Felled by the vax; spiritual reading

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This is the bizarre stuff undertakers are finding in the veins of deceased vaxxed people.


….Another white man felled by the jewish vaxx

I do not know this Canadian’s further fate, but he did fall against that stack of boards (or whatever) in such a way that it could have snapped his neck.

In collapsing, vaxxed people obviously can also become severely injured from the fall itself. (Astronaut John Glenn, for example, who had been a highly decorated Marine Corps combat pilot in three wars and emerged unscratched,  was severely injured in 1964 from slipping and falling against a hotel bathtub, and it took a year for him to recover.)

If this guy was one of those vaxxtards who believed the jewsmedia and wanted to be vaxxed, my compassion is somewhat limited. But a lot of people were truly forced to take the vaxx or lose their job — which, if one has a wife and kids to support, is a huge thing.

I feel the most pity for those who suffer from a vaxx which they were forced by Jew World to take.



…..Without the app, you cannot enter this Aldi’s grocery store



…. spiritual reading for June 14

Today is a day when it will be wise to go to the heart of the matter. By this we mean both that you will be benefited if you can stay on the track of your choosing and avoid being pulled into superfluous uses of time and energy; and that you must let your own heart guide you today if you are to truly make the best of the opportunities offered.

There is a deep, rich resonance today between your own heart and that of the earth. Call on the infinitely beautiful organic energies of the earth to bolster and to ground your own. If you can hook into this vibration, you will be all set. It has a real magnificence and power in this time, there is much of healing in it and it is for you.

That is the express intent of the this rising energy—it is for softening and deepening the experience of humans on the planet, it is for healing old and no-longer-needed patterns, it is for bringing all of you into alignment with the spiritual aspect of the material. This, as many of you know, is the hardest energetic to hold and master. Today, if you allow yourself, you can experience it in the bosom of its greatest practitioner, the earth.

No matter what you feel, please try to seek out the etheric in form today. Look for it in the people whose paths you cross, search for it in plants, animals, rocks, water. As always, know that it is very much with you, in your own heart. The goal would be to synthesize and integrate, and it can be done today. Even, as with many great challenges, for a few minutes here and there.

This begins to establish paths and patterns.

And then, each time that you try, it is easier to return, to find the way into the place where you are (and everything is) a brilliant and ever-evolving marriage of the spiritual and the physical.

Being out of doors is good today, as you want to be catching this energy coming up from the core of the earth. It is certainly not necessary, but it will enhance and ease your way. Try to stay away from activities that engage the mind excessively (and from our point of view, excessive isn’t too far in). Anything that activates either body or heart for you, joined with an increased level of consciousness about your intent for the day, will be most helpful. For instance, any meditation that accesses your heart is good, but do it with deep awareness of your heart as a part of your body, not simply a chakra. Or, exercise in a way that leaves you feeling joy physically, but do it with as constant a consciousness as you can of your spiritual essence.

These tactics won’t do it all, but they will signal your intentions and begin to connect you to earth energies, which in turn will open the pathways between these two so-often disconnected parts of your being.

In addition to recognizing your own wholeness, it will be important to see it in all the beings around you. This will work circularly, coming back to you, we would add. Try to remember that everyone and everything you see is a manifestation of divine spirit. You are surrounded by the miraculous! Rejoice and enjoy and glide into the reality that is always there, but not so easy to feel as it is today.

We send blessings and love and gratitude to all of you.




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