My fellow Americans, I am deeply worried
that the November 2012 presidential election
will result in a race war.
Get ready to defend yourself if attacked.
Blacks will definitely riot if Obama, God forbid, is assassinated by a white man after Election Day.
I fear that blacks may act out just as in this recent incident in France, pure racist hate attacks on whites for being white. (Youtube is full of such incidents of violent black-on-white hate but this act in France shows the problem is now worldwide.) A French white girl is violently slapped and kicked to the ground by Nigerians.. PLAY THE VIDEO!
There were four black Nigerians and they were all supportive of the first one. Clearly it was not a case of the individual African being out of control. All of them were being tribal, like — let me be blunt — a pack of dangerous baboons, cheering and laughing.
The blacks are very aware of their racial identity and here act as a pack. The whites, however, are NOT sticking together. Several white guys walk by but pretend that they see nothing. Had the whites stuck together they would have outnumbered the blacks. Here is a white girl whom they should instinctively want to protect from the vile attackers — to put it biologically, “THEIR FEMALE” — but they are doing nothing. They have all become cowards “minding their own business.”
To put it simply, the blacks are dominating. Although there are only four of them, they are bullying all the whites. The whites have been brainwashed to no longer think along racial lines. They have been told that this is racism and their instincts are paralyzed. It is time for whites to wake up and smell the coffee.
I feel bad for my black friends and acquaintances when I show the staggering video below. One of my black friends is an atypical black, to be sure, from having studied biology at college and worked in a lab. I almost feel sorry for the great black people of this world when I run the South Africa video below. But actually it is the decent blacks of this world who should be feeling sorry for a change for us whites, and apologizing to US, for what their race is now undeniably doing to our race! And this comes after our white brothers and sisters made South Africa the one good place to live in all of Africa! And here this video is now, with the warning to you that this is the most upsetting video I have ever seen since I first went online in 1997. 🙁 Oh, my God….
If you do nothing (and reading crap on websites is doing NOTHING) this is exactly what is coming down the pike.
Our old Mother Country of Great Britain has no individual states or counties at all. It is just one big centralized country, ruled from London as one dominated unit, with no gun rights and strong limitations on free speech! You can get seven years prison in Britain, a country whose vile new ruling class is riddled with pedophiles, just for criticizing approval of homosexuals, or for objecting to the muslim-immigrant takeover of British cities. London itself is now 50% non-white! In the 2010 race riots, racist blacks forced innocent, native white-English people to strip naked just to humiliate them in their own country! Was this reported in the American “mainstream” media? And if you object to the Third World takeover, it is YOU — as a white Briton — it is YOU who go to prison!
English matron after being forced to strip by black immigrants. An un-chivalrous cop does not even offer her clothing. Whites have no rights in Britain today; they are just “evil racists.”
The black master watches as a British lad also strips. Britain has no written constitution and no Bill of Rights. The law is you must be “politically correct” as defined by every angry minority group in the UK — or you go to prison for three to five years alongside murderers and rapists, many of them violent, white-hating blacks and muslims. Thousands of white British girls have been kidnapped by muslims, drugged, raped until they were subservient, then then forced into prostitution. This is called “Muslim grooming” of white girls. This is because Britons and other Europeans have no guns and no free speech.
A Country Run by Idiots – the US, France, Britain, Germany, Australia — every white country except Russia!
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
A seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration or sexual-diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the Ten Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the Ten Commandments.
Above the Justices’ heads in the chambers of the United States Supreme Court is this relief statue of Moses holding the Ten Commandments.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of “underprivileged” drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools of a home.
I personally know of a case, told to me by the victim himself at Addison’s Restaurant in Leechburg, Pa. (It went out of business like so many other nice dining establishments, despite excellent food and service, in this terrible economy.) This case shames me as a proud former US Marine, of two boys living with their parents on a huge Marine base, Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina. The father of the boys, a Marine, was serving in Iraq, and his mother became a heroin junkie, and to support her “habit” “turned tricks” in the apartment. She locked her two boys, while she prostituted herself, in their own bedroom with no toilet for three weeks! (While HE was serving in Iraq!) Food was shoved in, cold cereal, on an aluminum pie pan. Finally, the urine and feces smell penetrated the apartment building walls and Child Protective Services rushed in wiht the police, guns drawn, to save the psychologically and physically damaged children. This is the state to which our beloved country has fallen, once the hope of the world. 🙁 MY GOD!
