Military-age male illegal aliens at the Texas border. Are they here to form for the Deep State a uniformed federal militia to repress, arrest or kill all the armed, anti-government gringos?
Do we want the kind of immigrant who has no concern for his own family? Since when do refugees come without their loved ones? Have they really no wives, girlfriends, siblings or parents?
German refugees in Denmark in 1945 — children
German wives, kids and grandma–no one left behind
…..Thank you, donors!
I am now financing the renovation of a hundred-year-old house in Ontonagon in lieu of rent. I had lived here before, in 2014-2018, and Margi was here with me in 2014-15, and again in 2018 before she bought a house with her inheritance that came in that year.
(In between, she had cared for her nonagenarian and ultra-liberal parents, who would have “flipped,” had they known who I was. 😉 I myself was disinherited by a multimillionaire father. It has been 45 years of struggling as a prominent WN to keep my head above water while living in the sometimes very hostile Jewnited Snakes.)
Bad roof, especially in the back, burst pipes, half-replaced flooring, pealed paint, etc. The house still has no water a month after I moved in, but donations keep the job moving forward. I need the house to be presentable in a few weeks.
This other house, a duplex located nearby, however, is still in play. However, at the seller’s wife’s insistence, the price they want went up from a super-cheap $10k to $15K, which is still VERY low.
In reality, I will need both houses. This town still has many empty houses — perfect for a soon growing movement.
.– 21 June 2024 $55 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 18 June 2024 $100 check from local (plus $9 for an expense)
— 15 June 2024 $20 book Not Stolen by Jeff Fynn-Paul, prof. Leiden University, Netherlands (photo above) sent me by activist Stan Hess, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
— 14 June 2024 $100 (81 British pounds) via PP from M in France
— 7 June 2024 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
–2 June $43 (300Danish kronor) via PP from B in Denmark
— 31 May 2024 $99 (79 British pounds) via PP from M in France
— 24 May 2024 $100 cash from M in Texas
— 18 May 2024 $50 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 15 May 2020 $99 (79 British pounds) via PP from M in France
— 3 May 2024 $50 (as 350 Danish kronor) from B in Denmark via PayPal
— 13 April 2024 $82 (77 euros) via PayPal from C in Germany
— 11 April 2024 the new book Egregores, sent by an anonymous donor via Amazon (thank you!)
Egregores are “thought forms,” a kind of entity that can become more and more powerful and finally break away, dominate, and take over a person.
This is also what Eckart Tolle calls the egoic mind. Your mind, and its thoughts, start dictating your life and choices, overthrowing your soul and becoming a fearsome, tyrannical master. Misery results. Earth is misruled by egregores, insane thoughts that become dominating monsters.
— 7 April 2024 $58 (as 400 Danish kronor) via PayPal from B in Denmark
Copenhagen Harbor
— 5 April 2024 $20 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 24 March 2024 $208 (164 British pounds) from M in France
— 14 March 2024 235 British pounds ($208) via PayPal from M in France
— 6 March 2024 $50 by money order from M in Texas, a generous donor who is also an avid bicyclist and sent me the image below
— 4 March 2024 164 British pounds ($208) via PayPal from M in France
— 1 March 2024 $25 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
…..Demonic possession of more and more Whites, resulting in the profoundly unnatural “I don’t want kids!”
Kids don’t just happen because of the sex drive or two people downing five drinks at a bar, then “doing it” without a condom. 😉
A soul wants to reincarnate to grow and evolve through many experiences, and young adults are drawn to the love, joy, and pride that can come from successful parenthood.
National socialists also understand that, even with more and more robots and AI these days, the white race will be in great danger if our numbers keep decreasing.
Rhodesia — the last days before the black chaos of “Zimbabwe”
Kids and dogs — a beautiful burden that we shoulder to make us mature, responsable — to become leaders! (We lead and we teach our kids, especially by being a good example.) .
Our goal –a safe and beautiful white world — and this is what the Germans actually had 1933-39.
Imagine a nation where you can live and go to kindergarten with your own kind (Russia)
The teacher’s assistant is the camera-woman with her phone 😉 LOL!
