French jew mocks Germar Rudolf and Vincent Reynouard

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The article below is about a screed by this French jew, Gilles Karmasyn, who is smirking characteristically for jews, and probably is rolling in dough.


A  Dutch comrade sent me just this link on June 29:

Thanks, but I see you sent only this link, Dutch brother, yet with no questions or comments attached.

This screed is by the French jew, Gilles Karmasyn.

Do you actually agree with these jews on this one subject — the supposed factual errors by Reynouard and Rudolf .. or are you unsure and wish to read my opinion? Okay, I will research the claims of these Khazars and get back to you.

The context is important, and the character of the witnesses…. A proven liar’s testimony will always be questioned. In this case, the word of a race of con men who now quite openly hate us!

The jews are known for what Hervé Ryssen justly calls “accusatory inversion.” In other words, the most infamous and known pack of liars in world history, professional liars with everything to gain, in fact, accuse my revisionist friends who had everything to lose, of being the liars…..

It is like Trump being convicted of a felony on the word of a bottle-blond whore with giant, silicone boobs (“Stormy” Daniels) — and of a disbarred jewish lawyer (Michael Cohen).

And these Hebrew accusers of Vincent Reynouard and Germar Rudolf are also, in legal language, an “interested party” — who stand to continue to benefit handsomely from Holocaust-related largesse. IsraHell has gotten at least $200 billion from West Germany as reparations for this claimed Holocaust, plus at least four nuclear-tipped German submarines…. and of course far, far more money, and highest-tech weapons, etc., from the United States.

That is not a bad haul for just ten million Israeli Khazars, around $400 billion, which comes to $40,000 per Israeli.

And heck, what does a Germar Rudolf know about chemistry, anyway? He was just a Diplom-Chemiker from the highly prestigious Max Planck Institute in Germany!

That would be like asking Mike Tyson about boxing  or Napoleon Bonaparte about military strategy!  😉

Or a Dutchman in the 1600s about tulips! 🙂

(Holland, Michigan in my state grows tulips, in fact, to this day.)

Frankly, I have lost some interest in the details of the fake Holocaust over the decades. For whenever a jews opens his mouth, on any subject, cheeky lies come out — on race, war, the Blacks, Islam, diversity, Germany, Hitler, the slave trade, health, cancer, fluoride, chemtrails, medicine, economics, communism, gender, history, and especially about religion.

So, of course, I suspect them of lying about the second-greatest and the most lucrative and advantageous scam in their three-thousand-year history, the Holofraud, the greatest grave train they ever thought up. (How can anyone claim the jews love money?)

The greatest scam was that the Supreme Being made them his Chosen People, and appointed them to rule the world, and for us to be their born slaves, being animals put into human form to be more pleasant to behold than if we had fur all over.

The second greatest scam, IMO, this Cash Chambers story, was that the jews did nothing wrong, but Evil Adolf scape-goated this gentle race of poets, disease fighters, able businessmen, patrons of the fine arts, and philanthropists, jealous of their success, and he exterminated every one of these innocent lambs he could.

This reminds me so much of how all the Harvard and Yale jews bloviated in 2020-21 about their jew-created mRNA “vaccine” being “tested, safe and effective” and therefore we goyim should stop the nonsense and “trust the science,” instead of endangering everyone by staying unvaxxed….

I came to a conclusion, Franklin, and so did someone who runs another major website, but who lives in Europe under hate-speech laws, and so I will not give his name:

“Hitler will be condemned by future historians because he did NOT carry out the Holocaust which he twice threatened, on 30 January 1939 and 30 January 1941.

At least, even if defeated, he could at least have accomplished THAT boon for humanity, and the Middle East would not be in permanent, explosive uproar!”

Have you attempted yourself, comrade, to verify the claims of these jews against our brothers — whom, I repeat, I personally know — men who have done years in prison and privation — married men (often with children) who also lost their lucrative careers?

The things Zündel, Christophersen, Faurisson and Wolfgang Fröhlich (CHEMICAL ENGINEER) went through was years of purest hell!

If you did any fact-checking, what did you learn from your research?

Anyway, I will get back to you. It is thinkable that even the most arrant liar could tell the truth, after all.

I do know one example of that. At the end of the excellent movie “Dead Man Walking” (based on a true story… the murderer, with the governor rejecting any postponement of the killer’s merited execution, does drop his teary claims of innocence, and he finally confesses to the Catholic nun visiting him on Death Row the truth — he did rape and kill the girl.

The jew actor Sean Penn is highly convincing in the role of a self-pitying, congenital liar…. who sincerely feels sorry….for himself… for being caught.

Why must the jews be so harsh on a 95-year-old woman unless they have built a house of cards, and the wind is picking up?

Gaza is showing who the TRUE “Nazis” are!

Now is the time to strike at this horde of psychopaths before they start World War Three!

Did jewish star comedienne Roseanne Barr just sneakily “DENY” the Holofraud and denounce jewry the way her late friend Norm Macdonald would do it and not get banned??

