Frank Raymond, a hero in censoring, arresting, totalitarian Canada, is for me a reincarnated Aryan from ancient India; spiritual reading

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Frank Raymond is a businessman from the Indian subcontinent with a special and very brave mission in Justin Trudeau’s open-borders, anti-white, woke, gun-seizing, vaxx-mandating, bank account-seizing (remember the truckers strike?) totalitarian Neo-Canada.

His mission is to be a non-white (though he clearly has a lot of old Aryan DNA, like many elite Indians)  to awaken us Whites to the beauty, kindness, idealism and goodness typical of our race ….and to start taking steps, out of love, to cherish, preserve and protect the white branch of humanity and do so before it is too late.

I have had many positive interactions with elite people from India, among them with the late Swami Rama, in whose ashram, the Himalayan Institute,  I lived and worked for about nine months in Pennsylvania in 1993-94. There I learned serious meditation and the basic concepts of Vedanta, which means “knowledge” in Sanskrit.

It is a kind of spiritual Hinduism — teachings about karma, overcoming the ego, getting control of our mind, and reincarnation — a teaching and way of life conceived for the best and brightest people in India, and especially for the Brahmin caste, not for the masses. Those for centuries were a very poor, illiterate, dark-skinned people who were anxious only to somehow survive in a world of tremendous heat and humidity, famines, droughts, poisonous snakes, tigers, etc.

Swami Rama, a brahmin, and good-looking, had a lot of white blood as well and stood 5’11”. He also had several girlfriends and some Hindus thought this was scandalous. But why should a spiritual leader not have practical experience in the area of marriage, raising children, and understanding the opposite sex? He said in a famous darshan (a Q&A session a guru holds with his followers) that “the purpose of incarnation is to have relationships.”

The masses always wish to worship some god or hero and then, in a kind of transactional relationship, beg this god or hero to do things for them, like get them out of jams.

They wish only to serve, believe, follow, and then get benefits, not think.

And this may be the most appropriate path to God for spiritually simpler people.

Saulianity is itself a kind of bhakti, in this case, literal Jesus worship.  “Jesus is God, He loves me, He died for me, and He will save me after death for an eternal life of happiness in heaven.”…..

Now why Jesus would even want young souls who have never taken a good, hard look at themselves, or made any changes, or grown up spiritually, to hang out with Him forever escapes me.  😉

It is basically a kind of infantile religion where you become a baby again, a rescued baby sheep, goat or lamb.

Just trust, believe and feel a gauzy lovey-dovey FEELING.

I have seen and felt this warm energy in many flourishing churches, among Jehovah’s Witnesses, Traditional Catholics, Pentacostalists, Jews for Jesus, and among the Amish, the Apostolic Lutherans up here in the UP (a kind of “blond convention” of conservative families of Swedish, Finnish and Northern German heritage) and among the Mormons.

“God is love” is in fact true, though often He is tough love, and to feel loved is a big thing in this harsh, cruel, and often wicked world.

Well, to the extent that Saulianity, this world religion of Jesus worship, not Jesus-understanding, contains any actual Jesus teachings or actual actions by Jesus relating to God as a loving heavenly father, overcoming the selfish ego, acting out of love, doing selfless service for others, non-judgment, respect and humility, it is a good path for the massesif they still believe in it at all, IF……which most Whites nowadays just do not.


And this is what I predicted in Table Talk during WWII…that Christianity would gradually die out…but only disappear when the key things of great value in it are carried right over into the new religion, as the great Scottish professor and author Thomas Carlyle said in his famous On Heroes and Hero Worship. 

The coming white religion is not based on the myth and lie that

1) you-should-be-like-a-sheep, but if you reject the Christian mythology, reverence for jews,  and the spirit of sheepyness, then

2) a loving God will burn you forever and ever in the fires of hell….

Vedanta is based on

1) getting control of your mind, and

2) embracing the proven fact of reincarnation, which is what really happens when you die.


You go at death through a tunnel of light to an interlife, a temporary heaven, where you can review your last life.

There you can examine both your wise and noble deeds and also your terrible mistakes in this world of ours.

In the interlife you can grow up a lot, and then try again.

You get a new incarnation, with your heart changed but your mind wisely wiped clean by God to be a clean slate, in order to apply from a good heart the moral lessons you intellectually know are true.

