Donald Trump photographed by Time magazine in 1983.
JdN: This info dates to the first Trump candidacy starting in 2015 and runs through 2020. My concern is that all this adulation and jewish numerology may go to Trump’s head, egotist and atheist that he is , and he might start believing this folly. If so, this is yet another indicator that the Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy may yet be totally fulfilled.
Six days ago, Donald Trump was given a ‘Torah Crown’ by the Israel Heritage Foundation. Their mission statement is “to await King David’s descendant, our Mashiach, to rule over the land and bring peace to all nations. (Thread)
Here is their mission statement available on their website. What’s interesting is, there are so many connections of Trump to this coming messiah that it is difficult not to wonder why. (Continue)
Rabbi Yosef Berger, who oversees the Tomb Of King David, is attempting to link Trump’s genealogy to David’s in order to “prepare the way for messiah.” This will establish Trump as a candidate for the mashiach.
Rabbi Aryeh Deri said “Trump’s election heralds the coming of Messiah.” Now many may be thinking how could Trump be the Jewish messiah if he’s not Jewish. The answer is King Cyrus. (Continue)
In February 2018 an Israeli organization, the Mikdash Educational Center, minted a Temple coin bearing the image of Donald Trump aside King Cyrus, a Persian King who whom the Jews referred to as a messiah, though he was a gentile.
King Cyrus conquered Babylon, which freed the Jews, allowing them to return home to build the second Temple. The back of the Trump Temple Coin is of course, the Third Temple. Recommend watching this clip.
On January 26th 2020, Lev Parnas and others told Trump that according to Jewish Gematria, his name equals the same numbers as messiah — 424. This is an interesting conversation.
The VERY DAY BEFORE, January 25th, Trump would become the first sitting president to touch Israel’s holiest site, the Western Wall. In an absolute insane coincidence, the time hits 4:24 the exact moment Trump touches the wall.
Here is a song by the Jerusalem Boy’s Choir called “Super Trump.” The song praises Trump as Jerusalem’s champion and protector from their enemies. It’s unfortunately quite catchy.
Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on the nation’s 70th year anniversary since its founding. He was born 700 days before the founding of Israel. Trump was inaugurated when he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. The coin reading “to fulfill 70 years.”
Here is a list of everything Israel has named after Trump in his honor for those interested. This list hasn’t been updated in a while either.
What’s also interesting is, I am seeing more and more Christians compare Trump to messianic figures like David, Moses, and even Christ Himself. I believe the great delusion is taking place, the falling away. Satan’s true end game.
Remember that Satan does not need to fool unbelievers, they are already living in rebellion to Him. He wishes to deceive the Christian world and religious Jews. And to persecute all who do not follow his false light champion, the Beast. The final deception was meant for us.
One thing Trump has touted has been the “Deal of the century” which is creating peace in the Middle East. Trump has been attempting to be the peace negotiator between Israel and Palestine for 40 years. He has also touted “world peace.”
You may ask, why would the Antichrist want to bring peace to the world? Because the Beast and His Kingdom are a complete counterfeit of Christ and His Millenial Kingdom. Micah 4 speaks about Christ bringing world peace during the Millenial Reign.
So of course, the Beast will also seek to do the same. Satan’s desire is to be LIKE God. He can only be a cheap imitation. This is exactly what the Antichrist and his kingdom is; a false christ with a false kingdom.
“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” John 5:32 The Jews rejected Jesus, but will accept the Antichrist. He will come in his own name. Trump’s name is everything to him. He comes in his own name.
If you are a Trump supporter, like I was, and see him as a force for good, and can’t understand why the Antichrist would do so many things that we agree with, I highly recommend this:
This thread could go on for quite literally ages, I highly recommend reading all of my work thus far from the beginning if you really want the whole picture and all the evidence. I pray that this reaches the people who need to hear this. Thanks for reading! God bless you all!
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