My Margaret Huffstickler, the gifted, prosecuted, convicted Holo Denier Alison Chabloz (a British-French singer), Brooke Lauren Heimbach (the ex of my vicious detractor, the completely disgraced WN Matt Heimbach), the cute young activist Avialae Horton, and the very smart, highly educated, activist host Charles Edward Lincoln discuss what it is like being a WN woman in our times.
(I am trying to also get a link to this show that is not on Facebook.)
The Edge browser should work to see this show at this link.
It so happens that I just received today this fine colorized version of a 1930s B&W photo of Adolf Hitler, Joseph and Magda Goebbels and their children at the Kehlstein Haus in Berchtesgaden, colorized by the gifted Kinga.
(I wish to thank a generous and brave German comrade for financing this colorization.)
Though it is always awkward to bring this up, I should mention that in view of the horrors for Germany of the “Hellstorm,” I reluctantly feel a full understanding for, if not agreement with, the grim decision of the Goebbels couple to not only end their own lives but also those of their adorable children.
The Jews felt a very, very special hatred for Goebbels, Himmler, Streicher, Hess and of course for Hitler himself.
Mind-bending atrocities against just regular German men, women and children took place 1944-46,
….and as for NS leaders, Himmler was beaten to death;
Streicher was obscenely mistreated by black American GIs at the behest of American Jew officers;
the Nuremberg defendants were slowly strangled for five minutes instead of being “properly” hanged so their necks quickly snapped….
Rudolf Hess, born 125 years ago today, who did nothing wrong by any standards, spent decades in the torture of solitary confinement and then was strangled to death.
And so the Goebbels, of all people, felt every right to fear for the fate specifically of their children at the hands of vengeful Jews, and made the heart-rending decision they did from a motive of love. They were both exemplary parents, as even the Jews must admit.
I do not agree with this decision, but neither can I condemn it, for I totally understand their justified fears.
And at least this way, the Goebbels kids did not grow up in the postwar world of lies and degeneracy.
They did not marry smirking, gloating Jews or even Israelis to “atone” for “the sins of their Nazi parents” — after being reeducated, like other offspring of top NS officials, to revile and hate their own noble, loving and conscientious mothers and fathers. (To his credit, Martin Bormann’s oldest son always defended his father, and Edda Goering stood up for her dad, as did Gudrun Himmler for hers.)
And besides, the souls of these sweet kids have lived on!
Maybe they are back now, awaiting the new rebirth of our cause!
You really can’t fight for white rights without naming the Jew. It must be a requirement and has not been.
The alt-right played footsies with all kinds of folks who won’t go there.
I am became aware of Miss Horton after Unite the Right [in Charlottesville]. I followed her behavior for a year and never saw her name the Jew. She’s also a lesbian, and her family are members of a secret society. Indeed, I saw her defend secret societies on her Facebook page.
This lack of conviction and substituting love of race for outing the Jew is a prescription for stagnation and, TBH, right where the Jews want us. They try not to recognize folks who only name the Jew. […].
Then you have apparent leaders borrowing money from other members and skimping out on payments? Pitiful, just pitiful.
I basically agree, Joe, but Avialae is very sweet, bright, perky, speaks well, is very cute, and is a real asset, plus she is not militant about the lesbo thing.
I have often written that I know three major WN authors who were/are closet gays or bisexuals, and I have never felt any desire to out them. It is an affliction that just makes me feel sorry for them.
The very “straight” Fred Leuchter screwed Margi out of $20,000 as she fights literally for her life, and he is no gay. I bet Avialae would pay Margi back, or at least apologize if it was hard to do and work something out in an honorable way.