Furious Russia accuses Israel of “deliberate provocation” causing death of 15 (and loss of valuable electronic spy plane Il-20); IsraHell gave Russia a 1-minute warning, setting plane up to be hit

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Russian Defence Ministry quotation: “Russian Ilyushin Il-20 plane was downed by Syrian Air Defense missile after Israeli F-16 pilots used it as cover, thus setting it up to be targeted by AA [anti-aircraft] defense. Such actions can only be classified as a deliberate provocation.”


I, JdN, have put this article together from various sources, including and especially RT.


“The Israeli pilots used the Russian plane as cover and set it up to be targeted by the Syrian air defense forces. As a consequence, the Il-20, which has radar cross-section much larger than the F-16, was shot down by an S-200 system missile,” the statement said.

The Russian ministry said the Israelis must have known that the Russian plane was present in the area, but this did not stop them from executing “the provocation.” Israel also failed to warn Russia about the planned operation in advance. The warning came just a minute before the attack started, which “did not leave time to move the Russian plane to a safe area,”the statement said.

It said a search and rescue operation for the shot-down plane is underway. A later update said debris from the downed plane was found some 27km off the Latakia coast. The search party collected some body parts, personal possessions of the crew, and fragments of the plane.

Russian Ministry of Defense map of the incident:

Russian radars also registered the launch of missiles from a French frigate, the Auvergne, in the Mediterranean on the evening of September 17.


On the night he was elected, Macron, a former high employee of the Banque de Rothschild and protegé of the infamous, vile, pro-migrant, open-borders, super-rich French Jew Jacques Attali, stood deliberately exactly and precisely for the camera shot in front of the Freemasonic glass pyramid placed in front of the Louvre Museum (home of the “Mona Lisa”) and made this symbol,

The French Navy’s newest frigate, FS Auvergne, fired rockets around 8pm GMT Monday, the Russian military said. “Airspace control has recorded rocket launches from the French frigate Auvergne,” the ministry’s statement read. The Auvergne is deployed in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Syria.

Auvergne is a ‘European multi-purpose frigate’ (FREMM) which entered the service of the French Navy in February this year. Prior to its official commissioning, the Aquitaine class warship witnessed deployment across the globe, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

Paris denied “any involvement in [the] attack,” a French army spokesman said, as cited by AFP.

Fifteen people were on board the plane at the time of the disappearance. A search and rescue mission is underway.

The Ilyushin 20 (IL-20) surveillance turboprop plane is an Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) platform, equipped with a wide range of antennas, infrared and optical sensors. The aircraft’s SLAR (Side-Looking Airborne Radar) and the plane’s satellite link allows the Russian military to monitor Syrian skies in real time.

An hour-long attack on Latakia by Israel began around 10 pm local time, and targeted a power station as well as two facilities belonging to the Syrian military. Syrian officials said the attack was “foreign” and came “from the sea,” but could not initially confirm rumors that Israel was behind it. Seven people were injured in the attack, according to Syrian officials.

While the Russian military said it recorded four F-16 Israeli jets over Syria at the time of the attack on Latakia, the IDF has refused to comment on the report.

Despite the fact that Israel rarely acknowledges striking specific targets inside Syria, earlier this month the IDF admitted to hitting at least 202 “Iranian targets” in the country. Overall, Israel has launched 792 bombs and missiles at Syria since 2017, arguing the strikes were necessary to prevent Iran from setting up bases in the country in order to stage attacks against the Jewish state.





    • I can only cite anew what a Russian and professor of Russian language at Georgetown said to me:

      “Putin is a good and brave man, but he will never snatch the stars from heaven.”

      Now that under Trump we de facto have US troops stationed at huge bases in Israhell, and the Jews have some sort of blackmail or other extortion going on Trump himself, any Russian attack on Israel would bring the US fully in.

      Sometimes you just lack the power to do what you want to do, or need to do. You can only silently steam inside, and resolve to build your power up toward the day when you will have the power to confront the bully and avenge his insults.

      In the late autumn of 1939, the Soviet Union, without any provocation, attacked neutral Finland. It did not consult Germany, its partner and a strong sympathizer with the brave nordic country.