God does not want you to remember and rehash all the stupid shit you pulled in earlier lives, or all the heartaches, grief, rape, dead children, lost wars, housefires, burglaries and other tragedies you underwent two thousand years ago in your last life!

Ponder those setbacks and missteps during your interlives, with a loving God, ancestors or His angels sitting right there with you, getting you to think and reflect as divine therapists who do not want to trash you but help you to grow!

Process the past in your interlives! Take it all to heart! But then forget it in your next incarnation and move forward!

Remember the Power of NOW, repeat, of NOW — of this life and this moment!


Not when your wife left you in AD 1275 in medieval Scotland! Or you were a Roman soldier and got a spear in the belly from a German in AD 8, during the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest! How would it help you now to rehash that ancient pain from then? Take that stuff up right after each life ends, process it fully, and then dispose of it — moving onward and upward.

In your next life, you have to actually apply your theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, and deal with the sometimes difficult personalities and flaws of other people, forgiving, loving and understanding them as God/Brahma, forgives, loves and understands you!


Btw, I just saw a video about what famous people really looked like. This was Napoleon, a rather handsome Italian Corsican who became French, and he sure looked like a reincarnated ancient Roman. One historian said he was the most competent, effective man who ever lived, and it was the Rothschild jews who brought him down using, as always, the goyim and their white-against-white hatreds.


This is how his pretty wife Joséphine looked, who tragically could not have kids. (She also wisely urged and pled with Napoleon to not go to war with the gigantic Russia….)


In Sanskrit the worship of a god or hero is called Bhakti, which means “devotion.” In Vedanta, there is one great God, Brahma, the Creator of the universe, or rather of the multiverse, with “multiverse” signifying that there are many frequencies or many dimensions to reality. Our material universe is one of many. 

Later in the 1990s, I taught American accent in New England to many Indian immigrants who were IT (computer) people.  Because Hinduism talks about the ancient Aryans, and there is visibly a lot of white blood still in India, especially in the northern half of the country, Indians feel a certain blood kinship with white Americans.

All of northern India, reflecting the Aryan military invasions of the north, coming from Iran (“Aryanland”) and Afghanistan, still speaks languages related distantly to English, Latin, Greek, Russian and other European tongues:

The Aryan languages in 1000 BC, probably erupting via fierce, blond warriors out of what is now called southern Russia and Ukraine:


This feeling of kinship with western Whites is not the case with the Pakistanis, whose language, Urdu, is basically the same language as the Hindi of the Indians, but is written in an arabic script because they are muslims and are taught that Mohammed, an Arab, was the final prophet of Allah, that is, the Arabic moon god.

The ancestors of today’s Pakistanis were once Hindus, too, but the Moghul conquerors swept in, a merciless kind of Turks, and massacred Indians by the millions until some converted to Islam.

This was largely out of fear, or in order to get out from under the old Indian caste system, a system which pushed many lower- and middle-caste Indians to leave Hinduism for Islam, Buddhism or Sikhism. Whenever a religion catches on, it is always because it provides real benefits: psychological boons, and also better safety and economic progress.

But because Islam is a highly violent and intolerant religion, committed Muslims view White Americans (and Britons, Frenchmen,  Germans and Russians) as infidels who — in their actual teachings in many mosques — should be killed, enslaved or humiliated, and their infidel women seized to be raped or put in a harem for regular, systematic rape.

But Hinduism is very tolerant: worship whatever God you want, or just Brahma, the Creator, or no god at all, and just work on improving yourself, which the Buddha, the “enlightened one,” who was an Aryan prince with blue eyes whose birth name was Siddhartha Guatama, advised us to do, and to just ignore the gods.


Anyway, here is Frank Raymond from the Indian subcontinent, sticking up publicly for the white race in leftard Canada, and addressing us on the real enemy of the white race, the jews, and their goal of white genocide and the end of an often very noble, kind and beautiful race. He uses humor, his vast erudition, fairness toward the little jews, and his affection and admiration for our race, to awaken our folk.

I can imagine him in an earlier incarnation as a great Indo-Aryan.



This was a very brave speech for Frank to give in a “hate-speech”-outlawing Canada, run by the psychopathic Illuminatus Justin Trudeau, who literally and quite visibly is the love child of communist tyrant Fidel Castro.

