FRANCOIS AROUET The world’s PEOPLE, esp. in Asia, fear Biden, China, and the globalist elite plotting our depopulation and demise — MAJOR ARTICLE & video

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by François M Arouet
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Although this in-depth article is about the danger Beijing Biden poses to the rest of the world, American foreign policy, long being rooted in interventionism, coups, and nation-enslaving for foreigners, also has catastrophic ramifications at home.

From the damage it does to our nation’s morale and military, to the resultant tidal wave of migrants that land on OUR shores from lands we have intentionally DEVASTATED – a point Francois jumps on in the second half of this piece – we simply can not afford four years of interventionist foreign policy.

Just look at what our meddling in Libya and Syria has done to Europe.


Pope Francis kisses the foot of a man during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center, some 30km (18, 6 miles) from Rome, Thursday, March 24, 2016. The pontiff washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholic refugees Thursday, declaring them children of the same God, in a gesture of welcome and brotherhood at a time when anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment has spiked following the Brussels attacks. (L’Osservatore Romano/Pool Photo via AP)

Biden’s avowed “aim of returning normalcy to foreign policy” – which means cozying back up to China – has scared the beJeezus, or should I say the beBuddha and beVishnu, out of the peaceful people of Asia.
It’s shocked human-rights defenders from South Korea to Vietnam and Thailand, to the Duterte-led Philippines, and to the Indian subcontinent and Japan.
That’s A LOT of people.


And decent, nationalistic, traditionally minded people at that for the most part.
Although the American Left is “struggling” to understand (POOR BABIES) why genuine Asian defenders of democracy are among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Trump, we aren’t. Trump, from his first day in power, was telling China where to plant their Communist behinds – in hell.
He has done it with his words – referring to the COVID-19 “Virus” as the “CHINA Virus” right until his last day in office – as well as through his actions – by openly supporting the pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong, Taiwan and beyond, right until the very last moment of his presidency.
Trump in fact took one parting shot at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by welcoming the leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Lobsang Sangay, to the White House in November.
Sangay became the very first Tibetan head of state to visit the White House; something that infuriated Xi-Ping and the Beijing elite (not to mention Biden and Obama) who “consider” Mr. Sangay to be a “separatist”.


Yeah, the Al Qaeda “Free Syria Army” and the bloodthirsty jihadists whom Obama/Biden openly supported in their wars of aggression against President Assad and Colonel Ghadafi, were “freedom fighters”…. while peaceful Tibetans, standing up to evil Communists ethnically cleansing their homelands, are deemed “separatists” by our oppressors….
Then there was President Trump’s strong relationship with Shinzō Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan – whom Trump called Japan’s “greatest ever Prime Minister” – and his term-long pledge of support to the great Japanese people.
By strengthening our alliance (trade has increased dramatically under Trump) with Japan and standing side by side with Hong Kong on the world’s stage, President Trump made it clear that he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the good people of Asia against the globe’s greatest threat – China.
The Asian people understandably also fear the Biden family’s deep personal and financial relationship with China. They know that in Biden, Beijing now have their bitch….
According to the National Review, not only are the Biden family’s Chinese business contacts known to have direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party regime, the Bidens might actually be acting as “clandestine agents themselves”.
And as such, they will do Beijing’s bidding as China continues to conquer Africa and exert its power over our TRUE allies in Asia.
Here are a few inconvenient facts about the Biden clan’s relationship with the Chinese Communist Party.
The Bidens, as recently as 2017, were seeking a massive $40 million liquid natural gas (LNG) deal with CEFC-China Energy, a private, Shanghai-based conglomerate.
At one point CEFC was one of the top 100 richest firms on the planet as per the Fortune Global 500 index – still holding the rank of 229 as recently as June 2016 – and remaining in the top 500 until early 2018 when Xi Jinping’s government began pulling the plug on their operations, after realizing the firm had been penetrated by U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement.
CEFC, which is widely regarded as a front for Chinese intelligence operations, formally went bankrupt earlier this year – and since the New York Post’s Biden revelations (the ones voters were blocked from reading on social media by Twitter and Facebook censors) – has all but dropped off the face of the earth.
So, how close are Hunter and the Biden family in general to the Chinese government?
So close that when one of China’s top spies was arrested in New York in November 2017, take a wild guess whom the man called first….
It was in fact Joe Biden’s baby bro, Jim — who too has a lengthy history of cashing in on Sleepy Joe’s political influence.
When asked why Chinese spies all but have him on speed-dial, Jim Biden told investigators that he assumed the call was intended for his brother’s son, Hunter, who would later represent said spy in criminal court.