On VK:
A comrade commented under my article on the crashing white birthrate:
Jewesses on the birth rate collapse; McDonalds pays $20/hr but goes AI and fires almost everyone
John, I think that the Western birthrate and South Korean birthrate are collapsing due to slightly different reasons. The Koreans seem to primarily be struggling with a work-oriented culture that saps their women of energy and a form of hyper-urbanization which makes it difficult to raise children. In America, it seems that the issues are:
1. Inflation and the cost of living make it difficult for young people to afford children.
2. The media encourages negative, anti-family behaviors.
3. The school system teaches young women that it’s empowering to not have children.
4. There is a karmic / reincarnation / spiritual malaise related element.
The last one might sound strange, but I’m convinced it’s an important factor. A large number of young women in America now identify as LGBT and most trans people are now female-to-males.
And who do the transgenders and leftist White women hate the most? Nazis. Because of this, I genuinely think some of them are the reincarnation of anti-Nazi Allies & Soviets. Others are very likely mentally ill people that have negative spirit attachments (aka they’re borderline possessed).
I think these attachments can put nightmares and negative ideas in people’s heads, so not all trans folks are genuine cross-sex incarnation cases. Some of them are experiencing feelings and thoughts which are not coming from their own mind but instead originating from a toxic spiritual presence that is ‚free-riding‘ off of them. If you look up the George Ritchie NDE case (I believe that’s the one), he said that he saw disembodied human souls attempting to latch onto living humans who were drinking.
Not all souls in the interlife are good or willing to talk with their guardian angel about their problems. Some probably linger and morph into dark spectral shades which live parasitically off of the living.
In a healthy society, the average ‚vibration‘ pushes these things away from most people.
I replied:
Thanks for a very interesting comment.
On George Ritchie, MD:
Dr. George G. Ritchie, M.D. (born September 25, 1923; died October 29, 2007) held positions as president of the Richmond Academy of General Practice; chairman of the Department of Psychiatry of Towers Hospital; and founder and president of the Universal Youth Corps, Inc. for almost 20 years. In 1967, he entered private psychiatry practice in Richmond and in 1983, moved to Anniston, Alabama, to serve as head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center. He returned to Richmond in 1986 to continue in private practice until retirement in 1992.
At the age of twenty, George Ritchie died in an Army hospital and was pronounced dead twice by the doctor on duty. Nine minutes later, he returned to life. Dr. Ritchie wrote of his near-death experience (NDE) in Return from Tomorrow, co-written with Elizabeth Sherrill, in 1978. In Return from Tomorrow, he tells of his out-of-body experience, his meeting with Jesus Christ, and his travel with Christ through different dimensions of time and space. Return from Tomorrow has been translated into nine languages. Ritchie’s story was the first contact Dr. Raymond Moody, PhD had with NDEs, during his undergraduate studies in philosophy at the University of Virginia. This led Moody to investigate over 150 cases of NDEs in his book Life After Life and two other books that followed.
There absolutely ARE demonic beings, and all major and minor religions confirm this. This is why I preach — be right with God at all times. To be vulgar, don’t piss off your guardian angel. There are many dangers out there for you.
The Catholics call it being in a state of grace. It does not mean being perfect and making no mistakes in life. It signifies not deliberately doing anything evil, not committing a mortal sin.
According to the Catholic Church, there are seven mortal or cardinal sins : lust, gluttony, avarice (greed), sloth (laziness), anger, envy, and pride. Roman Catholic theology states that these are “the gravest of sins, representing a deliberate turning away from God and destroying charity (love) in the heart of the sinner.”
So to knowingly be doing wicked things is dangerous, not just for others, but also for YOU.
More on Dr. Ritchie:
“Ritchie’s NDE occurred in 1943 when he was shown visions of Earth’s future. Jesus informed him he had 45 years to accomplish his mission in life. That would be 1988: ‘It is left to humanity which direction they shall choose. I came to this planet to show you, through the life I led, how to love. Without our Father you can do nothing, neither could I. I showed you this. You have 45 years.’ – Jesus’ words to George Ritchie.”