      Hitler was not just offended, but alarmed — if Finland fell into Soviet hands, Stalin’s next target would be Sweden next door, the vital source of most of Germany’s iron ore for steel. To lose Sweden would have ended the war for the Reich, just as would have been the case with losing Romania, the source (at Ploiesti) of Germany’s oil and gasoline.

      But while Hitler fumed, at that point he could do nothing. He was not ready on 30 November 1939 to invade the gigantic Soviet Union, a massive war machine, and defeat it, and especially not with France and England, Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Norway still unbeaten to the west!

      So Hitler just seethed.

      Here Hitler (yours truly in that other life, and I still see most things EXACTLY as I did then in all areas) is explaining to Finland’s Field Marshal Mannerheim his dilemma in 1939-40 (last third):

      As a politician, Putin has had to explain away to the Russian masses, for now, the foul Israeli trick which killed 15 of his brave men.

      But I guarantee you that he and the Russian generals are seething too.

      I will recommend for the twentieth time that everyone watch the superb. factual docudrama film “Thirteen Days” about the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

      My own father in this life, USMC captain James Waddell Nugent was mobilized from the reserves. The “boomer” submarines (the big ones carrying the ICBMs) were sent out to sea to nuke Soviet Russia!

      It was a very tense time.. A Kennedy advisor, played by Kevin Costner, with Jackie Kennedy

      The excellent Canadian actor Bruce Greenwood played Kennedy, who in real life, like Hitler, had a baritone voice when not giving speeches.

      The Kennedy brothers were sane people and understood, unlike certain rabid American generals, that World War Three would destroy much of America, as well as Russia – and they were determined to do everything possible to avoid this short of surrendering to Khrushchev.

      And now that the concept of nuclear winter enters the picture, the initial devastation caused by a full thermonuclear exchange is the least of our worries!

      The dust swirled thereby into the upper atmosphere could kill all agriculture for YEARS, triggering the horrors of planetary starvation!!!!
      Comrade, get this through your quick-to-judge head 😉 :

      1) Putin shoots down Israeli jets.
      2) Israel attacks the Russian naval base at Tartus and its air base at Khmeimim, Syria.
      3) Russia, using its S-400 system and jets, shoots down 15 Israeli jet fighters.
      4) Israel launches a full-scale air and naval attack on Russian bases.
      5) Russia bombs Israeli bases, and thousands of Jews and 50 Americans on Jew bases in Israhell die.
      6) The US enters the war on the side of Israel, fires missiles at Tartus and Khmeimim, its Sixth Fleet sinks three Russian warships, 30 Russian jets are shot down, and 576 Russians die.
      7) Turkey jumps in, betraying Russia and Iran, invading Idlib, and attacking Russian and Syrian forces, seeking to annex all Turkmen areas there “back” to Turkey.
      8) Russia, livid, invades Turkey, a NATO country that has returned suddenly and treacherously to the Jew fold.
      9) The US lands troops in Turkey and closes the Dardanelles, bottling up Russian warships in the Black Sea.
      10) Putin — following his own dictum as a short judo fighter himself that the weaker fighter must strike first and hardest or eventually lose — invades Greece, Turkey and the Baltic countries, triggering a full NATO mobilization and a NATO declaration of war on Russia.
      11) Russian forces advance with amazing technology and esprit de corps on all fronts. The US releases tactical nuclear weapons to stop them, Russia fires tactical nukes back at US forces, the US escalates, firing medium-range nukes at Moscow and St. Petersburg, and within two days the full World War Three commences.
      12) China, meanwhile, sits by like the Cheshire Cat and watches contentedly as the two mot powerful white nations wipe each other out.

      Though it loses 75% of its own (excessive!) population in the ensuing nuclear winter, China survives, along with the Fourth Reich (NS Germans and the Boers) in southern Africa.
      But America, Europe and Russia are basically gone.

      Putin does not have to be a lackey of “Chabad” to wish to avoid WWIII…..

      If you do not have kids, then I guess you cannot understand this: The survivors of WWIII will envy the dead. There will be roaming bands of armed, raping, killing cannibals.


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