French comrade asks if I have an escape plan

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A very smart comrade in beautiful France who regularly sends 50 euros (the same value as US dollars!) asked me (in his usual, nearless flawless English) if I have an escape plan, and he caringly urged me and Margi to “stay safe.”

My response:

Dear white brother,

The only escape is to attack. The only safety now is in the offensive.

The enemy has all ten fingers on our throat via this Covid insanity, and is applying the final death pressure.

Next thing is the mandatory vaccine that makes us sterile, total Internet censorship, and a deliberate economic crash to trigger chipping us with a money chip. Then they will know where we are every second.

Sterile, disarmed, located and cringing.

As soon as I heard this 1970 song below, I knew… it meant me. Some day.


When whites were ready, that is, with their backs-to-the-wall. 😉


This amazing 1970 song, written and sung by the Celtic-American John Fogerty of Seattle, Washington, and performed with the great band “Creedence Clearwater Revival,” says it all….


Long as I remember, the rain been comin’ down.
Clouds of mystery, pourin’ confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, tryin’ to find the sun;
And I wonder, still I wonder, who‘ll stop the rain?



I went down to Virginia [home of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry], seekin’ shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. [tower of Lord Sauron from “Lord of the Rings”]
Five-Year-Plans [marxist] and New Deals [Roosevelt-American], wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain.



Heard the singers playin’, how we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together, tryin’ to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pourin’, fallin’ on my ears.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain?



* * *

I became fascinated with Creedence Clearwater Revival after reading the actual lyrics of “Who’ll Stop the Rain?” (which had just been a humm-able but throw-away song for me beforehand)

Then I read carefully the entire Wikipedia article on Fogerty…..and thus read about his enmity for the Jew Saul Zaentz.

Fogerty is IMO jew-wise.



A comrade in Texas wrote me:



Fogerty got jewed and screwed by The Tribe.


Mr. Fogerty’s warm feelings do not …..extend to Mr. Saul Zaentz, who would not be interviewed for this article, or other former Fantasy executives.

“The way I view Saul Zaentz and his henchmen, shall I say…..well, that probably gives it away,” Mr. Fogerty said. “I still view them in the same light. If I was walking down the street and those rattlesnakes were walking towards me, I would give them a wide berth.”




I have two white men driving up from Orlando, Florida, to see me.

One just lost his 33-year career to “Black Lives Matter.”

No, it was “White Lives” that founded this great country.

I am here to stop the 0rain, not flee from it.


    • A bastion, a strong position, from which to advance, and go on the offensive, not an escape.

      And it has to be cleared out too. We have Demoncrats here, Never-Trumper RINOS, and college-kid Antifas.

      We have Whites here in Lily-White-Landia who have never seen a negro, just like the starry-eyed volunteers in the Civil War 150 years ago. They watch only MSNBC and CNN, and think blacks are all gentle (yet sexy) saints. 😉

      And all the a-holes they know personally, who sell meth and beat their wife, are also white. I know a platinum-blond liberal here who spent three weeks in the hospital after her lowlife white husband clobbered her almost to death, and they wired her jaw shut. (He got five years in state prison.)

      The ideal for us, politically, would be the South Side of Chicago, Illinois if it literally abutted Ontonagon, that is, while being in separate states with separate elections.

      Actually, Louisville, Kentucky, very negrified, and neighboring southern Ohio across the Ohio River, in a different state, and all-white (even replete with a southern accent, and Copperhead in mindset) almost meet that criterion.

      But even so, the Whites won’t get the JQ……

      No tricks or strategems will work. The fundamentals have to change.

  1. Dear John de Nugent

    Just as the US population has been told lyingly for over 100 years that we Germans are xenophobic (because we do not want to become a minority in our own country and be annihilated and robbed), we have also been told for decades that Americans have a “racist” attitude toward Negroes.

    It is true that the USA was always celebrated and glorified by the lying press and institutions (school etc.) in West Germany as long as they were the main power base of the NWO (before Trump). But we were severely deceived about the relationship between Blacks and Whites.

    The predominant behavioral tendencies of numerous blacks were completely unknown to the majority. The tens of thousands of rapes and countless murders committed by blacks in the southern United States against white civilians never came up and were completely concealed.

    Mocking white American women (rape and murder victims), everything was reduced, including in schoolbooks and Hollywood movies, to the theoretical possibility that a white woman could make false accusations against a black man, whereupon the white mob population would kill the black man. Not a word was said about the facts. Now, however, in the final phase, in which the rest of Germany is flooded with millions of negative selections from Black Africa in addition to Arabs, we “experience” the reality of racial differences not only with Arabs but also with blacks (in the 1960s and 1970s there were only a few isolated blacks who were also predominantly hard-working and industrious, i.e., predominantly the actual exceptions).

    Now, however, more and more people are realizing why whites in the USA have distanced themselves from blacks; there are prevailing behavioral tendencies and experiences.

    In the media, feature films, etc., a typical plot pattern has prevailed since the 1970s, among others: The innocently suspected, heroic foreigner (Arab, black, gypsy, Vietnamese, Mediterranean, etc.) who is innocently suspected/accused/ falsely accused by the evil native Germans. And everywhere on television (TV presenters, actors, etc.) we are forced to watch blacks, mulattos, Arabs, etc., the natives are made to embody the bad, primitive and evil.

