China: We must control US information” — secret 2017 military document; flow like water today

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“In future warfare, seizing more information resources while controlling and restricting other nations’ information will be a key component for competing with nations during peaceful periods, and an important combat strategy in times of war” — from an Epoch Times article on China building drones:

……Spiritual reading

January 22

Today try to be like water. Be fluid and fow. Hold to nothing and carry only that which is light enough to flow with you. Today would be a good day to yield rather than fight, to surrender that you may move instead of struggling in order to stay put.

Spend some time, if you will, contemplating the nature and power and wisdom of water. It has much to teach you, in all likelihood. Avoid direct confrontations. Understand that everything moves and is thus altered. Today you will not gain through engaging that which appears static. It is not.

Do anything you can to enhance your watery nature: drink it, swim in it, wash things in it, bathe in it, walk in it if it is falling from the sky. Study it and learn its strengths that they may be yours as well. We send many blessings. — E. West


    • After this actually hit the news, the Demoncrats had to back track and let the N.G. back inside a warm building again. Sadly, it takes real courage for soldiers to actually mutiny against criminal leadership. Risking life, family, and economic survival to save a country isn’t worth it. But eventually they and their loved ones will suffer as a result of their fearful inaction.

      The story is that a member of the National Guard was not wearing a mask on federal property (just like the Cheater in Chief) and some Democrat congressworm freaked out. This resulted in the troops being forced into an underground parking garage with no sleeping mats and only ONE bathroom.

      Compare this disgusting treatment of the military to how President Trump treated the troops…tells you everything!

      The Military is not the Democrats’ play things.”

      “Never before in American history did troops turn their backs to their commander in chief. Yes, it happened when the Fraud in Chief Biden’s motorcade drove by on Wednesday.’
      [For as long as it stays up ]

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