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and free cell phones.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
The government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government. (As is buying a generator, paying cash, buying guns, stockpiling food, or being a vet!)
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Politicians think that stripping away the Amendments to the Constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
The rights of the Government come before the rights of the individual.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you “safe”.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
You have to have your parents’ signature to go on a school field trip — but not to get an abortion.
Millions killed since Roe versus Wade……
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
An 80-year-old woman can be strip-searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a burka is only subject to having her neck and head searched.
You know you live in a country run by idiots if…
Using the “N” word is considered “hate speech” — but writing and singing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered “art.”
Unfortunately, this list could go on and on. Our country is run by idiots. We are in distress. Where do we go from here?
OK, this is getting simply bizarre: On Monday, June 25th 2012, the following occurred: The Supreme Court unanimously – yes, UNANIMOUSLY – upheld the portion of Arizona ‘s Immigration Law that directs law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of EVERYONE who is ARRESTED for a crime. It not just “ALLOWS” them to check, but “DIRECTS” them to check. That means it’s mandatory.
His Majesty Obongo with his Supreme Court appointee “Sotomayor,” a Hispanic lesbian…..
Less than three hours later, the President of the United States issued an executive order BLOCKING THE ENTIRE STATE OF ARIZONA from ACCESS to the the Federal Database that would allow such checks. This was the only State or Local entity EVER to be blocked! Thank you, o Black King of America!
* * *
As you may recall, we had an election crisis in the 2000 presidential election between Texas governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore. There was a month-long battle over the vote counts in the State of Florida, infamous for the “hanging chads” (indecipherable computer card ballots).
It was only settled with finality by the United State Supreme Court in George W. Bush’s favor — but all the Supreme Court justices who had been appointed by Republican presidents voted for the Republican Bush to be president — and all the justices that had been appointed by Democratic presidents voted for Gore. This left a bad taste of rank partisanship in almost everyone’s mouth.
As the first point in my 22-Point Presidential Platform lays out, at, George Washington stated there should be NO political parties in this country! Ban them! Take each individual issue and fight for or against it on its own merits, not to benefit a self-serving political party!
I fear that the situation will be far more explosive this time around, because the incumbent President, Mr. Obama, is of one race, black. As he is the first and so far only black president we have had, the blacks want him to stay in power. Colin Powell, a registered Republican, and promoted by Republican presidents Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes, has now twice (2008 and 2012) endorsed Obama for president JUST-BECAUSE-HE-IS-BLACK.
Mr. Romney, his challenger, is of course white, and supposedly a greedy businessman. Mr. Romney has a very high negative rating from likely voters of 45%, and even much higher than that amongst blacks. 80% of blacks in recent polls vow they will vote Obama.
Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.
“If you’re thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you.”
In addition, the short, instant texting service called Twitter is full of blacks vowing to assassinate Romney if he wins. Here are some quotes:
Here is MORE:
By the way, I have not heard of the US Secret Service arresting any of the blacks making these death threats against Mitt Romney. If the shoe were on the other foot and whites were threatening to kill Obama, do you think the Secret Service would be more interested? BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM on your door!
The great danger is that certain people inside our government, which is far more evil than people think and not just corrupt, will actually pay certain blacks to riot and attack whites at random. Or they may pay certain whites (FBI agents infiltrated inside the various pro-white groups) to attack blacks if Obama wins a disputed election, because Obama has a very high unfavorable rating among whites.
If President Obama is murdered, I foresee serious trouble in the streets. And this would be used to justify martial law.
