FOX News Channel, Sean Hannity, mind control, and the number 666; Putin’s prophetic words in 2016

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Numerology is very important to the Jews, and they love especially the number “666,” which is famously associated with the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation.

Their most dangerous media weapon in the U.S., the neo-con FOX (News Channel), means 666.

F = 6 in Kabbalah numerology, O = 6 and X= 6, meaning 666. (Numerology means taking the letters of the alphabet from 1 to 9, and assigning lettters to them. IN olden times all letters were numbers. Think of the Roman numerals: I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500; M = 1000.

666 is also the number of Jerusalem, and I am the one who discovered this in 2013:


The Star of David is 3 sixes.


Jared Kushner’s headquarters on Fifth Avenue is at number 666.



The major and Jew-owned “energy drink” called “Monster” has three letters in Hebrew which mean 666.

Satanists draw three attached sixes on the walls when they molest and kill children.



The Trilateral Commission, founded by the Rockefellers, has a logo consisting of three sixes.


The half-Jewish chess genius Bobby Fischer ( said best what the neo-con mission for America actually is, the one that FOX News Channel is promoting:


Star of David atop the Great Seal of the United States since 1935


Franklin Delano Roosevelt, part-Jewish via both parents, ordered the back of the one-dollar bill and the Great Seal to be redesigned, but with the eagle on the right, and the pyramid on the left, as per his sketch.

The back of the one-dollar bill until 1935 had previously not had either symbol.

I found this interesting screenshot of liar Sean Hannity on Fox as he was slandering and ridiculing the courageous 9/11 truther Kevin Barrett:


Here is the video, analyzing the sinister methods FOX uses to discredit anyone who exposes the Jews:




…..Putin warned the West in 2016 to stop its arms race, and now he has the super-weapons he warned he would be forced to build 

Soviet Russia was much bigger and had a huge buffer zone of Warsaw Pact states in front of it.

Russia today is much smaller and NATO (in blue) has put hostile troops and missiles on its border.

Putin’s warning to the West, issued at the XXth St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June 2016:







  1. yea John good stuff exposing the 666 and im glad your not a fox freak(like so many alt right idiots are) they are of the devils legion, all the shows they produce are evil like netflix, abc, nbc, cable etc. you know the msm…

  2. Regarding that video where neocon snake Sean Hannity flashes the 666 hand sign repeatedly, remember that Trump also flashes that exact same hand sign every chance he gets – not a coincidence, in my opinion. G.W. Bush’s favorite hand sign was the “devil” hand sign, with the pointer and pinkie fingers extended. As I’ve said before, Trump is not who he appears to be, and should not be trusted. Like G.W. Bush, Trump will probably soon be complicit in some new 9/11-style Mossad false-flag attack on the U.S., thereby justifying WWIII.

    • It is conceivable that Trump is even an MK-ULTRA.

      I can state unequivocally that as a high-profile white nationalist the persecution and FBI harassment — which made the eight years of Obama a nightmare for me and Margi — has gone WAY, WAY down for me since Trump came into office.

      But what the future will bring with this guy, I do not know. He is just not acting right by any human standards. Something is “off” — and getting worse.

    • Thank you, Russian brother.

      No one is more pro-Russian, pro-white and ferociously anti-Jewish than I am.

      And I am very aware of this line of argumentation about Vladimir Putin, but I maintain firmly my view since 2006 that Putin is limited but a godsend for our race.

      Yes, he refuses to openly fight the Jews, and that disappoints our comrades. But all who did so before him were crushed — they as individuals, and their entire countries as well.

      I see Putin as a chess player who thinks four moves ahead.

      But he is not the solution, just a good man who sees himself as a realist. “He will not snatch the stars from the sky,” a Russian professor at my Georgetown University said to me.

      It is my mission to bring that solution.


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