Fireworks as jewish CEO/owner Seth Dillon of “Babylon Bee” (now supposedly “Christian”) outs himself on “X” as Israel-Firster; Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) finally gets radical

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The jew Seth Dillon is an “entrepreneur” (which likely means that an investor who “also happened to be jewish” lent him scads of cash to join the jewish-millionaires-club). Rich by 2017, he bought out “The Babylon Bee,” a conservative, pro-Christian satire website, and now he runs it along with his brother Dan.

Seth says he is a “preacher’s kid” (likely via the goy father) — but admits he has “Ashkenazi blood.”

If he is an Ashkenazi jew, then his jewishness is likely through his mother, since evangelical preachers are usually not women. (This is something which the New Testament/Saint Paul expressly prohibits.) Having a jewish mother makes him a jew.


As I have said many times, and  I say this after actually reading the Bible four times, including the New Testament in the original Greek, Saul/Paul took over Christianity. (This is exactly what Hitler and Dietrich Eckart also believed, and  many others.)

Saul did so after his Sanhedrin brethren had pressured the Roman governor, Pilate, to order Jesus to be tortured and murdered.

And then, once Jesus was GONE, Saul rejudaized it.

Paul spoke about the importance and relevance of Jewish identity multiple times in the New Testament.

  • He says there is “much advantage to being a Jew, and much value in circumcision”, arguing God has chosen Jewish people to be entrusted with the Scripture itself. (Rom 3)
  • He calls himself a Jew in Romans 9-11
  • He calls himself a Pharisee in Acts 23
  • He takes a collection for the Jewish poor in Jerusalem among the Gentile congregations (1 Cor 16).
  • He argues that Gentiles should share physical resources and money with Jewish believers, since Jews shared in spiritual inheritance with Gentiles.
  • He celebrates Jewish feasts and encourages others to do so (1 Cor 5)
  • He takes a Torah-prescribed vow in the Temple and pays for others to do the same “so that all will know there is no truth to these reports that you teach contrary to the Torah, but you yourself are living in obedience to it.” (Acts 21).
  • He says that while some Jews who reject Messiah act like enemies to Christians, “they are still loved by God for the sake of the patriarchs” and that God’s calling on Jews is irrevocable. (Romans 11)
  • He says Jewish people specifically will receive mercy from God in the end (Romans 11)
  • He submits to Jewish religious discipline in Acts.
  • He says God has not rejected his own people, the Jewish people (Rom 11).

And after Saul rejected what Jesus actually taught —  spirituality, love, humility, overcoming the ego, and reincarnation (having many lives to work on yourself, grow and change) — the actual Founder of “Christianity” then pulled his own insane new doctrines right out of his ass, dogmas which over the last 2,000 years have alienated any logical person:

In fact, Pauline Christianity is so nuts that his cult has led more than anything else to atheism, and that atheism — “there is no God, just matter” — has led to the wicked world we are in now.

The worst of the delusions of all is “you are just a body, and when you die, that’s it. Over and out. Blackness, nothing.”

Let me put Paul in a nutshell:

God created you to go to hell and be burned there forever — UNLESS you believe that

1) you are born wicked because an ancestor, Adam, ate a forbidden apple, which, again, makes YOU, 4,000 years later, a wicked sinner, too.

2) BUT if you believe that the crucifixion of Jesus cancels your apple-eating hereditary sinfulness, then you will be forgiven every wicked thing you ever did. You can just die and go to heaven, living there forever….  by believing this.

Yes, the earth can go straight to bloody hell, and it is certainly there now under the jews, but there is no need to try to fix the world.

You’ll be up there in heaven with Jesus!

(Jesus apparently just loves hanging out forever and ever with sinners. See, he changes your character by magic.)

Can you see how this total escapism helps the jews rule the world without any further goy “interference”?

Anyway, back to Seth Dillon and his newest tweet,which was insane, inane, and alienating:



Wow, so Hamas should surrender…….(wait for it) Israel.

