Former Hasidic Jews speak out

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Comments by regular Jews underneath this YT video:
1) The Hasidic Jews are ripping off the welfare system. They don’t pay taxes and don’t report any income. Everything they own is in LLC’s so the government doesn’t reject them for their welfare, food stamps, dental and medical benefits. They get married by a Rabbi, instead of by The STATE, which allows the mothers and their 7 kids to appear single and living below the poverty level.
They now qualify for, and receive, taxpayer handouts. The schools are a joke. The children spend more time riding around in yellow buses (another racket) than they do in an actual classroom. Their actual time in the classroom is spent learning fairy tales and fake history.
2) They breed like rabbits and are on welfare and we let them not even educate their children because Americans are afraid of Jews accusing them of being anti-semitic.  Non-religious Jews and reformed Jews need to speak out, or be ready in 25 years to have 1,000,000 Hasidim in NYC [New York City].

……See also

Crooked, welfare-scamming Orthodox Jews take over NY town, driving even the regular Jews nuts


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