Fmr Biden staffer whom Creepy Joe finger-raped in 1993 defects to Russia! ….spiritual reading…. famous encounter with Nordics

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…..Tara Reade, who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993, defects to Russia

I have blogged often on this case and how even ultra-libtard Mika Brzezinski (daughter of the late russophobe and US imperialist Zbigniew), who was a strong foe in 2016 and 2020 of Donald Trump, along with her equally woke husband, Joe Scarborough, on MSNBC, showed in a video that she believed Tara Reade, i.e. the feminism-promoting hypocrite Joe Biden raped his own employee.

Four interrogators look at Joe Biden denying Tara Reade rape — his head nods Yes while his mouth says No 😉

Why Joe Biden is just perfect — for the jews

And now this:

Former Senate staffer who made claim in 2020 appears on Russian media alongside convicted Russian agent in US Maria Butina

Martin Pengelly in New York, Tue 30 May 2023 17.52 EDT


Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, has said she had defected to Russia.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade told Sputnik, a Russian press outlet supportive of President Vladimir Putin, while sitting with Maria Butina, a convicted Russian agent jailed in the US but now a member of parliament in Russia.

“I feel very surrounded by protection and safety,” Reade said on Tuesday.

Now 59, Reade was a staffer for Biden when he was a US senator from Delaware.

In 2020, as Biden ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, she claimed that in 1993, in a Senate corridor, he pushed her against a wall and assaulted her. Biden repeatedly denied the accusation.

At her press appearance in Russia, Reade was described as a “writer, publicist and former aide to Joe Biden”.

Sitting next to Butina, Reade said: “I just really so appreciate Maria and everyone who’s been giving me [protection] at a time when it’s been very difficult to know if I’m safe or not.

“I just didn’t want to walk home and walk into a cage [jail/prison] or be killed, which is basically my two choices.”

Reade recently considered testifying before US House Republicans seeking to use committees to attack Biden and his family.

The decision to defect to Russia, she told Sputnik, “was very difficult. I’m not an impulsive person. I really take my time and sort of analyse data points.

“And from what I could see based on the cases and based on what was happening and sort of the push for them to not want me to testify, I felt that while [the 2024] election is gearing up and there’s so much at stake, I’m almost better off here and just being safe. My dream is to live in both places, but it may be that I only live in this place, and that’s OK.”

Biden is running for re-election. As president, he has helped maintain international support for Ukraine as it fights invading Russian forces.

Reade said:

“To my Russian brothers and sisters, I’m sorry right now that American elites are choosing to have such an aggressive stance. Just know that most American citizens do want to be friends and hope that we can have unity again.

“I am enjoying my time in Moscow, and I feel very at home.”



…..Spiritual reading for May 31

It is possible that you will find yourself dealing with emotional highs and lows, maybe even the sense that you are freeing, lifting upward, and then that you are impossibly grounded, unable to do more than slog through your daily activities. Highs and lows of many sorts. Keep your eyes open to see if and how this might manifest in your life.

When you swing into this kind of energy, it is important to keep balancing, breathing and bringing your awareness to the earth in order not to topple in one direction or another. These are always good things to do, but perhaps more essential to your ability to navigate the events of a day when things feel topsy-turvy.

The trick, as always, is to stay connected to your higher awareness. To avoid being sucked into any vortices, whether they hold despair or ecstasy. Tastes of each are fine, but don’t lose yourself in them. These strong emotional states can be of great value and you can work with them, live with them and learn from them in many situations — but only when you remain firmly grounded in your own center and mastery.

Nature helps with this, so immerse yourself in the natural world if that is a possibility. Let the stately and impassive pace of the trees and the stones help you slow down if you are moving too fast or going too high.

Let the vibrance and pulsating life force of the smaller animals and insects remind you of the tremendous joy and lightness of simple being if you are feeling weighed down.

As we said earlier, breath is of the utmost importance — connecting yourself to the rest of the physical world, and to the etheric as well, all through your breath. Pay attention particularly. You will be able to observe and learn much, we think.

