Freedom, slander, and why Washington really left American politics

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Child labor in the textile mills


A comrade and major donor, a former Green Beret, defended me and my views with regard to democracy and national socialism.

He commented:

In case you haven’t noticed, this is a National Socialist website. The author of this website was the original writer of the above German interpretation.

The „American“ colonial victory over the British would have been inconceivable without our chief Prussian drill instructor, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. The victory over the American-Mongolians [ = the Amerindians] only happened after the Great Plains were settled and planted by Volks-Deutschen from the European steppes. America didn’t didn’t become a world power until Germans (aided by the Irish) became America’s largest White ethnic groups.

I replied:

Thank you. 🙂 🙂

The German and Irish contributions to America have indeed been enormous. There is actually only one part of the whole country where English or British names still predominate, and that is in the South: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lee, Bragg, Hood, Forrest, Stuart, Johnston, Wallace, Long….. with heavily French southern  Louisiana being the exception

Northern New England also has many anglo names but also very many French Canadians, all the Gagnons, Lefebvres, Bouchers and Tremblays…..


And, speaking further of this region, Vermont specifically is riddled now with leftie New Yawk jews who, having ruined Gotham, now are imposing their ruinous Demoncrat policies on a once all-Yankee state. You can get a bagel and the NY Times in the smallest grocery store in the once Aryan “Green Mountain State.” 🙁

It just so happens that the last two nights I ran into the same couple at the local bar and grill, both Wisconsinites of Irish and German ancestry. We had a great conversation both times. This is a VERY good combination — witty, sociable Kelt, quick to fight the oppressor and defend the underdog, and the industrious, honest Teuton (who, however, can be too conformist and addicted to “the rules”).

And face it, we live under a genocidal, marxist, judeonegroidal, and now OPENLY anti-white tyranny right now.

We’re just not Irish and Scots-Irish enough to do anything about it!


While I thank you wholeheartedly for your defense of my views and your tangible support, these comments by K. Blewitt are also useful, because the author is a genuine white nationalist (and regular donor for years) who is sincerely worried about where limits on freedom of speech could someday lead.

After all, for example, the first Roman emperor, Augustus, was indeed a great ruler who ended a half-century of atrocious civil wars in Rome  and brought about 47 years of relative peace and prosperity.

Octavian — Augustus — seizes power from the Senate (fictionalized dramatization; he did not do it this blatantly, and preserved the outer appearances of republican government )


But two of his successors were Caligula and Nero!…… The imperial system lacked any orderly rules of succession, and literally dozens of emperors were slaughtered by their own generals.

The Founding Fathers were VERY aware of both Roman and Greek history, and Rome had some terrible emperors who ruled by fear, and Greece many city-states ruled by brutal tyrants (actually a Greek word).

And then there is the concern about how the white American public, all flag-waving, might react to such limitations. Unity is fine, but it may mean taking some critics out of circulation, which is what we did in 1933-34, with about 100,000 Germans incarcerated as political prisoners in camps. (This dwindled to about 10,000 by 1939 as the economy and other things flourished, and as a result opposition to our rule diminished. 10,000 out of 90 million Germans was a pretty tiny percentage…. Our rule was very accepted. Léon Degrelle estimated that Hitler had 90% approval by June of 1940.)

Interestingly, a young John Kennedy made two trips to NS Germany in the 1930s and opined that “fascism” was a good fit for the Germans and Italians, but democracy was right, he wrote his father, for the English-speaking peoples.

Anyone who has ever had a tyrannical boss — or even spouse! 😉 — knows how unbearable it can be to live or work under a cruel and disrespectful person. I read once that working at a job that you dread going to can shave five years off your life. 🙁

I talked last night to a US Army veteran (along with his wife). He works as a short-order cook now. He was saying that the Army had drastically changed between his first and second enlistments, and that soldiers were now encouraged to tattle and rat on each other, and it had become a divide-and-conquer system of management. “I couldn’t wait to get out the second time,” he said.

Obviously, if the Army continues on this path and if the jews get us into a really major war, and the draft is reintroduced, then you end up in a toxic environment and, being the military, as you know, you cannot just “quit.” It is dreadful to have no freedom and no recourse either when abuses by the brass are going on.

The Mary Phagan case is comparable — blatant sexual harassment with the threat of being fired…and this at a time when many southern Whites, due to the long-term effects of the Civil War, were very poor. They NEEDED that job!

So the vile jew Leo Frank was getting his way sexually with a number of his female employees at the National Pencil Factory, and beautiful Mary, so he thought, was to be his ultimate conquest. It is an awful thing to live or work under a tyrant, and the 13-year-old Irish girl Mary revolted.You just know that he must have pawed at her despite her saying NO, and she must have reacted by slapping him in the face.

