Fools in the monkey cage of their own egoic mind; black-magical principle of warning the foolish or cowardly victim

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Talk about the egoic mind…. I just blocked a WN Christian fool who said the pedophilia epidemic in the Catholic church is not real, all a hoax, all fake, all a Jewish conspiracy. Jeez.

I have known this guy for ten years. He was a middle-aged fool who had a family then; he is an old fool now, divorced, alone and moaning about his life.

I blocked him because I realize he has no intention of changing, listening, thinking or just growing the f— up, not even at age 60. A complete waste of my time!

(As I have stated, it never pays to merely “unfriend” a fool. They will hate you just for that. So go all the way and block them — so their inane posts no longer aggravate you. If they then trash you to their equally deranged “friends,” what have you lost?)

John de Nugent I was thinking about the fool who brought me by the two incredible Eckhart Tolle books. He said to me “I just can’t get into Tolle, but I know you are into that spiritual stuff.”
The next thing I heard, and he confirmed it himself, he had given his savings of $4,000 to a NIGERIAN EMAIL SCAMMER! .
And now his solution is to get drunk!  
“A fool and his money are soon parted.”
Margi knew a comrade of sorts in Switzerland. He was bright, had an engineering degree and played the organ. But he was a fool. He gave money to his African email “adoptive daughter,” he lost his home, and now he is homeless and sleeps under a bridge — an engineer and a fool!
Bjà¸rn Gunnarsen Does he live under a bridge in Switzerland ?
John de Nugent Bjà¸rn Gunnarsen Yes, and he sends out plaintive emails from a computer at his local library.
Bjà¸rn Gunnarsen John de Nugent wow how sad how our willingness to help other can be misused 
John de Nugent Bjà¸rn Gunnarsen His egoic mind ruined his life. He would not listen to common sense.
John de Nugent But most people are in a cage of their own egoic mind. The foolishness of these individuals that are listed above is just of the more spectacular sort.

Ironically, if you fully leave the Matrix, you will seem a fool too, or even outright crazy. This was said of Jesus, Joan of Arc and AH.…/wisdom-consciousness-appears…

As Eckhart Tolle says, when you are tired of being unhappy and cannot take it any more, and your mental suffering becomes acute and overwhelming, then you are ready to understand the one cause of human misery: the egoic mind in me and you.
It is also in Jews, blacks, muslims, Chinese, and in almost all whites, and most especially it is found in white nationalists and all other sorts of activist types, cause-driven people who are full of pain, anger, regret and self-disgust, not joy or inner peace.
They want to change the world but won’t even try to change themselves!
Look at this GI “Greatest Fool Generation” 😉 … killing their German friends and helping their communist enemies… 1 in 3 Americans was even of German BLOOD, killing their own relatives! And every American war against the Reds — or for Israel — since 1945 has been the outcome of WWII, exactly as Henry Ford, Lindbergh, the great coal mine union leader John Lewis and other great patriots c-l-e-a-r-l-y, loudly and repeatedly warned.

Brian Avran they all went home after the war. the german POWs were killed.

Matt Odinson My grandad came through to me in a medium reading saying that I was right about everything I told him . When he was alive he took everything I tried to wake him up too with a pinch of salt

Brian Avran wonder if anything can be done to help from the other side

Matt Odinson Me too. The spirit world has its laws though

John de Nugent Brian Avran They help from the other side constantly, but are forbidden to fight our battles for us. Furthermore, the JQ has been festering for generations with the majority doing nothing, and rejecting the warnings. A lot of people alive today have bad karma from their sins of commission and omission.…/marcus-aurelius-injustice-of…


Filipe Abrantes About what you say about German blood among americans:

That’s why the average white American is more good looking than the average British man. Because Germans are more good looking than the British.

John de Nugent Not sure about that. Both nations lost their best stock in WWI, and Germany even more a second time in WWII. But yes, Americans used to be pretty good-looking because we had a Northern-European majority AND, except for the Civil War, far less war losses.


