vaxxes:
Juess dies of the vaxx:
Che razza di Neanderthal…
Thank you!! Excellent.
Non deve esplodere la bomba atomica che fa saltare in aria i Goym ma quella che fa saltare in aria le menzogne costruite per il potere degli Eletti.
Onore e Gloria! 🙂 🙂
(Translated from Italian)
It is not the atomic bomb that must explode that blows up the Goyim, but the bomb that blows up the lies built for the power of the Chosen.
Honor and Glory!
I am spiritually very interested and notice that there is a very destructive opinion on the subject: life after death.
The view is becoming more and more prevalent that the earth is surrounded by an artificially created matrix that is surrounded by the Archons and Lucifer so that the souls are forced to incarnate again and again. All spirit beings, angels, and even the dead supposedly are only archons who manipulate us to reincarnate in order, as is claimed, to incur negative karma so these wicked archons can constantly feed on our negative thoughts, our physical pain, and feelings of depression.
This German woman warns us not go into the light tunnel, because, she says, Lucifer is waiting for us there!
Thanks. It is so typical of earthlings to swallow lies.