Yes, you read that right.
When one of Beijing’s biggest spies, CEFC representative, Chi Ping Patrick Ho – who Hunter referred to as “the f***ing spy chief of China” – needed help getting out of jail, he rang the Biden family FIRST!
And where was the media when this story broke?
Covering video footage of a fly landing on traitor Mike Pence’s head …and the fact that Donald Trump once had “a bank account in China.”

While Donald Trump’s son was representing his dad on TV and Twitter, Beijing Biden’s son was representing our greatest enemy’s top spy on trial in our courts.
Then, there’s the relationship dozens of Democrats and high ranking RINOs (Republicans in name only) have with China.
Swalwell, Pelosi, Mitch McConnell (who is married to a HORRIBLE Chinese woman) and Georgia Attorney General Raffensberger are to name but a few.
As Biden assembles his foreign-policy team, prominent human rights activists across Asia are worried about Biden’s desire for the United States to conform once again to international norms of pandering to the world’s TRUE superpower – China.
The sort of thing we see from the WHO, EU, UN etc.
A foreign policy expert (a moderate) with whom I spoke last week sent me this quote, “Asia believes that Mr. Biden, like former President Obama and unlike President Trump, will pursue accommodation rather than confrontation and a more adversarial policy in the face of China’s assertive moves, and that certainly worries them.”
He added that, “Asia’s undeniably pro-Trump views have been cemented by online campaigns, often delivered by sources like NTD and the Epoch Times, that cement the belief that Biden is working in tandem with Communists or is a closet socialist sympathizer himself.”


*** JdN

I subscribe to this weekly, founded by anti-communist and anti-atheist Chinese.

Although I personally don’t believe the latter to be the case – as the Biden clan have really only ever been in politics for the money, power, fame, crack and whores – hundreds of millions of Asians are convinced the only difference between Chinese President, Xi “Ping Pong”, and his DC counterpart, Beijing Biden, is the slanted eyes and flat face. I’d say Biden’s plans go FAR beyond mere “accomodation”.
“Biden as President is like having Xi Jinping sitting in the White House,” said Elmer Yuen, a Hong Kong entrepreneur who has posted YouTube videos criticizing the Chinese Communist Party.