Sounds like a great idea if you want to be tortured, murdered, see your children ripped into pieces, and have jews cut your organs out and sell them.


More Seth Dillon:


Furious reactions:



Apparently wanting Israel to stop murdering babies is “cheering on Hamas”. Stick to satire.

Gentile Leader King Raine 
When is the Babylon Bee going out of business?

Karlyn Borysenko, the modern day Yuri Bezmenov
If you want to put Israel before America, you might consider moving there.


John Smith
And if they don’t, well, I guess it just sucks to be the million women and children that will likely be blown to bits. Just like Jesus would have done.

chris eagan 
As people cry about Russia/China interfering in our elections, remember that we would never tolerate any other country compromising our elected officials like this

Israel and Hamas are two evils of the same coin.

“If you want Israel to stand down you might want to reconsider cheering for Hamas and instead call on them to release their hostages and surrender.”

Marvin Sensible Centrist
I want to stop sending money to Israel. It’s not our problem
Scipio Americanus ✞
You’re Jewish

Classic jеw


……What Jesus really meant in John 8:44

Wow — Is the NT verse John 8:44 actually saying that Jesus saw Yahweh as EVIL? — yup! And on the huge Vatican audience hall with REPTILIAN décor

I studied Ancient Greek (both Classical and Koiné) at Georgetown (and maybe I should add that I got A’s in both semesters and did not flunk ). Unlike Barack Hussein Obama, who refused to release his college transcripts from all three universities he supposedly attended, I release my transcript. See “Fall 1980” and “Spring 1981”:

And based on this, I can confirm by reading the Greek original that it does have Jesus saying to the Jewish officials (in word-for-word literal translation):

“You (pl.) from father of the Devil are!“ In Latin letters: “Humeis ek patros tou Diabolou este!”

And who exactly is “the father of the Devil”?


This would also mean that Jesus was saying to His jew enemies:

“You and the Devil have the same father;  you and he are brothers.”

Thus the Devil is not their FATHER — that would be a mistranslation, and I always wondered about it — but Satan is their brother.

Both were spawned by another Being …who fathered them both.

Equally ominously, Jesus is implying that there exists above the Devil yet another Evil Being…. Yahweh.

In English: “Ye from the father of the Devil are.”

(In German: “Ihr vom Vater des Teufels seid” In French: “Vous du père du Diable êtes.”)
Laurent Guyénot, a graduate of the Sorbonne in Paris, and one of us, did a whole book — “From Yahweh to Zion” on how evil the god (with a small “g”), the tribal deity, of the jews was, but how many Christians have read the Old Testament???


The Roman Catholic Church banned the reading of the Old Testament by the laity. It contained too many disturbing things!



And what did Thomas Jefferson say about Yahweh (in two PRIVATE letters, not stating them publicly out of fear of both jews and brainwashed, judeophilic Christians, who also were voters)?


The coming religion will honor JESUS and cause the masses to reject His murderers!



…..Two headlines out of Jew York City on one and the same day

So Trump is not allowed to criticize the hostile, anti-white Hispanic judge, the hostile, anti-white negro Attorney General, or the hostile, anti-white Demoncrat jury….




…Mike Adams finally wakes up and smells the coffee

How both Israel and the GOP completely lost my support in just 6 1/2 months
04/26/2024 // Mike Adams // 7.1K Views
***JdN Mike Adams (known for years as “the Health Ranger”) has written so much great stuff over the years about politics, health, FDA corruption, dangerous vaccines, etc., and as a result he got deplatformed off all the big sites (YouTube, Facebook, PayPal, Twitter, etc.)
But as a Christian (he is a Texa n and that is part of the Bible Belt) he still supported IsraHell…… He still had Chosen-People Derangement Syndrome. But recent events have shocked him into making the statement that came out today about both the Zionist entity and about the GOP, the RepubliCON party which supports it to the hilt.