Margaret Trudeau had two trysts with the Cuban marxist who drove most Whites out of Cuba and ruined the Cuban economy with marxist economics.

The baby Justin inherited 1) the looks, 2) the height (6’3″), 3) the sports talent, and 4) the egomania and psychopathy of the biological father, Fidel.


I intend to run more material soon by Frank Raymond on the subject of how Whites need to overcome the old, semitic, and partially  false and toxic “Christianity” of Saul and the worship of the jews’ demonic god, Yahweh.

Created with GIMP


Highly recommended! Yahweh, the god of the jews, as a demonic psychopath:

Uploaded to my site:

From Yahweh to Zion – Laurent Guyénot

Raymond had a fierce debate recently in a podcast with David Duke about all this. Duke, whom I know all too well, and also his two daughters, is an atheist and rank narcissist who long had no use for his own kids.


But Duke professes “cultural Christianity” to keep the shekels flowing from his Bible Belt supporters.

Duke refused to let Frank speak on the need to put Saulianity, which is jew worship for goys, behind us — to the point that the show’s host, Dave Gahary, appalled and angered, turned off David Duke’s mike! 😉



….Spiritual reading

January 1

The divine is always accessible—from above, from below, and through connection with everything that moves, breathes, grows, flows, blows or sits in stillness on your earth. At different times, the grandeur and beauty of that divine presence is easier to find, the doors are opened wider, in one direction or another.

Today, the best place to seek Spirit and its guidance will be within yourself. There is much to learn from the world around you and those who inhabit it, but sometimes outside influences can be illusory, confusing or distorting of the truth. This is a time when you will find all that you need in your own soul and in your own heart.

Allow yourself time to contemplate the extraordinary beauty that resides within. Sit quietly if you can, and let it well up in you. This is not a time for asceticism, but simply a period where your inspiration and spiritual nutrition will most likely come from your own core.

To this end, we suggest that today in particular, you practice relative silence. Speak when you need to, but think about whether what you are about to say needs to be said. Try to avoid unnecessary chatter, gossip and speculation.

This is always a good policy, of course, and you will find that refraining from engagement, and turning inward when you might normally reach out, will bear many unexpected and heady fruits.

Although we hope you will focus your attention there, within, we also want you to know that we are always here, watching over and sending love.





…..I thank my donors

Money helps, and I most certainly cannot change the world by myself, not even with the proceeds from the sale of one small house in a small town.

But so would a bodyguard or house sitter when I go out.

My money is out of the banks, avoiding one danger but creating another.

— 14 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

Saint Malo in Brittany, France

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

Brittany is the last pocket of France where some still speak a keltic language. The wild boar was the symbol of the ancient French Kelts.


— 7 January 2023 $50 and two valuable spiritual books from A in New York City

— 7 January 2023 $14 in the form of seven two-dollar bills with Thomas Jefferson on them from M in Florida

— 4 January 2023 200 euros (=$180) from M in France

— 1 January 2023 42 euros (= $38) from B in Denmark

— 31 December 2022 250 euros (US$225) from C in Germany


— 25 December 2022 $20 via CashApp from I in unknown country


— 24 December 2022 200 euros (=$180) via PayPal from M in France

— 21 December 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 14 December 2022 $137 via Gabpay from B in Georgia

— 13 December 2022 AUS$50 (= US$30) from P in Australia

— 12 December 2022 100 euros (=US$90) from M in France

— 30 November 2022 46 euros (around US$41) from B in Denmark

Danish folk clothing

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock (9808316x)
Crown Princess Mary, Princess Josephine, Prince Christian, Crown Prince Frederik attend church in Sandav·gur
Danish Royals visit the Faroe Islands, Denmark – 26 Aug 2018

— 30 November 2022 100 euros via PayPal from M in France

The brave Charlotte Corday, protesting the terror of the judeomasonic French Revolution, assassinated with a knife the guillotining psychopath Marat in his bathtub, and then courageously faced the guillotine herself, proud and defiant of the leftist “authorities.” (Margi knew a lot about Charlotte.)