“He wants to coexist with China, and whoever coexists with the CCP loses.”
Trump knew this and acted accordingly throughout his term – never more so than he did during the run-up to the election.
This past autumn, Trump’s Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, took a five-nation trip through Southeast Asia in which he ceased being the man of tact and “politesse” we’ve grown accustomed to by going on the offensive – literally describing the Chinese government as “predators,” and “lawless and threatening” at various stops along his way- no doubt at the behest of President Trump.
During his swing through Vietnam, Pompeo stated that China was not only the greatest threat to Asia but the globe’s “gravest threat to the future of religious freedom.”
Although at home in Christian America I still think that tghe greatest threat is the Democrats and the anti-Christian deviants who run Hollywood and our media, in Asia, however, it is China – along with Islam – that certainly pose the greatest threat to religious liberty.
Prior to Pompeo’s jaunt in Asia, he entertained several high ranking anti-Communists in DC, as well as made several moves that angered China.
In June Mr. Pompeo attended a “virtual Asian freedom forum” with President Tsai Ing-Wen of Taiwan and the Hong Kong democracy leader, Joshua Wong, both of whom are loathed by the Chinese government.
Pompeo then asked the US Treasury Department to impose sanctions on Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong (China’s official HK commie agent), and on 10 others for “undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and restricting the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of Hong Kong.”
The Treasury Department complied.
Reuters reported that, “In June of 2020, President Trump signed legislation that led to sanctions being placed on Chinese officials who have overseen the construction of mass detention camps in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, where more than a million people, mostly members of the Uighur Muslim minority, have been imprisoned.”
This did not go unnoticed.
“The Trump administration by far has done more to raise our issue than all other countries and presidents combined,” Salih Hudayar, who was born in Xinjiang and moved to the United States as a child, told the world’s press. “I’m very skeptical of a Biden administration, because I am worried he will allow China to go back to normal, which is a 21st-century genocide of the Uighurs.”
Although Beijing Biden also released a statement calling the situation in Xinjiang “disturbing”, no one’s buying it.
Biden’s deep financial ties and historic actions while part of the Obama regime speak far louder than his meaningless words.
Mr. Trump’s actions have also endeared him to Asia’s Christians and Hindus (Philipino Catholics, Indian Hindus, Vietnamese Buddhists etc) who believe that Mr. Pompeo and other Trump administration officials have been fulfilling a faith-based mission overseas that brings together Christians and other religious forces in their eternal struggle against Islam – which has been increasingly aligning itself with Asia’s militant left-wing movements.
That President Trump and India’s Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Modi literally stood hand in hand on the world’s stage while being berated by the world’s press catapulted Trump to legendary status in India, where Trump is now seen as a god — literally!! — as well as a warrior in the global war against Islam.
Then there’s President Trump’s relationship with Asia’s Christian community.
The Washington Post and NY Times last year reported – in as derogatory and dismissive a manner as possible – that, President “Trump met in the White House with a group of religious leaders from across the world, including Hkalam Samson, the president of the Kachin Baptist Convention, which represents the persecuted Christian Kachin minority in Myanmar.”
“My experience in the White House, when I was given one minute to speak out about the Kachin, meant a lot and it also meant that Trump cares about us,” Mr. Samson said. “Trump is better for the Kachin than Biden.”
… Trump was for America too, Mr Samson.

As much as I feel let down by Mr Trump since January 6th, make no mistake, he was still FAR better for us than that horrid, corrupt codger in there now.

Although he ultimately failed to protect us – or himself, for that mattter – President Trump had no intention of harming us. The exact opposite can be said for Biden and the evil Kamala, who WILL harm us.
Skepticism for Mr. Biden even extends to those fighting for secular political rights in China – genuine Chinese liberals, so to speak.
“For Biden’s policies toward China, the part about making China play by the international rules, I think, is very hollow,” said Wang Dan, who helped lead the 1989 Tiananmen protests as a university student. “As we know, the Chinese Communist Party hardly abides by international rules.”
To put it lightly!
China NEVER plays fair. The big kid on the school yard rarely does. Especially when the lone recess-monitor (and his crackhead kid in this instance), tasked with keeping the bully in line, have been paid off handsomely to look the other way.
“The United States must realize that there will be no improvements on human rights issues in China if there is no regime change and with Biden policies,” Mr. Wang told an arrogant NY Times reporter.

