From misfits to commandos; spiritual reading

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The book Cacocracy (“rule of the worst”) was written by German rocket scientist Hermann Oberth, the mentor of Wernher von Braun. It was about how the worst elements in society, PSYCHOPATHS, with their superior ruthlessness, passion, lust and drive, end up taking over everything and making earth a hell.

Oberth (ctr) with von Braun (r) and NASA and Air Force officials


…..Jordan Peterson on psychopaths taking over

These people incarnate here from hell worlds looking for easy prey.

But Peterson, maybe from being Canadian, confuses niceness and enlightenment. Canadians are super into being nice, and the way they drive is always to let the other driver go first at an intersection, wave, smile, etc.

However, we all have seen a hundred times a nicey-nice libtard who “loves everybody” turn on you ferociously if you expose the problems caused by their favorite minorities: blacks, gays, muslims, trans and jews.

Why? Their egoic mind… It is never about getting at the truth. For them it is an attack on their cherished notions,  their identity as “tolerant” and a believer in an “open society.”

And thus, for them, our debunking their myths, in which they are so invested, exposes THEM, the Nicey-Nices, as being utterly deluded, insane, stuck-up virtue-signallers who actually do serious harm to society and cause death, disease and despair to millions of innocent white people.

Once you question their myths, THEN the nicey-nices want to go and Dresden you.

As their Greatest Generation grandpas in fact did….


I got this Dresden comment the other day from a regular commentator in California:




Years ago I had a tennis friend who had been an officer in Patton’s army.


He told me that when they approached Dresden, the weather was warming and frozen things were thawing; and you could smell the stench of [500,000!!!] rotting human bodies from 20 miles away.




From what David von Braun has told me, Canadian cops and prisons are amazingly brutal, and he experienced tons of brutality in American jails, too.


Niceness can be an ego trip justifying any crime against you once a Canadian cop, guard, warden or judge decides that you are not in HIS group, the morally lofty camp of the nice.



Look at the violence, bank-account closings of struggling truckers, the forced vaxxes, the arrests and cruelties of Justin Castreau, the bastard son of the bolshevik Fidel !


Justin is literally the son of Fidel:

Yes, Justin Trudeau IS the son of communist tyrant Fidel Castro

To still be agreeable when predatory psychopaths are besieging your society can also be this:

to be wilfully ignorant,

a coward,

a bootlicker, a hater,

a snob, and

a despicable traitor.

David von Braun is writing a book about his experiences with the smug, brutal American and Canadian left and the jews!

They’re only “agreeable” if you agree with them!

If not, they seize and literally tear your house down and leave this prime real estate in booming Arlington, Texas (now with a 400K population, many illegal Mexicans) as an empty lot for 18 years!

….Supporter wrote me

I found a very significant clip ( to me )  from the 1968 movie “The Devil’s Brigade.” It was movie about a group of American misfits in WWII who were training along with regular Canadian soldiers for a special mission in German-held Italy.

The soldier in this segment, who won the impromptu foot race, received recognition and camaraderie that he probably had never experienced before in his whole troubled life.
And so, in a later scene, after having attained self-esteem, transformed from the misfit he had been, he would reject a plan to go AWOL and leave the camp with other soldiers.
I replied:
I watched the segment..and  saw the all-star cast!
Well, “misfits” is what the whole white race is at this stage of advanced rot, and it also needs a drastic turning point and morale boost.
The more I know about this town, the more severe dysfunction I see — including people I know a bit who are using meth! Appalling….
I have read now most of jewess Barbara Tuchman’s The March of Folly, and learned so much (confirming my views about the need for Eckhart Tolle concepts)  in her chapters about how Britain’s upper class, gone mad with arrogance, lost an America it could have kept,  and how the US superpower lost 58,000 men, a trillion dollars, and a ten-year war to tiny North Vietnam.
In a nutshell, the problem is spiritual, and nothing is getting better about it; in fact things are getting worse by the day. It is this:
1) Most people on this specific semi-hellish planet have bad karma, and it comes from lying to and about everyone and everything in creation.
Earthlings even and especially lie to themselves, which is what a delusion is, lying to yourself.
2) the egoic mind in us is your mind becoming detached and forming a kind of separate entity.…. and this entity resents and fears the truth, the exposure, that it is ruining us, the host. Our mind is torturing and destroying us. This is not a trite point with some throwaway solution like “think positive”!
3) the egoic mind inside ourselves is just like the jew outside of us. The jew is actually the very quintessence of the person enslaved to their own egoic mind, and, via his seductive lies, he enslaves us to our own egoic mind, too. The jew needs us to be as delusional and self-centered as he is so he can rule us with lies and fear.

The Talmud is the ultimate expression of the egoic mind.
Since many patriots understandably commemorate the horrible bombing of Dresden every February, one can say that Dresden was the ultimate expression of the Talmud’s mindset when put into action:
slaughter, sadism, flouting all promises, treaties, laws (the Hague Convention on Warfare, signed by the US and UK) and simple morality and decency, and the sheer, savage love of hatred and evil, the reveling in cruelty toward unarmed fellow humans, and the causing of unspeakable, obscene pain.
4) But to expose the egoic mind is to invite and trigger said mind to defend itself so as to maintain its rule over us,  and so it tells us “this Tolle stuff” is all boring, impractical nonsense.
But I know “this Tolle stuff” works. It is why I am alive and not dead of grief after the 230/117 hypertension I incurred when Margi died…..
And the problem, while manageable, is ongoing, as is the help ongoing which Tolle continues to give me.
As I feared, there is no woman here to even remotely replace my late wife.  None I have met have her intelligence and culture. And women in our age group are often bitter old battle-axes angry over some guy who did them wrong 30 years ago. The egoic mind rules Ontonagon — but everywhere else on this sorry planet.
The new faith must be that morale boost that wipes away the failures of the past and brings us a new, healthy self-esteem which our white-misfit race direly needs. Right now, we are a pack of wild, starving wolves with no alpha.

