Fighting despair; Russia defying the jews again

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…..Nice video from conservative Hollywood star Jon Voight  about the despair so many now feel

A comrade in Ireland wrote me:

I am still recovering from the Trump loss and the Biden disaster. I feel ominous things are in the air for all. Evil is in great supply everywhere.

His name Voight comes from the German name Vogt, meaning the administrator for a king, baron or bishop.


Yes, I know he has cuddled up to Israel and the jews, but everyone in Hollywood has to, especially conservatives or  else “you’ll never work in this town again.”

I 100% agree wiht Voight that this is a time to pray, but not just to pray. As he also says, the time is coming to rise.


…….Replacing jew platforms, often with Russian help

It will take far more than posting stuff to overthrow the jews, but posting is still vital.

Facebook: it can be replaced by MeWe, a Californian social network. BUT the Russian VK, controlled by Putin, has now ended its very brief censorship (February-August 2020), and you can again publish anything, and I do mean anything that is WN,  NS, antisemitic or anti-Holocaust on there.

Twitter: it can be replaced by Parler once it goes back up, and again interestingly, with a RUSSIAN webhost.

Putin has clearly had some serious falling-out with the jews, though both his prime ministers have been half-jews.(Russians consider jews to be smart and hard-working but do not completely trust them.)

Medvedev (jewish mother)

Mikhail Mishustin (l) had a jewish father.

So, yes, Putin knuckled under and passed a law against Holocaust truth in 2014, but he seems to be not enforcing it or barely enforcing it, half-heartedly. This professor, Roman Yushkov, was arrested for debunking the Holofraud and, in a very high-profile case, the jury found him innocent of racial hatred. Yes, I do think this case was very significant. The judge and jury both felt free to do the right thing. And now, as I say, VK is also now into free speech again.

Brave Russian professor acquitted by Perm jury of “Holocaust Denial” — Jews wallowing in self-pity

Since most Russians hate Hitler and the swastika, to allow them both to be glorified on VK tells me something is going on. Here is a typical VK post glorifying Léon Degrelle, a major Fascist, then NS and then Waffen-SS officer who invaded Russia and fought there 1940-45, killing thousands of Russians.



The latest news from Jewashington is infuriating for Putin. The Deep State jews are again, in order to help IsraHell, trying under Biden to destroy Russia’s only ally who offers them military bases, Syria.

This video below by the Duran duo lays out how truly serious this is. Sending US troops (in total violation of international law) into the very area of northeastern Syria which is a major food-growing and oil-pumping region ior that nation is designed to

1) cripple the Syrian economy and

2) undermine and overthrow Assad, a firm and vital Russian ally.

So now Russia is sending in more troops — and to the exact town where the Americans are. Time for a stare-down.

Putin knows that if you hug a man in trouble in public, you cannot then abandon him to the wolves without seeming like a cowardly windbag who abandons his friends.



The Duran guys say this could lead to WWIII, or to a new refugee crisis for Europe.

Nyet, Russians are not willing to be humiliated. It is said you can tell a Russian his country has problems (like alcohol, corruption and inefficiency) and — no problem — he will agree  with you.

But if you belittle Russia as some contemptible minor country, and say America can kick its ass, he will go ballistic on you.

Maybe literally.

The P700 Granite, a Russian nuclear cruise missile

Tupolev 22 swing-wing heavy nuclear bomber


The Duran duo says tired old codger Biden apparently is letting the Pentagon and his appointees do whatever they want, especially if it is regime change to take out an enemy of Israel.  (Syria is legally in a state of war with that thug nation.)

Now I wonder if it is Russophobe BIDEN who will fulfill the ominous Van Rensburg prophecy of a NUCLEAR WWIII WITH MOSCOW as US troops just invaded Assad’s Syria, allied with VLADIMIR PUTIN!

YouTube: it can be replaced by Rumble, Brighteon or Odysee (though someone wrote that Google owns Odyssee).
Chrome: it can be replaced by Brave. (I use it.)
Google: it can be replaced by DuckDuckGo, a Pennsylvanian search engine.
Gmail: it can be replaced by Protonmail, a Swiss provider. (I use it.) My address there is
Whatsapp: it can be replaced by Signal, which is growing rapidly.

Following its political purges, Twitter has lost 12% of its value. The combined sum of the losses of Mark Elliott Zuckenberg and Jack Patrick Dorsey is over 50
billion dollars.

The scary thing is America is splitting into two nations, left and right, which have no contact with what the other guy is reading.

Many Democrats have literally never HEARD of the Hunter Biden laptop!

But maybe parts of the US wil be forced to secede.



…..Next blog: the boy and the Ferrari



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