And I now add the following:

Dear Dutch comrade:
I replied to your comment of 29 June of this year Why did Himmler have two Waffen-SS shot for flirting? Degrelle defends his warriors – John de Nugent…in general terms here on the subject of the jews being known for lying about everything,  for doing so for the sheer, twisted pleasure of lying to a goy, and not just for profit, and for marshalling pseudo-science and bogus evidence to bedazzle the gullible:
The topic there is Jews accusing  Michael Jackson of being a pedophile soon AFTER he did an antisemitic song,  followed by his sudden death.
On the subject of jews enjoying lying to gentiles, I found this rather telling greeting card once in an Alexandria, Virginia Hallmark card store: it’s a big chain of stores in the United States:
I did write to Germar Rudolf as follows:

Hi, Germar.

 This is the screed by Gilles Karmasyn, who says he debunked you and also a Dr. Richard J. Green:

Germar replied:
Karmasyn: How can anyone take such unfounded and hysterical scribblings serious? I have written about Green and Markiewicz repeatedly. It’s all in my The Chemistry of Auschwitz, see the latest edition of 2020. [end]
Here it is:
He also said to me  by phone: “I made some changes for the 2020 edition.”
Now just think: Both Germar and Vincent have lost their chosen careers (chemistry or math) and their marriages for revisionism. So now if Karmasyn is right, then the two men can do a mea culpa, apologize, go on the talk show circuit, all repentant, and get their juicy jobs back.
Why would they not do so if Karmasyn is right? I  know both men personally, and both men have been through HELL.
Btw, my late wife Margaret and I were researching together (before she passed on) what a topmost Zionist, Nahum  Goldmann, said about specific meeting in 1942 before the claimed Holocaust even happened at a specific Manhattan hotel, the Biltmore (existed 1912-81)
in order to formulate in a hotel meeting room
1) after a German defeat, the postwar long-term occupation of Germany, then
2) war crime trials,  and
3) Holocaust reparations in order to fund the building of the intended new nation of Israel in 1948.

Finally, as for Vincent Reynouard, it took great courage to dare to debunk this sacred cow myth of the French Resistance — how supposedly the Waffen-SS massacred all the villagers in a French village named Ouradour, burning them alive inside a church.

How cruel, godless and pagan, those SS, eh?

However, there is, prima facie, nothing incredible about his claim that the Résistance was secretly stashing arms and ammunition inside that church, and in a firefight it all exploded.

Nor is it dubious that the occupying army, needing a building to put hostile villagers in while they searched the village looking for Resistance fighters, chose a church as  the logical place to assemble and confine them.

Churches were the only indoor places in medieval towns designed for public gatherings, except for, in a pinch, barns (which have, of course, no chairs or other accommodations).

On the opening day of the American Revolution, 19 April 1775 (I was a tour guide on  the Freedom Trail) a British infantry force of a thousand soldiers headed for Concord, Massachusetts, looking to seize rebel cannons, gunpowder, food for the troops, etc. In fact, they did find some of what they were looking for in a barn. They wheeled the wagons outside, asper their orders, and set fire to them in an open space away from the barn and the house.

However, a quarter mile to the north, where American Minutemen and other militia were facing off with another group of British  troops, staring at each other across a river with a bridge between them, the smoke that everyone saw curling upward from the village center was misinterpreted as “the British are setting fire to Concord village!”

The  Minuteman statue at Concord Bridge by sculptor Daniel Chester French

As serious as this fire would be in any era, we must remember that back then, with little or no fire insurance, it was extremely serious. It  meant that homes and businesses —   livelihoods — were being annihilated.

The American Revolution thus broke out — the shooting erupted — over an angry,  understandable but quite false interpretation of those clouds of black smoke coming from the village center,  putting the worst possible spin on a genuine event.

The British WERE burning war matériel, but were NOT burning the whole town down.

Nor, IMO, were those Waffen-SS deliberately burning the villagers in Oradour alive. Nor did they know in advance that the church was a secret weapons cache. Weapons can also be kept in a basement, in a tunnel, or under hay in a barn.

In the current Ukraine War, the Jewkrainians routinely put their soldiers and weaponry into schools, hospitals and shopping centers, then scream bloody murder when the Russians naturally destroy them. “Putin attacked a hospital!” weread.

I am no chemist, Dutch brother,  and also no fire inspector. But I am inclined to trust Germar Rudolf and Vincent Reynouard, whom I know, who both have done years in prison, and seen their careers and marriages destroyed, and lost daily connection to their kids, far more than any committed jew from a race of professional liars, murderers, and ritual child killers.

John de Nugent




  1. Der MDR (Mittel-Deutscher-Rundfunk) steht dahinter, also eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts, die derlei für die Partei/en und im Auftrage der Partei/en unters Volk bringt. Die Partei steht für die Einheitspartei namens SPDCDUFDPusw.

    Da die Gewalt seitens der sogenannten Migranten nicht mehr zu kaschieren ist, versuchen die Machthaber das Volk gegeneinander aufzubringen, damit es sich nicht gegen sie richten und zur Verantwortung ziehen möge – teile und herrsche.

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