Fmr Army captain (female) in Iraq tells Muslim threatener what she has for him

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Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog.


This is why we need our own Aryan religion.

Your donation will enable me to launch the most feared weapon the jews have ever faced, not a secular regime that they can defeat, but a power sourced in the immortal.

See my

Basically, the Jews have it down to a science how to overthrow or ifiltrate and take over all Gentile secular regimes.

What they cannot defeat is the force that runs the universe, if we but tap into it.

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  1. It makes more sense if you have ever traveled Africa. Yes, the blacks hate whites, but they hate each other even more (tribe to tribe). They are actually are happy to turn back the hand of progress.

  2. Perhaps a bit over broad of a brush stroke? The Muslims in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan (to some extent) were fairly peaceful and lived in peace with non-Muslim neighbors. Likewise, the mostly-Shiite Iranians are fairly civilized and tolerant Muslims and are considered infidels by the extremist Salafists, such as the Wahhabis. Shiites are blown up and subjected to atrocities by Western-trained Salafists at a much higher rate than White Europeans. True, Muslims are not allowed to be friends with non-Muslims. In many ways they are like Jews with the exception being that they encourage conversion. My position has always been that we let them be, much as we’d give a hornet’s nest a wide berth. (The Bible describes the Ishmaelites as a “kicking jackass”–when jackasses fight they back-kick in a circle.)

    Agitating them has helped foster the invasion of white countries we now see — due to inbreeding with close cousins some of them are neurasthenic, much as many Jews are, and it doesn’t take much to set these types off in an hysterical fit.

    (The greatest progress in the Islamic world was after absorption of the white elements of the Byzantine Empire. The genetic crosses at that time produced what’s called hybrid vigor–superior physical and mental specimens. As more African genetic material was incorporated from slaves, their great intellectual renaissance hit a stone wall of restricted cranial capacity…despite the capture of millions of white slaves in the succeeding centuries.)

    Shriners and even the KKK have held up the Qur’an as a model for whites…or at least a basis for a model. However, observing the real-life behavior of Muslims toward one another convinces me this is not the religion for the white man.

    • Great comment.

      As for the millions of white slaves, the men were worked to death in the galleys and mines, and the nubile women put in harems, where semites with dominant genes bred to make more Arabs, though lighter-skinned.

      Both Assad and his Lebanese wife look white, she more than he, but he has blue eyes.

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