He later added, in an attempt to discredit the esteemed pro-democracy activist who LED the legendary protests at Tiananmen Square back in 1989 (which were celebrated then by that paper)

“Wang has continued to question Mr. Trump’s electoral loss, baseless claims shared by other prominent Chinese-born dissidents.”
And why does Asia’s opinion of President Trump matter?
Firstly, the fact that hundreds of millions of non-Muslim anti-Communist Asians think as we do should serve to strengthen our belief that we are in the right and therefore occupy the moral high ground.
Although knowing we are not alone in our views might not be important for some, it is for more moderate Trump supporters and less “based” people in our ranks.
Our fear of Biden and contempt for the Deep State and globalists destroying the country and planet are not based on some unhinged, unilateral hatred harbored by confederate flag-waving white supremacists whom the Left tell our people it is.
It is a well-reasoned sentiment felt ACROSS the globe by human beings, fed up with being shot at, bombed, censored, locked up and spit upon by their rulers.
President Trump was not as remotely bad for the world as our Establishment enemies have been telling us round-the-clock for nearly five years. The exact opposite is, in fact, the case! He was a breath of fresh air.
As President Trump rightly told us last night in his farewell address – under his remarkable stewardship of the American presidency – the wars stopped and life was better for all, whether people admit it or not.
Although he has let us down this past week, President Trump brought much needed peace and stability to a world our evil Neo-liberal and Neo-Conservative overseers have been destroying for generations.
And from a nationalist’s perspective, a safer, happier world means less war, less loss of life, and fewer immigrants flooding our shores from lands our own governments obliterated.
Sure, he gave Kushner and Ivanka too much power, appointed evil bastards like John Bolton, was wrong allowing Israel to influence him on Iran, and was certainly too cosy with Riyad and Tel Aviv, among other things, but compared to Obama and Bush? The man was a peacenik. The fact President Trump did not win a Nobel Prize for his efforts is a travesty – although par for the course at this juncture.
Secondly, that Trump is beloved by so many of the globe’s people gives us a battering ram of an argument we should be using, when debating brainwashed liberal friends and family who’ve been conned by the mainstream media into believing Trump is reviled the world over, is a “hawk,” etc.
ESPECIALLY when they hit us with, the “world’s leaders are happy Trump is gone” argument – the sort of tripe I’ve been seeing all over the net the past few days.
Yes, the evil European Union leadership is ecstatic President Trump’s gone – because he rightly took Britain’s side in Brexit negotiations, pulled out of the Paris Climate accord and most importantly, demanded wealthy Western European nations pay their fair share to NATO.

Just as happy are all the other thugs:

bankasters in London and New York, warmongers at the Pentagon, the filthy rats at Goldman Sachs, monsters like Dick and Liz Cheney, Bette Midler, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the cast of Saturday Night Live, Debra Messing, LeBron, Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Communists the world over, the Castro regime, “his Communist Excellency” Nicolás Maduro”, the Bush and Rothschild dynasties, the ADL, NAACP and SPLC, Al Sharpton, Wolf Blitzer, Xi Ping-pong, Greta Thunberg, CNN and the CCP, Princess Harry and Megan Markle, Bono, George Clooney, the Weinsteins, Eisensteins and Cohens of the worlds, pedos from sea to shining sea and ALL of the EVIL, hypocritical champagne-swilling scum that travel to Davos on their private planes to discuss global warming and cancelling us with mandatory vaccines!
The OPPRESSED people of the globe, on the other hand – and the very VERY best people inhabiting this proud nation, are not!
And make no mistake, we WILL live to fight another day….
End article
Video of a pro-Trump rally in Japan this past week that drew bigger crowds than Biden could pull in the US.





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  1. The West only bombs muslim countries that have oil or pose a military threat to Israel. Once we’ve destroyed a country, all their citizens move en masse to the countries that bombed them!

    These muslims then support jihad in the host country that had just bombed them back to year 0.

    Israeli “charities” pay for the migrants, yet none move to Israel!

    Another informative article from JdN and Francois.

    Will China now do Israel’s Biden — or will Biden do China’s Biden? 😉

    • Yes, and thanks for the comment, brother. The jews often go for twofers .. two or more benefits.

      So whites and muslims kill each other while jew stockholders make money off all the tanks, jets, beans, bombs and bullets.

      AND, with all these muslims bombing, stabbing, and running people over, the jews get terrorism laws enacted that infringe on the rights of the native Whites, who never WANTED any muslims in their country in the first place!

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