It might easily happen that knowing all this, you still find yourself in the middle of an intense state you did not notice getting lost in. That is okay. Like any meditation, what you are needing to do is just to return again and again to the truth. But the illusion can be most intriguing, seductive. So don’t be surprised if you end up having some emotional adventures despite your best efforts. Simply put them in perspective and move on.

If you can find a way to be outdoors, in nature or surrounded by people whose energy suits you, enjoy the experience today. There is a lot of sweetness around if you can stay in the middle. Look for that, and content yourself with it. For the moment, it is the goal and the ideal.

We send all our love.



……Nordic aliens were “beautiful people and compassionate”




The comic book, UFO Flying Saucers No. 7, August 1975 published by Gold Key (Western Publishing Company, Inc.) featured a brief adaptation of the first Jessie Roestenburg sighting,  “The Unsmiling Men,” a four page story illustrated by John Celardo.  It’s chief departure from the original account is in the depiction of the saucer occupants, drawn here as weird aliens, not the beautiful angelic astronauts Jessie described. One interesting thing the story does well is to demonstrate is the peculiar angle the saucer would have to tip forward in order for the occupants and witnesses to be able to see each other.


TV Coverage

In 1976, Hugh Burnett was preparing a UFO documentary for the BBC, and he approached Charles Bowen and Gordon Creighton of Flying Saucer Review. They gave him the contact information for Jessie Roestenburg. The documentary was titled Out of this World, and it was first broadcast May 10, 1977 on BBC 1. It’s largely responsible for reviving interest in the case, and today, most people are probably familiar with Jessie Roestenburg’s story via the YouTube clip of her from the programIt’s often shared with comments noting how genuine, sincere and credible she appears. 


She describes the saucer as looking like a Mexican hat, and says occupants, says were beautiful people with long golden hair, wearing  coverings over their heads like a “transparent fishbowl.”
“They just looked, and I was absolutely paralytic with fear. I couldn’t move, although my mind was taking over. And they seemed so sympathetic that I was mesmerized, seemed to be – oh, ages, but it could have only been seconds. After checking on her boys, “I looked up and it was gone.” 
Asked about the size of the object, she says it was “massive,” that it was larger than the roof of the house. She said they saw the object again in the distance, that it circled them three times then it shot off.
A spaceman in a fishbowl helmet, as seen in The Man from Planet X, 1951
More fishbowls from The Net, 1953
Mrs. Roestenburg appeared in another UFO program a few years later, and told her story again on the episode, “U.F.O.s” of Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World, which was broadcast Nov. 4, 1980. It’s interesting to contrast it with her previous clip from the 1977, Out of this World. Her description of the events are very similar,  sometimes word for word. In both she’s quite animated, but here she’s far less emotional, and perhaps convincing. 
She describes discovering the flying saucer:

“To my amazement there, suspended on the top of the roof of this old farm, was this object that I can only describe as a huge Mexican hat. It was that shape, without the bobbles. It must have been fifteen to twenty yards from where I stood. It covered the roof, so in circumference it must have been about sixty feet, it was enormous.  The people in the space-craft were just looking out, I could see them from the waist to the top of their heads. They were very beautiful people. They had long golden hair… (but no mention of the fishbowl helmets). and they just looked at us. Their eyes – the expression in their eyes – were full of compassion.”“And then all of a sudden, I felt the tension leaving me and I felt movement, and I turned around to touch my children and when I looked again it was gone.” Moments later, her younger son pointed it out then, “it circled round the farm three times, then it just shot straight up and away.”

“U.F.O.s” episode of Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World  (link)
How Big was the UFO?  
The account from the two shows differ from the original version documented by Gavin Gibbons on several details, and none of the other subsequent events or sightings were discussed. The part about Jessie seeing the saucer ascend, then running inside to look for a pencil was dropped, and instead she remains outside for the entire sighting. Also, when seen again, the saucer makes not 1 /1/2 circles, but 3 around the farm on its exit, but perhaps that’s an unimportant difference.
The biggest difference seems to be the size of the UFO. The figure Jessie gave for the saucer’s size in the first account was, “about 15 to 20 feet in diameter,” which matches the drawing she made for the newspaper. In her sketch, it depicts the saucer as room-sized, not house-sized. In the Jul-Aug 1955 FSR, investigator Wilfrid Daniels gave the size as “a 25-ft. saucer.” In her later television interviews the spaceship was described to be enormous,  large enough to cover the entire roof of the cottage. 
Thirty Years Later, New Details Emerge
Excepts from Jenny Randles’ Abduction (aka Alien Abductions), 1988, pages 68-70, Chapter 5, “Alien Abductions – The British Catalogue,” Type II: Contact Cases

