From a German prison

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Alfred Schaefer (Canadian and former IBM executive, now serving three years for denying the Holycost) writes to Barbara Ann Nowak (whom I and Margi have known since 2008). I have corresponded with Alfred, and can see here his rage and militancy mounting. Good.

May 9, 2019, #2/3

9. May 2019 Letter #3: Several days ago, I received a letter from German customs that a parcel has arrived for me, and I had 7 days to pick it up. The letter was dated 17, April, but 17 + 7 = 24. It was a package sent by you on April 1. They sent a copy of the mailing details. This has probably been sent back to you. Your other mails have come through – no problem. You could send it in 2 smaller packages or to my wife. (Name, Address, Phone.) She speaks English very well. My last letter to you (#2) was sent off on 29 April 2019. The letter from German customs, sent to me dated 17 April, arrived in my cell on 2 May.

I tell you, Barbara, when I listen to the propaganda being spewed in our faces, it makes me feel physically ill. Not so much because of the content of the lies and incitement, but because of the idea that there could possibly be a single person out there who does not see through it. If they serve dog shit on nice plates, I don’t care. I would not touch it. Makes me feel ill. Example: Porsche has been found to be in violation of EU regulations and must pay $500 million Euros for those transgressions! Porsche has conceded and agreed to pay this sum.

Of course, after all, Munich Re conceded and agreed to pay Jew Kike Lucky Larry Silver-stein, billions of dollars after Jew Kike Lucky Larry admitted publicly his involvement in the mass murder of American citizens on 9/11, and subsequently claimed these billions from Munich. Re. Knowing that his fellow Kikes would all sign off and applaud how noble it all was. The Kike Jews are screaming to be exterminated with this shitting in our faces.

In the meantime, all papers remind us daily about those evil Nazis and how they would line up little innocent Jewish children to shoot them. The hollow cost. Every day. Every channel. To capture the kids, they now have “spontaneous” protests every Friday afternoon so the kids can prove their awareness about reality, and skip school to protest the bees and the climate. No mention of saving themselves from the relentless invasion of turd world surplus dark-skinned … After saving the bees and the climate, they learn about the hollow cost. They debate which gender they want to be. They also learn to prove themselves brave by denouncing their own parents if need be if they might be “Nazis.” This is called civil courage.

Barbara, all this is leading up to the inevitable biological response that Eustace Mullins talked about well over 20 years ago. Things will get much worse for a while, and then the healing will kick in. The Jew Kike parasites will wish there was such a thing as compassion after what he had done, knowing he still wants to exterminate us. When I was a child, never did it occur to me that there could possibly be anyone or anything that would ever threaten us. Like the little girl that gets abused by the child abuser, because what can a little girl do when she is utterly overpowered, intimidated, guilt-tripped, and subsequently abused by a psychopathic pervert? Where is the compassion? Where is the empathy? That is why in prisons, these people need special protection from the other prisoners, because the other prisoners would beat them to death.

Like your own white blood cells when they have figured out the bacteria that are making you sick, all they want to do is beat them to death. When they are done, you are healthy, happy, and strong again. And immune, at least for a while. If your White blood cells lose, you die. Nobody will even care, they feed off of what you produced, and that’s that. That is why the Kikes erase even the memory of those they have set up for the feeding frenzy, so they can then use the same recipe on the next “Best of the Goyim” people. The Kike Jew exploits the tension between the dissatisfied losers and achievers. Hence, we can understand why the Kikes are driving hordes of sludge into our lands. The Kikes even proclaimed openly, the “migrants” are like pieces of gold. For the Kikes, but not for us. It is our death. Barbara, the most important thing at this point in the irreversible healing, is that we optimize the awakening, get the younger people to understand the big picture. They need to feel motivated to be seen as someone who is more than a conditioned dog or rat. I think your book can reach many people. I always mention you when I talk with Polish people. They are always on our side! O.K. That’s it for today. Hope this letter finds you well. Things are ramping up! The Kikes need the World War that will make World War I and II look like a picnic. The Kikes want a traumatized negroid slave world population to rule over us. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. . . Not on our Watch!

Alfred Schaefer

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