Four Antifa Arrested for Arson on the West Coast, One a ‘Regular Attendee’ of Anti-Cop Rallies in Seattle

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Sheriff’s Office mugshot of blue-eyed Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41 — probably, judging by the name, of Finnish descent

We’re still waiting for you to carry out what you tweeted back in May, Big Talk Trump. What more does it take?

Four Arrested for Arson on the West Coast, One a ‘Regular Attendee’ of Anti-Cop Rallies in Seattle

anita-esquivel Arrested for Arson

Four individuals — two in Washington, one in Oregon, and another in California — have been arrested for arson as firefighters battle dozens of blazes across the West Coast. One of the arrestees is reportedly a “regular attendee” of anti-police rallies in Seattle.

Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, has been accused of arson, partially sparking the massive Almeda fire, according to the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Office. Oregon Live reported that he has been arrested on “two counts of arson, 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangerment”:

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release Friday afternoon that on Tuesday evening, a resident of Phoenix saw a person, later identified as Bakkela, lighting a fire behind their house on Quail Lane. Because there was an impending blaze, the residents who saw him set the fire had to flee their home.

Bakkela was arrested and initially lodged in the Jackson County Jail on Tuesday on a charge of possession of methamphetamine. He remains in jail on the arson and criminal mischief charges.

The Almeda fire has destroyed at least 700 homes and resulted in at least two fatalities.

Elsewhere, authorities arrested two individuals in connection with the fires in Washington. One of the suspects, Jeffrey Alan Acord, has been accused of setting a fire along Highway 167. He live-streamed himself on the scene of the fire and reported it to police, claiming that he “literally pulled over to call it in.”

“Other drivers, however, told police they watched the 36-year-old Puyallup man walk into a field carrying a lighter and cardboard,” KIRO 7 reported.

The outlet added that Acord is a “regular attendee at Seattle ‘defund police’ rallies.” He is also facing charges for allegedly breaking into a gas station.

Jacob Altona, 28, has also been arrested in connection to arson.

Additionally, Anita Esquivel, 37, has been arrested for deliberately setting fires in California, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The news comes as Democrat politicians continue to blame the fires across the region on climate change. Politicians, such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), are largely using the devastation to push for a Green New Deal but continue to ignore the reality of poor forest management and environmentalist policies that contribute to the massive wildfires, such as putting an emphasis on “fire suppression” rather than prescribed burning.

Despite that, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has used the tragedy to declare the debate around climate change over for good.

“The debate is over around climate change. Just come to the state of California, observe it with your own eyes,” Newsom said with a grin. “It’s not an intellectual debate, it’s not even debatable”:

On Saturday, the National Interagency Fire Center reported that 97 fires have burned 4.7 million acres across the west.

“More than 29,000 firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires. Evacuation orders are in place for 40 large fires in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah,” the agency Suggests Plan to Govern Forever


  1. Newsome, the California governor, has stated that the fires are proof of global warming. Meanwhile in his own state two people have been arrested for arson in connection with these forest fires, and as governor, doesn’t he know this?

    The man obviously has no concern about truth! What does it mean that a person has no concern about truth? At a deep level, isn’t a concern about truth a definition of the verb “to be human”?

    Should Newsome be regarded as a fellow human if he has so little care about truth?

    Isn’t the word “subhuman” apt in this case?

    If the governor of California is a subhuman, what does that mean?

    • My essay on psychopaths goes into this. They swarm into the upper echelons of politics, media, finance and religion, and lying is at the core of their success strategies. We could not pass a lie-detector test because we would feel shame when prevaricating, thus our breathing, pulse and skin moisture would betray us.

      But psychopaths can pass any such test with ease, as they literally are shameless.

      In fact, they are never happier or more relaxed than when lying….their favorite hobby. 😉

      It is interesting that hackers targeted this essay, and thank God someone else ran it on his website (Dale Wigginton on his geoengineering/chemtrails site), so I still have it.

  2. I’d seen maps showing the wildfires out west, and they all seem to stop at the Canadian border (mysteriously). That seems odd, so I checked and yes, the Canadians are having a slow fire season this year. Funny how that works when the authorities assure us that it isn’t arson.

    • I remember months ago Tucker Carlson saying this Antifa thing was far more serious than people realized.

      It is indeed, but only because the Big Jews have gotten the word to the Demoncrat mayors and governors to condone it.

      Were Hillary in now, there would be a total stand-down of federal police, and these communists would be engaging in a reign of terror like the French or Bolshevik Revolutions.

      All you Trump-bashers and Trump-slanderers out there, remember that things would be now infinitely worse had she won.

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