Martial law is when the military takes over and arrests critics of the government and takes guns aways, as under communism. The Bill of Rights is gone. We live then under a military dictatorship and people cannot stay in their homes but are sent to labor camps. The government has built gigantic camps called FEMA camps, with barbed wire and machine-gun towers. And I can guarantee you that freedom of speech and the right to own guns, will not come back even after the “state of emergency” is over. This country will stay a police state after that, because with the guns permanently gone the government will not fear the people at all. It can pass any law it wants if it never returns the guns.
Ultimately, there is absolutely no reason, my fellow Americans of all races, to riot on behalf of either candidate. Both are totally crooked. Neither care about the voters or the country.
In reality, all the presidential candidates for decades have lived in fear of the Jewish lobby in Congress. In 1935 the Great Seal of the United States was changed to show the Star of David above the American eagle. Take out a one-dollar bill and look at the reverse side, on the right.
As for the two candidates, both are totally part of the Jewish agenda.
Here is a picture of Stanley Armour Dunham, the maternal grandfather of Barack Obama:
He has clearly Jewish features, and my own fiancée exclaimed when she saw this picture: “I dated a Jewish boy in high school who looked just like that.” And like many Jews in all wars, if he could not get out of serving with a fake medical disability from a Jewish doctor, then he served as a supply sergeant far behind the lines in WWII, as did Obama’s grandfather. Canadian Jewish writer Henry Makow has clearly identified Obama’s mother’s father and thus the mother of Obama as being Jewish. And this is why Barack Obama does nothing for blacks. He is not black; he is a dark-skinned Jew.
Here is a black man on youtube who has seen through this fraud:
As for the other puppet, Mitt Romney,
he left his company, Bain, after making $250 million there – money that Jews and Latin Americans gave him that was laundered through Panama. Many suspect it was drug money. Then he became governor of Massachusetts, where he enacted government heath care that became the exact model for ObamaCare.
Romney’s company’s head official was Orit Gadiesh, Bain Chairman of the Board Orit Gadiesh is Jewish, an Israeli citizen, and a high-ranking Mossad official.
The Mossad is the Israeli version of the CIA, and has a specialty of assassinations. Her father was a general in the Israeli Army. She herself served in uniform as a top aide to the head of the Israeli Defense Forces. Gadiesh, praised by Fortune magazine as one of the world’s most powerful women, is a passionate Zionist through and through.
In reality, the two candidates agree on everything, because our Jewish masters do not allow us any choice except which puppet will carry out the Jewish agenda. Both want amnesty for illegal aliens, Obama faster and Romney slower. Both want gay marriage, Obama faster and Romney slower. Both want government-run health care. Romney started it himself, in Massachusetts. ObamaCare copies the Romney plan. Both want there to be no arrests of Wall Street crooks, and they both want to destroy Iran and Syria. Obama wants to destroy the economy of Iran and Syria first, then attack, and Romney wants to attack Iran and Syria right away. They both want war in 2013. Here is Romney with his close personal friend of 35 years, Israeli prime minster Bejamin Netanyahu…
Therefore, they are the same, both servants of this:
So why riot, black people, for a dark-skinned Jew? Do you really think this is right?
Here he is, a Jew among Jews, sucking up to the most domineering lobby in Washington, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee…
And why riot, white people, for a fatcat millionaire android whose five strapping sons, here appearing on the Conan O|Brien show….
…and he himself, shown here wearing a jewish beanie, called a yarmulke, in Jerusalem….
….This draft dodger never served in uniform, just as George W. Bush was AWOL from his National Guard unit, Bill Clinton never served, in fact he traveled mysteriously to Moscow during the Vietnam War, Ronald Reagan, the super-patriot who let our factory jobs go to China, also never served, and Barack Obama likewise never wore an American uniform. Yet they all want to be Commander-in-Chief. With no military experience they want to run the military.
In fact, Romney spent the Vietnam War avoiding military service at a $12 million mansion in Paris, France ….
….although he had no draft deferment, while your loved ones were in the jungles of Vietnam. In fact, Mormons were not allowed to skip out on military service to go do any supposed missionary work, and I have known Mormons who served honorably in the military. I knew one when, after the Marines, I was in the National Guard. But not Mitt! How many converts do you think he made among the French when it is a sin in Mormonism to drink wine? 😉 And that is the guy who will send your sons, not his, to die in Iran and Syria.