In a blind Hebrew rage at the rebellious shiksa, Frank socked the 4’9″ girl in the head, she fell back against a lathe, blood spurted everywhere from her scalp, and she collapsed to the floor, and there he raped her and strangled her with a cord.

Then the jew ordered a negro janitor, Jim Conley, to stuff her body into the factory furnace and burn her corpse — which the negro, who was just as horrified (because everyone loved Mary) as he was petrified, categorically refused to do. Conley was no paragon of virtue, just a street negro, but a murderer or corpse-burner he was not. Frank then became extremely nervous –he had been with the girl in the nearly empty factory on a Saturday, there only to pick up her pay and go —  and the police detectives noticed this frantic look in his eyes when he was first interviewed.

Then the fiend played the race card — and this was in the very Deep South of the KKK — and the Khazar blamed two different innocent negro employees for HIS capital crime.

But, to their immense credit, an all-white jury was merely insulted at this “button-pushing,” believed the negro over the “white”  bu0sinessman, and convicted the jew, who was whining about bigotry and antisemitism, of capital murder.

After his rich jew buddies tried to get him released, bribing even a white governor who became a complete scumbag, the finest white men of Georgia (including the former governor and the Speaker of the Georgia House) stormed the prison and hanged him themselves! 

Intense bleeding from her scalp and the nether area.

Mary had an almost supernatural auburn-blond color to her hair, brilliant blue eyes, and was a very devout church-going girl who had never had a boyfriend. In school plays she was always given the role of “Sleeping Beauty,” but at 13 just wanted to giggle when “Prince Charming” kissed her. 😉 This is an approximation of her hair, and how she might have looked at 18. Thousands of Atlantans showed up for the funeral of this factory girl, a daughter of sharecroppers.

Worse, this Yankee jew from New York City had ravished and throttled her on Confederate Memorial Day. The parade was to have been her next stop, but she never showed up to see her girlfriend and watch the brave old veterans march by!


My late wife Margaret, also a southern redhead,

….recorded an entire audiobook on the case, based on a very factual account written by Mary’s great-niece, who bears her same name, Mary Phagan Kean. (She married a Kean.)


It was not a mob action. Six courts had found this jew guilty, including twice the US Supreme Court!! But no one would carry out the sentence until the great publisher Thomas Watson stirred them to action!


My mission in this life is to imbue Whites with a deep moral sense so that the day comes when they do not need a dictator to knock their heads together in order to re-establish law and order, terminate the wicked, and give our white nations their pride, honor and bravery back.

But Whites the world over need to learn humility and gratitude for our NS achievements and our many spectacular successes in all areas.

And we all must recognize that the jews would never have risen to their current dominance without White egoism, White cowardice, White selfishness, White greed and White treason.

Our race was sick long before the jew ever showed up to exploit us. Just think of what Cromwell did to the Irish….

Or, heck, child labor here in the USA, for example, in the textile mills of Rhode Island. These Irish and French Canadian kids, age seven or eight, worked in 130-degree, HUMID heat. (The high heat and humidity were seen as good so the thread would not fray).

Remember –“white privilege!”



And the spinning machines sometimes ripped their little children’s arms right off.

One can read in the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket, R.I. about the meetings of the “Slater Club,” a gathering of textile mill owners.

They were rejoicing, as the minutes of one meeting recorded, that they and the Catholic Church together had succeeded in preventing the textile mill workers from creating a union (to fight for decent wages and safe working conditions) by lying that all union activity was just godless communism. (Actually, there were indeed communist jews in the labor movement. But working conditions often WERE horrible! Communism can never attract the workers if they are being treated by their White employers with genuine respect.)

This abuse of child workers was truly a white-on-white atrocity. And, as the English vlogger TIK says, under Hitler, if a boss obstinately refused to treat his workers right, ignoring how beneficial this was for all concerned, he could be thrown himself into a concentration camp (for egregious acts) or at least be forced to sell his business. And a representative of the party (the German Labor Front) sat in on all important company meetings to enforce compliance with the communal spirit of national socialism — a passionate altruism and commitment to the folk community.)

In the end, let us be realistic, all forms of government, while they may sound good on paper and in theory, are hopeless in practice if people remain the selfish, egoic jerks they in fact are without guidance.

And as long as they are this way, and they ARE this way, chaos will continue to ensue, and a powerful, authoritarian state will be the unpleasant but necessary antidote.