Kyle Bragg we all know who control’s the catholic church….. Sad that we have the challenge of figuring out the traders amoungst us

Michael Sokoloski I have zero tolerance for Nationalists who blame the Joos for everything. That’s a sign of weakness.

There’s truth somewhere in the middle of what Joos really do and don’t do. It’s the knee jerk anti-Joo attitude that enables Liberals to provide us all with the appellation “Nazi.” And this is coming from a Left National Socialist (me LOL).

The Catholic Church would still be a train wreck if Joos had ceased to exist centuries ago. (Caveat: I’m not necessarily anti-Catholic, though highly critical of the RCC.)

Brian Avran oh geeeeee…. john…. if its who I think it is, you two should talk it out and be friends. he is a very bright man
Brian Avran as I recall he claimed the pedo scandal in the RCC was overblown and sensationalized but not false. or mayeb thats me reading my own opinion into it.
John de Nugent I think you are reading that reasonable notion into it out of affection for him.
(And yes, of course the J-Team is sensationalizing the Catholic pedophile priest problem, but it is also very real. I lived in Boston, and the crisis was massive. Priest John Geoghan alone molested 130 boys, and was moved from parish to parish, known by the cardinal to be a child-molester, in order to molest more boys! I actually corresponded even with the prisoner who finally up and strangled this vile fiend to death — he had been molested as a boy himself by a pedophile.)

Beyond this, I have known this person in question for eleven years, and I know why he was fired from his Washington job. And, frankly, as a victim of organized pedophiles myself, I find his defense of the modern RCC utterly horrendous, outrageous, disgusting — and also completely pointless, since he is not RCC but instead Eastern Orthodox. Did he even read — did you even read — this article??? The RCC has become, esp. since Vatican II, literally a den of demons.…/glorification-reptiles-paul…/

 Papal Audience Hall Paul VII
A reptile rises to rule a post-nuclear war world. This is the RCC that he is defending.
Bob Pira you know what they say, …there is no fool like an old fool. I try to avoid them as much as I can….but society has become a disease so they are everywhere.
Margaret Huffstickler On the other hand, pedo priests have got nothing on pedo rabbis.
Marcus Stewart I went to a very elite Catholic high school. Now I find out two of the teachers have been charged with pedo crimes. That said, it is always catholics, never jooz being identified. The Catholic church has been taken over by Satanists. Fr. Malachi Martin identified the problem years ago.
Blenda Richter Virtually, the wisest man America produced…
Russell Weber III I used to run a print, Christian ad agency and started as an outside ad salesman. Sexual abuse has occurred in every Christian denomination, lawyers cover up these horrible acts and a cpa calculates how little the church can pay a victim. The largest single payout to victims of 1 boy buggerer was by the MO Lutheran Synod for 8 million dollars.
Marcus I also went to an elite, private, all boys, Catholic military prep school, C.B.C., not all the teachers were Catholic. The Catholic faith, which is true Christianity, is locked in combat against satan and the forces of hell for control of the earth. Das juden are servants of satan, and are at the roots of almost every misery heaped on white Christians.
Scott Roberts and the Rizoli brothers put out some outstanding videos on yike book and youtube pointing out what the damage and how they have made a nightmare world for whites.

If you want to learn some real facts about the Catholic faith go on EWTN there are several segments, ask the two priests, the journey home hosted by Marcus Grodi, a former protestant pastor and several others. There is Catholic answers.comwhich members have called out queer priests and non-profits that employ homosexuals and lesbians, and non-profits whether religious or secular have been hiring these sexual perverts and moral deviants enmasse. Another website exposing das judens evil deeds is and how they have used blacks and muzzies to destroy the white Christian family.

Michael Sokoloski I have no great liking for any of the Abrahamic religions, with the caveat that Eastern Orthodoxy seems to be the least of all evils (even though they accept the Old Testament, but don’t dwell on it as do Protestants).

If I had to choose any form of Christianity, it would have to be Marcionism.


Michael Sokoloski Marcionism is an early, obscure sect of Christianity, before the political “church fathers” decided what “god said.” LOL

Marcionism entirely throws out the filth that is the (Joo, back when there were actually real Joos) Old Testament.