The only thing to do is boycott this election. When you vote for the lesser of two evils, let me be blunt: then you are part or keeping this country evil. And the voting makes these puppets seem legitimate. If the vote goes down to 20% then no politician can claim any mandate from the the people at all.
I am running for President now in 2016. The purpose of running is to set up an organization so that as the country and its economy disintegrate, I can carve out areas where I can be the President in those specific parts of our country where the US Constitution is still respected and again can be ENFORCED. I thus expect to be the President in the faithful and brave part that remains of the United States. The other part will be under a quasi-communist federal rule, with no guns and no free speech, and where children will be taught things that would make George Washington sick. In the end, I fully expect Chinese troops in other parts of the United States. They already half own us, and soon they will begin buying up the US media and then the Congress. Then they will demand open immigration from China.
The most important reason to begin now for the year 2016 is that everything now finally is ready! With an extremely tight budget, which slowed progress immensely, I now have staff, headquarters, vehicles, websites, campaign literature, really everything to begin. My website at
explains my full 22-point presidential platform.
But why start running now, in 2012, for faraway 2016?
Well, Mitt Romney’s last real job, literally, was as governor of Massachusetts, way back in 2006. Mitt has actually been running for President for the last six years. Now, if Mitt can run for six years, then I can run and will run for four. And, just as important, running for president gives my supporters the legal and protected right to campaign for me nationwide, and door-to-door, and to create a new, grass-roots organization.
In 1940, after France fell to the Germans and was occupied, Charles de Gaulle proclaimed that the government that surrendered to Germany was illegitimate, and that he was the leader of the Free French. After the Germans were expelled, four years later, he became the president of France, and it again became one of the great powers of the world.
In the same way, the true president of the American, of the Free Americans, must not accept that his country is occupied. He must work with the people of his country who long to see their country liberated and with allies so that no matter how long the struggle, in the end his people are free.
And thus today I proclaim myself the President of the Americans. And here is my first directive to you, the American people. Put down the beer can and listen.
1) You will not cooperate with martial law.
2) You will not get on a government bus.
3) You will not stand in line for government food.
4) You will not surrender your guns.
5) You will criticize this regime at the top of your lungs until the day it is gone.
6) If they come for you and your loved ones, then defend your life, liberty and family.
11/06 @ 06:45 : Copenhagen, DK [DENMARK]
11/06 @ 06:37 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 06:15 : Luton, GB
11/06 @ 06:15 : Friendswood, Texas, US
11/06 @ 06:15 : Poland, PL
11/06 @ 06:14 : Bialystok, PL
11/06 @ 06:14 : London, GB
11/06 @ 06:12 : Bellshill, GB
11/06 @ 06:11 : Palo Alto, California, US
11/06 @ 06:10 : New York, New York, US
11/06 @ 06:09 : Alger, DZ
11/06 @ 06:06 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
11/06 @ 05:29 : Luton, GB [ENGLAND]
11/06 @ 05:28 : Cluj-napoca, RO[MANIA]
11/06 @ 05:27 : Melbourne, AU[STRALIA]
11/06 @ 05:26 : Poland, PL
11/06 @ 05:26 : Austin, Texas, US
11/06 @ 05:25 : Cardiff, GB
11/06 @ 05:25 : San Diego, California, US
11/06 @ 05:24 : Mansfield, GB
11/06 @ 05:21 : Spain, ES
11/06 @ 05:21 : Fremont, California, US
11/06 @ 05:17 : Austria, AT
11/06 @ 05:16 : Mountain View, California, US
Everyone has heard or seen the term “white trash” in Hollywood movies, tv shows and in print. But this same media never uses the terms “black trash”, “brown trash” or “yellow trash”. They can be murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers or any other kind of criminal lowlife but they are never referred to as trash; that moniker is only reserved for white people. Proof positive that the media is in the hands of those who hate white people!
Comrade, I can confirm this and although comedian Jay Leno is not known for being overly nasty, even he gets away constantly with the phrase “white TRASH“ and “trailer park.”