    Of course, there was and is the where the love falls principle, but that is the exception. The rest of the German white majority does not want to be made a minority in their own country (although we already are, over 40 million foreigners!). It is therefore completely unnatural and completely artificial for us to be bombarded omnipresently with blacks, mulattos, Arabs, etc. on television, and it will no longer hold up when ethnic separation takes place after the economic collapse.

    The lying press has branded the white civilian population of the USA as “racist” in our country, and vice versa. The millions of ignorant people, in the USA and in Germany, will no longer be able to ignore when everything collapses.

    Now they will get the bill for their decades of ignorance and gullibility served up, now that everything is going down and collapsing. Now they must face reality.


    Auf Deutsch:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    so, wie der US-Bevölkerung lügnerisch seit weiter über 100 Jahren erzählt wurde, wir Deutschen seien fremdenfeindlich (weil wir uns nicht zur Minderheit im eigenen Land machen und vernichten und ausrauben lassen wollen), so wurde auch uns seit Jahrzehnten erzählt, daß die Amerikaner „rassistisch“ eingestellt seien gegen Neger.

    Zwar wurden die USA in Westdeutschland von der Lügenpresse und den Institutionen (Schule etc.) stets gefeiert und verherrlicht, solange sie noch die Hauptmachtbasis der NWO waren (vor Trump). Über das Verhältnis der Schwarzen und der Weißen wurden wir jedoch schwerstens hintergangen.

    Die vorherrschenden Verhaltenstendenzen zahlreicher Schwarzer waren der Mehrheit völlig unbekannt. Die zigtausenden Vergewaltigungen und die unzähligen Morde, begangen durch Schwarze im Süden der USA an der weißen Zivilbevölkerung, kamen niemals zur Sprache, wurden vollkommen verschwiegen.

    Die weißen US-Amerikanerinnen (Vergewaltigungs- und Mordopfer) verhöhnend wurde, u.a. in Schulbüchern und in Hollywoodfilmen, alles auf die theoretische Möglichkeit reduziert, daß eine weiße Frau Falschbeschuldigung an einem Schwarzen begehen könne, woraufhin die weiße Mob-Bevölkerung den Schwarzen umbringen würde. Kein Wort wurde über die Fakten verloren. Jetzt jedoch in der Endphase, in der Restdeutschland zigmillionenfach neben Arabern auch mit einer millionenfachen Negativauslese aus Schwarzafrika geflutet wird, „erleben“ wir nicht nur mit Arabern sondern auch mit Schwarzen die Wirklichkeit der Rasseunterschiede (in den 1960ern und 1970ern kamen nur vereinzelt Schwarze, die zudem überwiegend arbeitsam und fleißig waren, also überwiegend die tatsächlichen Ausnahmen).

    Jetzt jedoch wird auch hier immer mehr Menschen klar, weshalb Weiße in den USA auf Distanz zu Schwarzen gegangen sind; es gibt nunmal vorherrschende Verhaltenstendenzen und Erfahrungswerte.

    In den Medien, Spielfilmen usw. herrscht unter anderem seit den 1970er Jahren ein typisches Handlungsschema vor: Der unschuldig verdächtigte, heldenhafte Ausländer (Araber, Schwarze, Zigeuner, Vietnamese, Südländer usw.), der unschuldig von den bösen einheimischen Deutschen verdächtigt/bezichtigt/falschbeschuldigt wird. Und überall im Fernsehen (TV-Moderatoren, Schauspieler usw.) zwingt man uns Schwarze, Mulatten, Araber usw. auf, die Einheimischen werden zur Verkörperung des Schlechten, Primitiven und Bösen gemacht.

    Es gab und gibt natürlich das Wo-die-Liebe-hinfällt-Prinzip, aber das ist die Ausnahme. Die restdeutsche weiße Mehrheit möchte nicht zur Minderheit im eigenen Land gemacht werden (wiewohl wir das bereits sind, über 40 Millionen Ausländer!). Es ist daher vollkommen unnatürlich und vollkommen künstlich, wenn man uns allgegenwärtig mit Schwarzen, Mulatten, Arabern usw. im Fernsehen bombardiert, und es wird keinen Bestand mehr haben, wenn die ethnische Entflechtung nach dem Wirtschaftszusammenbruch erfolgen wird.

    Die Lügenpresse hat die weiße Zivilbevölkerung der USA bei uns als „rassistisch“ gebrandmarkt, wie auch umgekehrt. Die Millionen von Ignoranten, in den USA und in Deutschland, werden nicht mehr ignorieren können, wenn alles zusammenbricht.

    Jetzt bekommen sie die Rechnung für ihre jahrzehntelange Ignoranz und Gutgläubigkeit serviert, jetzt, wo alles zu Grunde geht und zusammenbricht. Jetzt müssen sie der Wirklichkeit ins Gesicht sehen.

    • Amen, German brother.

      BUT people are far more immune to reality than even in the past.

      They have been neurochemically changed into zombies by low-T, fluoride, chemtrails, cell phone waves, obesity, diabetes — and let us not forget massive levels of porn, where male energies are dissipated, not bundled to go out and fight.

      It will take a lot more than mere reality to awaken the masses this time.

      It will take a lot more than the rape and murder of their loved ones.

      Look at how the rightwing, fierce Boers in South Africa in 1994 turned over their powerful state and military to Stone Age and openly communist negroes, KNOWING the rape and murder of their wives would ensue!

      No, reality means nothing to a sick, egoic mind, as Eckhart Tolle has diagnosed our situation.

      The answer is a new Aryan faith, where we see ourselves, life and everything radically differently.


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