Four interrogators look at Joe Biden denying Tara Reade rape — his head nods Yes while his mouth says No ;-)

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As a former Marine-Corps-trained interrogator, I found this discussion by these experts fascinating, enlightening, and right on the mark.

Interestingly, Mika Brzezinski (yes, her father was Zbigniew), showed by her every body gesture that she feels he is guilty of the heinous rape of one of his own staffers. It is just incredible that the liberals nominated — in the era of MeToo — a rapist and groper — and that while loathing Trump they chose a demented old fool who is even worse than Killary !

…..See also

UPDATE: Media silence after Creepy Joe is accused of serious finger rape by his own staffer

……Lefty CNN now blasts Biden, too!

The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

SURPRISE!! CNN just pounded Biden with a fact check – [Video]

1 Comment

  1. A Canadian truth reporter has posted the information that is provided on Jim Stone’s website about child abuse. All the information is shown, and I don’t think the NTS site is censored, or blocked. Since the information is name/location specific, various countries and intelligence agencies might like access to it. It is possible that resistance forces do not publicize themselves when they go after hidden evil. Satan does not destroy his own agents, so the most criminal politicians last way too long. Adrenachrome addicts?

    Saturday, September 26, 2020
    A Real Tragedy That Everyone Must Be Made Aware Of: “Elite” Monsters Harvesting Children To Obtain “Adrenochrome”! THIS Is Truly Sickening!

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