The great challenge specifically for me is to take Tolle and apply him to solving our beyond-dreadful world situation.
While Tolle goes on and on about personal happiness and individual enlightenment, which his teachings, in fact, can bring about, as I can testify, MEANWHILE we are marching, enlightened or not, toward:

— nuclear war with Russia and probably China,


— clot-shot mega-death,



–geoengineering and farm sabotage to destroy our food and water, and this East Palestine disaster may be a big part of it, poisoning major rivers and the best topsoil in America



— a race war, and


— gun confiscation. A Canadian claimed to me that if you shoot and kill a home invader with your gun in his country, this after unlocking your gun safe and loading the pistol with ammo while the guy is coming at you, it is you who go to jail. You may have a gun but you had better not use it.                                                .                       

Tolle has been teaching people now for 40 years, and nothing has gotten better except a few million individuals out of seven billion have more peace of mind.
And yet Tolle is right. Our own egoic mind is our most dangerous enemy; our mind as it is now, and as it has been for millennia, is the jew’s best friend.
The enemy is inside us,  and no nordic alien, Antarctic German, or (lol) politician can or will take any risk to save zombies who refuse to help themselves.

….spiritual reading

March 2
Please prepare to greet the Spring. A renewal is almost upon you, and the time is at hand for the opening and rejoicing and hope that is always presaged by the coming of new life. You may see it on the horizon, or you may be struggling with a bleakness greater than you have known before.
But wherever you find yourself today, we say to you that it is time to lift your eyes from whatever is directly before you and look out toward the horizon.
There will probably be hard times before the full flowering of a new season. That is the nature of this moment in time. And yet you cannot aford to forget that what lies ahead has the potential to transform and re-enliven not just yourself, but the world in which you seem to dwell as well.
We use the word ‘potential,’ and advisedly. It is possible that if your head is in your hands, your mind on problems and sadnesses and losses you have encountered (or those around you have endured) you could miss the great beauty of what is ready to unfold. And that would be the great tragedy. For if life and consciousness can offer you joy and freedom, but you stay blinded by your tears, there will be no transformation.
So despite any gloom that lies near and around, please allow yourself to look ahead and behold that which is coming into being. And remember that there is really no true distinction between what exists without and that which exists within. You and your world reflect one another.
This beauty, this springtime fluorescence is within you, and begs to be seen and celebrated.
That is the work of the day: to look about you and then to look within with keen eyes seeking to find the first hints of renewal. For they are there and waiting to be seen.
In this time, we are preparing to celebrate all of you. It may sound crazy to do so as the temporal is in free fall, but this is the beginning and not the end. Please keep that in mind and esecially hold it in your hearts.
We send much joy, hope, love and all our blessings


  1. Britain could have kept the Americas and didn’t. At the time Britain was fighting 5 global wars simultaneously. France and Holland were more of a threat than the Americans. So Britain concentrated on dealing with them first.

    Since 1776 America hasn’t always been an ally of Britain. We had to return to burn your “White House” down in a raid.

    The American elite’s goal was to break up the British Empire, so America can step in and rule the lands of the former British Empire.

    Unfortunately, America has no idea of how to rule an empire. The white American people are similar to British people. It’s the black/ brown savages imported to our lands by the jew elites for financial exploration.

    The Jewish bankstas provided funds to buy the Philippines in 1895 and all the inhabitants there. So they funded the drug trade, porn, arms, banking, films, and organised crime.

    Now the Jew bankstas fund wars to steal a country’s gold, oil, or resources. Everyone jumps from the jew bankstas downwards.

    Even the little Jews suffer by the elite (Ashkenazi) actions, from scum like George Soros and others.

  2. An American reports:

    Accompanying text: “There are over 70,000 farms in OHIO. 90% of them are family owned. That means not owned by BilI Gates.”

    This is why the chemical war is being waged against OHIO, Pennsylvania and other parts of the country, including Canada.
    To destroy these fields and farms, sabotage the food supply, starve and displace millions, force them into Smart City prison camps …

    [This is just a small translated excerpt of the accompanying text to the video above.]
    Meanwhile I can’t comment on JdN’s site anymore but it has nothing to do with JdN. Maybe the censorship scissors starts somewhere in between, on the internet or something.

    I’ve commented so many times the last few weeks and always got error messages (database error), even if the comments were of shortest length and so on.

    But I always continue to follow the news on JdN 🙂 ]

    • In the British jewspapers they’re running a story about “Rationing Vegetables” due to climatic conditions and lack of immigrants to pick the crops.

      Yet when I walk into small fruit and veg shops you can buy unlimited amounts of fruit and veg. No empty shelves. My son’s mate supplies households with boxes of veg, and he said there’s no shortage or rationing.

      So who’s lying? The jewspapers!

  3. My theory of the Jew is that he is a creature that is displaced from its inwardness. An animal has its instincts. A human has his conscience. A Jew is a human that is displaced from his conscience, which is a contradiction, for a humsn without a conscience is not a human.

    The Jew’s displacement from his conscience is, in my opinion, due to his extreme nationalism. His racial nation is the only thing that has value, and he is a slave that serves its interest. Therefore what his conscience tells him makes no difference.

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