Russell Weber III What like is irrelevant, Jesus Christ is very real so is his mother Mary. Christianity isn’t some punishment control myth to keep queers and dikes from making a mockery of Christian heterosexual marriage. The phrase abrahamic religions is a scam term, islam is the worship of the devil satan and yikes worship satan as well. Michael have you ever even been in any Christian church a church service picnic or festival, probably not. How do you deny the documented appearances of the Messiah’s mother Mary at Lourdes and at Fatima and the documented miracles. How do you deny the photos taken in october of 1917, at Fatima Portugal, at Mary’s final appearance and the thousands of witnesses. Since Mary is real her son Jesus Christ, the Son of God is real.
John de Nugent Russell Weber III Sorry, Russell, but I really must disagree with you.
I am (“no brag, jes’ fact,” as a Walter Brennan Western character used to say) a real Bible scholar, I have read the Bible four times, including the New Testament in the original koiné Greek…  and it is just beyond obvious that Christianity (as defined by Sanhedrin employee Saul of Tarsus, anyway) is an Abrahamic religion, and an offshoot of Late Judaism.
In the Gospel of John and just in the famous chapter 8, Jesus mentioned Abraham five times: “
 A photograph from Fatima, even if authentic, also does not by itself prove anything. “Lucifer” means “light bearer,” and Satan is an expert on pretending to be an angel of light. (This is not a criticism of Fatima, btw, just saying it is not literal proof.)
John de Nugent Michael Sokoloski Good post. AH and Dietrich Eckart both regretted that Bishop Marcion lost out the power struggle, and “Christianity” became “a Jewish sect.”
Steve Zino John has such a classy way of tearing down internet morons, never once lowering himself to the standards of the common troll.bravo jdn!
John de Nugent Why, shucks, Steve, saying that was damn white of you  (This expression was said up until the 1960s. Margi and I both remember it.)
Jon Hendrickson “A person persuaded against their will if of the same opinion still.” Closed minds prevail today.
Rob Ryan The mans a fool
John de Nugent My view is exactly that of AH and Dietrich Eckart:
Jesus masqueraded as the Jewish Messiah (they wanted an earthly king who would impose Jewish rule over Rome and the whole Gentile world) and did so in order to introduce a brand-new religion, one teaching the Jews (LOL!) peace, love, humility, forgiveness and the utter rejection of materialism.
His aim was to defang the Jewish people from Pharisaic genocidalism, seeing the Pharisees (via their usury, lies, murder, subversion, and ultimate aims) as an extreme threat to the whole human race.
If you think about it, John 8:44 is the most antisemitic utterance ever made:

John de Nugent I was asked if I am serious about the J-Team and reptilians. I responded: Yes, that is exactly, and precisely, what I mean — and what David Icke understandably dared not say directly. The evidence is massive, and really, if you think about it, what other explanation could there possibly be for the Vatican’s vast Papal Audience Hall with 12,000 seats having no crosses in it at all, just huge Reptilian shapes and symbols?
Jim Burnham I’ve heard Denver International Airport (name?) has all sorts of gargoyles, demons and other satanic sculptures and paintings. The J-team really likes to flaunt their pervese ways by rubbing it under the goyem nose.
John de Nugent “Warn the victim” is a strict black-magickal principle. If a fool or coward, they will neither flee nor fight, and you may do to them as you wish. Thus goes the demonic rule.
The “X-Files” tv series, the two “V” tv series, and “They Live,” were all black-magickal “victim warnings.”
As is this, the downward pentagrams since 2000 on the Republican elephant:…/gop-elephants-downward-stars…
And this, on the BBC House in London:…/prospero-ariel-bbc-house…
Image may contain: sky and outdoor
 And this, above the main entrance to the BBC House:…/bbc-coat-arms-myer-aumonier…
And this, at the entrance of the City of London:
Mario Chalup I’ve contemplated the idea of the jews being the agents of some supernatural force, whether aliens or demons and such, but i never actually have done some research on it…
Rob Ryan Interesting, sir
Geraldine Romano Westfall John you are right on!
Svord Aldeen I love ❤️ your lecture John de Nugent

