Flop fmr British prime minister Gordon Brown: ‘Corona crisis requires “temporary” WORLD GOVERNMENT’

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….The Above-Below game

This is what is called a “trial balloon.” You float an idea to see if it gets traction.

OR this could be more purposeful — an “above-below” game.

The elite, the ones “above,” decide what toxic changes they want to make to ruin our societies even further so they can exterminate us in the end.

Changes such as:

Gay marriage.

Gun bans.

Open borders.

Or world government, “temporarily,” of course. (Like the temporary US income tax, introduced to fund the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln, 1861-65.) 😉

Then…. the groups “below” get to work.

Radical, pushy and well-funded groups financed by the same elite, by the Soros-types (groups for militant gays, jooze, libtards, and illegals) start marching and protesting.

The media, also owned by the same elite, then give all this “protest” and these “demands” non-stop coverage, both of the marches and then interviews on talk shows with pitiful victims of oppression so they can sob away.

Then likeable, telegenic experts working for the elite at various think tanks come on to express understanding for the “demands.”

Then some Great Leader gets statesmanlike: “We must not be afraid of change.”

So you’re a wuss if you “f-e-a-r” the entire Third World pouring in.

Suddenly the mirage is there: THE PEOPLE WANT CHANGE.

Yes, indeed, the Chosen People. 😉


So you get “gay marriage,” though most gays were not insisting on it. (They already had their “civil unions” —  same legal rights as straight couples.)

It’s called “Above-Below.”

The real “people” were not asked, or involved — at all.

The elites did it with 1) their whore media and 2) faux radicals on a tight money leash, then 3) the politicos listen to a jewish phantasm of “We the People” that never was.


.….Gordo wants global governance

Gordon Brown (1951–), a dour Scot, rumored Asperger nerd, and, some say, paedophile,

….was the leader of the British Labour Party from 2007 to 2010, and served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during that time. He resigned to national relief when his approval ratings became abysmal.

Notably, he was the villain who, in the Cabinet with PM Tony Blair, helped disarm the British people even of small .22 pistols in 1997 after (IMO) an MK-ULTRA named Thomas Hamilton, by elite order, massacred 16 little Scottish school children in 1996 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_massacre).

Yes, yes, “the people” suddenly wanted to “stop the madness,” and “the people” felt  a sudden need to give up all means of their own self-defense — in a world that is full of madmen, paedophiles and violent muslim terrorists. “We’ll be safer when we cannot defend ourselves.” 😉

According to British journalist Mike James, Brown is a paedophile, and Hamilton was in his circle of molesters of Scottish children.



Lord Robertson, a self-confessed Freemasonic member of Edinburgh’s sinister “Speculative Society” lodge, who enjoyed a peculiarly close personal relationship with Thomas Hamilton, the mass murderer of abused children in Dunblane, failed to sue the Sunday Herald for libel [over paedophile allegations] and promptly disappeared from public life.

Police records revealed that Robertson had helped expedite the process by which the Manchurian Candidate, Hamilton, already a convicted child molester with known affiliations to the British elite, was able to obtain gun licenses.

IMO, this MK-ULTRA Hamilton was ordered to kill

1) the kids to shut them up and to get gun control, and

2) himself — so the police could not interrogate him. Done.

MK-ULTRAs can be counted on. “Commit murders, then suicide” is a big part of the programming.

Dead men tell no truth.

Now this same Gordon Brown wants world government. This website is for this jew idea:

Ex-UK PM Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus pandemic


Former UK prime minister Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to deal with the coronavirus crisis.  

Brown said the proposed global taskforce should oversee and support the development of a vaccine and the production and distribution of medical equipment, and help to deal with the economic fallout of the crisis. To do the latter, it should coordinate the efforts of central banks; take steps to prevent the flight of capital from emerging market economies; and agree on a joint approach to the use of government spending to boost growth.

Brown, who was at the centre of international efforts to lessen the impact of the 2008 financial crash, told The Guardian the taskforce should comprise heads of state, health experts and the heads of international organisations. It would need the executive powers to coordinate the response, he argued.

“This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he told the British newspaper. “There has to be a coordinated global response.”

Still think this Corona thing is real Megadeath, and not in the same league as the Holohoax & how 19 Arabs with boxcutters — who failed flight school – knocked over the ultra-strong, mega-steel World Trade Center?





  1. Here are some Twitter posts showing nearly EMPTY hospitals that are in the supposed “war zones” of coronavirus infections in NYC and Los Angeles:

    Brooklyn, NY:

    Queens, NY:

    Two from Los Angeles:

    Here’s a Twitter thread on empty hospitals in supposed coronavirus “war zones”:

    I wonder how much longer it will be before the Jews demand that “coronavirus conspiracy theorists” on Twitter and elsewhere be totally shut down? Three, two, one…

  2. Here’s a quote and photo you may be able to use. I don’t know if JFK, Jr. actually said this, as I couldn’t find any real proof, but even if he didn’t, his apparent friendship with Trump is very interesting. I don’t think they’d be sitting together at a basketball game if they weren’t friends:

    Here’s another photo of JFK, Jr. with Trump – their head tilts towards each other indicate friendship:

    2016 New York Post article:

    JFK Jr. predicted Trump’s run for president 20 years ago — By Keith J. Kelly — 3 November 2016

    Here’s that same photo as above (cropped) saying that it was taken at [Trump’s Palm Beach mansion,] Mar-a-Lago, in 1996:

    • Excellent – thank you. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for some of those conversations. I knew someone in Boston who knew JFK Jr as a young DA in Manhattan and said he was a humble, nice, unspoiled, charming young man, considerate and not stuck up in the slightest.

      Quite an achievement when handsome as a Greek god, son of a beloved president, and wealthy to boot!

      Once he started that “investigative magazine” George, the jooze started watching him like a hawk.

      And soon he had his “accident.” 🙁 🙁

      Due to monsters… He was murdered by cowardly devils in human form.

  3. Here’s the latest LOL-fest from the Jews media – photos of supposed deceased coronavirus victims in a refrigerated truck, from a conveniently unidentified hospital, taken by an anonymous Jewish male nurse:


    From the article:

    “The nurse, who is Jewish, likened the photos of the truck to “Holocaust footage,” and said, he’d “never seen something quite like it.””

    “Oy vey, goyim! It’s anudda holocaust, I tell ya!” Oh, my sides (LOL!) – I can’t take much more of this blatant fakery.

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