The brutal fact is that Germany flourished then, and China is flourishing now, BECAUSE of a benevolent authoritarianism.

And we national socialists did not sneak this in on people; we openly campaigned 1920-33 to end parliamentary, multi-party democracy as being in actuality a means for the jews, with the vast funds they had to finance political parties and campaigns, to divide-and-conquer us goyim.

And who else was explicitly against multi-party democracy?

GEORGE WASHINGTON himself, the principal Founding Father!

And why did the Father of Our Country quit after two terms?

Because so many Americans insanely believed the vile slanders published by Benjamin Franklin Bache in his newspaper, The Aurora, that he, Washington, was a British agent! (I told this to a very smart couple visiting from Chicago, and the husband chuckled: “Oh, wow. So Washington was working for England…. Now that would be England playing the really long game. 😉 I cannot quite figure that one out.”;-) )

But people believed Bache’s crap!

Bache in turn wanted America to become an ally of the Illuminati Jacobins in France who were guillotining people by the tens of thousands!

So, for Bache, the grandson of THE Benjamin Franklin (!), Washington had to be a British agent, see, because our first president refused to let America get involved in the war on the side of the Jacobins,  the head-choppers then ruling France, which then was at war with other European great powers (Britain, Austria and Prussia).

Yes, America, still licking its wounds from the eight-year Revolutionary War, was supposed to declare war again on England, and fight alongside the France of the Terror which was not just beheading people by the tens of thousands, but also slaughtering prisoners (in the Vendée) and drowning them, tied up, on barges which they sank with cannon fire, and just throwing human beings, their hands and feet bound, into rivers to very, very slowly drown as they flailed about desperately in the water. How sadistic!

So Washington was a “traitor” for refusing to ally his brand-new, just born nation with THAT regime.

The president was deeply stung and wounded by the fact that people believed this rot about him, of all people, of being a traitor in English pay.

And Washington did not need anyone’s money! he was one of the wealthiest men in America (as had been, btw, also Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock). He did not need any British pounds to pay his bar tab in Philadelphia or Alexandria!

EVEN George Washington, while president, was defamed (as a murderer, dolt, tyrant, bad general, and BRITISH AGENT — by newspaper owned by Benjamin Franklin’s psycho grandson; Edward Snowden on the FBI defamation machine

As I say, you can cook up any new theory of government, and go on and on about rights and freedoms, but it all will fall flat over time unless and until egoic human nature is radically changed.

And freedom of speech can degenerate very fast into raw animal hatred, slander, incivility, envy, monstrous ingratitude, and full-on treason…….and into violence.

This happened in the all-white UP of Michigan, in Hancock, a town I (and Margi) knew very well. I thank a French comrade for this.


When people are egoic, the people in Country A begin hating their fellow citizens so much that they even take money by the wheelbarrow-ful from the secret agents of Country B, from an enemy nation, in order to finance their party, their election or re-election.

And so we see Satanyahu getting 79 standing ovations the other night at a joint session of Congress…and 90% of them were gentiles.

I once ran up on the stage andf socked a Bavarian separatist in the mouth. He was taking money from the French government to break Germany up into Protestant north versus Catholic south, and leftist east versus conservative west, plus BavaRIANSiisnas against pRUSSIANS!

Codreanu said it pithily: Democracy — for all its noble intentions, and directly because of OUR flaws — always ends up as rule by the jews.

So we must address our own flaws.

THEN we can handle well and fully enjoy the great freedoms for which Washington, Jefferson, and Adams risked all.



  1. Evil, psychotic, blood-drinking demons, the khazars drank blood in their satanic rituals and ate the hearts of innocent people, plus young children they sacrificed.

    Asfor Leo Frank, he got off too lightly for his horrific, evil act.

    He deserved a long, drawn-out agonising death.there needs to be a (f.s) for these psychotic monsters.

    • Regarding Leo Frank, when he was lynched, as with all lynchings, it was a slow strangulation after a very short drop, not a neck-breaking from a long drop, a throttling, which is what he inflicted on Mary Phagan, whom he strangled using a cord.

      But he had also

      — punched and raped her

      — lied under oath,

      — tried to frame two innocent negroes,

      — tried to bribe witnesses, and did bribe some, and his people did bribe the governor, and

      — he wasted the time of six courts, and

      — he and his defamed the whole people of Georgia as bigots.

      — he inflicted lasting emotional trauma on not just her whole family but on all Georgians by killing an exceptionally sweet, hard-working, unselfish and beautiful girl.

      — And by her death she never got the chance to be a wife and mother, and she had no white babies. Otherwise she would have white descendants who are alive today.

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