John de Nugent Thanks, Svord! I think you mean “I love reading you.” (“Lecture” in English means when a professor teaches.) In German and other languages, “Lektuere” means reading what a person wrote.
Aaron Cramton Aside from the “hypothetical” factors such as Annunaki which may deter people, there is PLENTY of evidence of jewish world dominance that is in our faces every day for us to see, undeniably, in every aspect of our lives. The common religious white folk have been their best tools (Shabbos goy). I could not agree more with Johns religious intolerance, well said.
John de Nugent Thank you, Aaron Cramton! How can we defeat the enemy while worshiping HIS god? (Theologians from Marcion to the present, Martin Luther, and more recently the fmr London Times reporter Douglas Reed (in his powerful, dangerous — and thus posthumously published — “Controversy of Zion”  ), plus the German 19th-century theologians, have noted that the “jealous” tribal god Yahweh and the “loving Creator” worshiped by Jesus, whom Christ called “Our Father,” of whom the Apostle John said “God is love,” are two e-n-t-i-r-e-l-y different and opposed beings.) See my blog:

¦ ¦Especially important blogs by John de Nugent

“Reincarnation facts

“Psychopathy in leaders

“Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

“WN biography of JdN

“UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that would survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?   


“The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics

“The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars ” and a German final victory marches toward its fulfillment ”

“Solutreans “ the white first Americans

“The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

“Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

“Youtube channel JdN

“The Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

“White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

“White South African tragedy

-For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)

For African-Americans: Part 1

“Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

“Hitler’s love for the British people

“My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .


“Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

–Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

–Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression

“President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message


“The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat

“The Hebrews of the Bible were roaming criminal hordes

“Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé

“My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik


If my site goes down, please try or If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to

¦..Contact and support

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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¦ ¦.Actual donations

–21 December 2017 donation via Stripe

–20 December 2017 euros (with perfect German penmanship )

–19 December 2017 cash from S in Ireland, and also from H in North Carolina

“13 December 2017 Paypal from C in Germany

–9 December 2017 book The Unseen Hand

–7 December 2017 Letter and euro cash donation from S in Germany; gift from D in New Hampshire

–4 December 2017 check from J in Nevada

–1 December 2017 via Stripe from D in Australia

–28 November 2017 cash and Christmas card from B in Oregon

–27 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois; via Stripe from a Canadian female comrade; and via PayPal from an American female comrade, A, and also from a German

–19 November 2017 PayPal from J in England

–18 November 2017 book from S in Idaho

–14 November 2017 check from J in Utah, also PayPal from P in New Hampshire

–9 November 2017 cash and US Marine Corps insignia (and playing cards) from P in Florida, a book from S in Idaho, and a battery charger and rechargeable batteries from C in Wisconsin

–6 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–4 November 2017 loan from B in Oregon

–2 November 2017 check from K in San Francisco

–26 October 2017 Stripe from T in Texas, N in Englöand, P in Maryland; Paypal from B in Massachusetts

[due to hack, all donations as well as all blogs are missing Aug. 29-October 29, 2017]

–28 August 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–28 August 2017 via PayPal from C in Germany

–24 August 2017 via PayPal from L in Scotland

–23 August 2017 via Stripe from C in Maryland

–22 August 2017 donation via Stripe from S in USA and from P in Australia

–21 August 2017 loan from J in Australia

–21 August 2017 check from G in Utah


–15 August 2017 check by an NS old fighter from out west

–8 August 2017 PayPal to from D in French Canada

–7 August 2017 check from G in Nevada

–6 August 2017 pymt made for me by P in Albania (inside joke 😉 )

–5 August 2017 cash from M in Oregon

–5 August 2017 a jar of Napoleon garlic cloves from M in Michigan (Does this mean I should remember to avoid invading Russia?)

–5 August  2017 from R in Michigan a wonderful little book by Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now

–3 August 2017 check from P in Florida direct to my webhost

–2 August 2017 check from K in Ohio

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