21 October 1954 – Ranton, Staffordshire This case is legendary in UFO circles, having featured in several books during the 1950s, but no one seemed to have looked at it recently, so on 6 August 1987 I interviewed the chief witness, Mrs Jessie Roestenburg. She was in her late twenties in 1954 and had two children, Anthony (aged eight) and Ronald (six). They do remember the events, but only vaguely. Jessie had felt ‘tingles’ all day, prior to 4:45 p.m., when the incident occurred. (Recap of sighting.)“It felt like hours passed, but it must have been seconds. Time was suspended. I was also paralysed. It was like I was in a vice. But my mind was working overtime.” 

“…nothing Jessie said indicated to me that she was familiar with UFO cases…”Since then she has often thought about it: ‘This was something absolutely marvellous. The saddest part to me is that I have never been able to fully understand the greatness of this thing.’However, she says that she has since had a ‘great, almost extreme, development of ESP. I know things about people. I understand situations. All this probably sounds crazy, but it is true.’ Some of the things that have happened include seeing the aliens again in her house ‘. . . out of the corner of my eye …. But I think it could be a “thought thing”. It could be my imagination’. 

These contacts have implanted feelings into her mind about the aliens: ‘I think they’ll be here when I need them …. They are surveying us. They’re afraid that we might panic. But some of them are living amongst us.’

Jessie Roestenburg impressed me because she had not become a ‘UFO nut’ and had seemingly read no books on the subject since 1954. She had seen the Spielberg film Close Encounters of the Third Kind but in typical fashion said about it, ‘I remember thinking whoever did this film has a good understanding of the subject. But when those little funny aliens came on I almost stood up and shouted, “They’re not like that!” I don’t believe in little green men. Not after what I’ve seen.”  

Excerpts from the interview were carried in an article in The Star, Feb. 29, 1988,
Timothy Good’s  Alien Base, 1998, contains an interview with Jessie Roestenburg that offers details I’d not found documented elsewhere, health problems following her first sighting.
Jessie‘s health began to deteriorate. ‘I went to see my doctor, who had read about what happened,’ she said, ‘but he thought I was round the twist. I insisted on seeing a psychiatrist and he said: “There’s nothing wrong with your mind but you do you need to go to hospital.” He took me himself and they did a blood count. [It] was so low they couldn’t understand how I was still alive. They said they wouldn’t be surprised if I was suffering from radiation sickness. For a while, I was in a terrified mess but gradually got better.
Good quotes Jessie from the news story by reporter Neil Thomas in the Staffordshire Newsletter, August 30, 1996, which gives her name as “Jessica Roestenburg.” She said, “To this day I don’t know what they were, I don’t believe they wanted to do us any harm. They are far more intelligent than we are.”
2011 (probably from 2006)
Sadly, Jessie Roestenburg passed away on May 12, 2017. Luckily John Hanson was able to interview her a few times in her later years for Haunted Skies.
From John Hanson 2006, Haunted Skies-Vol. 1. Photo by David Sankey
Excerpts from the Haunted Skies blog by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway
“Special Blog to celebrate Volume 3”
Jessie’s religious disclosure

“I seemed to be in some way drawn, or compelled, to the top of the garden – almost as if I was being manipulated by an outside influence, of which I had no control. I glanced around and saw the amazing sight of this flying saucer shaped object hovering 40-50 feet above the roof of the house. Inside the ‘saucer’ I could clearly see what looked like two humans, wearing long golden hair down to their shoulders. I felt a mixture of emotions – amazement and fear run through my body, followed by the thought, ‘God will wipe away all tears’. Immediately, all the tension left me, (something I have never disclosed to anyone before because of its religious significance). I turned to my sons and asked them if they had seen the ‘flying saucer’. They replied, ‘yes’.”

