My French friend Vincent Reynouard gets two years prison for disproving the criminal Holocaust mega-fraud

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My dear friend, mathematics teacher and trained engineer Vincent Reynouard of France, just got TWO YEARS IN PRISON for disproving the Holohoax! 🙁 ¦/coutances-vincent- ¦

Cet ancien professeur de mathématiques avait déjà  été condamné par la justice pour des faits similaires. Il comparaissait ce mercredi à  Coutances pour une vidéo…
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  • Horace Cope likes this.
  • John D. Nugent Father of nine! 
    One of his daughters, Azélie….
    He lost his teaching job though his pupils rallied to him:
    1997 students protest for Reynouard
    His treacherous wife dumped him while in jail the last time for 10 months….
    —but he has a nice new lady friend, on our wavelength and very active, Marie….
    So the Jew “président” Francois Hollande marches for “freedom”
    —-for the filthy, stupid cartoon magazine “Charlie Hebdo” — (which depicts Jesus –with holes in hands and feet — having anal sex with God, and a symbol of the holy spirit is sticking out Christ’s butt)
    ….but Hollande throws a gentle teacher in prison for two years for talking Holocaust TRUTH!
  • John D. Nugent Hollande and his son:

    Guess what their “religion” is!

    ….to donate so I can stop this from happening in America


…..Humor: Is this a great country or what?



A male Olympic champion can become an old woman on a reality TV series — and dress like his own mom!



…..but see also the magic, shape-shifting Dr. David Duke! 



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