“Ritchie saw
–increasing natural disasters on Earth (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes) [Dana Wigington of would say HAARP and chemtrails together are being used to CAUSE these “natural” disasters;
— families splitting, and
— governments are breaking apart
— because of people thinking only of themselves; and
— armies marching on the U.S. from the south.
He also saw
— explosions occurring all over the world of a magnitude beyond our capacity to imagine. He was told that if they continued,
— human life as we have known it will not exist.”
This is interesting because I saw yesterday a video interview conducted by a Jim Ferguson of Scotland/Britain.
His guest said flat-out that the Deep State, in Scotland, in the north of Britain, was actively training illegal-alien males living in the UK to be special police in uniform to crush any rebellion against the NWO, and that the elite Black Watch regiment (in traitorously blind obedience to orders) was doing the training of these hostile non-Whites.
Of course, it all sounds fantastical. But so did the claims to us all that the jews, pedophiles and satanists, have taken us over, they are ritually murdering white children (and all the adenochrome stories), and they are genociding us with the Covid clot shot…. or the truth about the chemtrails all over our skies.
It does seem inconceivable that anyone could be that wicked.
And why would it not be the plan for the US as well — to deputize illegal aliens and put them in an actual government uniform with police powers to slaughter the Whites? That is obviously much easier than getting white British troops to gun down their fellow Britons.
Over and over I read that of the approximately ten million illegals who have streamed in under Biden, half are not Mexicans at all but Arabs, Chinese, and Black Africans — or Hispanics but not refugees at all — Venezuelan gang members.
Robert Kennedy, Junior says (and so does Tucker Carlson) that if you stand at one of these illegal border crossings you will see, again and again, hordes of “young males of military age, fighters.”
I just searched and found on Twitter/X the claims by Ferguson’s guest:
Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.
“these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown”
The Black…
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) May 11, 2024
I will mention once again my strange experience on February 24, 2018 with a reading light that one can clip onto a book one is reading in bed.
It snapped on totally by itself and deployed.
It was not at all my first supernatural experience. I felt no serious fear, but with absolute certainty that someone was encouraging me on my spiritual path (as opposed to discussing political affairs ad infinitum, world news, and informational stuff about jews, race and the NWO).
I sensed that he, she, or they were good beings, but invisible to me, though I was not to them!
This, as I have written, seemed, felt, to me to be like a cloaked person, just standing there in the room.
Again, this reading light just activated itself. I had never used this gimcrack at all (and I usually do not read in bed), but I had left it on my desk for when the friend who had given it to me came over to visit.
As you can see, it takes a real effort to get the button to work. You have to take hold of the device, then push hard to activate the button on the upper right side. A breeze coming in the window could not do this (and in February in Ontonagon, believe me, no windows were open. 😉 )
In fact, it is 50 degrees Fahrenheit today, on June 23rd! I had the heat on a bit!
So let me repeat this: Be right with God, especially because bad things are going to happen. Live and die in a state of grace, and then you can face the music. I saw my wife die, and I have her ashes. We all stand naked before a Cosmic Being who sees all things, and who forgives only those who are remorseful and eager to change.
As Jesus said, according to Dr. Ritchie, the problem is “people thinking only of themselves.”
Tja, ob es da einen Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden nach genannten Nachrichten gibt? ; – )
Orban kritisiert Deutschlands Migrationspolitik scharf | AFP
STUTTGART: “Das ist ein Tatort!” Eskorte von Orban schwer verunglückt – Polizist tot! Was wir wissen
Der Führer fährt beim Staatsbesuch selbst mit, wie beispielsweise sowie vor allem eindrucksvoll beim Duce geschehen, und selbstverständlich ward auch angehalten mit dem offenen Wagen, auch, um der jubelnden Menge gerecht zu werden, die da fordert: wir wollen unseren Führer sehen.
Und was Kamerad Orban anbelangt: sag’ doch endlich, daß der Führer recht hat und reih’ dich ein. : – )