Expanded Account of the Medical Treatment 

After the sighting, she felt revitalized, for a short time, until discovering a strange rash covering her face and front part of the body, accompanied by a considerable loss of weight over a relatively short period, which gave rise for concern. Jessie sought the advice of her Doctor, who was well aware of the UFO incident and intimated there was something wrong with her mental health.Offended by this suggestion, Jessie contacted a Psychiatrist – Dr. Wilson, who confirmed, after a medical examination, there was nothing wrong with her mental state of health. “He asked me if I had been given a chest x-ray and blood tests. When I told him this had not been done, he personally escorted me to hospital, where a chest X-ray was taken but found to be clear. Unfortunately, blood tests showed the blood count was very low. The haematologist said to me, ‘If it didn’t sound so ludicrous, l would say you have been exposed to a massive dose of radiation’. I was given injections of iron, twice a week, which caused all sorts of problems before the correct dosage was established.”

A short clip of Jessie Roestenberg when aged 90; recorded in 2015 by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway of Haunted Skies.
Although the Roestenburg children were involved in several of the UFO sightings, they were treated as bystanders in the news coverage and UFO literature. Gavin Gibbons played with the children in his visits with the family and talked to them about the events. At the time, Karin was two and inside, but Anthony Jr. , eight, and Ronald, six, were outside and as close to the spacemen in the UFO as Jessie. A year or so later, somewhat incredibly,Gibbons noted it was “an experience now largely forgotten by the children.” If they’ve commented on the family’s UFO sightings as adults, I’ve been unable to locate a credible source. Beyond Gibbons book, there seems to be nothing recording Tony Roestenburg’s sightings. Only Jessie’s story really lives to carry on.
. . .

For readers who’d like more information on the Roestenburg story, check out the sources below and the BBL page of additional material, including:
  • Epilogue: The Forgotten Witness 
  • Appendix: Roestenburg  Family Sightings
  • Bad UFOlogy: Jennie and Apocrypha




Online Sources and Links to Further Information
They Rode in Space Ships by Gavin Gibbons, 1957 (Online at Daniel
The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History 1954 October by Loren Gross
The Roestenburg case” (pages 75 – 76)
There was an excellent discussion of the case by Kandinsky from Dec. 2011, on the site Above Top Secret (ATS) that provides a good background on the Roestenburg events. 
Flying Saucer Review  Vol. 1, No. 3, July-Aug. 1955 (page 16)
Flying Saucers and the Psychic” by Wilfred Daniels
Flying Saucer Review  Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1957 (page 9)
Flying Saucer Review, Sept./Oct. 1957. Vol. 3, No. 5.
“World Round Up,” Europe, Great Britain. (pages 5 & 6). “Stafford in the news again
Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 1993 carried an article recounting the case, “The Roestenburg Story (1954)” by Gordon Creighton. (pages 6 -9)
Out Of This World – UFO Interview – My Body Language Analysis. Staffordshire 1954 CJB
Craig James Baxter, the author of Unmasked: A Revealing Look At The Fascinating World Of Body Language made a video examining the clip of Mrs. Roestenburg from Out of this World.
His analysis is interesting, and he seems to believe she was sincere. However, his conclusion that there’s a tear shed at the close of the video seems to be in error. Compare the scene with a clip from the original program. No tear is evident. (
UK newspaper story from 1954 – fragment the Wolverhampton Express and Star Oct. 22, 1954
Stafford and Mid-Staffs Newsletter, 5/2/5?, “Staffordian’s Opinon on Flying Saucers,” a profile on Wilfrid Daniels, who discusses investigating the Roestenburg sighting.


  1. Muy buena historia sobre encuentro con platillos voladores, por Argentina hubo casos parecidos, y algunos abducidos con historias impresionantes, saludos


  2. Me menciona algunos para estudiar y pasarlos al ingles .gracias


  3. It’s not uncommon for witnesses to forget what they’ve seen. Whether a psychological reaction to protect themselves from unwanted thoughts or created by the event itself directly or inadvertently.


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