Before October 7th, I was pro-Israel and pro-GOP. Right after Oct. 7th, I was even MORE pro-Israel, feeling great sadness for the Israeli deaths that took place during the Hamas attack. Before long, however, Israel began bombing Gaza in retaliation. Soon it became apparent that the IDF wasn’t bombing Hamas at all. They were bombing hospitals, universities, refugee centers and civilian residential buildings.As the deaths from the indiscriminate bombings mounted, the actions of Israel became irreconcilable with the claim of “self-defense.” At 5,000 Gazan deaths, I became very alarmed. At 10,000 I was horrified. At 20,000 deaths I was outraged. Today the death count stands at 35,000+ and Israel insists it is still bombing Gazans to death as an act of “self-defense.” During all this, almost no member of the GOP spoke out against Israel’s mass bombing of civilian infrastructure and residential buildings, using U.S.-supplied 2,000 lb. bombs which are indiscriminate killers of any innocent civilians who are unlucky enough to be caught in the extensive blast radius. Far from “precision strikes,” Israel’s attacks on Gaza were more accurately described as “genocidal carpet bombing” to destroy every living person in an entire city.

As Israel’s true intentions became impossible to ignore — the complete extermination of the Palestinian people — it was also impossible not to conclude that Israel was engaged in acts of genocide. Modern-day war crimes, intended to exterminate an entire ethnic group of people, so that Zionists could steal their land, water and resources. It was at this point that Israel completely lost my support. In retrospect, I no doubt afforded Israel far too much hesitation, tending to give them the benefit of the doubt, solely because my understanding of what Israel was actually doing had been obscured by a lifetime of pro-Israel western propaganda.


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Now, the true nature of Israel and Zionism is abundantly clear, and I feel a sense of personal shame that I did not recognize this sooner. Israel is a nation of extreme hatred and violence, run by murderous war criminals who act daily on a deeply evil intent to achieve the genocidal extermination of the Palestinian people. These acts from Israel’s leadership are deliberate and even celebrated in their own words as they openly call for the mass extermination of all Palestinians. It is now abundantly obvious that Israel’s genocidal nature is incompatible with sustainable human civilization (or even regional peace), and that the escalatory actions of Israel (such as bombing Iran’s consulate building in Damascus) are so extremely dangerous that far from being “America’s greatest ally,” Israel has actually become America’s most dangerous enemy.


How the GOP lost my support even more quickly

The GOP, for their part, now appears to be wholly controlled by Netanyahu and his far-right Likud party extremists. The shocking obedience of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in dispatching hundreds of state troopers to brutally assault peaceful pro-Palestine protesters at the UT campus in Austin belies the gross abandonment of fundamental civil rights principles which now defines the Republican party in America. The very same Republicans who screeched about the abuse of federal power levied against the peaceful J6 protesters is now calling for military force to be unleashed against unarmed, peaceful university students merely because Israel does not like the content of the protesters’ speech.

The official position of Texas Gov. Abbott, now admitted in his own tweets, is that your First Amendment rights are now defined and limited by Israel, and if Israel says they don’t like your speech, then Texas will deploy overwhelming military force to arrest you and jail you even when you have committed no definable crime other than “offending Israel.”

That Senator Ted Cruz is going along with this — and that governors Noem and DeSantis are also apparently beholden to Israel’s demands — is a shocking indictment of the Republican party in general… and it is a gross admission that the GOP will readily abandon any principle at all — including the most sacred principle enshrined in the First Amendment — in order to appease the Zionist lobby that now appears to exert total control over the GOP in America.

That’s how the GOP lost my support. And the fact that Trump continues to side with Israel’s brutality and genocidal violence rather than denouncing these assaults on free speech in America reveals that Trump himself is also a Zionist puppet who cannot be trusted to make policy decisions based on universal principles.

Crudely stated, Dr. Shiva was absolutely correct when he said, “Everybody but me sucks Zionist c#ck.” He was referring to RFK, Jr., Donald J. Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and other candidates running for president. Although his metaphor is profane, it is not wrong.