— 24 November 2022 $10 via Cash App from I in unknown location

— 19 November 2022 $117 via Gabpay from B in Georgia


— 13 November 2022 $100 via Western Union from B in Georgia

— 12 November 2022 $20 Australian (US$15), letter and Mars info from J in Australia

— 7 November 2022 $480 from J in Illinois to pay directly my overdue electric bill

— 7 November 2022 $100 in cash from a local person

— 3 November 2022 400 euros ( = US$360) from C in Germany

— 3 November 2022 cash donation of $40 from a local and purchases made for me

— 1 November 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts


  1. I like Frank Raymond very much. I own his book _Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells_ and have read it twice. I do have an issue with his speech, however.

    Namely, he states that the problem is not the ordinary Jews but what he calls the “supremacist” Jews.

    I submit that the ordinary Jews give rise to the “supremacists” as though by a law of nature. Whenever there is a Jewish population of a certain size the “supremacist” types will arise, I submit.

    Thus it is the Jewish community that is the problem, I submit.

    • I understand.

      Martin Luther put it this way: “Christian, you have no more dangerous enemy than a jew who is really committed to judaism.”

      In other words, a jew who has absorbed the psychopathic anti-values of the Talmud — hatred, envy, trickery, a passionate love of successful lying, sadism, greed, sexual lust, and a desire to humiliate, torture and murder — and who shares in the goal of world conquest.

      Not all jews embrace such horrible things, but those who do are walking disasters, human cobras.

      Rabbi Michael Lerner, whom I met and with whom I have corresponded, in his Jewish Renewal, talks about the jews who see judaism as some kind of humane movement for a better world, a world of peace and love. And there are jews who think that this is what judaism is actually about, but they are fooling themselves. No one can read the Talmud and think that! So these humane jews are in deep denial.

      And he speaks of Big Jews (rich and powerful) and Little Jews, who have neither power nor money), and expresses the complaint that has existed for many centuries of the little jews:

      “The Big Jews don’t care about the little jews.”

      And I have met little jews who themselves were victims of what is going on in the world thanks to the Big Jews. Little jews get mugged, robbed, raped and killed in our big cities by blacks; some get hooked on cocaine (like the jew Zelensky, “president” of Ukraine), and are destroyed by drugs (less so, actually, by alcohol); their marriages break up; and they too take the Pfizer vaxx and die.

      As I have stated on this website, the only way for a jew to be forgiven and spared a just punishment is to renounce this sadistic cult of treason, enslavement and mass murder, to condemn judaism as something intrinsically evil and sinister at the core, and to fight effectively against it.

      To be merely critical of certain aspects of it or neutral, or “disagree with some things Israel does” — no, that is not sufficient to be spared the wrath of the awakened Aryan.

  2. Great article. I will definitely need to look into Frank Raymond. However, the Aryan Invasion Theory is perhaps one of the few things I would have to disagree with most white nationalists on. If North India is Indo European and South India is Dravidian then why do people in Sri Lanka (the southernmost part of India) speak an Indo European language? The Sinhalese people are also closely related genetically to Bengalis who are northern Indians. That would make no sense if the AIT were true. Also, that map you shared shows the Aryan homeland as being suspiciously close to the Khazarian homeland; another reason I don’t trust the AIT. In fact, some of the people pushing the AIT are Big Jews. Also, by portraying the Vedic religion as a foreign invasion, it also the potential to discredit Hinduism (some Marxists are using it that way) which is another reason I’m not inclined to believe it; I also see the potential for it to create division between whites and Indians who are both Indo European.

    I’m more inclined to believe the Indigenous Aryan Theory, and by that, I really do mean white people being indigenous to India. An article I read in Russia Beyond mentioned a study that showed that Indians (including the dark skinned southern ones) are more closely related to Europeans than to any other ethnic group; even Prabhupada said Indians are just white people with a tan. Also, there’s no mention of an invasion into India in the Vedas; however, I do recall seeing a verse somewhere in the Vedas mentioning an invasion/migration out of India westward. Also, in Europe, the Indigenous Aryan Theory came before Aryan Invasion Theory; the difference between the two theorists was Indigenous Aryan theorists had lived in India whereas Aryan Invasion theorists had never been to India. That’s another reason Indigenous Aryan theory carries more weight for me. Besides, if it’s true, it would explain why so many young white people are leaving Christianity and converting to Hinduism; it’s not because of multiculturalism or globalism, but rather, it’s a way of returning to the ancestral roots. Just some thoughts.

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