“Yes, Morton Smith, the scholar and professor of ancient history at Columbia University, was Jewish. He is best known for his controversial discovery of the “Secret Gospel of Mark” in the 1950s. Smith was raised in a Jewish family, and his scholarly work primarily focused on early Christianity, the historical Jesus, and the relationship between Judaism and early Christian movements.”
……The mystery man
Nicodemus, a top Pharisee, fears the wrath of his fellow jews, but secretly is fascinated by Jesus and visited him very late one night.
Nothing, apparently, was written down, and it was basically illiterate fishermen who were His disciples.
And what they expected was not at all what they got. The jews wanted a jewish messiah — an arse-kicking king of the House of David, with legions of violent, trained troops who would first expel the Romans and then rule the world.
What they got was a man who preached peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness who was slandered, arrested, framed, tortured, and publicly slow-killed.
Jesus will always remain a mystery man, including the 18 years he disappears utterly from the record. We know what the young George Washington, Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin were up to, and we know what the Buddha and Mohammed were doing as boys and teenagers, but Jesus — He vanishes. We read that He is debating at the Temple as a 12-year-old with the elders……
…but the next thing we read is eighteen years have gone by and He comes to John the Baptist, his cousin, to be baptized in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit comes upon Him, appearing like a white dove. Then His brief ministry kicks in.
Eighteen years is a lot of missing time, especially in a very short life — dead at just over 30.
“Missing time,” btw, is a term from ufology. Aliens abduct you, do whatever, and you find that two hours have passed in one second, and you somehow are a mile or even much more — 50 miles — away from where you were.
Years ago here in Ontonagon, I was at the local bar and grill where I have learned so much via conversations, because people open up and tell you things, or as the Romans said, “in vino veritas.” 😉 A man told me that he took his yacht out of the marina here and was heading up to Houghton, a 60-mile voyage, and suddenly he was already rounding the tip of the Houghton canal, as if no time had elapsed at all. Two hours were missing, yet the yacht had stayed on its correct course.
Was Jesus during some of these 18 years aboard a spaceship, or was he in Egypt, or in India?
Or was He really just learning carpentry from his father? (The Greek says Joseph was a “tekton,” which could be any trade.) How does one explain this Jesus phenomenon by a nobody who had learned carpentry?
Eckhart Tolle refers to Jesus a number of times, and to some of His truly mysterious sayings (and especially from the Sermon on the Mount, such as “the meek shall inherit the earth.”).
He wrily joked once, “It takes a good Buddhist to understand Jesus.”
But one thing is certain — Jesus preached against pride, haughtiness, judgmentalism — and holier-than-thou pharisaism.
Over and over He said that earthlings have no reason to be proud, preen themselves, and strut around.
And this is exactly what the Nordics say. This planet is full of f—ed-up people.
Jesus’ message was that God is kind and forgiving, and does not want us to live like this, in misery, divorce, sickness, war, poverty and death. But our minds are sick.
What the disciples record as Jesus denouncing “hypocrisy” and “the Pharisees,” Tolle calls “the egoic mind.”
The good thing about the Buddha, in contrast to Jesus, is that he lived to a ripe old age, his disciples wrote his teachings down, and they were neither illiterate nor expecting him to conform to and teach THEIR ideas. They were there to learn frm Him and change, and no one said to the Buddha: “Why did you walk away from your kingdom, Prince Siddhartha?”
What we do know, because the Talmud confirms it (and they were not out to do Jesus any favors) is that Jesus was real, His father was NOT Joseph, He did perform spectacular miracles, He opposed the jewish Establishment, He said he came from God, and He was killed.
Claiming His father was Pantera, a Roman centurion (a rank like a captain in the Roman army, and thus a combat/infantry officer), would be consistent with Him appearing to be white. When the jews lie, they try to choose lies that seem credible.
White skin? Roman father.
The centurion Vorenus (a real legionary under Julius Caesar in his book The Gallic Wars) was an important figure in the HBO drama series “Rome”
This is a super-corrupt world, and when I saw this meme by a jewess, I had to make a comment:
Well, true but this is only half the story. Most people who say “I’m not interested in politics,” if you dig deeper, will add this: “I don’t even watch the news, because it is all rigged, all corrupt, there is not a damn thing I can do about it, and all it does it get me upset.” A former Marine who had served in Iraq said exactly these words to me.
