Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
Waking Times
Despite the myriad of questionable deaths and illness following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines, there are still multiple political groups, corporations, and others who are pushing to make the jab mandatory. Now, at least one person is taking action to prevent it.
This month, a corrections officer filed a lawsuit against his workplace for requiring him to receive the vaccine in order to keep his job. Isaac Legaretta, sued a county manager and his supervisor earlier this month, Bloomberg Law reported, because they are requiring him to take the vaccine against his will.
“You can’t be forced to be a human guinea pig when a product is experimental,” said N. Ana Garner, an attorney for the suing Isaac Legaretta, who filed his complaint in U.S. District Court District of New Mexico Sunday. “We have the right to bodily integrity,” she told Bloomberg.
Indeed. And, to those who attempt to dispute the fact that this is experimental, you should read more. By the very definition of the phrase, “long term effects” the literal long term effects of the vaccine are completely unknown, making this vaccine experimental.
The approval and distribution process has been so fast that even those working on the front lines of the the pandemic are expressing their concerns and refusing to take the jab.
Because they work on the front lines, healthcare workers are eligible to skip to the front of the line to receive the jab of the vaccine that was developed in record time. However, despite assurances from vaccine makers and their revolving door friends in the Food and Drug Administration, many of these front line workers are leery of this rushed product.
“I think I would take the vaccine later on, but right now I am a little leery of it,” nurse Yolanda Dodson, 55, who works at the Montefiore Hospital in New York City and spent the spring in the heart of the deadly fight against the virus told AFP.
Unfortunately for Legaretta, the county is disputing his lawsuit thanks to the Centers for Disease Control and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) who claim that forcing employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine does not violate anyone’s rights.
While a private employer should be able to require various protocols for employment, Legaretta’s employer is the government.
The American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would allow for employee vaccination exemptions under certain health and religious reasons.
The EEOC in March 2020 said an employer covered by the ADA and Title VII can’t compel all of its employees to take a vaccine. Otherwise, employers are likely on firm legal ground to mandate vaccinations.
The US military can be used as a litmus test in this debate as well as they are quick to mandate nearly every single vaccine on the market. However, they have not mandated the COVID-19 vaccine.
The reason behind their stance is that the FDA has not granted full approval to the vaccine. These vaccines being mandated by employers are still experimental and are only being distributed under an Emergency-Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA — making the mandated aspect of them absolutely shocking.
Absent of a pandemic, these vaccines would not have seen the light of day for years.
Outside of the workplace safety debate, it is hard to think of a more fundamental right than what you choose to put into your own body. Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates this most basic of rights—the right to be free from physical assault. While, Lagaretta has a choice of whether or not to work at this place, the undue stress placed on him in such uncertain times of unemployment puts him in a position without many options.
To be clear, no one here is advocating “antivaxxer” information. TFTP is simply questioning the policy of the government and employers forcing medical procedures on citizens without their consent and advocating for fines, arrests, or firing of those who refuse. If you truly value freedom, you should also stand against forcing someone to inject something into their body that they do not want.
About the Author
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.
C’è la mano di Dio…
Israele uccide Israele.
L’Elite uccide l’Elite.
Dimmi che si stanno autodistruggendo,perché anche l’Elite avrà bisogno di bambini e di sangue nuovo per non morire.
Basta guardare le reazioni di “astinenza completa”.
Sono dei cadaveri.
E la luce totale sarà il colpo di grazia.
Io credo fermamente nel Disegno di Dio…
There is the hand of God …
Israel kills Israel.
The Elite kills the Elite.
Tell me they are destroying themselves, because even the Elite will need children and new blood in order not to die.
Just look at the reactions of “complete withdrawal”.
They are corpses.
And the total light will be the coup de grace.
I firmly believe in God’s plan …
Thank you — used!
Chiedo a te….
lettere sfocate e difficili da leggere. “Uccidere le stelle”…. hmmm
Ero curiosa.
Marzo è il mese giusto?
Perché hanno messo Biden per la Harris? È un meccanismo che non ho compreso…ma era questo il progetto.
Per tutti quelli che continuano ad avere dubbi su di te.
Basta osservare gli zigomi!
Io adoro questo Ritratto per questo.
Mi fa venire i brividi ogni volta…
For all those who continue to have doubts about you.
Just look at the cheekbones!
I adore this portrait for this similarity.
It makes me shiver every time, sincerely.
Thanks for this photo juxtaposition!
Some will shiver with hatred for an American Hitler, others will shiver with love and relief.
I can only promise a better Hitler, to rise in a country so huge it cannot be beaten.
L’umanità non ha compreso che tu sei la nostra sola Benedizione.
Mi sono attaccata (sempre per messaggio)con mio zio che vive a Milano.
Un noto attore italiano stava criticando l’Unione Europea con Draghi,Merkel e tutti i suoi fondatori, compresi i debiti di guerra della Germania.
Bè è uscito fuori il tuo nome e tutto il suo odio spudorato.
Ho provato una tale rabbia che ho risposto pure male a mio zio;eppure ricordo i discorsi che abbiamo fatto sulla Germania 🙁
Non è servito a nulla!
Ormai la propaganda li ha davvero rimbambiti.
Molto di più la Mente Egoica.
Ora riesco a capire cosa fa.
Quindi immagino le tue preoccupazioni.
Sei sempre stato la nostra Benedizione,poi sbagliare è umano,no?
E la rabbia a volte ci rende ciechi.
Tu sei la mia Vita…e non smetterò mai di difenderti.
Mi sono sfogliata tutte le sue foto…conferenze e incontri.
Io adoro questo Zar di Russia.
E sono contenta che ti ha preso in considerazione;magari ha letto tutto il tuo blog e i tuoi apprezzamenti.
Mai avuto dubbi sulla sua onestà.
Putin sta minacciando di chiudere Twetter e gli altri Social LOL
Ho letto solo il titolo dell’Articolo.
Mi è bastato.
I went through all his photos… conferences and meetings.
I adore this Tsar of Russia.
And I’m glad he took you into consideration; maybe he read all your blog and your appreciation.
Never had any doubts about his honesty.
Putin is threatening to shut down Twitter and other social media. LOL!
I have only read the title of the article.
It was enough for me. 🙂