Informed people are no longer buying into the war racket and Zionism’s victimization scheme

In summary, it only took 6 1/2 months for both Israel and the GOP to lose my support. Now, I speak out against Israel’s crimes against humanity, and I am calling out every member of the GOP who is complicit in Israel’s genocidal crimes. I am known as an “influencer of influencers,” and although I’ve lost a few followers over my speaking out against Israel (mostly Christian Zionists), I have gained tremendous reach among those who are sickened by war, incensed by the Military Industry Complex and fed up with Zionists playing the “anti-Semitism” card to try to play victim every time they are scheming to justify their mass murder.

More importantly, I now realize that the GOP establishment has no remaining guiding principles whatsoever… not even the principle of freedom of speech. And if the GOP won’t defend your First Amendment, they also won’t defend your Second Amendment… or as we’ve seen recently with Speaker Johnson, not your Fourth Amendment, either.

It’s time for a new political party that isn’t populated by Zionist puppets, Big Pharma pill pushers, Military Industrial Complex warmonger and corrupt, incompetent lunatics who want to drive us all into World War III. Col. Douglas Macgregor, who now serves as the CEO of, is absolutely correct when he says that the current uniparty system cannot be salvaged or reformed. It is too far gone. Elections no longer matter, because regardless of who you vote for, you always get (the policies of [warmonger]) John McCain.

Continuing to support the very same candidates that have now wholly sold out to Ukraine, Israel or other foreign interests — all while utterly abandoning the urgent domestic issues that threaten the very existence of our country (such as the open borders crisis) — is an act of insanity. The Democrats are almost universally proving to be authoritarian tyrants, but the Republicans always seem to arrive at the same authoritarianism through different excuses. In terms of the policies they support, there is literally no difference whatsoever: Both Democrats and Republicans wholly support Big Pharma and the vaccine industry, Big War and the DEATH industry, Big Banking and the DEBT industry, and above all BIG GOVERNMENT to control everything you’re allowed to speak or think.

The Democrats have actively destroyed this once-great nation, but the Republicans were either wholly complicit or stood by and did nothing while the arsonists set fire to the pillars of our constitutional republic. As is now obvious to anyone paying attention, we no longer have a functioning civil society in the United States of America. We have a failed government, failed election integrity, a failed justice system, a failed counterfeit currency, fake corporate media, fake war propaganda, a failed educational system, and a weaponized system of science and medicine that literally develops and deploys biological weapons against the American people while actively depriving the public of knowledge of solutions that could have saved millions of people from injury and death during COVID (such as ivermectin, zinc and quercetin).

Today, the United States federal government functions as a deliberate weapon against not just the American people, but against the entire world, and each day as they awaken, federal government officials no doubt ask themselves, “How can we hurt more people today?” Or, “How do we destroy more nations so that America might hold on to its waning dominance a few years longer?”



We are living under the unrelenting tyranny of a geopolitical suicide cult, and its appetite for destruction and human suffering knows no bounds. As this collapsing empire desperately tries to hold on to power, it will destroy the lives, the assets, and the dreams of an entire nation. And both Israel and the GOP are tossing accelerant grenades onto the bonfire of destruction, burning this civilization to the ground and taking as many people as possible with them.

I can no longer participate in any way in supporting such a destructive, demonic system of national suicide. I hereby withdraw my consent and my vote.

Read more news about Israel’s genocide at


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Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.

Mike Adams also serves as the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation.

In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.


  1. The enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend. Hamas is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood who is hellbent to destroy Westen civilization and force upon their filthy faith. Let the Zioscum and Hamas exterminate each other. Good riddance.

    The only reason why the Jew-infested left suddenly has a problem with Iarahell’s genocide on the Palestinians is not that they have suddenly grown a conscience. It’s that the smarter of the ZioNazis have realised that their 19th-century style Jews-first nation state on stolen Palestinian land is incompatible with an albeit Jew-controlled one world government and therefore support Trump’s MAGA movement.

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