This was when I lived in Buffalo township in Sarver, Butler County, Pennsylvania (where Corey Comperatore was the volunteer fire chief, the same man whom Matthew Crooks shot and killed who had shielded his wife and daughter with his own body).
And the fmr Marine added: “I have too much PTSD and depression, and there is no way I will ruin my health or peace of mind by watching the news. It is too depressing and it just makes me furious, what we went through over there, and that it was all a lie. If I watch tv at all, it is sports or movies, or something to make me laugh.”
I fully understood the man.
Everything affects everyone. But not everyone who has dropped out is uncaring. They are just waiting for a true leader and a vision of how to move forward.
Alessandro cita spesso “noi gentili” noi cani/citazione della bibbia!!,NOI, i veri ebrei discendenti dei Kurgan, dei Sumeri..parte dei Bianchi Kurgan(come gli Erodiani)come tu dici si sono “uniti” agli israeliti, agli Hyksos pastori di capre e bovini che adorano Yahweh o Moloch.Il Cristianesimo è una invenzione degli “Erodiani” che conquistarono Roma insieme agli Israeliti e che combinavano i matrimoni in famiglia per non perdere l’eredità.Erode il Grande, Pietro e Paolo, Gesù/ultimo figlio di Erode…tutti Erodiani, come Giuseppe Pantera(cugino di Erode).Quello che realmente rimane di questa storia è l’eredità di Giovanni Battista, il primo che denunciò gli affari degli Erodiani, il potere degli zeloti,il potere Religioso e monetario.
Per questo i Catari sostenevano fortemente Giovanni come Messia perché proveniva da una forte eredità zoroastriana come il Battesimo.
“Nessuno è più grande di Giovanni” cit.
Dall’altra parte invece l’eredità di Iside attraverso Maria Boeto e sua madre Cleopatra.
E se ci pensi bene Leonardo non ha mai raffigurato Gesù crocefisso o morente.
Una parte della Storia di Gesù è stata volutamente censurata perché scomoda al potere.Scomoda come la vera storia del Fuhrer.
Interessante: la crocifissione non era affatto il primo simbolo dei cristiani tranne il pesce. Fu Saul/Paolo a predicare una macabra dottrina che il suo omicidio era desiderato da Dio come una specie di sacrificio di animali, proprio come nel tempio ebraico. Ma questo sacrificio umano, l’uccisione di Gesù, era presumibilmente per espiare i peccati di Adamo ed Eva, commetteva millenni prima ma ereditato da tutti i discendenti. Gesù non ha predicato questo strano insegnamento, ma invece 1) obbedire alle leggi di Dio e 2) pentimento se le spezziamo, dicendo che questo era il modo per compiacere Dio e andare in paradiso alla morte. C’è la religione su Gesù, inventata da Saul, e la religione di Gesù, che è nobile, semplice e sensibile.
‘We will sadly never know what Jesus actually said and meant’ -but maybe we will if we meet the Gods in the afterlife, and if we are worthy, we will receive great wisdom and knowledge. 🙂
John, do you believe Pantera could be Jesus’ real father?
Wisdom and knowledge are great, but they have to be applied to actual relationships. Any “book knowledge” is flimsy.
Well, it is the Talmud that says Pantera was the father……
A starseed comes from a higher planet, but incarnates here with regular earth parents, because humans learn best from other humans like themselves. From gods they would demand: “Fix everything!!” 😉 (And in five years it would be nasty again. 😉
I would say that one of the strongest indicators that Jesus was a starseed and not an angel, a god, or a nordic alien, was his disappearance from history for 18 years. IMO, he was gone learning advanced things.
If he was with nordics those 18 years they could have tought him about healing and white magic – I hope we will know one day 🙂
Yes, indeed.
Beautiful Aryan paintings of Hyperborean Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjE1wid3xHM&ab_channel=FacesofAncientEurope