From “damaged goods” to victor — my 1984 speech and today

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At Camp Tokhomeupog in East Conway, New Hampshire in June 1962

A few years back I forced myself to read this massive online book, Unshackled.

95% of you will choose never to read it. I understand. It is horrific beyond words, though it all makes perfect sense from a psychopathic point of view. The brain simply goes into denial: “She must be making this up.”

She is not.

But then you will never fully understand me, and why my own hatred of the Jews, and my EXPERIENCE first-hand of their true nature, of their sadistic methods, and of their savage goals, is probably more intense and irreconcilable than anything you can ever feel by just reading a book or watching a video.

For I went through the same things as in this book by Sullivan.

Kathleen Sullivan suffered under the vile German Jew Henry Kissinger, a co-founder of MK-ULTRA, and so did I.

My father (r) with Kissinger (l), who is taking a picture of a little blonde girl. (She died at 38 of a heroin overdose. Her father (m) was the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island.

…..the Jews’ hatred of me, their old enemy returned, is without limits, and I revel in it

This is from the Discord chat room, and they are spreading this spiritual sewage far and wide on Facebook Messenger.

You laugh now, Jews. Keep on being overconfident.


……”Who is John de Nugent?”

“Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

 I dyed it black so you get it. My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man. 

…..My 1984 speech on “the necessity of struggle” to the National Alliance of Dr. Pierce


I founded and ran the thriving Washington-Baltimore unit of the National Alliance, and was the master of ceremonies of the 1984 NA conference in Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia 


What strikes me in listening to this recording is two things:

1) I think the content — the NS view of struggle as good  — was great, and it seems the audience did so too, as the long and loud applause at the end suggests 🙂 (so I suggest you listen to it)

I refer, btw, to my daughter Ingrid, then four. (Here are some pix of Ingrid and Erika a few years later.)

2) I realize now how much self-confidence I was lacking back then.

My delivery was hesitant, and my voice higher.

I was still damaged goods emotionally. 

I was having sometimes two or three nightmares a week where I would wake up screaming, or I would throw a literal lamp at an imaginary man and charge him. (This terrified my poor wife, Gerda, an Austrian, and our little Ingrid. 🙁 )

I was acting like a Vietnam or Iraq vet with PTSD, and PTSD I did have — to the max and beyond — but everyone knew I had not been in any war…….

I had been in the Marines in peacetime, after Vietnam, and long before the Gulf War.

What was making me wake up screaming and hurl myself in pure, focused, rational hatred at an attacker they could not see? A psychopath who was very real from a past neither they nor I then grasped?

And of course that is the whole point of MK-ULTRA, to create by torture, rape and murder a radically traumatized human being, who under unspeakable fear-training can be programmed to kill, obey, and even, IN THE SUBPROGRAM CALLED THE MANCHURIANS, become a puppet US senator, mogul, police chief, general, admiral or President of the United States, AND NOT KNOW IT.

Today, I am creating a new Aryan religion.

…..about the Trauma and Therapy of Nations…..

I know how to overcome indescribable horror,

and regain emotional health,

feel joy again,

and fear nothing and no one.

Stay tuned. 🙂





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